The Nightshade Witch Proposes a Scheme (ASMR)

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[Applause] I just never can get my nose right something intriguing you'd like to share must be quite important for you to have tracked all the way through the forest by the looks of it my crawling crimson but quite the fight does you made your way through them my choice not taking your dagger to them to avoid being sliced that should be hacked down by a few thorns for their voice and it's fumes to be unleashed upon you as soon as you slice open the branches providing a slow painful demise as you choke on your own breath our perhaps you are entirely unaware of that danger and I simply thought it prudent to try to witches grounds with respect hmm doesn't seem as though you've brought me any curiosity it's this time so I can only assume you're here because you finally what's this you've brought me something after all you darling you do realize you're quite a bit late disasterous lately ah timely delivery by way of the shop certainly would have revealed our association and not just wouldn't do for now we can still present the illusion that we are entirely unacquainted an illusion which would be promptly shattered a fox fur and social I see you're precisely as generous with your patronage of other shops with my wonderful absolutely I'm sure do ah and another you spoil me it's nice persimmons so she told you how we met I suppose that is an amazing story although it is the date that often overlooked one of the most crucial roles of an in-game is that of a storyteller an entertainer they always need with a great expanse between themselves and their own they need a little more to feel comforted by a fantastic by the fire while they enjoy a hot me crisp a drink you would know all about that wouldn't you so very far from home there is one detail of a particular story and I'll be our little secret she thinks she was a fortunate that the persimmon was flawless ly right and that's what won her her life that day but really it was absolutely wretched easily the foul list fruit I haven't ever had the displeasure of biting into but I was fascinated by her her complete lack of fear towards me was something I hadn't seen in a very long time she seemed to have nothing but warm and a sharp wit I couldn't let all that go to waste over a bitter persimmon oh you should have tasted it it was vile well I thank you kindly for your fine gifts certainly did not need to go out of your way to do such a thing but I do suspect these were not the sole motivation for your visit so you would like to hear out the rest of my proposal I'd certainly hoped so but let's start with a drink shall we I can only hope that you won't have the same reluctance towards my hospitality that you so rudely despite last night my feelings were absolutely shattered I spent days tirelessly piecing back together the shot broke I'm only teasing there nothing wrong with being proven it's true a few sips of this will have you feeling touch more receptive to my plans there's nothing wrong with that at all when my glands are so perfectly sensible and worthy of being agreed to you see general sentiment darts has drastically swayed as of late overwhelmingly in her favor my request letters have been extravagant gifts to the stoic offering payment far exceeding what these items are worth here we have a plea for a pearlescent igudala I believe I will look marvelous decorating our neck complimenting our shimmery girls unbelievable as payment everlasting Stafford I'd be lying if I said I didn't consider it for at least a moment or two but really the last thing I need is some talking about here making a nuisance of themselves in exchange for 754 growlings shape bags for a brilliant real rose blue the green tucked into her hair or pin into her cow Villa rows are stunning but will not hesitate to attack anyone who dares look at them so their feathers tend to represent a sort of ruthless Butte he desires a bottle of Laurel the mesons for his Highness a highly coveted for a few moments to know yes it's defined but unfortunately the Pampas well that is quite enough of that but I assure you there is plenty more where that came from no none of these gifts Harbor any sort of magical properties of course no one went there to bestow a forbidden object upon their own ruler I am well known for my collection of rare and beautiful unenchanted items that we're simply traded to me in exchange for magic you might be surprised by the willingness of [Applause] 754 for unenchanted father either she's exerting some sort of influence through magic or these townspeople or even more foolish than I'd imagined although I'm never one to give these people the benefit of the doubt I'm nearly certain that a mass of dormant spells at work here by burning of the land of a few choice ingredients the kingdom could easily begin to spread this sort of adoration throughout the air especially amongst its subjects who failed to carry charms protecting themselves or such influence the effects are faint here in distant harming Tintin but the clothes are you travel the lancaster's center the more powerfully you'll detect its sickly-sweet descend feel the warm glow of devotion blossoming in your chance a dormant magic works most effectively in stages such that its victims are enslaved gradually enough that they fail to question their own feelings never wondering why they suddenly feel so very overcome by feelings they never held before I'm nearly certain she must be planning to poison her subjects what the final step of a fully successful a dormant spell this incredibly rare herb would allow her to fully control the whims and Wells of the entire kingdom replacing every last thought in their minds with unfaltering obedience I'm sure she helps to expand her army by willing rapidly adoring subjects to persuade others to join in their worship promptly eliminating anyone they can find time dares disobey I used to enjoy this prospect alone and worrisome enough and yet it becomes more troubling still if this volatile