The Ocean Mysteries Iceberg Explained

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I know it's kind of cliche at this point but if there's one thing that absolutely terrifies me it's the ocean I mean basically everything about it the fact that it can go as deep as Mount Everest in some places the fact that you could get stranded alone for hundreds of miles away from civilization with no way of escaping the fact that beneath the surface is complete Blackness but most of all for me it's the fear of the unknown the fact that the bottom of the ocean is one of the last unexplored places on Earth with new species being discovered all the time that we previously didn't know about or were just mere myth and rumor honestly the ocean feels like it's a completely different planet in a way from land on Earth it's so alien and mysterious compared to everything else it's kind of like space although unlike space there are most definitely creatures down there that we know next to nothing about we have some incredibly creepy images and descriptions of some being seen down there but sometimes that's all we have to go on and maybe just maybe some of those ocean anomalies that we hear about in stories and the myths that we think can't possibly be true maybe have some truth them after all but to be clear on this Iceberg today it's not just strictly Mysteries here there are also just some generally interesting phenomena known weird creatures ocean related phobias and other topics but anyway today I thought we'd take a look at this Iceberg dedicated to the weirdest the ocean has to offer from the most well-known mythological creatures to the most horrifying and mystifying scientific discoveries and enigmas today we're taking a look at the Ocean Mysteries iceberg [Music] tip of the iceberg more than 80 percent of the ocean is unexplored here's an unsettling fact right out of the gate but I guess an exciting one for those that are interested in exploring its depths although you can leave me out of that group but anyways yeah since Earth consists of about 70 water it makes sense that a lot of the ocean is unexplored but that 80 figure did shock me when I first saw it I mean we kind of gave up on fully exploring the ocean at least for now considering how deep it is and I mean obviously not completely some people dedicate their entire lives to it but I just mean it's fascinating that we are much more invested in exploring space at this point in comparison like it's actually easier to get people onto the moon than it is to get humans to the very bottom of the ocean at least it seems that way of course exploring the ocean has its own unique challenges and limitations but this fact also just makes it all the more mysterious and interesting Atlantis I'm sure you've all heard of the lost underwater city of Atlantis which actually is a mythical location dating back to ancient Greece where stories and myths were told of a naval Empire an island known as Atlantis that ruled over most of the world at some point before eventually like many other real and fictional civilizations fell to ruin falling to the very depths of the Atlantic Ocean which is where that legend about it being a secret underwater city probably comes from and for some time people considered that such a civilization could have actually existed and many tried to prove its existence however the story of Atlantis is most likely just an allegory A Tale As Old As Time of an unattainable utopian society that is all known civilizations do was eventually destroyed some people still think though that it could exist and point to strange looking objects found in the ocean such as what looked like roads and even remnants of buildings but over time it also seems like this myth has evolved as most do going from being a powerful island nation that was ruined and literally sank to the bottom of the ocean to being a utopian society of god-like fish people living down there away from the rest of the world either way it's still one of the most fascinating and oldest mythological locations on Earth Kraken probably the most well-known ocean Cryptid well alongside another one which will appear a little later on but I'm sure you've all heard of it the Kraken is a legendary sea monster and a giant octopus in most interpretations with sightings and tales of the creature dating all the way back to the early 1700s in Norway from explorers and fishermen and then spreading to more European countries and then basically everywhere becoming one of the most well-known sea monster myths because well not only does it sound really cool but this time there is actually a little bit more substance to the legend however the way the Kraken is described is most likely too big to have existed as it is depicted destroying and overtaking huge massive ships however these sightings could be attributed to Giant Squids which can be very large and are quite intimidating getting to sometimes 50 feet long however I'm sure a lot of these stories were probably exaggerated as that's what tends to happen and then as the legend gets passed down details become crazier and crazier you know how it goes so now you've got stories of the Kraken fighting other sea monsters and taking down and sinking whole ships mermaids here we have another very well-known mythical ocean and sea creature featured basically all over the world in the folklore of many different cultures all with a fairly similar description of typically a woman with a lower body of a fish with a tail there were also said to be merman as well but those aren't as common anyway this myth likely also originated from ancient Greece because of a similar creature called the siren but typically mermaid sightings were said to take place at sea for obvious reasons and would usually happen at some sort of disastrous event such as a shipwreck or a storm and were even said to lure away men at Sea with their beauty and then drown them although in other versions of the myth they were said to be kind creatures that would help humans out at Sea they were also said to be great singers likely coming from the original siren creatures from Greek mythology they're also very popular because they've been featured in quite a lot of artworks and literature over the years and despite a few claimed notable sightings in the modern day this one is a lot less prominent than the more modern ocean dids nowadays still it is interesting that this one got to basically everywhere in the world from South America to African European Chinese Japanese Korean and even Indian folklore Bermuda Triangle one of the most infamous locations in the ocean also known as The Devil's Triangle this is a large region in the North Atlantic Sea that is said to be cursed as those who travel in it a lot of the time disappear mysteriously never to be seen again with there being quite a few notable instances of this occurring interestingly enough affecting both ships and aircraft with a