Crashes, fires, speeding. It's not easy training on an oil sands haul truck

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I'm going to show you today is we're running a cat 797 and we'll throw you in on this same as we do the students this is the same scenario they'll use on their first load end up this is one of the main breaking controls and then we have an emergency service break in case our brake pressure fails on this one once you're successful all the brakes are holding the truck at 1200 rpm you're ready to go to work right now I'm taking over the experts drive here driving something that make it so the average house now that we'd love to have this one strong rush hour sitting in the seat here you're actually about 18 to 22 feet above the ground right now primarily true look what it leads back from the stop sign so now you're going to be turning my over see you're up against Birds that's elections it's hard to get used to the width of these crusts on the horn button twice advertisement backing up release your break I don't touch the throttle at all don't rain cereal yet become by medical Michael distractor yes both topper dare do it have in there that truck folded behind you when you were back and out beside he was go so now you haven't have to pull out and come around this see up in the upper left corner shows you how to perform the back and also we have an aerial a lot as I heal TV every generation player cut by firing the outside of that cat your daughter will be called all that guy I don't know I doesn't like you ready how do I do okay in your 41 minutes operating we had one collision with a moving vehicle okay three times the horn not sounded before moving the part brake was engaged while I was in gear once the park brake was not engaged while loading once was a seatbelt was off your service brake was used above ten kilometers an hour or 6.2 miles per hour you're speeding six times that was mostly in the park up area and the two fighters you successfully completed them so you managed to get yourself off of the truck their concern with all the companies is not saving their truck it is getting the operator off safe you
Channel: The Globe and Mail
Views: 224,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fire (Quotation Subject), Sand (Visual Art Medium), Petroleum (Chemical Compound), Oil Sands, Fort McMurray (City/Town/Village), Alberta (Canadian Province)
Id: pE5Qv8dlCDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 25sec (205 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2015
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