The Officer Is Unaware That The Prisoner He Bullies Is A Retired World No.1 Boxer

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the movie begins in 1930 at a small South African Farmhouse an English mother who recently became widowed gives birth to a young boy named Peter Philip Kenneth or PK he lives a simple life and is well cared for by his mother and his Nanny the kid of the nanny tandai is his best friend and they do everything together PK's mother teaches the two of them at The Farmhouse as best as she can life seems to be going peacefully for PK until all the Farm cattle die due to a mysterious illness his mother suffers a nervous breakdown due to this and is advised to rest completely as a result little PK is sent away to a boarding school while she recovers unfortunately the only boarding school they can afford is the one run by Afric coners these are Europeans who settled in South Africa in the 1680s and are also known as white Africans on the first day of school PK attends a history lecture where the professor explained that the English fought the Afric coners for control of the land and sent them to concentration camps after centuries a conservative africaner government was finally voted into Power leading to racial discrimination against both the English and the blacks PK realizes he is the only English boy at the school and the other students glare at him silently blaming him for the deaths of their ancestors an older student named yappi B hog goes so far as to spit in PK's face he and his friends Corner PK in the bathroom one night taunting him and calling him piss cop or piss head they forcibly drag him into the shower and urinate on him the other students do not intervene instead they take pleasure in his humiliation the extreme bullying causes PK to develop the habit of bed weding from anxiety one night a guard informs PK that his mother has passed away he is taken back to The Farmhouse for the funeral where he reunites with his Nanny and hondai having left just after his mother became ill PK feels extreme guilt over her death he often wonders if she would still be alive if he had stayed to help care for her later PK shares with his Nanny The Bullying he endures at school she's always cared for PK as if he were her own and she is the only family he has left following this PK's Nanny calls upon the greatest healer from her tribe dula monzi in order to help him overcome his fears dula manzi performs a ritual that puts PK in a trance with his healing power he helps the little kid release his Dee rooted fears and coping habits PK is given a chicken which he names mother courage to guide him through his journey she becomes his best friend during his childhood with his only living relative being his grandfather in Congo go PK is sent back to boarding school he takes mother courage with him and she keeps an eye out for bullies at night a month later news breaks out that war has started in Europe that night PK and mother courage are kidnapped from their dorm and brought to a hall there bodas stands in front and conducts a mock Nazi court trial against them he Reveals His obsession with Hitler and expresses his hatred for the English holding PK responsible for the deaths of thousands of Afric coners during the war poor little PK stands in fear as BHA vows to punish him and all the Englishmen accordingly shortly after BHA orders the other students to hang mother courage PK pleads with them not to hurt her but they ignore him they hang her from the ceiling and Boda kills her with a rock from a slingshot enraged PK lunges at BHA knocking him backward onto a small flag pole that pierces his buttocks the other students laugh as bodha winces in pain feeling humiliated Boda orders PK to be hung upside down from the ceiling just like mother Courage the students begin chanting in unison to kill PK which Riles up Boda even more he hits PK with a rock from his slingshot and knocks him unconscious just then a professor enters the hall and sees the chaos Boda approaches him but but the professor slaps him and calls him stupid in front of everyone due to this incident Boda is expelled from the school for good after the deaths of his mother and his pet chicken PK feels like things can't get any worse then he learns that his beloved Nanny and terey must return to their family it seems like all his loved ones are being taken away from him leaving PK feeling alone once again eventually his grandfather returns from the Congo and takes him to live with him in Barberton unfortunately he fails to develop a bond with PK so his grandfather introduces him to one of his friends this is when we meet Carl doc Von Valenstein better known as doc Doc is a lonely German musician and amateur botanist who lost his entire family when they were executed by the Nazis PK's grandfather suggests that doc take the young boy under his wing and give him piano lessons in return PK will help him with his thriving cactus garden doc readily agrees to Mentor the little boy as he had lost his grandson not too long ago PK becomes an excellent piano player under his guidance when World War II begins Doc is imprisoned in Barberton prison for failing to register as an enemy alien the head of the prison staff Commander Von Zeal turns out to be an africaner who admires German culture as a result he allows doc to keep a cactus garden in the prison Courtyard and a piano in in his cell besides this he also grants unrestricted visitation rights to PK a few days later doc discovers that PK is only getting satisfactory marks at school he learns that smart kids get bullied at his school he believes this is why PK isn't putting much effort into his studies doc then introduces him to a colored prisoner named Gil pet who is experienced in boxing pet becomes PK's boxing Mentor teaching him the Mantra first with the head then with the heart this Mantra stays with him throughout his life meanwhile PK keeps up with his piano lessons and becomes a master at playing flawlessly one day pet notices that doc brings cacti in a bucket with roots wrapped in tobacco leaves although this is illegal Piet privately asks him if he can keep the tobacco unfortunately a sergeant overhears this and brutally beats him with a baton PK then cleverly suggests that pet clear the bucket every day allowing him to sneak in the tobacco undetected the scene then cuts to 5 years later P continues to diligently train with pet in prison he eventually wins the inter prison boxing championship at the age of 12 meanwhile Doc's cactus garden flourishes as he plants and fertilizes the cacti that PK brings from his home in Barberton they also continue supplying tobacco to pet and other prisoners in secret PK always kind and compassionate becomes The Unofficial letter writer for the prisoners many prisoners begin calling PK the rain maker this is because he brings peace and treats everyone with compassion regardless of their tribe PK gradually becomes aware of the horrors faced by black prisoners the Afric Conor guards detain them under Dreadful conditions and frequently beat them one day doc gives Piet a bucket of tobacco for himself and the other prisoners however Sergeant Borman notices Piet from afar and calls him over the guard