few notable flights disappearing off the face of the Earth as well so then why does this happen is it something paranormal is this triangle region actually cursed well probably not the best explanation we have today is because of compass failure due to there being some kind of magnetic disturbance in the area which could cause them to point in the wrong direction as well as simply because there is notoriously bad weather in that area of the Atlantic known for having violent storms and hurricanes which could easily take out a ship and actually has been known to happen also apparently the amount of disappearances in the area contrary to popular belief isn't that much greater than other place is in the ocean in fact it isn't even one of the most dangerous regions according to a study done in 2013 so the whole legend is likely just exaggerated Megalodon here we've got another legendary sea creature but one that did actually exist millions of years ago an extinct giant species of shark called the Megalodon known as one of the largest ocean Predators at the time that it was around and although there are some remains which have been found it isn't certain how big this shark really could get they were thought to be however in the ballpark of around 14 to 20 meters long or about 47 to 67 feet which is absolutely insane possibly even weighing up to 60 tons to put this all into perspective this is the Megalodon compared to a standard great white shark and this is the size of one of its teeth just crazy to think that something like this actually existed thalassophobia this refers to the fear of deep water such as in Lakes the Sea and the ocean yeah count me in that group for sure Honestly though is this really a phobia or just something baked into human evolution because I don't think I know a single person who would want to be down in the Pitch Black Ocean but I know they do exist otherwise we wouldn't have deep sea divers but still I don't think I could imagine anything more terrifying or uncomfortable not being able to see two feet in front of you knowing you could very easily drown to death relying on equipment that if it fails you're going to suffer a very painful and prolonged death where no one can save you now this really refers to the intense debilitating fear which is what phobias really are and I get that but I'd still be willing to say that most people are afraid of the deep ocean old sea monsters and to finish off this first tier we have a more General one about just some old sea monster legends and there are quite a few of course you've got the Kraken and the Leviathan from the Bible which we'll get into a little later on in the iceberg but there's also some other really interesting ones like the sea serpent the sea pig which is kind of funny giant lobsters also basically just huge versions of any sea or ocean creature for that matter a lot of these are even featured on Old ocean maps and some of these are just wild like imagine there's no way of actually knowing what's in the ocean because it's unexplored at this point and you see this thing on a map like who's going sailing after that this thing looks like a boss from Dark Souls shallow Waters Great Pacific Garbage Patch now this one is less of a mystery by my understanding and more so just a kind of sad reality of the ocean because there are a few of these garbage patches that exist this one refers to the Pacific trash Vortex which exists in two main patches in the west and the East which as it sounds they're just collections of trash and debris that have accumulated Over time however it's not like a big island of just garbage as it kind of sounds like it's more so just a bunch of microplastics gathered in multiple locations however apparently the extent of this garbage patch is unknown which might be where the mystery comes in because most of the trash sinks to the ocean floor leaving only about 20 to 30 percent on the surface and since it's so far from any real civilization and Coast efforts to clean it up haven't gone very far as of yet Green Flash so a green flash is actually more so just a phenomenon that can be seen during sunset or sunrise and doesn't necessarily take place in the ocean however it is usually most observed over some kind of horizon such as the ocean strangely enough though this small yet distinct green light can usually only be seen Over the Horizon for a few seconds before it's gone which is said to happen because Earth's atmosphere can cause the light shining down from the Sun to refract temporarily into different colors don't ask me how this works but yeah kind of a cool thing Loch Ness Monster here is the other most well-known water cryptid on this list having been a part of Scottish folklore for thousands of years and still having alleged sightings to this day the first known reported sighting was actually way back in the year 565 which described a water Beast similar to the one in the known Legend today however it wasn't until 1933 to 1934 that the myth would become extremely well known with this Infamous photograph being taken of the supposed creature although this photo simply called the surgeon's photograph has been investigated and is since considered a hoax but since the 30s there have been many more pieces of video and photo evidence of said creature said to inhabit the Loch Ness region of Scotland but is sometimes reported to be found in other bodies of water still even after all this time there is no solid evidence of its existence it's also understandable and likely that a lot of these sightings were of other misidentified animals and objects such as eels catfish sharks or even boat wakes which is one of the the more prominent theories [Music] milky sea phenomenon here we have another really interesting phenomenon one that can be found in the ocean where large sections of the sea water will start to Glow which is more easily visible at night however apparently it wasn't until 2005 that photographic evidence was actually acquired of this phenomenon despite there being hundreds of reports of this since the early 1900s It is believed though that this is caused by a bioluminescent bacteria found in the water that actually emits this blue looking light bloop this is quite the infamous ocean mystery referring to a certain strange sound captured in 1997 by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration somewhere in the South Pacific Ocean here is the sound at 16 times speed foreign so what caused this low frequency High amplitude sound some believed it could have been made by some sort of underwater creature although experts had trouble pinpointing which one would have made this sound unless it was something that they had never seen or heard before analysis of the Sound by some claimed that it was consistent with a living creature however the sound was detected by sensors that were almost 3 000 miles apart so what could make such a loud noise only something even bigger than