The No BS Guide To Conquest In Season 9 SMITE

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today we become legends it's that time of the year again a new smite season has launched and with it i need to update my comprehensive conquest guide this video will provide a full overview of conquest but if you want more in-depth information on the five rules of conquest be sure to subscribe to the channel as my comprehensive role guides will be coming out soon as always this video will be broken up into several sections to make it easier to follow feel free to skip around to the sections you need first up the very basics of conquest this section will cover what conquest is how to win and a brief map overview if you're familiar with conquest to a basic level already you can skip this section next up we have the roles overview this section covers all five conquest roles their aims what they provide to the team etc after that we'll take a look at the jungle layout and the camps within it then the objectives of conquest what they are why they're important and the best ways to secure them for your team then game phases aka early mid and late game plus what each role is meant to be doing in the various stages of a conquest match and finally we'll close out the video with a few different smaller topics you should know about but they aren't worth an entire bullet point in the video [Music] so conquest in smite is the most complex game mode with the largest map but at a basic level your only goal is to destroy the enemy towers phoenix's and eventually their titan the way you go about that goal is where the complexity of conquest comes in and don't worry we'll talk about all that stuff in more detail in further sections conquest in smite is a three-lane map with two towers and a phoenix protecting each lane you'll be fighting against the opposing people in your lane or in the jungle if you swing that way in order to get a lead take down the enemy towers and eventually destroy their titan in the base [Music] alright so with the very basics covered let's jump into the five rolls of conquest a very important topic to know if you're new to the mode smite has been around a long time at this point and the roles of conquest have become very refined over that time with five players on a team to work with one goes to each lane that's adc mid and solo one goes to jungle with the leftover player going support to help the adc and make the duel in the southerlander and smite resides in the solar lane their main job for the team is to be a tanky frontliner that sucks up hits causes chaos for the enemy mid and adc and will usually be a warrior or guardian though sullen is arguably one of the most diverse roles in terms of gods that can see play there some assassins and even some mages or the odd hunter can occasionally work in solo the solo laner generally spends the early parts of the match farming up and won't be wanting the enemy sword laner as the game goes later on solar laners tend to do big rotations with the family they got in their lane to make a big impact in team fights with their crowd control and damage moving across the map to the mid lane the midliner in smite is usually an aoe burst damage dealer for the team that likes to blow up enemies in two hits before they can respond mid lane is pretty crucial due to its central location on the map and ability to get to pretty much anywhere from mid fairly quickly mid laners generally spend the early game farming minion waves and nearby jungle camps with the occasional rotation to a side lane or for a jungle skirmish fight you pretty much only see mages and the occasional hunter in mid rarely anything else and they're all about big burst damage while being very squishy themselves so we've covered two of the lanes who goes to the final one well two people actually the final lane is the duolin where both the adc and the support spend the early game the adc in conquest is the traditional hard carry player style they're weak early on and squishy in general but boy can they deal out some insane dps once they get their build online adcs and smite are usually hunters or a special class of mages called magical adcs that use basic attacks for their damage adcs in the early game will lame with their support in a 2v2 then as the support leaves to do their rotations the adc will 1v1 for the rest of the laning phase against the other adc to try and get a lead and snowball into their monstrous late game presence that most adcs come with the support is usually a tanky high cc god that can protect the team both for the adc and the learning phase and the rest of your team when you start rotating supports will generally try and keep teammates alive so they can deal their big damage to enemies and ultimately win the game supports are usually guardians but some warriors and assassins have been known to see player in support as well as mentioned support spend the start of the game learning 2v2 with their adc but after five to eight minutes the support starts rotating to other lanes and pretty much shows up where they're needed the most rather than covering one specific lane so we've talked about all the lanes but only assigned four players who's left out well that will be the jungler for the team this role covers these two jungle areas between the lanes while all other roles get most of their xp and gold from minions the jungler will lurk in the jungle taking the various jungle camps located there to keep even with the rest of the lane rolls then they'll come out of the jungle to gank a lane where they can try and land a kill for their teammates in that lane to get them ahead jungles in smite are fairly varied in terms of class but are usually assassins with a handful of warriors mages and guardians that work and very occasionally you might see a hunter pop into the jungle meta as well now you know the five rules of conquest try to always be filling one of these roles for your team to gain actual experience in a real conquest match not just a read on a bigger map my personal suggestion is to learn two roles pretty well since the roll cue system in smite allows you to select a primary role and then a secondary role [Music] so we talked about the