THE Nintendo Room Tour 2019

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welcome to the Nintendo room hey Nintendo fans and collectors lithium here from my channel Nintendo collecting this is the third Nintendo room I have put together version 3.0 if you want to check out my previous room tours there is a card in the top right hand side of the video but essentially I've been working on this for over a year this room in particular and this past week I've put over 50 hours into the room to try and make it really look outstanding I'm really pleased with the result why do I focus on Nintendo so much because of my saying it keeps me smiling while gaming I enjoy the games my friends do my wife does as well and really collecting aspect of it Nintendo's items really tend to maintain value over time and go up so I've been getting the games that I want to play but also games that are collectible I try not to have too many games that are filler in the collection so this room tour what I want to do is go through the things that are new really quickly give you an overview of the entire room and then we'll get to the specifics of all of the items if you have any questions feel free to ask below and I'll try and answer as many as I possibly can also I have a line of collecting tips called collecting tips 101 which is a playlist of 101 videos that I would love for you to check out if you want to get into collecting and I'm thinking about revisiting that series sometime soon because I have more collecting tips coming in the future one of the newest things that I'm really excited to share with you guys this year that my wife and I have been working really hard on this week is all the Mario decals in this space starting with the flooring here I designed these tiles and my friend Luca printed them for me so he spent some time on this floor it looks pretty spectacular and really adds to the appeal of this being a full-fledged Nintendo room next up along with those decals I covered the beam in the basement with my wife as well so just to give you a good shot of this they are everywhere along this beam and it really makes this looks like a 3d comprehensive space so we covered the part that was all the way up here above a lot of the consoles and also all the way down the beam across the basement which is about eight feet this makes the 3d aspect of this really neat I love the corner blocks on this because it looks like you can actually jump up and punch this one but don't do it because you might damage my basement I hope my friends don't hit their head on that at some point also in the space we have other Mario decals up so you'll see some of those along the posts that are here however I also thought it would be neat to cover the ceiling and decorate that so we have some clouds up all over the ceiling throughout the space and not just clouds I thought the best thing to end this with all the decals would probably be to put an angry Sun in the middle of the room also so here we have an angry Sun on my roof in my Nintendo room along with all the other clouds really just making a space feel like one design the lights that are up in the room can look really cool but they can also be a little bit distracting so I will probably shut them off so you can get a better idea of what the lights look like but other things that are new in this space essentially now I have just more room for everything the previous Nintendo rooms have been various sizes the first one was originally only about a hundred and fifty feet then I expanded that so I went up to about 280 square feet and then the next one that I bought at the town house and we were living there and I designed that that was about 285 square feet but this room is bigger it's roughly 28 feet by 14 feet wide it depends on where you're looking at but there's definitely an additional bonus space over there as well so this room is almost 500 square feet especially with the additional closet space that I have and there's room for expansion so in the future if you're wondering this looks really cramped and stuff looks great but it's everywhere I can expand into the room that's behind there which I would like to get to as my second main new item that I'm really proud of and I just want to show this up show this off earlier in the video this is a secret door actually and it's no longer a secret to anyone because now you know what it is and I've talked about it before so I designed to Billy bookcases to cover this space behind this is storage right now storage for a lot of my Nintendo items so on the NES shelf and a Super Nintendo shelf these are pivoting bookcases which I will open for you right now with the really cool sound effect that we added to this shelf as well and I'm not adding this sound effect to the video it is actually here once I open this so I'm just gonna press on the right one we have magnets closing off this right here and that is so cool and wicked so behind there again like I said is a lot of storage and nothing to show off this time around but maybe in the future I'll finish off the space but you can just have a peek in there and see that I have a lot of the storage for all of my duplicates of items and things like that so that I'm gonna save for maybe next year's project because it is daunting to do so much especially when you move into a new house let's just hear that sound bite though one more time that's so cool I'm really happy we did that if you want to check out how I made this secret door I am going to post a how-to video or at least a progress video of that project because I have a lot of project videos that we're going to be posting all in the next little while like the decal project all over the beam in the floor and also that secret door and various items that I want to get to as well another new aspect of the Nintendo room for 2019 I always had room for a I made room basically for a Mario wall which you can see there that is outlined in red then I had space for the Nintendo Legend of Zelda wall so I maintain that it's about the same size as it was before with all the main series games on that we also have space for a Super Smash Brothers area and amiibo area so that's definitely been expanded now the games are there also but what I really like about this is there's more room for seating so I've got the seating space right here with my Nintendo Power magazine collection it's almost complete but I'll get to that in a moment and the last really cool aspect of this is I finally have a Pokemon wall as well so Mario wall Zelda wall polka wall all of them I think those three are Nintendo's biggest franchises I know Mario karts huge and Smash Brothers but these are unique games basically and I love those three series I like Mario and Zelda my wife absolutely loves Pokemon and we just really have fun ball gaming the next thing that I've added this year is this Mario Kart and a little Mario Kirt area I want to call it over here as well this is a working Mario Kart that you can sit on it's called a ride on vehicle I bought this locally it wasn't that expensive it was like $50 I cleaned it up it does work but it does not sit adults very comfortably it's more for kids obviously but I would love to kind of edit this move the seat back and put in a more powerful engine at some point maybe a future project especially if one of my friends can help me out because I'm not great at that stuff but I will learn anything or try anything so I think the best way to do this is just to give you a sewer as if you were walking through this space and to give you an idea of how I designed it and where I put everything and why it is where it is in the Nintendo room before I do that I am just going to shut off the lights so let's just aim this where I'm supposed to at the top of the n64 wall right there there's a little sensor so I'm just gonna turn off the light right there for now then there's another one by the Zelda wall I'm just turning that one off and I will eventually get this on my phone so I can just use my phone to turn on and off the lights the next one is by the Metroid little section up by that top corner hopefully this turns both lights off at once and it did and the last ones by the mario wall just beside my computer desk that's themed for Super Mario Brothers 3 okay so the idea for this space was can I get everything in here obviously make it look as good as possible with most of the boxes for systems facing out while also adding in some additional seating for the Mario thawne where the Nintendo Power magazines were we had stadium seating so I put in a bar seat basically that was sitting a little bit higher up where all my friends or additional friends could sit behind the monstrous couch that we have there so when we were playing through all the main Mario games we could have several people basically in several levels but I thought for everyday use we already have room for six to sit on that couch we really don't need that so what I did instead was put the Nintendo power magazines back in here and we have two nice comfy chairs here that you can sit in as well so that's kind of new to this space it's a little bit bigger and it's really easy to walk around in here there's enough space to move around where I would start the tour personally though is walking down the stairs which is right there so you come down the stairs your first hit with Donkey Kong so I've got the Donkey Kong Country trilogy of posters here the idea was to put up the original Donkey Kong poster of Donkey Kong the first game because that's kind of where this all began for me and this began for Mario in the original Donkey Kong game but that will be up definitely in the future so you can wait for that at some future point in the videos and if you're wondering how I got into gaming essentially I start with the Sega Genesis not the Nintendo back in the early 90s that's what my parents got for me I loved Sonic but I always dreamed of playing those Nintendo games because my best friend had a Super Nintendo at his place and Super Mario World in particular my cousins eventually a few years later had an n64 and when they had the n64 I loved going over there I loved playing through Mario Kart Super Mario 64 Smash Brothers eventually in Goldeneye and I was really jealous so in 1998 with saved up birthday money I was able to buy the Nintendo 64 and then never looked back since so a lot of people asked me how did you get into all this and when did you become a collector and how much money has this cost well it's a really loaded question I kept the majority of the games that I've had since I was a kid and they've grown up into my collection and then I would think when I was about 19 years old and university I really started taking collecting seriously I could find a lot online drive to it locally and buy tons of games basically for really cheap keep what I want sell off what I don't need and build the collection from there while focusing on games that are really wanted to play essentially and then with that came the n64 different color variations and once I started getting some of those like the fantastic series that can kind of see right there the orange the grape the watermelon jungle green ice blue and smoke and that got me addicted into collecting and looking up all the controller variations which was really fun and trying to get all those items one thing that I could basically say is collecting for me is like the most expensive wallpaper that is lining the walls in this room and it really is but we love flying the games one of my best friends comes over almost once a week and we play an entire night of gaming and we're trying to go through and beat a lot of my games which i think is what it's really all about so going back to that ture and why the origin of this is Donkey Kong I thought Donkey Kong really deserved a little section the trilogy of games on the Super Nintendo is absolutely remarkable and one of the best series of all time I'm really happy they remade not remade those but got back into them on the Wii with Doc young Country Returns and tropical freeze on the Wii U which is being ported to the Nintendo switch but let's go through all of the consoles because that's the idea when you walk down the stairs here you first hit the Nintendo Entertainment System and that's the first system that had home cartridges that you could swap out I do eventually want to add two color TV game series and more Game & Watch systems but that'll be in the future I had to really focus at some point so here we have the original Nintendo Entertainment System we also have the NES fourscore and some controllers on the side this is the action set and more recently this year in Pittsburgh when I was visiting a friend there I was able to find this one which comes with Super Mario Brothers and I really wanted the original style packaging with the stars on top that looks like the North American kind of style that matches the NES fourscore and the NES controller box as well so I have that with the system on display the family computer the Famicom I've got there also displayed with the controller's actually always wired in and one of them has a speaker built into it for controller 2 which is a