The Next Rolex? Are TAG Heuer Watches Any Good? $500 Watch vs. $5,000 Watch - Is It Worth It?

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hi guys Teddy Balthazar here and in this video we're going to be doing a q a I posed the question on social media have you guys asked some questions I'm going to answer them here today if you want to be in the loop for other Future q and A's be sure to follow me on Instagram Twitter I'm pretty active across different social media platforms but I pose a question on those different platforms so you want to stay involved definitely recommend you go follow us there also before we jump into this video I just want to have this as a disclaimer there's a lot of brands that are raising their prices as the turn of the year is going on I think the most notable one for a lot of you that are watching is going to be Hamilton as an authorized dealer of Hamilton we get an understanding of when these prices are going to happen so as of February in the start of February the prices for some of the entry-level Hamilton khaki field models are going to go up so if you want to get these watches before the prices go up for some of them you're talking about going up a hundred dollars it's not gonna be for the the mer for some of their higher end pieces their chronographs those are going to stay the same but some of those entry level models are going to see a price hike so if you want to have the opportunity to get those before the price happens I'd act fast I will have links in the description option down below but I shop quickly things right at the turn of February we're gonna have to issue that price increase from the brand now first question comes from Elliot he asked what do you think the next Rolex is as in 20 30 40 years from now what brand could explode where it is today now there are certainly brands that could explode from where they are currently today but you asked what is the next Rolex and to answer that and I'm not a Rolex Fanboy I'm not somebody that will just automatically say Rolex can do no wrong but you have to give them credit where it's due Rolex has transcended the category of watches and I don't think any brand will ever be able to replicate what they did in the 20th century now the 20th century of watchmaking also was pretty much the Golden Era of watchmaking so we're not going to see that be replicated in the 21st century by any means watches are different today as they were in the 20th century so it was almost perfect timing and perfect capitalization on that timing which have allowed Rolex to transcend the category of watches together also when you're talking about Rolex what are you really saying is the next Rolex the brand currently sits based on 2021 data we're still waiting on the 2022 but I don't imagine this number is even greater now you're talking about 29 almost of the total Swiss watch industry and this is only talking about retail value of watches this is not looking into the secondary Market which is a whole nother animal which they also have a Stranglehold on in terms of really leading the market especially with this whole CPO program seeing what happens there they couldn't even resist how much they needed to be involved in that also to give some context here to give the size of Rolex now Standard Oil which you could say is maybe one of the largest monopolies in the industrial world of the United States and literally the government had to intervene because they were too large that was 64 of total market share Rolex is around 29 of Swiss market share for luxury watches now you're talking about half of that you're not going to see the Swiss government intervene anytime soon but just to give you scale one of the greatest monopolies of all time time was around double what Rolex is currently for the watch market so that I think gives some scale in addition you look at the largest automobile in terms of market share look at Toyota 10.5 percent based on some of the statistics that I was looking at I might be wrong there but quick glance that looks like to be where they're at then you also have Apple and Samsung when looking at the global smartphone market they're not even eclipsing what Rolex has in the Swiss Watch industry and those are household names in that whole realm so the question will Rolex always be as powerful as they are now that is I think open for discussion but will there be another Rolex I don't think you can ever say there will be next question asked does movement quality matter to the average watch wearer besides basic reliability and minimum performance I am not convinced a five thousand dollar watch will have a materially better performance and Longevity than a 500 watch so you are generally correct I would say that when the average wearer so someone just is looking to buy a watch doesn't necessarily care that much about watches it puts on a 500 watch and then has a 5 000 watch are they going to be able to tell the difference in terms of day-to-day function probably not they're going to be rather negligible in terms of those differences but are there differences absolutely and we can talk about those but one thing I will also say is I think you could keep snowballing this idea and devolve into hey why get a 500 watch when you can get a 50 quartz watch or a G-Shock why even get a G-Shock I have a smartphone I'm not I know that's not your argument that you're trying to make but I do think that that's kind of the natural progression that you can go on these things are not needed so this is all going to be an attitude of diminishing returns at the end of the day but now let's talk about what are the upsides of a five thousand dollar movement versus 500 and then you can kind of determine whether or not they're worth it for you one is typically power Reserve power reserves and movements around 500 uh you're talking more around the 40 hours as the average there for a power Reserve as you extend up you can start seeing more of these 60 70 and sometimes even more than that for power reserves for those movements the other consider iteration is beat frequency even if movements under say a thousand dollars have longer power reserves are using achieving this by slowing down the beat frequency in the process higher beat frequency typically is seen as more premium but it also provides an inherent upside to the mechanical time keeping as there's going to be more of a gradual distribution of energy to