the largest known ocean animals other theories were made as to what the sound could be such as an Ice Quake which seems like the most likely explanation given that they can be so loud that their amplitude can be detected over 3000 miles away but for now this one remains a creepy yet fascinating ocean mystery Titanic the infamous Titanic I'm sure I don't have to go into this one too much everyone has heard of the tragedy that took place on April 15 1912. the deadliest single ship sinking in history at the time where more than 1500 people died that day as the ship had over 2 000 people on board and was the largest known ship at the time and unfortunately and also kind of ironically the ship hit a huge Iceberg which caused damage to the hole and allowed water to leak in and eventually made the whole thing capsize and sink tsunami another kind of basic one here but still definitely an all-time fear of mine like imagine just seeing the biggest wave you've ever seen coming right towards you no time to get away unable to outrun this massive wall of water it's truly the stuff of nightmares but these are very real and the footage of these hitting Shores are just terrifying not only that but they usually come in a series of waves and are caused by a number of different factors with some even being man-made due to explosions and other trigger factors some are also caused by volcanic eruptions or landslides but a lot of them come as a result of earthquakes and can even reach Heights of 100 feet but for some reason in 1958 the largest tsunami ever recorded reached a staggering height of 1700 feet off the coast of Alaska and sadly many people in coastal areas have been killed or had their cities and towns completely destroyed by these waves one of the deadliest natural disasters in history in fact was the 2004 or Indian Ocean tsunami which killed over 200 000 people in 14 different countries so yeah tsunamis are no joke and knowing more about this definitely doesn't make me want to move to a coastal town anytime soon [Music] body of the iceberg Osborne wreath this is a very strange one the Osborne reef is a man-made artificial Reef created in 1974 off the coast of Fort Lauderdale Florida using old discarded tires now I don't know anything about how marine life works but to me this already screams bad idea although hindsight is of course 20 20 but yeah surprise surprise it did more harm than good because instead of promoting more organisms to attach to the reef it caused an environmental disaster as the tires would not stay in place and would wash up on shores and further polluted the waters although cleanup efforts did begin in the early 2000s including using military training exercises as part of the cleanup efforts and as of 2019 about a third of the 2 million tires have been removed Lake of despair so I think this is actually referring to a specific brine pool which is an underwater Lake found at the bottom of the ocean yeah you heard that right and there's one located in the Gulf of Mexico called the jacuzzi of Despair which is quite the ominous title but it's for good reason it was formed over millions of years and contains deadly gases very salty water and high water temperatures well for being three thousand feet below sea level that is with it being almost 67 degrees Fahrenheit which doesn't seem that hot but is typically deadly for the marine life that enters its Waters Kaz 2. the story of Kaz 2 is one of the most interesting Maritime Mysteries that I've ever come across on April 20th 2007 an abandoned yacht was found off the coast of Australia called Kaz 2. however no one was aboard the ship and the three men crew was actually missing never to be seen again they were Derek Batten Peter tunstead and James tunstead all mostly inexperienced Sailors however what's strange is the condition the boat was found in as it seemed as though it was in perfectly working order and not only that but the engine was still on the GPS system and radio were fully functional and there was even food set out as well as a laptop which was still on however it was missing a life raft and one of the boat's sales was shredded and despite a widespread search for the three men they were never found despite it seeming as though they went overboard at some point in their Voyage yearly enough footage was even captured on the first day of their expedition and is the last known sighting of the men before they disappeared which was recorded on on April 15th by James tunstead even still it's uncertain what happened to these men and how they were removed from the vessel but many continued to speculate and look for answers to this day sub mechanophobia this is quite an interesting phobia basically it's the fear of man-made objects found deep underwater whether that be a shipwreck a statue or any other type of ruined structure this is a rare type of water phobia that may be associated with the simple fear of the unknown but for the most part it's uncertain what causes this fear although it's thought that it could have something to do with the human mind struggling with the idea of a foreign human-made object being found in an otherwise natural environment rogue waves two tsunamis but different in the fact that these waves can come at unpredictable times and typically aren't due to other factors like earthquakes which is the case with tsunamis and these rogue waves or freak waves as they're called are a big issue and danger when it comes to ships in the ocean Mary Celeste another Infamous Maritime Mystery Case this time from all the way back in the 1800s concerning a merchant ship called the Mary Celeste which was found in the Atlantic Ocean adrift and abandoned on December 4th 1872. the ship was deserted and damaged when it was discovered with the last entry in the entry log dating November 25th nine days earlier and was recorded as being about 400 miles from where it was found strangely there were no signs of a great struggle no signs of violence or a fire and a lot of Provisions were in fact still on board although the ship had taken on some water and the rigging was damaged but most importantly the Lifeboat was missing what happened to those on board where they went or what possibly made them flee remains unknown although there are many theories and myths surrounding this event some believe they encountered some sort of natural weather phenomenon that made them Evacuate the ship to the Lifeboat or possibly even gave them the false impression that the ship was sinking which might have caused the panic and a queen Escape or possibly something force them out whether that also be from the weather in the ocean itself or if Foul Play was involved which some believe to actually be the case possibly from Pirates trying to steal the contents of the ship although this doesn't seem likely or possibly someone was trying to destroy the ship for some kind of insurance fraud scam and there are also many fictional accounts and