jungler i think it's high time we covered the actual jungles layout what camps are located there which ones are important to you as well as the jungle objectives of conquest like the fire giants so i find it easiest to look at the conquest jungle as three sections your jungle the enemy jungle and the neutral jungle in between your jungle and the enemies jungle are just mirrors of each other to keep the game fair so all you really have to do is learn one side of the jungle plus the neutral camps and you're good to go to figure out where an enemy camp is you just look at your own jungle and flip it so i like to split the actual camps of the jungle into three categories as well harpies buffs and special camps harpies are simply camps that give xp on gold when killed and nothing else these are purely to keep the jungler even in farm and sometimes for laners to get a little bit of extra xp between their minion waves but as elena don't ever give up your wave just to get a happy camp the wave is more important the buffs are slightly bigger camps that still give xp on goal but also drop a powerful buff that lasts two minutes on death purple buff gives attack speed on a protection shred aura and is picked up by the adc the green buff gives increased max health and mana and goes to the support red buff gives increased power and goes to the mid speed buff gives increased movement speed and goes to the jungler to help them get around faster and finally the blue buff gives mana regen and cooldown reduction and goes to the solar laner so harpies and buffs covers most of the jungle camps but not all there are a few camps in the game that don't really fall into either category but have unique and powerful effects firstly there are the naga camps on both duolin and solar lane do all have one per team but solo has to fight over just one of them between two the greater scorpion on solo side will give xp and gold as well as enhancing the next round of buffs dropped by your team to give them better stats than normal buffs the totem of ku is just off the side of solar lane and provides mana regeneration to the whole team when killed this is taken pretty much exclusively by the solar laner between waves and finally we have the oracle happies these are tougher than normal happy camps but give an area of vision around the goal fury that cannot be counted useful for keeping tabs on if the enemy are trying to sneak the goal fury out from under you on the topic of goal fury now we've covered the jungle layout let's talk about the objectives of conquest one of the most important yet tragically overlooked aspects of the game [Music] in season nine a new objective was added to the conquest map in the form of the obelisk these obelisks are banks of power that fill up over time from taking jungle camps with this mark on them the first team to get seven of these offerings into their obelisk gains a powerful jungle buff effect called indra scepter that either provides health regeneration if you're alone and if enemies are around you it fires lightning bolts at them once per second which deals significant damage enemies can steal offerings from your obelisk by standing next to it taking 10 current health and damage per offering they steal this way and of course you could do the same to the enemy's obelisk it's basically a rush to seven offerings as soon as the obelisk become active in order to get that big boy jungle buff but moving on to the more traditional objectives of conquest we have the fire giant gold fury and pyromancer we'll start with the pyromancer since it's the simplest of the three pyromancer is a boss objective that like all bosses usually requires multiple team members to take down but provides a powerful reward in this case it's a large movement speed buff when leaving the fountain to get back to lane or fight quickly as well as golden xp for every player on the team the gold fury and smite is located over by duolin and has three different variations again it will usually take multiple people to kill a gold fury and it gives great rewards that change depending on the type of fury that's there the standard goal fury just gives a large amount of xp and gold to the entire team when killed the only fury gives less golden xp to the whole team but empowers your next minion wave in each lane to be tankier and deal more damage making it easier to push on the enemy and finally the primal fury gives a permanent buff to all team members that increases the damage they deal to jumble camps and objectives and this buff stacks with multiple primal fury kills the primal fury still gives golden xp but again not a lesser rate compared to a standard gold theory so as you can see the benefit is quite different depending on the fury that is currently spawned in so you do have to be paying attention to that the first fury of the match will always be a standard goal fury and after that is completely random which goal furious selects without doing the same one twice in a row and finally we have the big boy of conquest the fire giants this guy is the most powerful objective on the map both in terms of how strong he is and how strong the buff is for killing him fire giant should almost always be taken as a team even more so than the previous two objectives as it has a ton of hp and damage his buff lasts 4 minutes and gives bonus power health and mana regeneration as well as bonus damage to structures to help you end the game if you do manage to slay the fire giant at 30 minutes into the game the fg is replaced with the enhanced fire giant which gives the same buff but a lot better [Music] so a typical conquest match can be divided into three key time periods early game mid game and late game while there's no set time of the match that you come out of the early game and into the mid game all three phases have their own distinct feel and ways to play in them that you pick up over time when you've played enough of the mode you basically get a feel for it the early game in my experience is generally the first eight to ten minutes of the match or so in the early game most players are farming minions and or jungle camps to get xp and gold any fights that go down in the early game are usually skirmish fights