ASMR Weird Girl is Obsessed With You (hair play, personal questions)

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this video is sponsored by scentbird the first fragrance I remember ever having was rock and Rio by escata it was a gift for my 12th birthday and I remember I loved putting it on before school each morning it made me feel so much more confident and cool and mature and fragrances really do still make me feel that way to this day I feel like it's my favorite Finishing Touch to my getting ready rout r that makes me feel ready to Take On The World scent bird lets you pick out a new designer fragrance to try out each month it comes in a generously sized file that gives you plenty of time to determine if it's the right fit for you every fragrance intermingles differently with your natural oils and chemistry of your skin so it's really important to live in the fragrance for a while before committing to a full bottle they have a huge range of options including perfumes colog and unisex options this month I received the eighth by Ash with bright bergamont soft musk and creamy cashmere this fragrance feels glassy and elegant with the muskiness making it perfect for winter time Soulful by nette laor Blends floral and Woody notes with orange blossom soft Jasmine White musk and Amber wood if feels light and very light and ready for Rosé by veronic goodbye with notes of rhubarb Rose and Cedar Wood it's a romantic fragrance well suited for a night out be sure to use my coupon code for 55% off of scent bird that'll make it just $7 for your first month available in the USA and Canada so that 10 to 15 to three two hey hey you can I talk to to you please please can I please talk to you I really need to talk to you you're so pretty hi yes hi hi I'm your biggest fan your secret admirer I guess not so secret anymore C out of the bag uh usually you sit one two three seats down from me and and I admire you from afar and draw the back of your head in my notebook you have such a nice hair and it looks a little bit just a little bit ever so slightly different each and every day every day your hair is is like a different Snowflake and I've got to capture the subtleties before they're lost to time today it looks like you're sporting one of your more common variations the left leaning Bed Head you've got a bit of a a frizzy mess but only just here on this little back left portion of your hair so you must have been sleeping sweetly on your left side last night did you have any dreams were you dreaming maybe about enjoying an ice cream on the beach or soaring over a busy City at nighttime or maybe collecting wild flowers in the woods you don't remember well that's good hopefully that means there were no nightmares you don't deserve to ever be scared I just feel so lucky that you decided to sit here today right here in front of me real seats closer than usual I can't believe it I can't believe you're looking at me right now stop oh my God stom it and you smell so good this closeup and your hair looks so shiny your face looks so pretty oh you're glowing did you use some uh some different new new products today a new product on your face perhaps oh I can tell you look extra extra extra extra moisturized today the doy this you're like an two drop angel baby so um I noticed you have not been paying attention to the board since class began you've just had your phone hidden in your lap playing sua game you're good at it I saw you got 2,854 points on your last game I bet next time you'll get over 3,000 I've got a good feeling about it but yeah anyway since you haven't been paying attention I wrote an extra copy of my notes for you I've been doing that every single day uh just in case that that is the day you do speak to me for the first time and today's my lucky day so uh these will make sure you're well prepared for the quiz tomorrow and I will continue doing this for you every single day so don't worry about paying attention or taking notes anymore if you don't feel like it you can just count on mine I take extremely good notes as you'll find my handwriting is impeccably neat and my perception of which details are irrelevant is like a Hound's [Music] nose speaking of I just can't believe how amazing you smell what perfume is that no don't tell me is it is it cloud is it vivaa juicy flower balm black opium oh okay okay I'll make note of that so that I can buy you an extra bottle just a spare you know a backup just in case something goes wrong you with the first one you know you could run out of it or it could break or any number of different things and I don't want you to be left without your signature fragrance that would be a disaster all right got that sealed away in the old archives oh this is incredible thank you so much for letting me talk to you I've dreamt of this moment for so long and now it's finally here you are just so beautiful so kind so smart so elegant So Graceful truly everything that anyone could ever hope to be and here you are right in front of me looking right back at me sorry um I just want to get to know you better much better much much much better I want to know everything about you are your parents still together are they separated m i see that makes sense that that helps me understand you I really want to understand you deeply I hope you'll be willing to let me do that H you seem a little bit sad sad accurate your brows are a bit furrowed like just you know scrunched up a bit and your lovely lips that I never want to see in any other shape than a glowing smile are drooping depressively oh this is heartbreaking you don't like being at school that completely makes sense H now that I think about it you don't belong here at all like a fish out of water like a bird in a cage you're clearly supposed to be on the big screens your face belongs on billboards and magazines your name and lights you could be advertising anything and I'm buying but here you are trapped in Mrs gladwell's class learning about who knows what let's see let's see let's see how can I cheer you up can I cheer you up I've got to figure something out and quick it's killing me to see you like