that balance another thing you are going to get is you get up to five thousand dollars is going to be the certifications that typically come in these price ranges as you get up to a thousand dollars that's where you start to see cosc become a real reality for movements and watches that are going to become available and then at five thousand dollars I think a great reference is Omega with their Master chronometer certification that is going to test up the movement fully cased up temperature testing shock they have much of this documented on their website but that is inherently valuable I would imagine for many consumers that might see value in having a more accurate watch compared to you know you're looking at a Seiko or miyota entry level movement ranges of deviation plus or minus 35 to 45 seconds a day it's a far departure from what you'll get with a five thousand dollar watch and then you have up modifications components looking at silicon hair Springs as an example to help against the defense of magnetism also regulating organs this is a big one that people don't necessarily consider your watchmaker will definitely thank you for this to fine tune and regulate having a more robust regulating organ compared to those conventional little pins is going to improve the concept of the watch so you can fine tune and regulate it more efficiently and then modifications to geared trains escapements double barrel systems I think the most obvious choice again I'll go back to Omega because you're talking about the Seamaster diver 300 right around five thousand dollars that becomes the staple of what you can expect for a five thousand dollar watch you're talking about a modified escapement different pallet system and probably one of the best developments in the 20th century for watchmaking by Dr George Daniels who is an absolute genius and if you've not actually looked at how that whole concept works I can actually link to a seminar down below that he did for the national wash and clock organization it's really interesting and I think you'll get further appreciation that oh okay there is something comes along with this as they do spend a bit more money this also doesn't even get into the idea of finish which I didn't want to dwell on too much just because you're talking about will I notice the difference you're not going to notice it when you have it on your wrist but this is something that you could admire when you take it off and you have an exhibition case back those components on those five thousand dollar movements if it is something that's more vertically integrated from a manufacturer that's producing these movements in-house you then will start to see those fine components be finished different Bridges base plates getting some perlash finishing a different heat treatment on screws and things of that store that is something that when you're looking at an a Bosch movement just doesn't exist so those are some of the things that come up whether or not it's worth it for you is for you to decide but it really comes down to this romantic game it's a game of diminishing returns but if you love watchmaking then I think you might see the upside and also consider that not every five thousand dollar watch is created equal so you are right on that next question is and then we actually get two questions about this and both of them got pretty good engagement what is your opinion of tag Hoyer as a popular entry to the luxury watch section tag seems to be somewhat absent from your channel how are their movements history do you recommend them and how do they stack up against the competition so I haven't covered tag on the channel before I have I think several reviews on on the channel about tag but do I cover them as much as other brands partially no and it's not necessarily because I think they're bad watches I think tag is somewhat of a complicated animal I'm a huge fan of vintage Hoyer and I think those are some of those beautiful just chronograph sports watches ever produced from that brand vintage Carreras octavias Monaco although not necessarily for me it is an iconic design and it is worthy of that iconic status and adjective also here in the United States they've done a phenomenal job in distribution throughout the 1990s people know Tag Heuer in the United States and in different parts of the globe people also have the affiliation with the Tiger Woods like when I was growing up I remember seeing that type of connection and Tiger Woods wearing his Tag Heuer watch you would see the logo Everywhere You Could Only must say that I would say from a casual watch buyer next to say a Rolex Tag Heuer was one of the first brands that someone might mention in the US market that's just casually into watches and honestly I think their designs look great I like the look of the modern Aqua Racer the three hand Carreras some of the throwback Hoyer editions that they've done with the octavias the Monaco's also the Carrera chronographs they look phenomenal the big question for tag is just how they stack up against the competition several years ago when I say look at like a decade previously the market of two thousand to five thousand dollars was a different world Tudor was not even active in the world but now you have them getting involved you have auris who's now producing their own caliber 400 movements you then can look at longjin who's continuing to do a good job you have Brands like a nomos that's coming out of nowhere and in the past 30 years become one of the better success stories in watchmaking Zinn of course is right there although a very different style but still a watch to consider in the price range and you also will have Brands like Bell and Ross which from a design standpoint do a really nice job and still fall in that range and from a movement standpoint compete directly with Tag Heuer so that is a big challenge for Tag Heuer is just the competition now the other challenge I think for Tech Hoyer ultimately is just how do they stack up against a tutor if you do the checklist I know what you guys do you guys will leave comments and say hey I don't want to look at this why why would I just get a tutor because it has the 70 hour powers or it has a manufacturer movement long jeans same thing so I don't necessarily think tag makes bad watches I just think that the market has changed so dramatically in the last 10 to 15 years in that two thousand dollar to five thousand dollar segment