The Oil Sands Explained ... in 10 minutes

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Alberta's oil sands. It's the world's third  largest oil reserve. 161 billion barrels   of recoverable oil in the ground. They're a  huge part of Canada's economy, contributing   trillions to Canada's GDP over the past 50 years,  generating billions annually in government taxes,   revenues, and royalties, supporting small and  medium-sized businesses from coast to coast   and attracting hundreds of thousands of  workers from every part of the country But how much do you know about the oil sands? [Music]   Alberta's oil sands are contained within  the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin,   which formed from the decomposition  of plants and marine life about 200   million years ago when Western Canada  was believed to be mostly underwater.   Microbe bacteria, contained within the oxygenated  water, fed off the lighter hydrocarbon molecules,   leaving behind a heavy complex  hydrocarbon known as bitumen. There are an estimated 1.8 trillion  barrels of oil in the oil sands,   but only 10 percent of those barrels can be  economically recovered with current technology.   That works out to 161 billion barrels  of recoverable oil in the ground.   To put those numbers into context, the industry  currently extracts about a billion barrels a year,   accounting for two-thirds of  Canada's total oil production Oil sands are a loose,  unconsolidated mixture of sand,   clays, and water, saturated with bitumen.  Oil sands are mostly coarse silica sand,   about 80 percent. Fine solids and clays make  up five percent, water is another five percent   while bitumen saturation rates average about ten  percent. Bitumen is a hydrocarbon compound with a   very long and very complex molecular structure.  Bitumen is high in carbon, low in hydrogen,   and contains a relatively high amount of sulphur  and heavy metals, especially nickel and vanadium. Bitumen is an extra heavy oil and  contains as much as 20 percent   asphaltenes, which are complex hydrocarbon  compounds, with a very high molecular weight.   Asphaltenes are what make bitumen thick,  viscous, and almost solid at room temperatures,   giving bitumen that smell of tar or asphalt.  While all crudes contain asphaltenes,   bitumen has more asphaltenes than conventional  oil and even more than heavy conventional oil.   To make oil from the oil sands, first  you extract the bitumen from the sand,   then you either upgrade or dilute that  bitumen into a marketable crude product,   which can then be shipped to a refinery for  final processing. There are two ways to extract   bitumen from the oil sands - either by pumping  steam into the ground, which is referred to as   situ extraction, or through surface mining. The  method used depends on the depth of the deposit.   For deposits located deep underground,  steam is pumped into a well which extends   deep into the reservoir. This steam heats up the  reservoir, reducing the viscosity of the bitumen,   allowing it to be pumped up to the surface. This  mixture of bitumen and condensed steam is then   sent to a processing plant, where the water is  separated from the bitumen, cleaned up and sent   back to the steam plant, leaving behind a very  clean bitumen product. There are two types of   in-situ technologies - the original cyclic steam  stimulation facilities, which use a single well   for both steaming and bitumen production,  and the more common steam-assisted gravity   drainage facilities, which use separate wells  for steam injection and bitumen production.   Both produce a clean marketable bitumen, which is  diluted and sold to market as a heavy oil blend.   About 20 percent of Alberta's oil sands are too  close to the surface to be extracted in-situ.   In this case, traditional mining technology  is used to recover the bitumen. The mined oil   sands is trucked to a processing plant using very  large haul trucks. The deposit is loosely crushed   and then conveyed to a bitumen production  facility, where it's mixed with hot water,   producing a pumpable slurry. Coarse sand is  gravity separated from the bitumen, and sent   to a temporary tailing storage pond, where the  water can be recovered back to the process plant.   Bitumen froth from extraction, which still  contains a lot of water and fine solids,   is then mixed with a light hydrocarbon,  which reduces the viscosity of the bitumen,   liberating most of the remaining fines and  water, leaving behind a relatively clean bitumen   product. There are two types of mining facilities,  distinguished by the type of hydrocarbon used to   clean the bitumen froth. The original naphthenic  facilities and the newer paraffinic facilities.   NFT bitumen has way too much water  and solids to be pipelined very far,   so that bitumen goes to a nearby upgrader.  However, PFT bitumen is very clean,   so it's typically diluted with condensate and sold  directly to a refinery without being upgraded. Since bitumen from a traditional NFT mining  facility has too much water and solids, it can't   be diluted to meet pipeline specifications. So it  can't be shipped very far. This bitumen therefore   has to get processed in an upgrader, which is  usually located very close to the mine site.   