retellings of what might have happened which muddies the waters with this case including an early work of Arthur Conan Doyle the man who wrote the Sherlock Holmes stories eels [Music] not really a mystery here rather just some of the weirdest creatures that can be found in the ocean typically in Shallow Waters and are known for being nocturnal for the most part and there are many different species of these fish out there over 800 in fact but since a lot of the deepest depths of the ocean remain unexplored maybe there is even more strange eel species that have yet to be seen by human eyes deep Waters giant oarfish speaking of weird fish species we have the giant oarfish which is considered the world's largest type of bony fish and may possibly be what some people spot when they think they see a sea serpent as these things can get up to 26 feet long and possibly even longer that's just the biggest one that's been positively identified but yeah not too much else to say definitely an interesting fish HMS Daedalus sea serpent yeah so here we have one of those sightings of an alleged sea serpent which also May in fact just have been a really long giant oarfish but this sighting was from way back in August of 1848 from crew aboard the HMS Daedalus a warship of the royal British Navy it was reported as being over 60 feet long and moving very fast in the water but as we learned or fish don't typically get that long so maybe this was something else or like a lot of other accounts of ocean creatures it's hard to really tell how big they are and of course it could have been exaggerated which let's be honest that also happens a lot but it's also been posited by a biologist that what they saw that day might not have been a giant ore fish at all or even a sea serpent but rather a say whale which is one of the largest kinds of whales in the ocean and can reach over 60 feet long just like this supposed sea serpent blue whale mating ritual um yeah so this is on here again not really a mystery here as far as I know just a weird fact about blue whales which have a very complex mating ritual apparently maybe the mystery is why they do all this in the first place basically though they just roll around on each other for a bit then dive deep into the ocean then suddenly fly upwards into the surface and that's when they do the thing yeah purple orb during a nautilus live expedition in the Channel Islands an interesting object was found a mysterious purple orb and the video of this from this angle doesn't even really look real it looks like a video game item even the researchers in the video were having fun with it come on I've almost never referring so what is this thing well upon sampling it scientists believe it to be a plural branch which is a kind of sea slug Bioshock Vibes anyone did we just discover Adam For the First Time no but seriously knowing this thing is a living creature that even excretes poison and can even change its shape yeah I think I'll stay away from these they can also even be many different colors but they aren't normally purple so this could be the discovery of a brand new species Baltic Sea anomaly this refers to a strange anomaly found in a sonar image taken by a diving team in the Baltic Sea in 2011 which created a lot of speculation as to what it could be with some thinking it could be a sunken UFO or possibly remnants of a destroyed ancient civilization however experts have concluded that it is simply a natural geographic formation brine pools so we already kind of talked about this with the lake of Despair which is a brine pool so I won't go into this one too much but yes the basic concept is that it's an underwater Lake inside of an ocean which is formed by high concentrations of salt and other gases which become so thick that it doesn't even merge with the rest of the water creating a distinct body of water but that was a huge oversimplification and I'm no expert on this but either way these brine Lakes are very deadly to most organisms that come in contact with them and mostly only support the life of very specific microbes Devil's Sea The Devil's Sea also known as The Devil's Triangle is another region in the Atlantic ocean that is known for its mysterious disappearances just like the Bermuda Triangle which I believe the Devil's Sea is actually a part of it's just that this is more so the Japanese version of The Legend although the words used to describe it are ma no Umi which are used to describe various different dangerous locations in the ocean so it's a little confusing but mainly this refers to that same specific region in the Pacific and there are many reports of strange occurrences and disappearances such as one pilot during World War II who radioed that the sky was quote opening up which provides quite an ominous image however most experts believe nothing paranormal is actually happening here and that most of this stuff can just be explained Away by a combination of environmental factors Mariana Trench the Mariana Trench is one of the most mysterious places on Earth being that it is the deepest known trench in the ocean just to put into perspective how deep it goes it's deeper than Mount Everest the highest mountain on Earth and many people have tried exploring it over the years but no human has ever even gotten close to reaching the bottom it's basically pitch black down there the pressure is immense and once you go deep enough into the ocean gases start to form and the pressures rise so high that you're unable to come up like you would from a normal dive and you have to actually come up with a diving chamber for your internal pressures to regulate because if you don't you could literally explode from the inside which has actually happened to real people one of the most disturbing thoughts about the ocean for me after hearing about this I will never forget it that aside though the Mariana Trench itself is a whole other can of worms who knows what kind of creatures lie at its depths only a few have ever been found and from what we've seen they're quite terrifying ever heard of the black CW or the Dumbo octopus or maybe even the deep sea Dragonfish yeah the creatures found down here are just creepy but some are also truly just fascinating and out of this world like the ping pong tree sponge and the comb jellies these fish and organisms just seem too alien to be found on Earth and who knows what could be lying in its deepest depths underground ocean it's been determined by scientists that there may be a vast reservoir of water hidden underneath the Earth's mantle which is over 400 miles underneath the surface an ancient sea floor and a new undiscovered layer between the mantle and the core which is definitely an interesting concept to think about but honestly we don't even know enough about the surface oceans at this point Julia this is another unexplained and mysterious sound captured in the ocean also by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration or NOAA back in 1999. the sound was Extremely Loud and went for almost three minutes take a listen [Laughter] most believe it to be made by a large iceberg in Antarctica or could it be some ancient monster at the bottom of the ocean and could this be the same thing that made that bloop sound also why is it called Julia does it sound like that's what's being said or is it just a cute name for this alleged sea monster I actually have no idea 1968 submarine disappearances back in 1968 there were four mysterious submarine disappearances from four different nations which is very strange and led to many thinking this couldn't have all been a coincidence and instead was the work of something far more Sinister it's also suspicious because this was near the height of the Cold War but it all started with the Ines Dakar an Israeli submarine which disappeared on January 25th along with its 69 men crew with its wreckage not being found until 1999 and only two days later a French submarine also vanished in the Gulf of the lion with a crew of 45 men also missing and this submarine wasn't even found until 2019. a Soviet ballistic missile submarine also disappeared in March but pieces of the wreckage were found in August of that same year by Americans near Hawaii and lastly the USS scorpion disappeared in May and this one is the most shocking of all of them because this was actually carrying nuclear weapons so what happened here why did they all disappear not only in the same year but also pretty much in the first half of it while the Navy actually detected some strange explosion-like sounds coming from the Scorpion after it disappeared and when the sight of the wreck was eventually found it became radioactive due to the nuclear contents on board some believe bad weather was the cause of most if not all of these occurrences while some believe that the US and Russian governments attacked each other's spy submarines while some also speculate diving too quickly with these newer submarine Technologies also could have caused them to sink or possibly even caused hydrogen triggered explosions but whatever the case these instances still remain quite mysterious coconut crabs again not so much a mystery but they do involve one coming up here in a bit so might as well explain what they are in case you haven't heard of these because they are the stuff of nightmares and that's coming from the guy whose favorite food in the world is crab and lobster so yeah these bloodborne enemies are actually crabs that can grow up to three feet three inches in width and are the largest terrestrial arthropod in the world they're known as coconut crabs because they can actually crack into coconuts and eat them but they're also known to eat small mammals and even Birds yeah terrifying they're also hermit crabs and tend to live on land in various Islands mostly located in the Indian Ocean and they also very likely have eaten humans and uh we'll get to that a little later blue whale sound so I'm not exactly sure what this is referring to but it could be the mystery of why blue whales are no longer making the same kinds of noises or songs that they made in the past which were so loud that they could not only be heard 500 miles away but also we're on a frequency That Couldn't normally be heard by normal human ears I don't know it's kind of a weird situation but some attribute this to happening due to climate change ocean noise pollution and possibly changing ocean populations but again I'm no expert on this so I'm pretty unsure this could also just be referring to a specific mysterious whale sound like the 52 blue also known as the 52 Hertz whale which was a sound captured at a very unusual frequency of some sort of whale species bottom of the iceberg 400 year old shark this is very interesting and it's basically just what the title suggests a 400 year old shark said to be the longest living vertebrate animal in the world as of 2016. although it's technically impossible to know when it was really born and they're just making educated guesses based on ways to determine the age and longevity of these Greenland sharks but still the oldest sample of this kind of shark that they could find likely lived for over 392 years possibly being born in the 1600s yeah some are skeptical considering just how crazy that is like this shark would have been a full-grown adult during the American Revolution not only that but because they live so long they're also one of the largest known species of sharks growing sometimes over 20 feet long and over two to three thousand pounds yonaguni Monument the yonaguni monument is a well-known rock formation located off the coast of yonaguni Island in Japan and like a lot of other underwater formations speculation began on if these were man-made monoliths or ruins from an ancient civilization such as moo a hypothetical Lost Continent something similar to that of the legend of Atlantis with some even estimating that the structures are over 10 000 years old however again like a lot of these formations it seems like this is just a natural occurrence created of sandstones and mud stones or is it immortal jellyfish so on a completely random note the first time I remember hearing about this was when this kid in my Spanish class randomly told this to me in the middle of class and I got kicked out even though I literally said nothing which is why I still remember this fact to this day but random tangent aside there really is a certain species of jellyfish called the turretopsis dhoni bro these alien Halo type names are crazy anyway they're biologically Immortal which is an insane thing to think about meaning it doesn't age as its cells do not die and even repair themselves in fact apparently this jellyfish can actually cause itself to age backwards which is just fascinating that doesn't mean they can't die though that just means they don't die from aging there are still many environmental factors diseases and predators which can and do kill them big thin squid now this thing is truly the stuff of nightmares I mean if I told you about this without photo proof you would think this is a Cryptid but these squids are very much real just very hard to find and are typically only sighted deep in the sea what's most notable as you might notice are its extremely long tentacle appendages which can be over 20 feet long which are thought to be used to scrape the ocean floor for edible organisms not only that but these are the only squid species to be seen in the hedal zone otherwise known as the deepest region of the Ocean between twenty thousand and thirty six thousand feet below sea level just makes you wonder if this monster is down there what other undiscovered creepy species might be lurking there Point Nemo this is a location in the Pacific Ocean that is the farthest point from any land on Earth almost 1500 nautical miles from the nearest Island which is just a terrifying Prospect I mean being stranded out