really unique cool idea below that we have some accessories and the family computer that's the mini version and the NES classic edition the mini version as well and then the zapper gun and the NES satellite one notable thing that I am still missing is the top loader for the NES I really want to get it with the box but it's worth now like $300 and if you know about me as a collector I rarely ever spend full price on anything I'm definitely after a deal or making a trade or some sort of swap so I've been holding off on doing or getting that for a long time even though I've been in search of it for a very long time if you have any sort of access to a great deal for it or want to trade for one let me know after the nes of course was the Super Nintendo we have this box Donkey Kong set which is the first box that I got for the Super Nintendo but there are many different variations I'm not going after all the different box variations I'm really just going after the ones that I want and the different variations of the systems themselves then we have this Super Famicom love that box looks really cool love the design and the colors on that and the colors on the controller and the fact that the buttons are more convex than concave some people might appreciate a little bit more or they might actually enjoy it more than the original system released here in North America next up is that classic edition this is the control deck for the Super Nintendo this might be called the Super Nintendo 2 and then we have the Super Famicom mini both the Famicom mini and the Super Nintendo mini edition or classic edition that has Star Fox 2 the only way to really play that at an official release from Nintendo and below that we have the super scope as well as the super Gameboy and a controller box up there as well moving on from there I have some Mario posters just in this corner I really thought I would have a space for like Mario Party or Mario RPG or Mario Kart and it kind of just all came together over here so one of my favorite games of all time is Super Mario Galaxy 2 that is a wonderful poster with Yoshi on it that I just loved adored and it had to get up somewhere in this Nintendo room beside that we do have a super mario RPG poster one of the best games of the system really happy that that had sequels basically with the Paper Mario series that is my personal favorite game of all time and the GameCube version was exceptional as well starting off Mario Kart we got Super Mario Kart then one of my favorite Mario Kart games Mario Kart Double Dash and Mario Kart 8 is probably the best Mario Kart game ever released I personally wish I had a mario kart 64 poster but I haven't been able to get my hands on one of those yet and then below that of course we have the functional Mario Kart that has reverse and forward options and it also has some different sound bites in here as well when you hit the buttons it can make some different noises which is pretty cool it is ridiculous you can honk as well behind the Mario Kart we have a spiny shell that is from EB Games or Game Stop in Canada kind of chasing after the shell which I looks really cool by design next up continuing the controller the console' wall basically and systems and controllers is my favorite system as I said the n64 wall this wall has every North American console color variation that's ever being released there are sixteen main colors there is a 17th or an 18th technically that just has the cover just the cover of where you put in the expansion pack with a slightly different sticker on it really hard to consider that a different variation but I haven't been able to find it yet either so I hope to get it at some point kicking off the n64 down here we have the real original released box this one obviously from North America and behind it but kind of hard to see is the Japanese version right there next up I have the gold version this is the Japanese version but behind that I have the two controller pack from North America and above that we have the start of the Pokemon systems so this is the Pikachu n64 set this is the Toys R Us exclusive I love this console and if you have a friend that loves the n64 or wants to get into it and this is also a fan of Pokemon I would recommend picking this one up if you can find it his foot is the reset button and the pokeball that there is actually the power button and it does have a different footprint than the other systems for the n64 above that let's move on to the Japanese systems for now this is the diet Hawk's this is orange and clear black on the bottom but the black is darker than the smoke box system that was released here in North America this is like a Halloween system it's also a top three favorite system that I have in my collection I was able to pick up that one for $100 I was really lucky in scoured eBay for literal years searching everyday I was pretty obsessive about it and really wanted to get it for a good deal at the same time the Jusco console is a 30th anniversary from Japan and it is also just as rare and I was lucky to get that one also for $100 basically the sellers didn't know what they had when they listed them and I got very fortunate picking that one up so that's the first five systems the sixth and seventh our clear white on the bottom and then clear pink on the top for this one and clear blue on the top for this one this one was also released in Europe but the pink and white one was exclusive to Japan this has a very similar look to the fantastic series it's just the bottom is different and the system where it protects basically like a dust cover where the game goes in is grey whereas on the fantastic series of system it is matching the system itself sticking with the Japanese systems we've got two more of those we have another n64 that looks like a Pikachu but the blue is a slight different variation than the one from North America so this is the Pikachu blue n64 and then the Pikachu orange n64 another remarkably cool system really hard not to put this in my top three favorite systems that I own as well because it just looks so cool and orange is one of my favorite colors I'm half dutch so orange is always a thing in my family loved those systems there's a fourth pokemon system called the pokemon stadium battle set this one was exclusive to PAL regions which included Europe and Australia this one has the same footprint for the system but a yellow controller of this time and we got the counterpart controller that was blue on top yellow on the bottom over there but Europe got yellow on top and then it is blue on the bottom as you can see this system just has some of the favorite characters on the side almost like decals looks like we have Venusaur blast aways Pikachu Meowth Charizard Poliwhirl I want to say and then some decal on the side saying Pokemon really cool set as well like that one the last six systems for the n64 are called the fantastic series fu and fantastic so there they are the most common one is definitely jungle green so I'm gonna start there the jungle green system a lot of people know release with a Donkey Kong 64 set which you can see I do have boxed right behind the jungle green system right there it was probably the most common because it was released first so the color called jungle for that one I think that's the most common one the second most common one probably because it sold so well is called ice and that's right here love that color as well but my box is a little beat-up for that one I would love to get one that's a little bit better with not tape all over it like that next up in terms of how common these systems are found is really a toss-up it's probably between the orange that would be next and that one's called fire actually some not just orange and then grape purple I think those are both probably just as common as one another the fifth one in terms of rarity in my opinion would be smoke I wouldn't imagine that this system sold as well as the other systems that had colors but I thought that's a really cool system I love it elegant black just it works basically and then the rarest one I would consider to be from the fantastic series is this one here called watermelon it was the last one that I got boxed it's really hard to find essentially that's complete again the box is not in great shape but I'm really happy to have that in my collection if I were to rank these 16 variations the rarest ones would definitely be the die Hawks and the Jesco I think those ones are insanely rare and then in terms of expensive though probably the gold North American two controller set is extremely expensive behind this one as is the Donkey Kong set but in terms of rarity of these systems it's hard to say after the top two with Jesco and the die Hawks after that I might say that the watermelon red is really hard to find as well the gold is pretty common in Japan so you can probably pick up that box and I must mention that there is a few other boxes that I might not have talked about behind this system right here it's hard to see but you can see that in Japan we also got this system that was released and it was just called midnight blue I believe behind the smoke block system you have clear black or clear smoke which is released in Japan - it's behind this but it's really hard to see so in Japan they didn't get all the fantastic series they did get those too though midnight blue and clear black otherwise known as smoke along with the n64 we have a host of different controllers so I love collecting controllers I had the fantastic series of controllers factory-sealed up here as while with the lights on I'm gonna see if it's better with the lights on or the lights off for this one probably with the lights on just because it looks cool with it glowing through these so those six that are a set we have the fire orange watermelon red the grape purple ice blue jungle green smoke black and there was a seventh exclusive to Toys R Us which is that gold controller it's really hard to find these factory sealed all of them I got four I think less than $100 except for the watermelon red one one of them I got for free with the great purple set which I didn't even know it just said an extra controller so that was wicked when that came in the mail years ago and now a lot of those go for a lot more money some of mine are dented and beat-up it's really hard to keep those plastic packaging really good condition sticking with controllers for now there's also the n64 series in North America that had come boxed these are the solid six colors so we just have gray black red yellow green and blue and then there were two additional ones that released a kind of as part of that set which we have extreme green and the atomic purple extreme green that box controller has gone up a lot in value recently there's also a different siding to these so these ones have certain characters on the side but there is a different one that has Banjo and Kazooie on it as well and some other characters I think NBA characters are on it so you have to just check the side of the boxes if you're into that sort of thing but I'm not collecting all those different box variations really alongside those we have the four fantastic colors that were released in Australia Australia did not get watermelon red or the smoked black they got jungle green fire orange great purple and ice blue and this is the complete set of those for Europe got a controller in the box that was the blue and clear right there that the rest of the world did not get in that terms of box style Japan did get it boxed though again sticking with controllers we have from Japan the set of six full color controllers that matches the North American releases that we have over there and we also have an addition to that the two Pokemon controllers the blue and the orange that matched the blue and orange systems that you see right here and then the clear pink and white and clear blue and white that I mentioned that matched these two systems right here on this side we have the rarer controllers that are boxed from Japan the rarest that I probably have is this one that is black and gray it's a mix of both this one was also released with Mario Kart that you can see on the side over here it was not released anywhere else in the world except for Japan in that way but a lot of people make them themselves they just get a black controller and a grey controller take the top off and put them together so you really do have to be careful about fakes in terms of collecting anything nowadays next up we have the atomic purple controller that's the same as North America the die Hawks boxed controller the midnight blue clear black I think this one is and then we have two gold controllers as well they're the exact same just different packaging and that last one is a box Jesco controller that I was holding on to essentially the trade I made to get that was I had a mint box topper of the Jesco system it was the one I bought for $100 these systems have no bottom the bottom is the styrofoam for the box it's just the topper on it and another collector just said I really would like to do a swap with you because yours is in better condition but I will give you the Jesco controller to just