this withering away oh please don't be sad please please please I miss your smile so much I forgot to make you happy again I'll do anything do you want some of my goo no well are you sure did did you see that it's Cosmic Shimmer Cosmic Shimmer the third most desirable color way in goo collecting circles all right suit yourself I'm just saying you might live to regret this moment but if goo isn't the solution to your sadness then what is what is what about a pack of Pokémon hearts these right here these can be all yours okay on sword and shield Vivid voltage it's even got celop on the front look at her since she cute her blue eyes her Anna spray prowdy arms and little legs you don't you don't collect poemon cards well this will be the perfect start to your collection we can have a sleepover sometime I can teach you everything there is to know about Pokémon and you can teach me everything there is to know about you let me go ahead and open this up for you because I don't want your fingertips getting strained from the effort please let there be a shiny please let there be a shiny please let there be a sh shy please let there be shiny please please please please please I need them to like me so bad please please please please please please please let there be a super duper cool and of holographic shiny for them to see and make me think they're so cold make them think that I'm the coolest make them think that I'm the coolest kid in the whole class please please please please please please please please please the big real let's see what you've got Sea Dot pikipek mudre jolic Weedle I love love Le do he can do bug hunch belum this one's a little cool a little metallic he can do call for family SE your deck for up to two basic Pokémon and put them onto your bench then shuffle your deck Zygarde that one's a little cool energy whatever Go goat I like his attitude carace Stone energy well I guess none of those were particularly exciting but it's less about the cards you get and more about who you get them with right anyway you still seem a little stressed I guess the Pokemon cards didn't work quite as well as I'd hoped H why don't you borrow some of my bread squishies these never fail me in times of need need meet the bakery first we've got your standard trusty old bun so pleasant to squish squish squish squish to dab to sniff smells like sweet sweet Butters and then next in the lineup is the cryst this one's a little bit more firm so it's best for when you're feeling extra stressed and you really want some some tension release just squish it as hard as you can like yep it as hard as you kind like that yep and then last is the loaf Save The Best For Last I love how big this one is how soft it is it Springs back at the perfect speed it's got different slices for you to explore good stuff so I think it would really help you it would help you out a lot with your stress and how much you dislike being here at school I think it would bring you so much so much fun and and a piece of mind and just bring peace to that pretty little head of yours make you feel so much better if you would squish these bread squishies and while you enjoy squishing those breads how about a nice relaxing scalp massage scalp scalp scalp massage massage massage a scalp massage for you yes I can do that for you I would be more than happy to do that that for you I think that that's just the thing you need to finally help you completely completely completely relax relax relax and distress and forget that you're even here at school melt away every last trace of your attentions until you really do think you're ly hang on the Warm Sands of the pamas with a margarita in hand I keep a couple of scalp oils in my bag at all times hoping for this opportunity to present itself uh you can choose between lavender nice relaxing sleepy bedtime fragrance or eucalyptus more of a fresh uh somewhat invigorating but still peaceful fragrance it's good for a few like wood seam foresty sort of smells and lavenders you know folks more of like a spa rather than the outdoors to do lavender that's a good choice I think that's probably my favorite we have so much in common I'd like to apply some droplets of this directly to your scalp some droplets directly to your scalp to help to nourish and soothe your skin it'll it'll help your hair to keep growing long shiny and strong you clearly don't need any help with that but you know it'll just help keep things going in the same wonderful Direction they're clearly already going so um yeah why don't you scoot your chair back a little bit so that I can really get my fingertips to your scalp okay great yes that's perfect so can I touch you can I touch you please is that okay is it all right for me to touch your hair and your scalp and maybe even your neck and shoulders a little bit just a little bit just a little bit to do some dapping dapping dapping scratch scratch scratching and stroking with my finger tips to really help you relax you know melt away your tensions and such perfect let's get started May the tangles and relaxation [Applause] commence wow your hair is so beautiful oh it is just a Marvel to behold I always knew it was lovely obviously I've spent hours sketching it but to see it up close and personal like this don't really get to examine every follicle every individual strand from the root Root Root down down down to the dip you don't even have any split ends what are you some sort of two drop Angel Baby I knew it this is incredible you're perfect you're perfect in every conceivable way oh my God so what uh shampoo and conditioner do you use please tell me bu please tell me it smells like Herbal Essences maybe or living proof Paul Mitchell no L'Oreal or Head and Shoulders perhaps pureology oh Olex oh that explains it that explains why your hair is so gorgeous and so luscious and so perfect just like you would it be all right with you if I were to brush your hair could I please brush it would you mind if I just took my hairbrush it's a pretty kind of aqua blue hairbrush that I think you'd really like the color and I think you'd really like how soft tipped the bristles are