at Sea is one thing but being that far from any civilization or even any landmass for that matter water for as far as the eye can see but also for just thousands of kilometers as well for this reason it's also known as the oceanic pole of inaccessibility in fact hilariously but also scary enough it's so far from any human life that the closest humans to you could be those aboard the International Space Station yeah crazy stuff world's oldest mammal scientists have discovered a fossil from the now oldest known living mammal on earth a small creature that might have existed 225 million years ago which pushes back the origin of mammals by millions of years so it seems this creature called the brasilodon would have existed at the same time as the dinosaurs biblical leviathan here we go another Infamous ocean Cryptid not even really encrypted in the standard sense this is definitely a mythological creature though featured in The Bible in multiple books as a legendary sea serpent and the embodiment of chaos and interestingly it shares a lot of similarities with other common World serpents of Mythology like jormungander and viritra sorry I definitely butchered those names but also even dragons vertical migration here's an interesting fact about ocean life billions literally billions of organisms in the ocean including fish but also Plankton and other creatures migrate up and down deeper into the water which Alters the ecosystem of the ocean scientists are kind of unsure why there are mass vertical migrations but there are theories such as avoiding Predators going to surface levels for more food or even going deeper to reproduce or avoid DNA damage from ultraviolet radiation heraklion here we have a ruined and ancient Fort City from ancient Egypt but this isn't some Lost Civilization this one is actually real however its ruins are buried in the ocean near Abu kir Bay but quite a few archaeological finds have come from the site the city also first started as thonis or thonus I'm not really sure and likely dates back to the 12th century BC so yeah this place is very old up sweep another Infamous deep sea sound was captured by Noah in 1991 and is nicknamed upsweep for the long stretches of well up sweeps and audio which can be seen on a spectrogram of the sound but this isn't the only time this audio Was Heard apparently this sound is heard seasonally around summertime near New Zealand and South America in the ocean although it's thought that the sounds simply come from underwater volcanic activity foreign foreign I'm assuming this is referring to possibly the strangest sound heard deep in the ocean a sound that is similar to that of a train horn captured in the Pacific in 1997. however you all know the standard explanation for these sounds by now it was an iceberg at least that's what they think however the strange steady frequency makes it sound kind of Otherworldly and if possibly a living creature more than a train in my opinion but still the thought of hearing a train while in the ocean is also pretty creepy those two things just don't Clash at all it hits those uncanny Vibes for sure when something just absolutely does not belong anywhere near the other foreign the abyss globster this is a name used to describe a number of cases of an unidentified mass of organic tissue that washes up on shores across the world first coined in the 1960s but is also just sometimes referred to as blobs as well however as it turns out most of these cases turned out to be the remnants of decaying whale carcasses usually containing a lot of whale blubber although sometimes they are also from a giant squid or octopus but some of the cases still remain unsolved German U-Boat 60-foot crocodile serving in the first world war a German U-Boat called the smu-28 had a particularly strange encounter with an unknown crocodile-like creature after they sank a British steamer ship in July of 1915. as according to the boat's Commander after the British ship was shot down another explosion erupted from the wreckage and along with it a giant crocodile looking creature which was only briefly seen before it disappeared into the water never to be seen or identified again sargasso sees carnivorous seaweed this is really interesting so apparently this is an old legend that a certain type of seaweed in the sargasso sea is responsible for the disappearances of several Crews of men in the 1800s and actually ate them which is a terrifying thought and honestly at this point with the stuff I've seen so far on this list I wouldn't be too surprised if this was real okay maybe a little bit this area is known though for a specific type of seaweed called sargasso although it is not known to eat people and the legend most likely spawned from people going overboard and never returning thinking the seaweed might have dragged them down to the ocean floor and actually ate them which I mean is almost true no it didn't actually eat them or anything but the seaweed was so thick it probably stopped them from being able to swim back to the surface causing them to drown Montauk Monster this is the case of a washed up animal carcass that cannot be as easily explained as the others because first of all this doesn't look like anything I've ever seen come out of the ocean before and second this is a pretty high quality image because this didn't happen in the 1900s or something this happened on a beach in New York in July of 2008 near the District of Montauk hence the name the Montauk Monster and there were many theories as to what this could be other than that maybe this is some undiscovered monster of course some thought it was some kind of huge Turtle missing its shell and others thought it was possibly a dog or a rodent but the most likely explanation according to experts is that this is actually just a water decayed raccoon that lost most of its hair although some disagree with this Theory pointing out that its legs were too long to be that of a raccoon Beast so remember the globster phenomenon well this is one of the oldest known cases of it with an unknown carcass that was said to be 55 feet in length that also lacked a tail which was washed ashore on an island called stronsay in Scotland after a storm in 1808 and since it was so long ago all we have are sketches of said creature which many believe that the time to be some sort of sea serpent or sea snake although nowadays it's believed that this was simply a large shark carcass but again there is no real way to tell because all we have are accounts of those who saw it which may be incorrect or even embellished Schaefer's anglerfish this one's just kind of a weird fish discovered in 1976 in the Caribbean Sea but the best thing about this fish is how they walk and yes they actually do walk on the ocean floor with their fins Casper octopus another funny looking species here we have the Casper octopus discovered in 2016 in the Pacific Ocean named after Casper the Friendly ghosts for their