make it a better incentive but no cash in the trade I thought it was worth it because finding that controller was really difficult so my own might the box I have is maybe 8 out of 10 the other one I had was 10 out of 10 but totally worth it other controllers for the n64 I have on display down here these ones are the North American set of the 5 colors the gray ones not there because it's there with the system right above there so I thought I'd have them just because they're not displayed with the systems and then some really rare and 64 controllers that I absolutely love on the Left we have the Nintendo Power 100th issue gold controller only available from Nintendo Power magazine probably my favorite item in my entire collection the millennium 2000 controller there's only 1000 of these made it has black button and it's got a black housing to the controller joystick which is a little bit different than the other ones the bottom of the controller is black the top is silver such a cool item really difficult to fake and never came with the box but just be really careful when you're out there collecting of course the price of those has gone way up over time another really cool item from the n64 is this DK 64 controller it has banana tips on the bottom of the controller as part of the handles what a cool idea for that system and for that controller and then there is the e3 n64 controller a really big heads up to anyone who thinks they have a real one of these I know that mine is fake I don't know how many of these are actually in existence but anyone can fake these really easily the back of them is black the front is gold it just takes one decal with the right size and then you can make your own III controller and a lot of people have been buying them and selling them and trading them there is no way to authenticate one of these unless you send it to someone that you absolutely know who has a real one which is Finn gamer in Europe so Finn gamer is a collector I sent mine to him years ago when one person was selling seven or eight of these and I knew he had to be selling the fake ones so really be careful collectors because like I said there's a lot of things out there now and a lot of people might think they have a real one but there's no way telling anymore next up we have the extreme green controller love that console color then we have the Jeffrey controller kind of hard to see so let me just pull this out a little bit it has the giraffe from Toys R Us on it as a little decal the mariokart controller that I talked about previously and the last one that I really want to talk about is this one is the hello Mac controller I do not have this one in the box yet I really need to pick that up at some point I've had my eye on that box for a long time but it's selling for thousands of dollars and there's no way I'm spending that much money on a controller the most I've ever spent on anything by the way is buying the Nintendo switch other than that I've never spent that much money on anything next up are some large net controllers and various control areas like the Hori mini pad that you see here that's wonderful for gaming and then six of the different accessories that are boxed from Japan are here as well move on to the accessories for the n64 we have my box collection here mostly from North America we also have one from Europe in the PAL regions and this just really goes through everything so we have the rumble pack the transfer pack first I should say then the rumble pack the memory card the expansion pack cleaner kit for the n64 and then the RF cables and things like that I also have them factory sealed up here the set of five of them also kind of hard to find some of them are in absolute mint condition and some of them are a little rough around the edges as you can see here because the plastic bends and kind of breaks at the top of the n64 wall I have stickers or decals that I designed myself for this space and I want to talk about those more towards the end of the video but if you have a question about them feel free to ask below following the n64 of course we have the release of the Nintendo GameCube the GameCube has a lot of different color variations and I do not have all of them yet but let's go through the systems of what I do have I have the indigo blue system here as well as one that's from Pokemon Colosseum it has a different jewel or face plate that you can see on the system then there is the black system or jet black sometimes it's called it's just called jet I believe for this system color and on the side there I have a Metroid Prime different system as well that had a different face plate below that we have platinum and then one of my favorites again of course spiced orange looking really cool star light gold which looks remarkably similar to platinum but it is unique it's exclusive to Japan kicking back to North America we have the Pokemon xD gey love darkness super pack with this system that again has a different faceplate and then from Europe we have the Hanshin Tigers set from 2003 that I have not unboxed yet I have to get that out of the box and make another video for on the Left we have a Mario Party 7 bonus set this one's not a different variation in terms of system I just thought it was a really cool pack that I picked up locally and was really happy to get my hands on and another one of my favorite systems this one I would say is in my top 10 this is the Nintendo GameCube chars customized box this is from Gundam series which looks really cool it's like a red GameCube but almost like salmon colored the last system that I have not unboxed yet is the donkey konga set that one I kind of want to hold on to for the next video or one of the video is coming up soon because it's a wicked set I love donkey kong variations and things like that let's go to controllers next for the n64 and I want to start by seeing or talking about the coolest controller for the n64 is definitely this keyboard controller right here this keyboard controller has two plugins one is for the controller itself to work normally and the other one is for the keyboard to play on games like Phantasy Star Online which is being released on the switch so this controller has full functionality it's actually pretty comfortable because the controller is so far apart in terms of where you hold on to this so I really enjoy playing on this actually while playing like super smash brothers melee or double dash it's actually pretty comfortable it is a little bit strange to use but I have a really good time with that behind that we have some lodge net controllers which are from hotel branches just like the n64 ones that I have so I thought I might just get that in my collection sticking with controllers let's go to the weave birds because those are so cool the wavebird had the grey release the platinum release and then it also had two more one of them was for the chars gamecube now this is probably amongst the rarest items in my collection as well this one has a box for it so I'll just move you up to that box up here this variation I think there's only 1000 of these and it's really neat two different shades of red I want to call it this one is extremely expensive and I don't remember exactly how much I paid for this years ago when I got it wicked game bird game bird great name wicked wave bird really like having that in my collection and the last wave bird that I have that I think is all four of them is the one from Club Nintendo which you see here that controller it looks like this there is a matching one of these that is not wavebird that i do not have in my collection yet that i really want to pick up at some point so those are the four wave bird controllers other controllers let's go through the cool ones I guess first we have the Mario Luigi and Wario controller from Japan these are from Club Nintendo I bought these for roughly $100 each but the Wario controller is definitely the rarest and the most expensive of those three love the boxes that these come with these on the side have like genes that the character wears basically and it matches the genes that they would be wearing this one has green details as opposed to someone else like Wario Wario side of the box has purple because he wears purple jeans and Mario's is just a different shade of blue compared to Luigi's really cool controllers that look very similar to controllers being released for the Wii U and for the switch that are made by PDP but these are the originals and they're actually official Nintendo so they work really well other cool themed controllers are the Super Smash Brothers controllers that you see here you'll also see the boxes for these on the smash brothers wall that I have later on in the video so here we have three of them we have the one on the left is from I think Super Smash Brothers Wii U as is the one in the middle the one on the right is for the Smash Brothers game on the Nintendo switch called ultimate moving on from those controllers we have the more boring ones I guess let's get to so we have the blue controller that also comes as a factory-sealed one that you can see right back there this one's indigo of course the same thing came out as spice so we did get that spice controller here in North America as the factory sealed version but not the system then there is the jet-black controller that you see it back there the actual controller itself I am using with the system right now below that we have the platinum factory sealed as well as the one that is opened this controller was custom made for me so this one is not an official release but it looks really really cool this one is my controller chaos it has my name on it with Nintendo collecting and everything and I love that controller that one's really neat with the longer cord too which is wicked then we have the white controller exclusive to Japan this one has an extremely long cord which is great and you can find that one sometimes still in eBay for a reasonable price I would really recommend that one especially for the longer controller cord the Starlite gold has its own controller and the emerald green looks really neat and has a box for it as well the chars Gundam has a normal controller and the wavebird as I discussed and moving over here we have the indigo blue and clear controller as well as this one which is fully clear which I didn't know about for the longest time that one's mostly available I think in Japan as a part of a certain set basically enjoy plus set I think it was called so that's most of the controllers I have for the Nintendo GameCube but there are boxes for them as well I mentioned that you have the chars customized wavebird and the other wavebird from club nintendo this is the same mario controller that came out over here from japan and club nintendo but this one came out in europe I don't think the other two came out and then these are controllers from the PAL regions basically a spiced orange one and a blue one and then over here we have one of the wave birds from Japan and the Japanese set of box controllers spiced Orange emerald green jet black platinum indigo blue blue and clear and then white this is the one with the longer controller cable that came out a little bit more recently after that we have the accessories and part of the accessories of course are the different variations of colors for the Gameboy player I have five of them in terms of colors so we have the one from the chars customized GameCube indigo blue spice orange platinum and the jet black so I have five of them and I also have the boxes for a lot of them behind the systems like you see here there's one behind there for the blue one but it's hard to see one behind there for the jet black and one for the platinum other accessories for the Nintendo GameCube I have some factory sealed ones down here at the bottom these are the factory sealed set basically that I have from North America as well as some other items which includes the Gameboy player a memory card then the modem for phantasy star online the modulator and another memory card and then a little snack here that got you got candy and it made Mario Kart sounds but it doesn't work anymore and then two more boxes for items from Japan we have a memory card and the modem again I want to get more of these basically it would be awesome to play Mario Kart 16 players on eight game cubes daisy-chained together so that would be really neat after the Gamecube of course comes the Nintendo Wii this was a shift in Nintendo's gaming basically this one really went back to trying to capture the casual gamer whereas the game he was more niche a lot of the games on the Gamecube were really unique like sunshine was quite different wind waker was cel-shaded and it was different Donkey Kong was with bongo drums and a lot of the games like Double Dash had some unique twists of them like driving with two people in one car the we went back to its roots basically and tried to appeal to everyone with its motion controls I really love playing on the Wii I stuck a ton of hours into this system and because it sold over 100 million copies of the system collecting for it right now is really inexpensive you can find great games at a cheap price