they'll be so gentle on your scalp so can I please please please please please please please pretty please brush your hair thank you oh wow it just it Glides through like butter so smooth so are you sure that it's just school that's got you down just not liking being here are there maybe some troubles happening in your love life I just I I couldn't help but notice that that you and Ginn unfollowed each other on Instagram last week and when I was going through your Twitter likes I noticed you were liking a whole lot of tweets about betrayal and backstabbing and people not turning out to be what you thought they were and the crushing way of growing older oh you do broke up oh oh no that's terrible I'm so sorry but you know it's really probably when you really think about it probably for the best you deserve much much much much much much better for now I guess you can just focus on yourself your needs your pampering and when the time is right I'm sure you'll meet someone who sees you as shining glistening glittering Jewel you really are and treats you as such what's your middle name oh that's beautiful what a lovely name if you ever get bored of your first name you should go byy that it really does sit you okay let me start applying that scalp oil now that I've got your hair all brushed out smoothly so I'm starting right at the tippy top here the top of your scalp just drop drop dropping on some droplets of that and then barting your hair down the back to expose the scalp and drop it drop it drop it dropping that down and then parting your hair here to expose the scalp and drop drop dropping on that scalp oil massaging it in and parting your hair here to expose the scalp drop a drop jop dropping it in splinting that onto your scalp nice massage massage massage with my fingertips let's get some earby the ear this scalp can tend to get pretty dry and it need some oils good and then parted lower down here down towards the base of your head the neck drop drop dropping on massaging good and then some more in the back let's part your hair part your hair drop drop drop drop all right I think we've got a good amount of those oils distributed so now I'm using my nails to break that disperse it evenly over your entire scalp and I made sure to not apply too much because I don't want you to feel embarrassed walking around today like looking like you've got an oily scalp like you didn't shower I would never do that to you so don't worry about that I've practiced at home and I know that so long as you apply less than 12 drumlins your hair will not appear to be noticeably oily it's just the perfect amount to be evenly distributed from root to tip to provide a spectacular shine and healthy look this makes me so happy to be helping you nourish your scalp and hair right now nothing makes me happier than knowing that the condition and beauty of your hair is being preserved and maintained right now thanks to my assistance every we does mean the world so thank you for letting me do this just draging the oils down to the tips of your hair it's a very important step because sometimes if you don't brush or play with your hair enough all of the oils stay collected just at the scalp and then the ends the tips they stay dry and they're too dry and then the you know you could split ends but that does not seem to be an issue for you because you're an angel but we still want to follow proper procedure of course make sure you're looking you're very very very best just sit back and relax let me help you let me take care of everything for you where do you live no you can tell me it's okay please please tell me please please please just tell me where do you live you can trust me I swear I'm very trustworthy I just I just wanted to know where you live so I can bring you gifts so I can leave you present you won't ever even have to answer the door if you don't feel like it but I really just want to leave gifts on your doorstep it would mean so much to me if if you would just let me do that I could bring you Starbucks I could bring you McDonald's do you like McDonald's I could bring you ice cream like I could bring you a like it or a love it or I got to have it from a gold stone what about what what about new shoes clothes flowers I could bring you my drawings I've made of you or my poems I've written about you oh well I guess we aren't quite there yet but no worries I'll be patient and I'm sure you'll tell me your address and no time and you can start enjoying my wonderful gifts let me start massaging your scout start taking my fingertips down through your hairs your SC just massaging that really nicely for you so what kind of car do you drive and what color is it and do you have any distinctive stickers on it do you have a unique license plate frame I just I want to be checking for you on on the road if we ever drive past each other I want to know about it so that I can wave to you and follow you to your destination to make sure you arrive safely and if anyone honks at you or Cuts you off I can handle it do you speed when you drive don't do that anymore okay don't do that anymore you promise you're too precious you're far too precious relax relax [Applause] relax who who's that who's that on your phone background your best friend oh do you have um do you have a lot of best friends just the one well you could probably add more best friends in the future right the more the marrier I think you'll really like it if I massage your scalp here at the base of your head like that down to back like behind your ear just massaging your scalp there do you like it better with the pads of the fingers like that or with the nails included like that the pads or the nails the pads or the nails okay okay A little bit of BP can do that what's your shoe size is it uh seven 7 and 1/2 half eight nine N9 and a half please tell me I saw these really cute shoes that I know you would love you would love them they would go super well with this outfit you've got on right now and and your outfit with the dark wash jeans and the white sweater and the one you wear with the cream trousers and the long sleeve CR top and and that outfit