translucent and ghostly color these might be the cutest little guys I've ever seen coconut crabs ate Amelia Earhart and here we have that Infamous theory about what really happened to Amelia Earhart and I know it sounds a little ridiculous at first glance but hear me out we already talked about how coconut crabs are basically Skyrim spiders in real life and will basically eat anything right but first of all Amelia Earhart was the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean and was one of the most prominent figures in aviation at the time and still is in the history of flight that's why when she disappeared on July 2nd 1937 many wondered what could have happened to her after she set off on her Global flight she took off from lay Airfield in Papua New Guinea and never made it to her destination of Howland Island but a grim theory about what really happened to her has since surfaced because in 1940 on an atoll called niku mororo Almost 2000 miles from Hawaii they found the skeletal remains of a person which were even sent over to try and see if they really belong to Earhart but they sadly were somehow lost the plane was also never found or recovered as well as the Navigator who was with her Fred Noonan however this island that they found the remains at was inhabited of course by the killer coconut crabs which some think could have possibly eaten most of the remains of Amelia or possibly on an even more disturbing note may have eaten her alive they even performed an experiment using a pig carcass to see how long it would take for them to devour it and it only took about two weeks with them even taking the bones back to their dens quite a grim and disturbing Theory and probably not true but still interesting to look into the Deep depths Saint Augustine monster we have another globster case here found washed ashore in 1896 on the coast of Florida in Saint Augustine it has since been dubbed the Saint Augustine monster or the Florida monster even though most even at the time simply believed it to be the remains of a giant octopus however this is one of the biggest cases of this phenomenon and samples were studied many times over the years but as it turns out it appears this thing was actually just a mass of collagen and whale blubber from a sperm whale Phantom Island this is another General thing but a pretty interesting phenomenon back when explorers were mapping out previously unexplored areas of the world where they would sometimes Mark certain islands that later when traveled to did not exist either being misidentified placed in the wrong locations or deliberately falsified for whatever reason a famous example of this would be the island of California because in the 17th and 18th centuries on many maps for whatever reason it was thought that California was separate from the rest of the North America continent thinking that it was in fact a huge island and there are many many more of these cases including a lot of famous mythological locations like Atlantis the Isle of demons and more sorry I couldn't resist but these are humanoid creatures from Japanese mythology and folklore said to be found in the Antarctic oceans however these aren't any old school mythological creature no these are very modern Creations dating back to a post from a Japanese form called two channel in 2002 however since then there have been a few reported sightings including an Infamous Google Earth image from 2005 that is said to have spotted the creature although most just believe it to have been an iceberg descriptions of the character vary but it's said to have a human-like appearance having a similar kind of face but also strangely long Limbs and a pale blue skin pigment and are also said to be giant creatures over 60 feet long also the name ningan means something like person or human being in Japanese Untouchable bathosphere fish here we have a collection of undiscovered fish species that are possibly now extinct or may not even exist that were first observed off the coast of Bermuda in 1932 and haven't been seen since they were first seen and drawn by a man named William Bibi who was studying deep sea life and found them during an Expedition using an early diving submersible called the bathosphere some of these observed fish are pretty interesting but compared to the other things on this list not anything to really write home about although it's unclear if these are now extinct or if he just misidentified these species with other fish flannen Isle mystery in the year 1900 a crew aboard a steamer called the arcter arrived in Leath from Philadelphia noticing that the flannon Isle Lighthouse was not operational which is not only strange but also dangerous and strangely when they went to investigate it the three-man crew that was operating it was missing nowhere to be found not only that but there were also clues that some sort of accident took place such as the clocks being stopped and they're being considerable damage to the West's Landing even huge rocks were displaced signaling that possibly a huge storm could have taken place but no bodies were ever recovered people pose theories such as that they were just taken away by that huge storm or that one man might have fallen into the sea and they were all washed away when they tried to help him due to something like a rogue wave but whatever the case this Still Remains one of the most investigated and mysterious disappearances in Scotland's history 4chan C carpet so I believe this refers to the 4chan black carpet urban legend which is essentially just a very long Creepypasta detailed in an export about a diver encountering this black carpet at the bottom of the ocean that is made up of many different small black organisms that feed on anything that comes in contact with them also it's said that this thing is responsible for the bloop but again very likely just an urban legend unidentified for tentacle jellyfish back in 2015 Noah once again discovered something otherworldly it seems in the Deep Waters near Hawaii this alien looking jellyfish this thing belongs in half-life for sure like are we sure this isn't some sort of head crab or something it was also seen on an expedition in the Gulf of Mexico in 2014 but this species has not been identified soya Antarctic Godzilla yeah so this one's kind of funny not gonna lie but back in 1958 the captain of a Japanese research ship in Antarctica called the soya claimed to see some sort of large creature at ludso home Bay one that he said resembled Godzilla which premiered only about four years before the sighting in Japan giving it that nickname Antarctic Godzilla but when you look at drawings of what the creature was said to look like it doesn't really resemble Godzilla at all at least from my knowledge definitely an interest in Cryptid though 1997 whistle sound here we go you know how it goes by now we got another unidentified sound from the ocean this time recorded in 1997 which some say sound