and have some great time when gaming the first system that was released was this original set I waited outside in line overnight to get the we didn't get it once or twice and then finally lucked out at Zellers of all places which doesn't really exist in Canada anymore and got one of the launch cloaks to launch versions in the first month of release back in 2007 I believe next released was the black system this one comes with Wii Sports Resort and Reese ports but there are many other variations of that one and then the red one the 25th anniversary of Mario this comes with new Super Mario Bros Wii and Wii Sports it looks really cool I love that system the last one here is the blue one this one does not have GameCube functionality and it was listed at a cheaper price point and then eventually they came out with the Wii mini down here the womenís not displayed because I am using it beside my system so that's it for the Wii after the NES really only had three variations or maybe four you could say with the NES the family calm and the top-loaders but then the Super Nintendo had the same thing really only like four variations the n64 exploded into 16 or 17 variations the GameCube has in itself 13 or 14 variations depending on if you count what and if you count certain model kits that Nintendo sent out for people to develop with and then the we only really had five so we went way back down to basics basically and diff very different color scheme by the way the n64 had a lot of see-through colors the Gamecube had a lot of pastel colors I want to call them maybe not pastel but like vibrant colors like emerald and spice orange are kind of along the same vein as what I'm going for that we had more pastel colors with this blue I want to say in terms of accessories we have the certain controllers these are the classic controller pros I have four of them that are official releases there might be a blue one but I don't know if it's official release so we have the white the black the red and of course the gold from Club Nintendo other controllers that you can get are the Wii wheels which your remote goes into so I have the black and the white versions there but I don't have any of the other variations from Club Nintendo like there's a Mario one a peach one in the Luigi one I want to get eventually then we have the classic controller that did not have extra handles on it that was released so that was the first one I got I really miss the Wii Shop Channel by the way great music really gets you wanting to spend and then the last classic controller with handles is this one for samurai warriors 3 which came in a big box exclusive to Japan which makes this one of the rarer controllers to collect on the Wii the box for that game is down here it's called a treasure box I'm pretty sure that as samurai warriors 3 by the way I don't read Japanese other things that we have along here is we have some of the boxed controllers here but I don't actually have a box controller for the white one I do have one that is factory sealed still in the box technically but I don't have one in the box with like the Wii MotionPlus added in speaking of which me MotionPlus there's we mention plush we most emotion Plus which is one of the variations and then the pink one down there which does not have a pink system but you'll see that controller in a minute with the Wii U collection on the side we have Link's crossbow training love that game I actually had world record that game probably about a decade ago and I really like playing that even though it is quite simplistic it's really inexpensive I recommend you pick it up if you're a fan of Twilight Princess especially then from Club Nintendo we have the gold nunchuck which you see on the side over there with the blue system and then the four factory-sealed accessories starting with the Wii Remote the nunchuck the pro controller or classic controller I want to call it not the pro controller and then the USB connector which will no longer work but I have one anyways because that is hilarious moving on after the Wii and intend to decide to market this in a very strange way and I think they know they made a mistake with the naming convention of the Wii U as a little bit of background I used to work at EB Games which is Game Stop in Canada I only worked there for six to eight months while I was there I can recall people being confused about a lot of things then eventually when I went into the store as well later on I remember hearing people this is not when I was working anymore well I remember hearing people go can I get them accessory that add on that tablet for the Wii because they didn't know it was his own unique system really poor marketing campaign because of that the Wii you did not sell very well after the Wii selling 100 million systems they followed that up with like 13 million systems or so sold for the Wii U which is their worst selling home console if you don't count the Virtual Boy and I don't in this case of course the Wii U though let's go with the systems first up was the basic set this is the white set it was only 8 gigabytes which was pretty pathetic I'm trying to store your games on this you had to get some sort of your own memory to store the system and the store games rather on the system but they also at the same time had the deluxe set that's the one that I got at launch this came with Nintendo land which is a whole lot of fun with friends by the way each system came with a matching gamepad so you have the black one and the white one and then they came up with the third Wii U which is the legend of zelda windwaker edition this thing is awesome I love this system but the system itself is just black so I don't have it on display I'm using it because it's the exact same as this one but the tablet has Zelda decals all over it almost face reveal at 100,000 subscribers by the way and we're really close to getting that number so hey if you liked the video give it a thumbs up and give it a like there is the Zelda gamepad for the Wii U which I love moving on to controllers we have a really cool Triforce edition this one came with Skyward Sword so it came with this box that's right there and no other way can I get that controller so I just have it on display right here with the Zelda items and the Wii Remote collection which looks really cool with these stands the stands I'm using here are from rose-colored gaming they recently updated the stands on their sites they might be changing some of these but I have the complete collection of Wii remotes so as well as the Zelda one that you see here we also have red which I do not have the box for I'm not sure if North America ever had a box for that Japan did but in North America it was just released with the version of 25th anniversary Mario and with the Wii mini but like I said I don't think it has its own box over here but the red Nunchuk Chuck did then the black controller the blue the white the pink Mario Luigi peach Bowser toad and Yoshi those are ridiculously cool Wii remotes which I would highly recommend you get these if you're into collecting and gaming on the Wii they look really cool and they're great for playing certain games like Smash Brothers you get your own unique character unless you're using GameCube controllers anyways above that are the PDP controllers these ones are honestly not the best for gaming but they are the best on the Wii U on the Wii and the Wii U generally speaking in terms of third-party support and character design themes so while I don't love gaming with them they are in each item and pretty cool and there's another one that is the Legend of Zelda that's down here so I think I have the full set of those other accessories for the Wii U include the pro controller so you see the white pro controller back there and the black Wii U pro controller I have some of the other ones in the box here the white one is actually insanely hard to find and quite expensive at this point next up we have the nunchucks black and white and we also have the Super Smash Brothers GameCube controller adapter which was a very hot niche expensive item for a while I have a we use stereo set and a increased battery this one I would ridiculously recommend this is twenty five thousand two thousand five hundred and fifty milliamp store something like that I think it's called so this increases your battery life from like three hours on the Wii U gamepad to like seven hours so I would really recommend getting that you can install it yourself it's very easy and that one was from Japan and I also have the Wii Fit meter so I think that ends the Wii U shelf after that I have my handheld systems and then beside that I have my handheld slash home console like the switch and the virtual Gameboy which I'll get to in a second but I do want to go through now let's stick with the home console ish stuff so let's go to the switch next because I think that makes a lot of sense this switch has a lot of variations out actually more than the Wii and the Wii U I think I have the original system but there's also a Smash Brothers edition Diablo addition there is a pokemon edition I think there's a Mickey Mouse Edition in Europe and then there's the switch light which just came out this week on Friday I don't have that any of those yet because they're so expensive I was going to get a switch light but I decided against it actually just because I thought it would cost too much money to get into collecting all those right now at like two to four hundred dollars each where I live that's a lot of money so I've been enjoying the one system playing it a ton it also has many different controller variations so we have the Smash Brothers controller we have the split soon to controller there's also a xenoblade chronicles controller which I have not been able to get my hands on so I would love to trade to get that one then the original pro controller the GameCube controller which I showed off earlier as part of the GameCube collection and there is a host of different joy con colors I do have the red the neon red sorry the neon blue the neon yellow and the neon green which I got is a Mario Party pack in here is the GameCube controller adapter for the switch which is different than the one on the Wii U the top of this one says Nintendo but the top of the Wii U one simply says I think wii u on it not so you can tell the difference next system which I should talk about I guess is well let's see labo is here as well because Nintendo labo is pretty cool build these with kids it's a great time I only have the toy con kit variety kit the first one but there are other ones for the Nintendo switch and hey breath of the wild is fantastic but I'm going to talk about that as part of the Zelda ball the Virtual Boy I have hidden away down here it gives me a headache it's really hard to play this system and I actually only have the box for it I do need to get the system at some point for that really soon so that's a lot of home consoles but I have a lot of consoles that are handheld below the Zelda wall which is the next thing I'll talk about I have the handheld systems I was trying to hold off on collecting handheld systems until I eventually got done or I was finished with a lot of the home console stuff but I eventually did pick up a lot of these handheld systems and let's just go in order first starting with the Game & Watch which I'm just fixing right now I have a Donkey Kong 2 game and watch this one's original it does not work very well anymore and I don't have the box for it but then I got from Club Nintendo the game and watch ball following that was the original Gameboy my best friend Jordan got this for me thank you so much Jordan wicked system it's really hard to play on now in 2019 but it's pretty cool then there was the Game Boy Color really want to thank Kevin and his brothers for helping me get that boxed system which is cool and then we had the Game Boy Advance probably the best handheld system before the 3ds in my opinion then the Nintendo DS and the Nintendo 3ds of course and now we have the switch which is essentially a new handheld system with the switch lights I have a lot of different variations of systems here not all of them and not even close I would love to get into collecting all the different variations but just to go through some of them I have the Pokemon systems released for Pokemon X&Y there's a red one and a blue one there are four Nintendo DS systems that were exclusive to Japan they might have been released in Europe actually but I'm not sure if they got all four of them these are really cool see-through systems that remind me of the n64 and of course the Game Boy Advance era the Game Boy Color they look really neat love that system and there is a Pokemon mini here as well someone sent me that thank you so much if you did send it to me and by the way if you're a patron I really want to thank you at this time for supporting me if you want to be a patron and support me making the videos and the different projects and everything like that you can check out the link below the video if you want to do that that's wicked next up we have Super Smash Bros the system that's the red edition there's also blue one which I don't have