you wear with the blue cardigan and the light blue jeans with all the ribs those shoes would match all of those outfits really well so just tell me just tell me your size please please please please please there's your size so I can buy them for you and I can leave them on your doorstep okay I'll remember that thank you it's a very important to me to know you incredibly well relax relax relax I wish I could turn you into a worm so I could protect you and take care of you better and feed you the best greenest crispiest leaves your enclosure would be pristine and I'd set up a phone against the class for you to be able to watch all your favorite movies and TV shows I noticed yesterday between third and fourth period when you were switching your books out at your locker Brian came over and pulled on your backpack to make you lose your balance and then he laughed so I followed him down the hallway and when he wasn't looking I stabbed a hole in the bottom of his water bottle so it leaked all over his stuff and it melted all the ink on his noes do you want me to do more stuff to him or um was that sufficient venance oh nothing nothing else okay okay if you say so just let me know if you change your mind I've got a lot of other ideas for him what's your birthday please tell me pry please tell me what's your birthday you can tell me oh wow oh I should have known that was your star sign oh that totally make sense and um and then what's your favorite kind of cake I could make you a red velvet cake I could make C double chocolate strawberry short cake carrot cake Funfetti lemon whatever you want whatever you want and I'll design it I'll I'll decorate it with a a design and frosting of your cat wearing a party hat relx relax relax do you believe in any conspiracy theories I do I think that frogs want the best for us frogs are all secretly involved in an intricate network of wish fulfillment for deserving beings frogs use their swampy influences to make dreams come true you don't believe me well you'll be feeling pretty silly once my pet toad grumpus makes your your parents get back together [Applause] relax [Applause] relax relax relax relax relax could I try to braid it please pleas please let me to bra it okay the this top section comes out nicely so have you ever played any sports or done dance or anything like that because one of the first things that really caught my attention about you was your walk you walk so great tastfully and and like floaty you look lightweight and gentle like an angel I figured you've probably done a lot of practice with balance and strength and stuff like that to be able to move like that makes you look like royalty really commands the respect of the people around you I think you could teach walking classes probably a lot of people would be quite interested to know how to walk just like you relax relax just just a nice braid here okay I I braided it but I I don't think that it's up to Snuff it is a braid but it is not a braid worthy of your caliber so let's undo that it was fun though thanks for letting me try I think maybe I'd like to instead decorate your hair with some of my Clips is that all right with you could I try to decorate your hair with my Clips okay thank you I'd like to clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip what's your blood pressure you don't know that is extremely important information for your health what are you doing after school today you should come over to my house I have a blood pressure machine I use to check mine every single day so I'm really good at it I can check your blood pressure and I will be completely professional gentle and efficient and accurate then you and I can both enjoy the peace of mind that your blood is pressurized properly and you aren't at increased risk of any negative Health outcomes your business after school well I hope it's more important than your health relax relax relax I've got these fuzzy um star CPS that are going to look so cute in your hair I can't wait to put this in CP it more should this one going go there this one there I like the big stars but I think these little Clips are distracting from how nice those big fuzzy stars look so I'm going to take these out do you like shopping I want to go to the mall with you I want to buy you a big soft pretzel and a lemonade and I want to get a board game for us to play together I want to buy you a candle in your favorite scent what's your favorite scent fresh Linens like like laundry smell oh that's so cool and and I want to buy you a new mug for your morning coffee and your nighttime te and I want to buy you the biggest softest blanket in your favorite color what's your favorite color oh that's such a good choice you're so wise and I want to buy you a pretty journal for you to express yourself in I just know that this big beautiful brain of yours is overflowing with amazing thoughts and feelings and ideas and I want to hear about all of it I want you to tell me everything you're thinking all of the time but you know if you ever don't feel like talking about it you can always put it in your new Journal how's your hearing and your vision are either your hearing or your vision impaired in an any way or can you see and here perfectly please tell me please please tell me I need to know I need to know if you have any blind spots or weak points I need to compensate for and be aware of what if your hearing is a little bit dull in the right ear or you're fishing a little bit blurry in the left eye and I don't know that I need to keep particular watch for dangers in those areas for you that could end very badly okay okay not it not it you will not regret sharing that with me relax relax relax glasses already over wow that was the best period of my life thank you so much for letting me play with your hair you can keep the clips I'll see you tomorrow bestie bye
Channel: Goodnight Moon
Views: 945,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: o5TATqilhwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 38sec (2558 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2023
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