The Nick and Grace Story from Good Witch (Seasons 1- 3)

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Anthony who is that guy Nicorette furred I haven't jerk by the end of the year he'll be captain of the football team and all the girls would be in my business not this girl [Music] yeah you've got a heart oh yeah no need to apologize it it was nice but you threw hit me Hey hi so how's your head okay yeah yeah oh I'm great Nick nice to meet you officially Britany breathing I've been seeing things about Nick who I only just met clearly Nick is in your consciousness for a reason you're right I was I should have cut I got busted by boss's advice for and my dad's Oh next time I'll listen here sorry I'm late as I keep walking home with us I didn't know you two were in us or not [Music] what a jerk now now mr. painting that want you to use your vocabulary imbecile simpleton or my personal favorite crazy that was close the whole time in the VP's office I'm just waiting for you to come and bust me but you didn't and I think I'm essentially yeah I think I misjudged you too did you tell no but I should have and I probably will tomorrow because I don't want my permanent record being screwed up because what you thought you didn't press amber and those dumb jocks she seemed that way I'm not bringing my head in a noose you got caught not me you are I'm what you know what you are and now I did you this theme is excuse me Nick wait outside please I can't and why is that I stole Harry now you you have foolish and reckless written all over your face you may go to class miss Russell [Music] you Nick are in big trouble yeah just for the record I came here for the food not the company and who doesn't like to dance me you're not any could add it on you and you don't do anything you're not good at ok bye grace okay I'll teach you [Music] you are mad [Music] Abigail did help me it was my idea to go and meet her I Nick you didn't do anything but help get me home Nik was actually really nice to me surprisingly decent that seems like a story worth telling I know that Nick's neck outfit he helped me that night he got me home safe and he didn't ask for anything in return I mean we're not even friends really he puts on a good show he's not as bad as he once I went to obedience this I know [Music] thanks for getting me home [Music] you did a really nice things man in the future be more careful okay what's that supposed to mean they're our rule followers and rule breakers you're the first not the second I won't always be here to help I don't need you to be you did tonight how are you Wow sorry I've never really seen you like this before happy yeah I guess maybe you haven't I like it [Music] I do know that you're happy oh well you're not pounding basket balls into the backboard let's go [Music] just you girls know they'll be a pop quiz history today how do you know I just do kind of weird no something that has to happen yet maybe she's a she was doing you a favor right it's not cool you didn't have to do that I didn't so are you two we're friends I don't know how you trap snick maybe she used to spell on him that would explain a lot [Music] you are angry [Music] you really get a stop button get to you I just want to be like everyone else in school I just want to be normal Niki you're so not woman thank you no no grace that's not what I meant I like that you're not like everyone else you're unique like no other there are so many Brenda's in the schools but only one trace rustle be who you are but don't care what other people think when did you become so wise unlike the Obi one at this place [Music] [Music] okay mister quiet what is up with you nothing have you started your lunge messing if by starting you mean opening on my laptop then yeah you do still want to go right yeah absolutely anyway can you please just proof the essay Nick I'm on it thanks grace yeah just because you don't want to experience life outside of Middleton doesn't mean you get to stop Nick you've told me over and over but how you could never leave your family Hey I'll leave Middleton when when the time is right for me I think you'll make sure that the time is never right for you Nick I heard the good news a semester in London well it's been true but he's up to it well if he's going what's wrong with you I didn't mean to but you did it's the truth is it not not your place it was an accident I'm sorry accidentally on Pearl okay okay wait everybody there neutral corner right so what do you want even London I'm still thinking about it all right [Music] Nick look I'm sorry okay I didn't mean to tell your dad you're having second thoughts about going to London please talk to me not everybody wants to talk about stuff but the stuff you don't want to talk about has to do with me no offense but I want to work this one out myself I've been thinking maybe we need to take a little break from each other I want to apologize you already did I know but Nick I was trying to help maybe I was pushing my feelings on you and by the way you were right I am much happier staying closed off you're trying to help it's