another one of my favorite systems this one is the Metroid one it has a honeycomb effect and then we have a new Super Mario Bros 2 system as well down here we have a DSi or DSi XL I should say that is the DSi the blue one and then a Game Boy Advance spice orange which I can connect to the Gamecube which is really cool that you can use that as a second screen and then a die Hawks limited edition Game Boy Color here we have some of my items that are just various boxes the other box from Kevin and his brothers then the Gameboy micro I have one that is factory sealed I don't have one that's opened yet so I've never actually played it but the screen is remarkably small and that did cost a lot of money in Canadian here are three Gameboy Advance SP s the coolest one I have probably is this IQ limited edition I got from a swap meet recently this is an Ag s 101 system with a backlit screen and IQ was unique to Japan basically so this one is a pretty rare system I think and there's also an IQ with the Gamecube that I don't have yet and the last thing here is a DS XL model but I don't have the system for that quite yet over here we have some different accessories we have a rechargeable battery pack for the Game Boy original Gameboy set that you can travel pack I guess the e-reader that I have factory sealed and one opened as well from my friend mark and then the Nintendo Wi-Fi USB connector for the Nintendo DS which essentially concludes most of the handheld systems except I stay with my transitioning statement to my Zelda wall now the Zelda wall is something I've had for a long time it features all the main Zelda games basically in order of release and also all of the remakes so here you are seeing the original Legend of Zelda The Adventure of Link a Link to the Past Link's Awakening then we have Ocarina of Time Majora's Mask from the n64 the collector's editions of course Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons from the Game Boy Color Wind Waker the Minish Cap Twilight Princess Phantom Hourglass Skyward Sword Spirit Tracks a link between worlds and breath of the wild I believe I put these in chronological order of release but there are also some remakes that I have like the new Link's Awakening this is the dreamer Edition which I have unboxed on this channel if you want to check it out be sure to do so and a lot of the other different cool releases someone sent me the master quest which is not an official release but it's cool to play this on the n64 itself the different variations of cartridges on the n64 from the gold to the not gold and also the holographic special edition from Joris mask or the non original gold Syst controller gold controller gold cartridge for that game as well and then other remakes we have down here our Wind Waker and Twilight Princess Link's crossbow training again one of my favorites a steelbook for Skyward Sword and Skyward Sword itself I just have displayed right there out of the big box but then there are a lot of other remakes that I basically have up here above the zelda wall so like to tear almost three tier zelda wall we have the remakes on the gameboy advance of zelda one and two the collector's edition from the GameCube that has four games as Zelda 1 Zelda - Majora's Mask and also Ocarina of Time on it a Link to the Past with four swords which is pretty cool Link's Awakening DX the original remake of that game from 1998 then Ocarina of Time 3d and Majora's Mask 3d with a Skull Kid figure two versions of the Master Quest Edition that was released one of them just with the two games but one with Wind Waker and the two game bonus that one's a pretty rare thing to collect there's also one that comes with Wind Waker and Metroid Prime but all the ones I find on eBay are fake they're just the duplicate or two box two disc box where someone prints their own cover and puts it into it which pretty easy to do but I would love to find an original one day then on the WiiU I have the remake of Wind Waker as well with the Ganondorf figure four sword adventures which is not a remake but I don't really think that's the main Zelda game but maybe it is maybe it belongs on the row below Twilight Princess on the Gamecube Twilight Princess with the figure of wolf link and Midna from the Wii U Hyrule warriors and Hyrule warriors legends from the 3ds and Wii U and then Triforce Heroes same thing could probably be below with the main Zelda games breath of the wild they act released on the Wii U probably the best game on the Wii U system and Link's Awakening on the Nintendo switch in the middle of the zelda wall I've got a Hylian Shield with a Master Sword this is actually a backpack and a sword combo which I've displayed to look like an official shield which looks pretty neat I don't want a real sword in my collection but I have this which looks really cool I also have a Wind Waker poster here my personal favorite Zelda game in terms of nostalgia even though ocarina of time breath the wild are probably in my top three and may be number one depending on the day it is one of the best handheld Zelda games I would say this is the link between worlds poster where it's mirrored on the top and the bottom and I also have up a breath of the wild poster over here and an Ocarina of Time poster here as well what a fight between Ganondorf and Link in that game if you're wondering what's behind door number one here it is a bathroom and the door handle I had to break off because he locked the door and no one was in it but that room is going to be themed for next year's room tour right now it has up ugly wallpaper definitely not ready to show you that space this year other Zelda items that I have here of course are the handheld systems so we have a few of the handheld Zelda systems but I'm also missing a few this is the one for Ocarina of Time 3d s then I'll link between worlds the Majora's Mask Edition and the DS version of Ocarina of Time and we also have one of my favorite systems ever this is my top 3 I got this this year this is the a link between worlds Hylian Shield Edition it looks really cool love that council I also have a Zelda clock it's a Triforce clock and this is a lithium dice roller that my friend Andrew made for me or got for me anyways with my name lithium on it thank you so much Ana Zelda themed Linc case I made these coasters which are medallions from various Zelda games including ocarina of time as those six and winwaker for these three and I really think that's most of the Zelda collection except for on the one side of it I put the Wii U and kind of matched with that on the other side of it I put breath of the wild which I've been holding on to which is kind of part of the switch wall breath of the wild gets its own display area this game blew a lot of people away myself included one of the best games I've ever played all-time I can't believe they went open more of the world with Zelda and hit it out of the park the way they did I can't wait for the sequel it's a fantastic game this is the most expensive version of a game I have ever bought the master edition of the game which comes with this really cool statue with the Master Sword it also comes the sound selection a I think coin came with it the display here that is the carrying case and the shield I got separate lease the shield unfortunately did not come with it the last thing this set did come with is the map that you can see back there and then this is a guide I believe from Dark Horse this is creating a champion limited edition set this is actually Jordans but it's not mine but he wanted to splay it in my collection and it comes with a spirit orb which is pretty cool now that we're done the Zelda wall I just want to take back take a step back and take a breath while we're well into this room tour to give you an idea of the space here essentially because I have so much space I want to have a seating area for reading in Tendo magazines or playing games handheld games you could just comfortably sit in so I have two of these tub chairs I want to call them one of them has a Smash Brothers edition guide on it that I was reading just the other day actually just looking through trying to get better at some of the characters and I also have in the middle of them a shelf that displayed with another decal for a warp pipe which looks pretty cool let me just give you a better shot of that it kind of looks like you can escape into this area for somewhere else which I really like behind that though we have some reading materials we have the Legend of Zelda box collection of Prima gain knob basically these are high-quality guides and the one that you can't see that is in brown is for Triforce heroes there I really hope they keep making these this box set I do have a duplicate of and the price has gone up over time above that I have my Club Nintendo collection as well as my Zelda manga sat or manga set manga set that I got from Jordan and where Nintendo started just to note really importantly they started by making a lot of cards and games so this is an original set of cards from Nintendo way back when in the day they don't really have a year on them but this set of cards is still factory sealed so let me just show you this for a moment because it's really cool to have this from Nintendo so they're still sealed they look really neat I have a second deck that is not sealed that's right there that I have opened up before and like I said Nintendo started with cards and then eventually went into video games so I just love how in Tendo has a lot of history and a lot that I still have to get to with the color TV game series and stuff like that really like the statues from club Nintendo I personally missed in Club Nintendo you can comment below if you could miss Club Nintendo 2 because I really do above here we have two guides one for the Legend of Zelda it's the Hyrule historia which looks really neat and love that guide and then the official Super Mario Bros guide for the 30 years of Mario a small Mario encyclopedia a small Zelda encyclopedia and also a piranha plant lamp which yes it does work it has three different settings of how bright it can turn which is really cool I'm gonna leave it on the least like bright setting next up we've got my Nintendo Power magazine collection what a cool thing to sit down and read I never had these growing up but my best friend growing up Mike he had these and his brother had them a lot of these issues are from him this is not quite a full set of Nintendo Power magazines I think I'm down to missing eight issues from a complete set it's been really cool to collect them locally but I'm almost at the point where I'm using eBay to get some of them because it's really hard to find them and hopefully I can get all of them above that I have a lot of the guides most of the gods I have on the top row are officially from Nintendo power if I they aren't been intend to power I'm trying to eventually replace them and only get Nintendo Power guides so some of these that I absolutely loved using of course of the Zelda guides the Paper Mario guides I did use those growing up and then I used some of the other ones that I recently got with Conker's Bad Fur Day right there and the original Donkey Kong games comment below though what are your thoughts on using a game guide do you like playing through the games blind are you a completionist trying to collect 100% and have you ever read Nintendo Power magazines they come with really cold posters and I love reading through that set following that we're going to look at the Super Smash Brothers area but just before that I've got a Super Metroid section just to shout out right here because Metroid definitely needs some love in my Nintendo room and over here we have a little area for Star Fox because Star Fox is also one of my favorite series so I've got a few posters up there which I can talk about a little bit more maybe towards the end of the video but Smash Brothers up here with all of the amiibo this poster is not updated fully so it does not have Banjo and Kazooie on it for example but it does have most of the characters so above here I've got a really cool poster from Nintendo force magazine it's a little hard to get it in the shot without the glare but they're all fighting over the Smash Ball in the middle there there we go so that is a really cool poster that I absolutely adore below that we got a Super Smash Brothers champion belts that I got from EB Games or Game Stop and then the six games from Super Smash Brothers in order looking really cool on this wall and over here we have some of the more limited edition stuff from Super Smash Brothers like those controllers I talked about for the Gamecube the one set for ultimate a steelbook for the Wii U game a soundtrack and the steelbook for the ultimate game over here we also have my amiibo collection this is an entire collection of amiibo figures for North America they're not all quite boxed yet as you can see what a collection the price went up to like or $22 where I'm from it's a lot the newest ones that I have of course are linked from Link's Awakening which you can see there I also got Isabel so Isabel let me just spot I have unboxed four super smash brothers right there and then we have