similar to a whistle while scientists believe it is similar to those generated by volcanic activity in the area but I'll let you decide what you think made the noise foreign Trench Cosmic C a cosmic Ocean or sea is kind of a mythological concept featured all over the world from ancient Greece to Judaism to Egypt to India you name it most of the time involving the primordial Waters or basically some kind of body of water related to a creation story sometimes also having to do with the global flood which is also very common among cultures and religions some of these texts describe the cosmic ocean as something existing before anything else a boundless formless nothingness basically personified as chaos before the creation of humanity eltonin antenna here I think is one of the most interesting finds on the sea floor captured in an image taken by the usns eltonin ship in 1964. of all the anomalies we've seen this one just seems the most alien to me like why is there an antenna looking thing at the bottom of the ocean the bad quality certainly doesn't help but still anyway some people literally think it was some kind of antenna While others believed it to be some sort of alien device or structure and the real answer while being something pretty mundane is just still so weird because why is there even a sponge that exists that looks like this yes apparently this is a species of carnivorous sponge apparently it's also similar to or possibly the same thing as the ping pong tree sponge but I don't know this artist's interpretation makes it look so much more Cosmic and foreign like this would be right at home in like darkest dungeon or something I don't know maybe I'm the weird one who knows black demon what a title so this refers to a certain ocean Cryptid a giant black shark said to be found in the Gulf of Mexico which has since become the stuff of Legends said to be almost 60 feet long and up to 100 000 pounds yes said to be either a great white even though it's black or possibly even a new undiscovered species of Megalodon they even made a movie about it contorted squid I'm sure you're not surprised when I tell you that we've got another strange newly discovered species of squid that somehow can fold into itself and invert its own body which is just like how does this work I just love that sea life completely defies all understanding of regular biological function it's oh it's great and it's also terrifying anyway this was also spotted deep in the ocean in the Gulf of Mexico by Noah with there being some great video of this creature apparently they even believe this inversion tactic is something of a defense mechanism which even the researchers admitted was quite bizarre for a squid see people Invasion so the alleged sea people or peoples is a group that's said to have existed that attacked both ancient Egypt and other civilizations during the late Bronze Age however there isn't much evidence to back up such a group existing at all except for written Egyptian records so it's unknown really what this group even was there are some theories and my favorite one is that they were actually just a group of seafaring Pirates hence why they were called sea people or maybe they were just a group of Raiders from Europe or were made up of several different tribes that were invading but even modern historians don't really know for sure who they really were Challenger Deep giant cannibal shark yeah those words just definitely don't belong together basically in the investigation of the death of a tagged nine foot great white shark many were wondering what could have killed such a huge creature had to be some massive whale or something right or possibly even some unknown sea Cryptid maybe well no but something equally as scary apparently this shark was killed by another great white of the same species that's right a giant colossal great white cannibal shark unidentified sagami Bay creature the title sounds a little unsettling but before I get into it let me just show you the video [Music] yeah so what does that look like to you A mysterious creature an ancient being or just a rock everyone's laughing though till this rock starts moving then it's then it's game over most likely though those things that look like eyes are probably just pieces of algae or something or maybe it's some sort of statue but either way probably not any sort of living organism the mini road the mini road also known as the Bimini wall is another interesting rock formation which can be found near an island in the Bahamas and looks like it was once a man-made structure although that's likely not the case as it was formed over thousands of years ago but even some experts claim the massive stone blocks were very likely cut by humans making you wonder if this is the remnants of a lost city or even a civilization I mean it's called a road because it looks like the stones are evenly spaced apart in the formation of a road-like structure complete with right angles and straight edges call of the deep the call of the deep is quite a fascinating phenomenon similar to the call of the void and other intrusive thoughts like the feeling of wanting to jump from high places not because you necessarily want to it's just a strange uncanny and scary intrusive feeling similar to that is the call of the deep that gut feeling of wanting to go deeper and deeper into the ocean even knowing that it could spell certain Doom now personally I've never felt that but I have had it from Heights before I mean come on everyone's had that thought even if it was just for a second so I get it apparently also though this phenomenon is quite prominent with divers not just because of their passion for it and wanting to go as deep as they can but because of something called nitrogen Narcosis which can cause you not to think rationally giving a similar feeling to that of being drunk which is also just absolutely terrifying sometimes you can even get so confused that while trying to swim up to safety you are unknowingly swimming farther and farther into the abyss so in conclusion I'm even more terrified of the Ocean than I already was great and you probably are too so you're welcome for that I guess but this was definitely a very fun video to make hopefully you all got something out of it too let me know what scares you the most about the ocean or does it not scare you at all what do you think is the most interesting mystery on this list I'd love to hear your thoughts and what was left out but that's been it for me it's been me Source brew and I'll catch you all in the next video and as always take care and peace out
Channel: sourcebrew
Views: 392,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iceberg, iceberg explained, mystery, ocean mystery, sourcebrew, sourcebrew iceberg
Id: gALDeg0UhG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 28sec (3508 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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