over anyway I just email to my teacher you're really not going I'm not going nice for coming here with me sure I wanted to read to the kids they gave books to yesterday do you ever do anything that involves something other than reading or studying or being inside well sometimes I read or study outside that count no not at all oh well hey Nick this is Courtney Courtney hey so I guess I'll see you later have fun reading Karen's birthday I wanted to go rock climbing even though she had never been before stars you can make it grab but she couldn't reach it how far does she fall I don't know 10 feet she hit the ground really hard no she's here because of me except I was someone who told her to get outside me are youing better I mean things still occurred but it's starting to be not as much I feel so bad about what happened besides when I'm feeling all better I'm gonna want to get back out there and try it again you know there's plenty of things you're good at doing inside well I guess I'm more adventurous than you think oh hey I got a biology test coming up do you think you can help me study for it wait are you feeling happy Nick Radford actually wants to study yes I actually decided I want to wash the Hara what's going on with you and Nick oh it's nothing we were just studying it was just any practical man's all the way around you and I saw I'm acting all silly what no that is Dez Nick just just being back there is nothing going on between me no organelles are enclosed in a membrane oh okay so it's like you carry them inside something else yes yeah that is a great way to remember it because we have the best teacher in town Nick just sent me a text you're right Nick is going to ask me out there's this girl that I want to ask out and I'm trying to figure out exactly what to say girl huh who is she i'ma wait til after if she says yes to make that public so you talk about something I think I do too boy isn't it so it's weird to be thinking that my mom's boyfriend's son is about to ask me out hang on I need to follow the genealogy here your mom's boyfriend's nick is gonna ask you out yeah tomorrow well you know it's a good thing when he sees it except you're not sure you want them to I don't know me Nick and I are such great friends right but what if we dated things didn't work out you know you you know lots me and know we're really good friends yes why I'm here right so let's say if it's something were to get in the middle of that friendship then I'm starting to see where this is going oh no no she Abaco Tommy tell me do you think that me asking Courtney out is gonna get in the way of me and you being friends you want to ask Courtney out yeah this is his friend you wanted to talk to me about Nick I thought he was going to ask me out I was honestly ready for it you didn't see that coming not even a little bit Nick and I are just friends really no cuz you kind of seem like a lot more than that because of how good of friends for you are so it would be okay if oh my gosh I can only if it's okay with you yes yeah it is okay but at least I was able to come to you as a friend yeah anytime I guess when you see each other again I think so so you're dating we're gonna go it again yeah you're dating yeah you can call it what you want oh it is called dating oh my G so literally I'm only being literal because you are literally dating who's that girl with Nick I can't tell but grace looks mad at me about something why would I be mad at you I don't know what I did come on come on come on wait wait where are you guys nick is taking you see a movie yeah Cornie decided we should be going on actual dates you guys are together all the time are whatz I mean it seems like it though where's Courtney I don't know don't you guys are always together if she had a hard way I've been thinking maybe we should break up let me know when it happens we can be there for both of you after it [Music] you said you're going to talk to her I know and I'm going to when when I talk to her Nick the longer you wait the harder that it's going to be on Courtney so you need to talk with her now we just let me handle this all right but you're not handling it but I will [Music] have you told her yet no will you just lay off when are you going to when I get the chance Nick this can't go on forever Courtney needs to know that you want to break up with her what Courtney thank you that sure why are you breaking up with me [Music] thanks a lot great hey Dino when Courtney was standing right there I would bet anything Nikki you would've said something in the first place you mean if I had done things your way because of how you always know what's best I didn't say that except you think it all the time hey what's going on ethnic yeah that way I don't have to be in the same room as him anymore which is perfectly fine with me great great
Channel: Gil T
Views: 2,164,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: i4dq_tXUYjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 19sec (1099 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2019
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