snake which is new to this game which I have right there and new to the amiibo series anyways and there's a few others that came up really recently like Ivysaur and squirtle that I have up over there more to come of course and other ones they have to unbox but part of the series the top two shelves are Super Smash Brothers and that's now spilling a little bit over onto the shelf then we have other game series with amiibo like we've got Diablo Megaman shovel knight chibi Robo Pikmin and Metroid then The Legend of Zelda amiibo collection there is quite a bit of those especially a lot of the different link variations and for some reason I have a Zelda all the way over there on her own but she really should be beside link I think from the Wind Waker so let's just move these down a bit and maybe put them side by side and look a little weird separating all the different links but at least they're together again below that I have Fire Emblem amiibo the Super Mario collection of amiibo love the ones from Super Mario Odyssey by the way Kirby's got his own set of four which look neat the game and watching me bow from Super Smash but there's just the different variations that I've got right there and then splatoon has a lot of different ones even the ones that are down here that I haven't unboxed yet there's the 3-pack and there's also pearl and marina which everyone says don't unbox because it's so expensive and then lastly we have the Animal Crossing amiibo collection here which got a little bit redundant for me and the prices really really dropped after that we have detective Pikachu back there we also have the Yoshi's woolly yarn set with the mega yarn Yoshi that I had kept sealed for some reason we have the Solaire amiibo that I have not unboxed yet which I do need to get to and then the various ones from Skylanders including the dark editions which are harder to see down here and the original releases which I am trying to get unboxed at some point along this wall I decided to put some other posters of games that I love like megaman x banjo - banjo kazooie f-zero and Secret of Mana my mind is still blown that's banjo kazooie made it into Smash Brothers on the side over here kind of finishing off this whole area of figurines we have Mario up top with Donkey Kong Collection love King K rool there but he is coming to Smash Brothers anyways and I love the amiibo of them then Metroid Kid Icarus and we have some other characters from those series of diddy kong racing earthbound Fire Emblem and Kirby The Legend of Zelda and then Ash Ketchum and all the Pokemon with Pikmin and we also have Megaman looking like a really cool set love that lamp for trick paint chomp he looks really cool and I have some Mario Kart little guys right over here as well next up we have the area for gaming so I've got three TVs here an HDTV another CRT TV because I've got one on my desk over there and an HDTV is right here underneath those three TVs for gaming I have all of the home consoles essentially set up so I have over here the Nintendo Entertainment System with space above where the classic editions or the mini versions of the NES in the Super Nintendo because I eventually want to replace that with the color TV game then the Super Nintendo and the n64 the GameCube and Wii the Wii mini that I mentioned and then the Wii U and the Nintendo switch along with various other controllers that I can use whenever I'm gaming especially with friends I attach these to the CRT TV on a switch so the switches here I've got the NES Super Nintendo n64 and Gamecube on these switches basically to make it really easy to change between games I also have in this space a couch a giant couch that seats at least six people we can cram and more if we want what's great about this couch is that all the seats do come apart individually so we can put them back together or move them apart as need be and the last piece in this section of the room is this NES controller coffee table this I designed and created it's one of those that does lift up which is really neat and after it lifts up I have a lot of extra storage in here for cords controllers a wireless keyboard the super scope whatever I need can kind of be in here and the other great part about this is underneath there's even more storage for the remotes and stuff like that as part of this whole little area we have a few other items that I have made like this wee remote table that looks really cool over here underneath that we have all of my board games for Nintendo just kind of jammed into this space and over on the side we have my n64 and GameCube controllers not controllers but tables that I designed for the space as well I eventually want to have a table for every single system NES check we've got the n64 in the Gamecube we also have the Wii Remote over there but that means I'm missing the Super Nintendo and the Wii U if I can think of something to do with those in the future next up is the Mario Wall I personally think Mario is my favorite gaming series I love the fact that I can play a lot of these games individually but I can also play some of the multiplayer whereas Zelda's kind of lacking in that regard for a lot of the games so Mario knew this year I have the Super Mario Odyssey poster let me just get a good shot of that by turning off this light because I did kind of alter this design and changed it a little bit so that would fit in this space the poster that I had there in the past was the Mario's history poster going through all of the games but I think the poster stops in 2009 so I wanted a poster that was 20 inches by 30 inches that fit in this poster design so I got the poster that looks like this I took the file of it and then I cropped it down so it fit into this size right there and it looks really good on the mario wall next we have the Super Mario Brothers 3 kind of anchoring the space along with all of the mario blocks that i mentioned and then the Super Mario poster from Club Nintendo here lining around that space of course we have the main series of Mario games so what I'm going to do for this is turn back on the light and then go through all the games got here by the way really cool Mario lamp that I'll get to in a moment so along the mario wall main series Mario games Mario won Mario two and three all on the NES then Mario all-stars Mario World and Yoshi's Island which is super mario world 2 you can't play as Mario you play as Yoshi but really cool game both of these I have as for display only but the left one Super Mario World the box of that non display are for display only is exhale II expensive I really want to get my hands on that for the n64 I have Super Mario is 64 and for some reason I still have the players choice edition of this one then the Mario Sunshine that's also a for display only box Mario Galaxy 1 then New Super Mario Bros Wii then the lead no sorry then Super Mario Galaxy 2 followed by Super Mario Bros u and new super Luigi u and then 3d world mario odyssey and then a remake New Super Mario Bros u deluxe Mario maker 1 Mario maker 2 and the red version of Mario's 25th anniversary looking great on this Mario wall underneath it I have a lot of the other handheld games and the spin-offs but the handheld games of note are Super Mario Land Super Mario Land 2 New Super Mario Bros New Super Mario Bros 2 and Super Mario 3d Land I think all the other ones essentially are remakes apart from Yoshi's new island which also should get a shout out the Paper Mario series was one of my favorite series of all time but I can't really say that for consistency's sake anymore with Super Mario RPG Paper Mario Paper Mario in the thousand-year door those three games are some of the best games of all time and then you had Super Paper Mario a pretty darn good game on the Wii that's definitely worth to play through and then Paper Mario sticker star and Color Splash the Mario and Luigi games are great in themselves for handheld we have Mario Luigi superstar saga partners in time bowser's Inside Story Dream Team paper jam and then lastly the Super Mario Galaxy official soundtrack that is currently in my car that I listen to all the time now this Mario Wall I did mention is kind of bordered by lights that I can turn on I can make them blue for Mario or we can make them red it doesn't really matter what color you want you've got the remote you can make it many color so I'm not sure blue or red what do you guys think for the Mario Wall maybe blue and then pokemon can eventually be red but I think Mario is probably more known as the red guy so I'm gonna put that color back on also just before I get out of this space I just want to mention that I have this amiibo display stand that I got from my cousin Colin thank you so much for getting this for me and my uncle and his family and then the world Nintendo Peach's castle there is a Bowser's Castle that I desperately do want to get eventually but it's not out yet here in Canada so I can't get it quite yet at this time other Mario little items that I have on display here are more world of Nintendo minifigures right here and this light-up Super Mario Brothers figure on the back this is called a pixel pal I'm sure you've seen these by PDP before you can turn it on and it lights up which is really cool for anyone who's a gamer these things aren't that expensive but they do eat batteries so just be aware of that next up we've got my desk area now this desk is actually a table it's a fold-up table that I designed for Super Mario Brothers 3 to have every world on it in the game it was made to play games like flip Cup and also board games so basically when you move around this table we have the first world the grass land and then desert water big land then on the other side but it's hard to see because it's covered up we had the clouds the ice the pipe and then eventually Bowser's dark world over there as well but I thought I have a normal desk here with no decals on it it looks pretty plain let's move this in here and it will be a giant piece that I can add to the collection as well and have it part of the space that now holds three TVs a CRT TV for gaming and a dual screen setup but on the desk I have a really cool high perk in Super Nintendo keyboard this is a mechanical keyboard it's not the best mechanical keyboard but it does look like it's themed for Super Nintendo and it lights up as well so we can turn on the light to just flash or blip you can also turn it off and you can turn it on to purple under and I have a mouse pad that is Mario themed as well and then to Donkey Kong little items here that are just kind of on the corner of my desk to hold pens and just because minecart in Hong Kong is really cool also part of this desk space I have a I think it's called 8-bit do but I probably pronounced it wrong this is a Bluetooth speaker with working d-pad but I did the unboxing and review of this I did not know if you hold down the button the volume goes up and down this works really well but you can't blast it it's great for a smaller space usually we sometimes use that in this room if we need to and one of the newest items that no one has seen before this is authentically a Kirby fan it is plugged in it has three different settings and the first and two settings are pretty useless but the third settings kind of powerful let me just turn it on for you so you have an idea that is setting one setting two and setting three and I know you can't feel it because it's a video but you might be able to hear it he really should be sucking in the air so my best friend again he just said maybe turn the blade around then he'll suck in there but it wouldn't be very effective as a fan so I have it situated there so when I am gaming I can have it on me if I need it and then here's a lamp a question block lamp that matches the decals in the Nintendo room as I mentioned that looks really cool and I love that lamp as well it just looks wicked in this space there's another lamp that came out for Super Mario Brothers that has an NES controller as the on/off button but I personally love this question mark lamp and especially the Chain Chomp lamp over there that I talked about earlier moving on from the desk we're transitioning into world of Nintendo and the world of Nintendo collection of plush I have here I'm missing I think like eight to ten from the full set but on top we've got the Legend of Zelda pixel and Mario and Luigi then some Mario's Donkey Kong Luigi Yoshi and Toad some various enemies in the game including the Banzai build a really large plush which I love right there then we have some of the other enemies from the game as well as four of the ones that make noises so let me see if I can get one of these to make a noise for you anyways question mark lock no I don't wanna break it but let's just see if I can get any of these to make a sound for you really quick nope there we go the coin you heard it it makes the sound so those are really neat as well then split soon has a set of five of the squids which just look adorable in this space I love splatoon I even put up a splatoon poster over here my wife might be better at me than that game though then starfox there's only three of them I really wish they would release slippy toad Animal