between late opponents or small 2v2 or 3v3 fights over buffs and ganks or just if players want to gain a lead by fighting in the early game that's an absolutely valid strategy proper farming is the most crucial thing to master for the early game even more so than your fighting skills since the early game is all about farming doing it slightly better than your opponent can make up for a substantial skill death in the fighting department since you'll be a couple levels up on them at all times farming in general is a technique that players don't learn in other modes because it's not really needed in the same way it is in conquest so keep that in mind if you're transitioning from another mod to conquest the mid game is generally between 10 and 20 minutes into the match and it's where team fights start to happen and objectives come into play in a major way the laning process starts to dissolve in the mid game as mid solos and adcs start to join the fights a lot more while supports and junglers were already roaming a lot even in the early game learning isn't entirely done in the mid game but it basically wraps up throughout the course of the mid game to where by the end of it you really shouldn't be learning anymore and should be focusing on big team fights and objective players goal fury is a key focal point of the mid game since more teams aren't yet strong enough to take fire giant but are strong enough to take gold fury which still gives game changing rewards so always try to keep objectives warded but especially in the mid game pay attention to the goal fury the late game is generally 20 minutes plus and is when full-scale 5v5 team fights are commonplace and fire giant becomes the central focus of both teams learning at this point is definitely done and you should be grouping up with your team to fight as a unit regardless of your role in late game team fights the general job of each role is as follows supports will stay back to keep alive their backliners which is the mid and adc and allow them to do their damage without fear of dying while the solar laners and the junglers are diving the middle adc to try and kill them which is being protected by the support that's basically a very high level overview of team fight structure in conquest for late game [Music] alright so with game faces covered let's get into some final small topics that didn't deserve their own section but did deserve to be in the guide so i've already touched on warding when talking about objectives and i know by wars is something that's drilled into you from the minute you boot up this game but wards truly are crucial to improving your gameplay you can only make the correct decision if you have the information to come to that correct decision and wards provide you that information for a measly 50 gold they're absolutely worth it here's a few good wild spots for objectives and for various roles you can pause the video if you want to get a better look at some of these so invading in smite is far less common now than it used to be but it does still happen and so i think it's worth talking about invading is the process of stealing enemy camps for yourself this is by nature pretty risky as you're venturing deep into enemy territory to secure these but the reward is effectively a camp that's worth double or normal camp since you gain a camp and the enemy loses a camp if you're completely new to conquest i won't recommend invading too much since it can absolutely get you killed when done poorly but when done right it can be a great way to get ahead and starve your opponents of xp gold and jungle buffs rotations and smite are probably the most elusive and hard to define skills since every single rotation you ever make will be slightly different at least with wards i can say place your wards here here and here and you'll probably be fine but with rotations it's very hard to pinpoint when you should rotate and when you shouldn't it's the reason i've delayed a rotations guide so long despite getting a lot of requests but if there's interest in a more in-depth rotations guide i'd be happy to make one whenever i consider a rotation i do a quick check with myself to ask what i'll be losing for rotating and what i could potentially gain from the rotation as well as how successful i will be most likely if i miss a minion wave just to rotate to mid and then take the mid camps and come back to lane that's not worth it a wave is worth more than a mid cam but if you rotate lose a wave and gain a gold fury that rotation was worth it since it's much more valuable than a single minion with it's all about the opportunity cost of what you could have gained versus what you'll lose moving on to ganks so ganking in smite is the process of coming out of the jungle into a lane to an attack an enemy lane opponent and help your teammate in that lane ganking is done the most by the jungler as it's one of their key jobs but ganks can and should be done by all roles as with rotations you have to balance ganking with farming and make sure you don't lose too much for going for a gank and finally communication is key in conquest whether it's a simple vgs command to tell your teammates that your late opponent is missing or a full-on discord call with all four of your teammates however you do it communication will always improve your gameplay since you can act as a unit instead of five people all doing their own thing and dying one by one with good communication you can make clear calls to go in on fights or to do objectives don't be that guy who ignores every call made just to split push his lane no one likes that guy but that's it for the complete conquest guide for season 9. hopefully you enjoyed it and if you did then why not subscribe to the channel i make guides like this all the time for smite and you can catch new ones as they release to get the edge don't forget to drop a like on the video before you leave and i'll catch you guys with another one later on have a great day and peace out your nerds [Music] you
Channel: Inters3ct
Views: 104,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Smite
Id: m57mFPJER7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 01 2022
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