then humiliates him by dropping manure on his shoes and forcing Piet to eat it despite having the opportunity to blame other prisoners Piet kneels down and eats the manure while the other prisoners watch in pity PK is deeply hurt to see pet whom he loves and respects so degraded after the guard leaves Doc and PK rush to help pet up and the other prisoners sing to honor his courage following this news emerges that the war will soon end Duc happily shares this news with pet and PK mentioning that he'll finally be able to return to Germany however PK feels sad that he may never see doc again shortly after the commander asks doc to organize a concert to celebrate the annual visit by the prison commissioner though initially hesitant doc agrees to Pet's request the three of them plan and the concert with Doc flawlessly playing the piano PK is tasked with writing the lyrics and brings together three tribes of prisoners to sing in their respective languages the catch is that the lyrics convey the sentiments of the colored Prisoners the song subtly insults and attacks the Afric Conor guards in languages they don't understand on the night of the concert PK Doc and the prisoners prepare for their performance PK notices Pet's absence but doc assures him that Piet will arrive soon meanwhile Piet hurries to join the crowd since he's already late for the show just as he leaves his cell he encounters Sergeant Borman he stops pet and demands he translate the lyrics of the song they're singing the sergeant also blames him for starting the concert and begins assaulting him fed up with the abuse pet bravely translates the lyrics which call the guards cowards enraged the sergeant brutally beats him while the oblivious prisoners continue singing and enjoying the show moments later PK sees Sergeant Borman at the fence behind the stage with his clothes spattered with blood realizing something is wrong PK rushes off to investigate he then discovers Piet in the yard close to death from the officer's beatings with his last breath Piet repeats the Mantra first with the head then with the heart and dies in PK K's arms as the war finally comes to an end doc returns to Germany PK remembers the loved ones he has lost and feels their absence as he's left alone once again the scene then shifts 6 years ahead and PK now 18 attends a prestigious school where he excels academically he's earned the respect of the school Headmaster and a scholarship for his studies his closest companion is Mory his manager who arranges boxing matches for him PK is slated to compete in a boxing championship where he notices an africaner girl in the audience cheering for him intrigued he asks Mory to find out her identity PK wins the championship impressing the entire crowd myy later reveals that the girl is Maria Maris the daughter of a prominent official in the National Party who resides in a boarding school despite Mor's warnings PK sneaks out one night to meet Maria she informs him that her father would never approve of her dating an English boy undeterred PK resolves to ask her father for permission himself on another occasion myy takes PK to meet a boxing trainer named Mr Greenwald to enhance his skills although initially dismissive Mr Greenwald changes his mind when he sees PK fight in the ring he remains impressed by his strength and skill PK's performance including an eight punch combination Garners praise from both the trainer and his opponent Mr Greenwald agrees to discuss terms for training PK further subsequently PK meets Maria's father Professor Daniel Maris to seek permission to court his daughter however their discussion on tribal rights quickly escalates into a clash of viewpoints as Mr Maris rejects PK's liberal ideas and denies him permission to see his daughter following Mr greenwald's proposal of a fight against black boxer Gideon Duma PK and Mory refuse due to the El legality of race mixing in a match as they exit PK spots Maria waiting for him knowing her father's disapproval they decide to date secretly later the man who proposed the fight reveals himself as a former inmate of Barberton prison alongside pet PK recognizes him and Duma introduces himself meanwhile Mr Maris asks Colonel Brighton and his Sergeant to spy on PK subsequently PK heads to Alexandria for the boxing match against Duma accompanied by Mory Maria and Mr Greenwald though PK wins the fight he and Duma become friends PK later visits Duma in Alexandria where they discuss the town's poor living conditions and duma's hopes for equality among tribes in South Africa Duma proposes starting an English school for black people which PK and Mory agree to after initial hesitation they gained permission from the school Headmaster to use a study room on Saturday nights for class classes on a Saturday night Maria argues with her father after he disapproves of her relationship with PK due to his involvement in an integrated gym and association with an anti-racist boxing coach when her father threatens punishment Maria angrily runs away from home meanwhile the people of Alexandria arrive for their English classes at the school where Maria unexpectedly shows her support for PK unfortunately they're informed the very next day that the police authorities have ordered them to close the Saturday night class following this it's revealed that yappi B has become a sergeant and is the one who's been spying on Maria and PK he enters PK's gym with his men and begins to blame him for getting expelled from school violence erupts as the policemen start beating PK and anyone who tries to intervene including Duma and Mr Greenwald on the other hand PK and Maria's relationship blossoms despite her father's disapproval one night Mory arranges for them to teach English classes in his uncle's Church Maria surprises them with pencils for the students moments later the police raid the church accusing them of violating its sanctity and mixing races in the chaos the police begin beating everyone and tragically Maria is struck with a baton and dies on the spot her sudden death impacts PK like nothing has before for and he considers leaving Africa to study at Oxford however Duma encourages him by showing him how much learning English is helping the people in Alexandria one night Bron and his police including yappi bota arrive in Alexandra Township their aim is to raid a party in search of PK the police enter with force and begin shooting and beating people indiscriminately just when Bai is about to shoot the boxing promoter PK steps out of hiding he then bravely demands that Bas stop the raid the two of them fight and PK eventually knocks BHA out he soon wakes up and tries to shoot PK but Duma swiftly hits him in the head and knocks him out ultimately PK and Duma vow to keep fighting against racial Injustice and continue their Journey the next morning the movie comes to an end as PK reflects on the advice he's received from all the import certain figures in his life
Channel: Fox Recaps
Views: 113,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: recap, movie recap, recaps, mystrey recapped, king recaps, movie recapped, movie recaps
Id: N3V-nGYH4pk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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