Crossing also has three and then we have the Legend of Zelda there's a few of them including the island version of link and tingle and then I have four of the five Pikmin I'm still missing the white one and on the bottom are some Pokemon fit but hold on to that idea because Pokemon fit will be later in the video over here continuing the world of Nintendo we've got the six-inch line and then the micro land set of all of them from the Mario universe and then the Zelda universe I really wish they finished this set they released the first four worlds from this game on the Wii U new Super Mario Bros u and then they stopped after the first four worlds kind of strange but I love that set The Legend of Zelda has some really cool pieces as well the king of Red Lions is awesome that you see down there sticking with the world of Nintendo I want to mention this space because I have a lot of the world of Nintendo figures in here starting over here I've got the two-and-a-half inch line we've got splatoon and then Pikmin Animal Crossing and then over here is Donkey Kong some of them are in 2d or like 8-bit versions then we have the Metroid below the Metroid little area that I mentioned previously and then the Legend of Zelda kind of starting off the Zelda wall and then eventually Mario that goes all the way around there so maybe I'll move more into that space just to give you a good quick idea there are a ton of these and they repackaged all of them to be Mario more recently I don't have all of those yet I don't have any of the new package of style I really wish they would have them as the old package with the waves and with releasing multiple games because right now it seems like it's just Mario and look at how many versions of Mario there are there's enough already of those there's tons following that we have the four-inch line I'm gonna see if this is better with the light on or with the light off because I think it's better probably with the light off yeah I think it's a little bit harder to see with the light on over here so let's just keep that off for now the 4-inch wave we've got split soon there's a different version of the blue one that has a blue gun or a blue blaster this one has the orange one animal crossing we've just got villager diddy kong is the only one I think that came out for the donkey kong series like that there was the donkey kong six inch figure a really cool set here is the starfox set of four this set is really neat if you can pick up Falco Falco is the key piece there he's really rare he usually sells for almost 100 dollars sometimes boxed there's also the different series of the prototype version that have no color and then we have Metroid there's several of those I think there's another Metroid that I'm missing though following that we have the Legend of Zelda with so many different versions of Link but we also have some Legend of Zelda the princess is in there Princess Zelda we have the Skull Kid and even a gold version of link following that just before I move out of the space I don't want to forget about link this is the giant 20 inch figure this one's exclusive this is a limited edition one in this box package but it is out as a different release and there's also a large 20 inch roughly figure of Mario that I have over here wearing a Odyssey hat The Odyssey hat for some reason has moves to the side normally he's just wearing his normal hat but I thought let's souped him up and put Cappy in here as well but the Mario hat right there sticking with Mario as part of the 4 inch wave let's just keep going so we've got quite a few of the enemies here and I wish they would release all of the Koopa Kids because we have Iggy and maybe a few others but not all of them yet and then the line just keeps going down with the baddies pardon me with toad and then we have Yoshi's over there let me move back into that space over there so you can see it a little bit easier while I move through the rest of the Mario ones after the three Yoshi's I am missing the red Yoshi we have Princess Peach several different Luigi's and then a host of different Mario's the original silver gold star Mario in a few different ways raccoon the propeller cat we have tanooki mario ice mario farm mario mario with kathy and another variation of the original mario world nintendo has been remarkable I never thought I would ever have this many different Mario figures and other figures from the different series of Nintendo I really hope they bring them back and not just Mario because we're all the Nintendo has been awesome including the plushie line following that we do have some posters on the side of some of my favorite games or just game series in general that I thought needed a shout-out I loved playing through Mario Tennis especially the n64 version that game almost always comes on we have four players in the house a splatoon poster I already mentioned Pikmin which definitely deserves some love Diddy Kong Racing one of the best racing games of all time even though I play more Mario Kart Pokemon which will get us into the Pokemon wall in a minute Kirby which I made this poster or printed it from online because Kirby actually has almost no posters from Nintendo power from Club Nintendo or from anything maybe the character needs more love from Nintendo so I printed that poster myself Kid Icarus and the last poster down here is from Luigi's Mansion I'm really excited about Luigi's Mansion coming out on the Nintendo switch this whole time you might have been like where are the games or bring up your games they're inside this closet essentially which is four feet deep and it's I think six feet wide essentially so I put four Billy bookcases in here to display all of the games the idea here with the games was to have the cartridges pulled out of the box that way I don't have to damage them when I try and open the box and close them over and over again increase them so a lot of the games here I have the box for on the side so it maybe has opened up a little bit but here are all the cartridges going through cartridges a little bit boring so I'll go through the boxes in a moment but I have roughly 50 NES games a hundred in sixty Super Nintendo games roughly on the n64 I think I'm up to about 75 I love those cartridges for the n64 however they don't have end labels I'm going to add end labels I think to all of my games and then I can display them differently because right now they look cool face up but it's definitely not optimal alright the boxes let's start with the NES of course and the NES has some of the best games of all time in terms of retro nostalgia but personally the games are almost too old for me to play today so some of the shoutouts here are the Dragon Warrior series I'd love to get the other ones we have duck hunt of course with dr. Mario ducktales Excitebike final fantasy Kirby's Adventure that is one of my only factory-sealed old-school games by garnet factory-sealed and have never opened it of course then we have the Mega Man games I've got five of the six games I'm still missing the actual cartridge for Mega Man 5 but I believe I have the other games in cartridge form over here and I really really really want to collect that entire set we also have punch-out super seat Tetris and the three games for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles after that we have the Super Nintendo big box version of earthbound a really cool part about the lights in this space is you can turn them on various settings so we can make the colors basically change and when the colors change for this I can't even tell what color the earthbound box is when it goes through all the different color variations it looks really neat change the colors in here basically so just have your eye on that for a second I don't even know what's going on with that so let's just turn the color back to white the big box versions on the Super Nintendo in North America are earthbound lethal enforcers Mario Paint and super Bomberman party pack of course on the Super Nintendo there are so many great games on the system that I really want to get into all of them but again I'll just go through some of the shoutouts we have Breath of Fire Chrono Trigger contra 3 what a great game the donkey kong trilogy that i already talked about earthworm jim evo f-zero is fantastic the Final Fantasy games I still have to get the other one from that trilogy of games on the Super Nintendo it was final fan see mystic quest I have the game but not the boxes the final fight trilogy including the orange final fight guy very expensive piece ghoul Patrol which is skyrocketed in price illusion of Gaia the Kirby games killer instincts Lion King getting that re-release on the nintendo switch along with aladdin which is right above it right there the lufia games Oh Mario is missing not very good but the Megaman trilogy is outstanding Mega Man X x2 and x3 Mortal Kombat is really good auger battle great tactical RPG Secret of Mana one of my favorite multiplayer games that I really want to finish with my friend of course and then we have some of the SimCity games sky blazer also going really up in value starfox Street Fighter super Bomberman super Castlevania for Super Mario Kart Super Metroid and then we have punch outs the super Star Wars series is way too difficult on the system we have Ultima universes excellent game warriors woods not great but un squadron is excellent and then Yoshi games on the system are also pretty good Yoshi's Safari with the bazooka gun hilarious next up is the n64 of course the rareware series really dominated this system so we've got like Goldeneye banjo series blast core Diddy Kong Racing Donkey Kong 64 just to start out that was all rare where that I mentioned gauntlet Legends great multiplayer game to play with friends Harvest Moon one of the games I spent the most hours on as a kid then we have the Mario games including Mario golf tennis cart party all those games are excellent augur battle perfect dark Pokemon Stadium where you could play the original Pokemon games on your n64 Pokemon snap played that game for hours loved playing through that game in like an hour and a half or two hours snowboard kids Star Fox 64 The Star Wars games Tony Hawk's Pro Skater I should really get the other ones Tarak and wave race 64 on a Nintendo GameCube I think on the Gamecube I haven't mentioned yet I have roughly 100 games on the Nintendo GameCube Animal Crossing was at its best on the system so far the first releases in North America for animal crossing also baten kaitos or Cato's Beyond Good and Evil is exceptional we also have the eternal darkness game that was rated M I believe very freaky game f-zero Fire Emblem path of Radiance especially with Fire Emblem being so popular right now on the switch Kirby's air ride killer7 Ikaruga great games the Mario games all of them are excellent my personal favorite Mario Party game is probably Mario Party 6 on the Gamecube Mario Kart Double Dash loved it Super Mario Strikers there is electrified fences bodychecking power-ups love that game the metroid games so fantastic the phantasy star online then the Pikmin games the pokemon ruby and sapphire box that's pretty expensive now the Resident Evil games especially Resident Evil 4 the Sonic games really fantastic as well and Super Monkey Ball I've got to have there somewhere I should mention that those games are really good getting to those actually right here with Star Fox Tales of Symphonia the Tony Hawk games again and then finishing this off with a big box Mario Party 7 I really want to get the big box Mario Party 6 at some point the handheld I am going to hold off for now because I don't have that many handheld games I'm going to talk about those after I talk about the next system from sticking with home consoles we have the Wii up next on the Nintendo Wii I believe I have roughly 120 games for it I should probably trim this down to get the top 100 games for each system was originally the idea but I think that we just ballooned because there are so many good games on the system I really enjoy Animal Crossing battalion Wars bit.trip Runner especially on the bit rip complete the donkey kong games especially Donkey Kong Country Returns excite truck is a lot of fun we have a rare one called f1 2009 it's a racing game it's not that expensive anymore Fire Emblem radiant dawn a hidden gem fortune Street featuring Mario on there then we have the Kirby games I love Return to Dreamland it's really weird how we got this special edition of the games for Kirby but not shards on there that was sad klonoa making its way over from the PlayStation Lego games my wife really enjoys them so we're almost getting all of those it looks like and lost in shadow another hidden gem on the system as is mad world some of the Mario games including Mario and Sonic at the Olympics comment below if you're actually excited about those because I am especially the one coming out for the switch another Mario Strikers game but personally to me not as good as the one that came out on the Gamecube the Metroid games Metroid Prime trilogy in particular Muramasa fantastic game on the system that you should definitely try mushroom ends a hidden gem No More Heroes okami then we