power is not harnessed with extreme skill and Baron dungeon its effects will present not in the form of adoration and loyalty but instead in memory erasure and possibly even death I would hope they are now in agreement this trouble must be handled yes the only end to this madness that I can see is her death and I would be more than happy to make that a reality unfortunately the castles wards and security mages seem to form very tight net what I need is as much information as possible where are the loopholes in our protection whatever happens why does she go so what I require is for you to make the journey to the kingdom Council with the Queen herself tell her that in fact that dreadful nightshade which did not convince you to carry out some nefarious plot and instead you simply purchase some protective charm and went along on your merry way and you are so very filled with betraying the Queen's noble outlaw terrible magic but you simply could not resist the temptation of having the lock of an enchanted charm on your side protecting you from danger throughout your perilous journeys ensuring that your poor sick hungry ugly children would not be left alone in the world or some other pathetic sob story willingly sign an admission of your guilt involvement in witchcraft remain in the kingdom first long as you can be hosted extracting as much information as you and return back to Harmon to dutifully report your findings simple yes although simple it is also extraordinarily dangerous but exceptional results do require exceptional risks you would know that from our little revenge curse on that poor poor fellow although well deserved it it was quite a shame that we'll have to wander about the rest of his life so entirely sabotage by daring to curse such an important figure we certainly run the risk of the Queen coming after you but if she were to do such a thing she would have long ago by now we can rest assured that she is none the wiser as to who dared occurs one of our own guards oh no I doubt she was ever troubled much in the first place sweet everything our grasp is nothing more than a pond worth only as much as they can further her own stand and dispose listen but never mind sit back and enjoy your drink I'll need to sketch a map for you and chart you sure that hatchling of yours it's not yet strong enough to make the flight so the beginning of your journey hardly a neutral location but my trusted man you'll be well armed in case you happen to have a run-in with the skate thieves I give you an baleen bone dock with a nifty violetta can chant meant to keep it same drill but to be careful to keep a strong unrelenting grip and always keep it stowed away when not in use if you keep it out of its sheath can I have a bit of a mind as well as about abstaining that's momentarily throw your would-be attackers until confuse stupor just long enough for you to start behind a book scramble up a tree whatever you by the time they regain their bearings you would be nowhere in sight and they look quite conveniently forget yes you just grab a pinch this ranger she hides in a beautiful old trees be able to find her she isn't exactly known for her refinement but she almost certainly keep you safe they'll wait there with her and tell me arrival of a small merchant ship it carries supply some once the ports pop down even from distant lands across the seas it'll be the one made of dark tank wood streaming with the silky ribbons and tassels the ship will carry you the rest of the way into the city overnight the captain normally would not be so willing to burden herself with a stowaway but she was soon be owing me a hefty favor you see one of her most important ports is grand Fleur to deliver only the best bread finest silks the kingdom accepts nothing less and without successfully acquiring these goods on behalf of Lankester she would certainly live the kingdom's chief betrayed but Lancaster's porn has become absolutely riddled with these messages taking a liking to the tank of what uplinks her precious [ __ ] discomposed they love to chew on it thankfully I am going to save her beloved ship and protect her prized position by providing her with a carefully concocted through she will simply need to apply to her ship's exterior causing those pesky creatures to experience a hallucination of sorts and how seeing her ship not as a tasty snack but as a formidable predator to be avoided at all costs mommy to deliver her this parcel inform her that was i presenting and I'm sure she'll be quite suddenly willing to provide of course I will also need to supply you with a charm I'll protect you from the increasing potency of the adornment as you near the city center yes I think this will do wonderfully for you one last thing before you leave you will have to let me take care of those you will be needing your strength after all not to mention just a few touches a fast mm-hm see him however do you manage to navigate such a politically vulnerable exterior we're in a marvelously the longer I look the more I see you poor thing all right - it suffice best for the tears of your garments I'm afraid I'm not much of a seamstress but I'm sure Bridget will be get you sorted it would also be wise to pay Evangeline a visit before you depart for Lancaster to secure a blessing you certainly will be needing any extra safety and luck you can possibly manage but please not be frightened I have adequately in her belly to carry out this journey with precision strength and success I'm a ladies a more than adequate moderate of course anytime you need you know exactly who to come to I just have a way with words I am singing are they there's no need for these no use thank you and be well you
Channel: Goodnight Moon
Views: 1,842,104
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmr, roleplay, nightshade witch, witch, soft speaking, whisper, babblebrook
Id: aV1PiOJHarE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 10sec (2410 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 12 2018
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