Aside from removing the solids, water and  hydrocarbon used in froth treatment, upgraders   convert the bitumen residue, which is the sludge  left behind after crude distillation. Unlike the   gas oil fractions, which are used to make gasoline  and diesel, residue doesn't evaporate very easily,   and will produce a lot of lower value asphalt at  the refinery. And since bitumen is an extra heavy   oil, it will produce a lot more sludge, even more  than conventional heavy oil. Upgraders basically   upgrade or convert this residue into higher value  gas oils using equipment like crackers, cokers   and hydro-conversion units which basically break  up the long chain hydrocarbon bonds, and improve   the hydrogen to carbon ratio, either by removing  carbon or adding hydrogen. This converts the low   value residue into higher value naphtha and gas  oils. The last step in the upgrading process is to   take all of these streams and remove contaminants  that were originally contained in the bitumen,   such as sulphur and nitrogen. After this cleaning  step, each stream is recombined into a final crude   oil product known as synthetic crude, which is  a very clean residue-free light sweet crude. So just to recap, there are almost 30 in-situ  facilities and two PFT mining facilities that   produce two million barrels per day of marketable  bitumen, which is diluted and sold as a dilbit   blend, and four mining facilities which send their  bitumen to four upgraders, which produce about a   million barrels per day of synthetic crude. That  all works out to about 3.5 million barrels per day   of crude which is sold to refineries, including  the diluent portion. Starting with the 1 million   barrels of light synthetic crude, about half gets  used in Canada, mostly Alberta, and the other half   gets exported to the U.S., mostly the Midwest,  with smaller volumes going to Washington State.   As for the two and a half million barrels  of dilbit that come from the oil sands,   only a smidge goes to Canada. The bulk of it goes  to the U.S., and a large portion of that, more   than two-thirds, ends up in the Midwest region,  because, well, that's just where the pipelines go. Canada has a lot of upgraders, which are basically  partial refineries, so Canadian refineries are   better suited for synthetic crude, which has  already been partially refined. So that's why   very little bitumen is processed in Canada. To  process bitumen, you need a very complex refinery,   basically a refinery with a built-in  upgrader, just like the ones found in the U.S. western Canada has six crude export pipelines, all  originating from Alberta. Trans Mountain, which   runs to the west coast, Rangeland, Milk River and  Express which run south to the Rocky Mountains   region, and connect to the Midwest, Keystone,  which connects to the Gulf Coast via the Midwest,   and Mainline, which runs to the Midwest and  also connects to the Gulf Coast. Well, let's   look at the math. Excluding space for products,  the six pipelines have a total capacity of about   4 million barrels per day of crude. Western Canada  makes 4.8 million barrels, including diluent and   conventional oil volumes, and regional refining  capacity is about 600,000 barrels per day.   So that leaves 4.2 million barrels per day to  be shipped out to other customers. So, yeah,   Canada is a bit short, at least until the Trans  Mountain Expansion comes online in 2023. [Music]   Alberta makes a lot of dilbit, over 3.5 million  barrels per day, but local demand is very low,   like 90,000 barrels, so all that excess has to  be exported. And when the pipelines are full,   producers have to either store their oil, or ship  the extra barrels on railcars, and that all adds   to the cost of shipping that oil to the customer,  which drops the oil price in Alberta [Music]   Yes, there are many different oil prices,  depending on grade and demand for that particular   grade at a particular location. In Alberta, for  example, the heavy oil discount averaged $13   a barrel in 2021, whereas in Houston,  that differential was only five bucks.   That's because there's very little heavy oil  demand in Alberta and lots of supply, but   heavy oil is very scarce in the Gulf Coast, while  refinery demand for heavy oil is very very high.   If you're looking at the same grade, WCS for  example, then the price differentials reflect   the cost of shipping that marginal barrel to the  final customer. So for WCS, that would basically   be the cost of shipping that crude by pipeline,  assuming no other constraints in the system. In 2019, the oil sands emitted  84 megatons of co2 equivalent.   That worked out to about 15 percent of Canada's  total emissions. Those emissions are split about   half from in-situ operators and the other  half from mining and bitumen upgrading. Most of those emissions are from the burning  of natural gas for steam and power production,   especially for in-situ operators. Diesel-powered  haul trucks and tailings ponds are a big source   for mine operators, while upgraders burn fuel to  heat the bitumen feedstock to high temperatures.   From extraction to the point of combustion, the  average U.S. barrel emits about 500 kilos of co2   equivalent per barrel. Remember that extraction  methods are only a small part of total emissions.   Most of the carbon contained in a barrel of  oil are released at the point of combustion,   so the average barrel refined in the U.S. is  actually on par with mature SAGD facilities   like Cenovus's Christina Lake, and non-upgraded  oil sands mines like Imperial's Kearl Mine.   Aside from improvements in efficiencies,  and technology advancements getting to zero   emissions will likely come through carbon capture  and storage. All of the major oil sands producers   have committed to being net zero by 2050 in  support of the federal government's mandate. Wow, that was a very quick 10-minute run through  Alberta's oil sands industry. Hi, my name is anna.   I'm the editor of Oil Sands Magazine. If you're  looking for something more detailed I would invite   you to check out our 101 Short Course, which  is in a similar format but a much slower pace.   The course runs for about two hours, and  includes a downloadable PDF technical guide,   and a transcript of the videos with links  to references and further reading material.   And for a deeper dive into any of these topics,  you can always check out the technical library   on our website, which is totally free. I'll leave  the links below. Thanks for watching. Bye for now.
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Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Tue May 17 2022
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