have Pandora's tower one of the three games as part of this trilogy I guess I have two of them here so the trilogy was called Operation rainfall we have Pandora's tower the last story and xenoblade chronicles that people tried to get ported over here really good trilogy of games the Pikmin series was remade on this we have poked apart games punch-out was back out Red Steel games are here there for me I really love playing rock band with my friends and with my wife rune factory is a good series Sakura wars another hidden gem on the system and then down here we've got another Tales of Symphonia game Tatsunoko vs. Capcom the trauma series Wario Land the Wii series which are incredibly inexpensive but nice fun for a good 20 minutes maybe for each of those at least and then Zack and wiki is the last hidden gem on the system then I have a lot of the larger box versions of the games for that system next up is the Wii U I decide to put the bigger box games here I do have axiom verge which they promised to release which I'm really happy to see that one come out that was fantastic them to release that game below that the Wii collection I think I only have like 40 to 50 games for the Wii U in total I should have said the Wii U collection really good standouts on this one though they ported almost all the good ones over to the switch but we have Bayonetta 2 the Darksiders games I'm told are great ducktales captain toad treasure tracker the Mario Tennis game I think is a business personally I don't really enjoy it I missed the previous mario tennis games nes remix Pikmin 3 I really expected that to get a port over to the Nintendo switch Mario Kart 8 original release one of the best Mario karts as I said Nintendo land pokken tournament shovelknight splatoon starfox oh no I can't mention that one for being really good in my opinion the wonderful 101 I do expect that to get ported over xenoblade chronicles Yoshi's woolly world and again most of those were ported over to the Nintendo switch speaking of the switch that is next up I don't have a huge collection of switch games like other people I have the Mario games the Zelda games the Pokemon games but then arms the collection of mana the Elder Scrolls for Kirby Star Allies Mario Kart 8 deluxe Mario Tennis Aces Super Mario Kart or Super Mario Party I should say then I have run Bo deluxe edition and Sonic mania and split soon too and some other special editions like Fire Emblem warriors and below that I've got three houses of course and Xenoblade Chronicles - I also have ukulele here this is the n64 box but it is for the Nintendo switch and StarLink battle for Atlas I haven't played this game or opened it yet but I hear really good things and it came with a arwing so that's basically why I got it and a lot of other people did too Xenoblade Chronicles X and Fire Emblem echoes the big-box versions didn't fit anywhere else so I've got them down there and up here I've got a dance mat for dance dance revelution this is the gamecube version and a box for Donkey Kong jungle beat they just don't fit anywhere else really lastly the handheld collection of games is slowly starting to grow only now because I focused so much on home consoles for the time being so here we've got Wario Land 2 as a shout out the f-zero game Golden Sun that's the sequel I don't think that's the original game Kirby's Return To Dream Land Mario Party Advance Mario vs. Donkey Kong's some Mega Man games Metroid Fusion a big box Wario where twisted and the game from Mario Party eReader which is kind of cool and then Mario teaches typing on the PC in terms of the DS games I've got Animal Crossing wild world some Final Fantasy games some Kirby games four of those actually Mario hoops some more Megaman and Wario Ware on the 3ds I really like Animal Crossing new leaf we've got the bravely games which are excellent Donkey Kong Country Returns 3d Fire Emblem awakening and echoes there's actually a few more of those Kid Icarus Uprising fantastic Kirby triple deluxe really all of these are gems Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon the mario party games but mario party the top 100 really should be noted on the switch with online with all the best games or courses and minigames in that one Metroid Samus Returns Pokemon we also have steel diver of course and ultimate nes remix and then some of the big box versions of 3ds games and some of the other ones that i don't really have a box for yet like conkers pocket tales which is a great moment to stop and really just think about all of these games like I said top 100 on each system would be a really good idea I only think I have roughly 650 to 700 of the best or really good or rare Nintendo games with some exceptions so you can comment below what are the games that you have in your collection are you going after full sets I don't really need to get every single game honestly 600 games is enough for me to play through obviously for the rest of my life moving towards part of the last aspect of the tour is the Pokemon wall which you see here one of the best aspects of the room this time around I first put up this Ash poster with Pikachu loved it where it was and then designed the rest of the space around this so here are all of the main home console Pokemon games I've got all of them that's quite a bit so we've got generation 1 blue red yellow then gold and silver crystal leaf green fire red oh no its player's choice eventually I do want to replace that so it looks even better ruby sapphire emerald then diamond and pearl and platinum HeartGold and SoulSilver which I do have the big box versions for right there and then pokemon black and white black and white to X&Y Ruby and Sapphire wait no this is Omega Ruby Omega Ruby and alpha sapphire and then Pokemon Sun and Moon as well as a boxed version of that then pokemon ultrasound and ultra moon the big box versions as I mentioned and then a steelbook for Sun and Moon and lastly the remakes on the Nintendo switch of let's go Pikachu and let's go Eevee beside my Pokemon this is the only one of Pikachu of the four that I used to have in the old Nintendo room I used to have the four starters from the original game as those frames set but I don't really have those up anymore on this side over here I've got three starter packs from Tommy these have all nine figures in them really neat set I wish to release all of them because we have generation 1 generation 2 and generation 3 but I just wish there was more here are the cartridges in case I want to quickly grab them from the boxed versions that have cardboard because I don't want to damage them again these stands are from rose-colored gaming and they match the different games which looks pretty awesome some of those have got two copies of because one was mine or my wife's or my friends growing up below that we have an entire complete set of Pokemon fit plush they're also called sitting cuties but I am missing one so you can comment below if you can spot the one that I'm missing I haven't I have really mentioned this before these are beanie babies and they're fantastic these things are so cool I can't believe we got the whole set of them my wife really told me you've got to get all of them you've got to collect them all this time for these so we slowly got all of them we imported them from Japan but then they did come to the Pokemon store over here which was kind of upsetting but we really wanted them all to match and they all have Pokemon fit on the tags as you see right down there if you're interested in them though definitely go to the Pokemon store and you can buy these online generation 2 has come out which I showed Bree early in the earlier in the video which is over here I couldn't fit them along the Pokemon wall so for now I've got a lot of them over here I didn't want to get all generation 2 but I wanted to get the nine starters or the three starters their evolutions and then a lot of the other cool ones like togepi Pichu the different evolutions and some of the other legendary Pokemon which look really neat what I wish I would incorporate them in the Pokemon wall finishing off the Pokemon wall we have my collection of cards the original jungle set so I guess base set general set and fossil set are really what I focused on but I've traded some of them away I'm currently missing Blastoise and machamp as the two holographic versions and my Charizard is from Pokemon base set to not the original which I would love to get then we have a Pikachu this one works it spins around and it throws this ball off of its tail we have a glass that is of all the different evolutions to bring me to this fridge this is originally a keg fridge but I put decals on it and now it looks like a Pokemon fridge the decals were from a set that I got and I really thought just put some of the cool characters on the bottom then the evolutions moving into the one sticker not the evolutions the evolutions of the starters moving into all three of the really cool Blastoise Venusaur and charizard blastoise is my personal favorite Pokemon Pikachu's on the side over there all electrified and then I kind of have Mewtwo over here telling you to open the fridge maybe you'll get fat like Snorlax and really enjoy yourself above that I have the complete set of 152 figures of Pokemon this is a frame they are a fantastic set you can try and find this on eBay I would search Pokemon frame because it's really hard to find it did come with a box which I have stored away somewhere else on the side here we've got a pokeball four glasses of the starters that we could use if we need to have a beverage and then four glasses with different pokeballs kind of hard to see I think I do need to light this space a little bit better finishing off the come on space brings me to this Pokemon table this is a pokeball table that I designed and hand-painted as well as four stools that fit really well underneath so now with that red theme of the Nintendo room I think it works really well in this space and finishes off this area for Pokemon so we've got seating for four over there I guess seating for one in the Mario Kart two more so that's five wait four more so that's five two more over here which I had in the mind on these cabin chairs then we've got least seating for six over here if we need it as well as stadium seating which I would put behind during the marathon and zeldathon move those Nintendo Power magazines and then at least seating for one at my desk for this collection no I just want to finish off this video by thanking you if you've watched this all the way to the end this video took me days and days to film it has been a very long process coming my wife I've got to really thank her patience and her effort cutting out various things for me cutting out all the decals and the clouds basically putting up all of the sprites along the beam it looks really cool I love what this space came together I really appreciate you guys watching liking commenting sharing this I would love for this video to get out there and for more people to comment their tips and suggestions for me to make this space truly outstanding let me just turn on the lights for the end of this video as well just so that we can move towards what's next in a Nintendo room because right now it truly does look like it's almost a completed space now that the flooring is done as I mentioned and the ceiling is done and all of the shelves are up this truly does look like the vision I had for this Nintendo room I can't believe that we're here that this is finished I feel like this is a final product for this space I can always make things better and fine-tune them so if you do have suggestions let me know however the best thing about this house is that I can expand into another 150 feet behind those secret doors and then over here we have a bathroom that I need to themed Nintendo as well to move into that space so I'm hoping to make this even better in the future I do have quite a few videos about projects that I want to bring out very soon so stay tuned for those again if you have any questions please comment below and please let me know what your thoughts are on the room on collecting in general what is your favorite gaming series and what was your favorite part of the video or your favorite part of the new room tour for this year for 2019 thank you so much for watching feel free to fill that like bucket follow me on all social media links in the description below the video and remember as always go collect them all and keep smiling while gaming thanks for watching everyone
Channel: Nintendo Collecting
Views: 911,144
Rating: 4.8551908 out of 5
Keywords: Nintendo, Collecting, Collection, Collector, Video, Games, Collect, Nintendo Room, Room Tour, THE Nintendo Room, Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, Mario Wall, Zelda Wall, Pokewall, Pokemon Wall, Game Collection, Pokemon Table, NES Coffee Table, Mario Blocks, Block Wall, Mario Kart, Smiling While Gaming, Nintendo Collecting, Man Cave, Mancave, Man Cave Tour, Tour, Rare
Id: RbnRsYQxkFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 16sec (6316 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 23 2019
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