that it is making it harder for them to gain market share and I think a lot of consumers in the Enthusiast realm have shifted to other brands there's lots to unpack though with tag I think they absolutely have the ability to shift in and gain more market share again because they have the number one thing that Brands I think are desperate for and that is good design tag does have good design when they can lean into what they do best Brandon asks what wash company that went out of business would you like to see come back one brand comes to mind immediately now I don't know if they're completely out of business but they are absolutely a shell of their former selves and that is universal genev the reason I wanted to mention this brand and I I was looking online because in the past five years I've seen that they have like a website somebody owns the brand but they're not really doing anything with it and that brand has so much potential I when getting into watches really like vintage watches that was like one of the pathways for me to get into it and vintage pole routers tri-compacts chronographs I mean these watches that they were making in the 20th century are some of those beautiful watches I think were ever produced in that 100 year period Point Blank and that's a bold statement but I just love the way that these watches look they're Timeless they're elegant mechanically they are beautiful you have the design connection to Gerald Genta with some of the pole routers and again those chronographs were just simply beautiful by compacts try compacts then looking at their big eye collection there's just a lot to like this is a brand that I would love to just see Go full at what they were doing well in the 20th century and just see if there's legs you look at the last 10 years one of the leading just heart thralls within the Vintage Community under five thousand dollars for dress watches was the pole router that watch was so hyped and has just gone crazy I remember when you can get a pull router for like a thousand bucks for a good example now it's way more than that of course but the watch Market has changed I think there's just a lot of potential there next question comes from take your timepieces how would you navigate the conversation with a watch snob that judges your watch based on monetary value I like the response right underneath this and I think I've addressed this before but this sums it up tell them to pound sand that is exactly right don't even need to entertain it if someone is judging you based on the value of your watch they're probably a very vapid individual who has no sense of self-worth and they identify with something that's an object on their wrist which could they have even have a negative type of connection with that thing if they're just judging it based on their own type of self-worth based on monetary value so don't even entertain them it doesn't matter forget it the other reality is the person on the street if you even tell them that you have a 200 watch on they're gonna be like oh you know that's a crazy amount of money like get out of the world that we're in understand the hierarchy of what actually matters in life and understand that this person that's saying this thing to you or judging you on this is just an idiot for our following question we have most popular luxury watchmakers were founded more than 100 years ago ago and it seems like newer heavily marketed Brands focus on providing cheaper or affordable pieces are these bigger watchmakers simply Untouchable are there any modern Brands founded even within the last 20 to 30 years that you can think of that can break through the luxury watch market so you are correct that this industry absolutely relies on credibility Heritage they want to see that you have a name that goes back at least that's what a lot of consumers will think about but we have seen most recently is just independent Brands surging up and taking over the industry in certain segments of the market probably the number one despite them being polarizing and just transcending and jumping up to the top heap of the watchmaking market is Richard Mill they're currently sitting seventh in total market share and 2021 data this could change going into 2022 it'll be interesting to see but they're just behind Patek Philippe they're ahead of Brands like jlc vacheron absolutely huge numbers we also saw this with Frank Muller he had a very similar type of trajectory in the 90s 2000s and that brand was started in the early 1990s 90s looking at some other Trailblazers in the world of Independence FP journ if you want the classic Brigade type of approach to French watchmaking I think FP Jordan is the living embodiment of that and making some of those beautiful pieces in the entire world without question then you have the eccentric creativity of Max booster and mbnf they have become a brand to reckon with and what they've been able to accomplish over a short period of time there's also been some more mid-market luxury Brands like a nomos who since 1990 I think is one of the best success stories in all of watchmaking now being one of the leaders in German production for watches and now producing their own in-house movements and doing some great designs that I think are very true and impossible to mistake for another brand and even at the more attainable end of the spectrum I think Christopher Ward is a great example of kind of stirring things up some of their recent releases they're just on a roll they've I think turned some heads in what they've been able to accomplish they're still relatively small brand but that's a brand to look out for and showing how you can start from after the year 2000 start to grow a brand another one that I'll mention I know it's a very polarizing brand in the United States they have a good presence here where I'm from in the midwestern United States and then is Shinola Shinola despite what you think about their watches I think they do some things really well and they've been able to scale in just over a decade a 50 million to 100 million dollar watch brand pretty much in a segment that is very saturated of 500 to run two grand our next question comes from ah here we go another interest of mine favorite pair of Goodyear welted boots one second let me get these so these are probably my picks here these are my Alden plain toe boots in color HL cordovan Commando Souls you know Alden I've worn many other boots I just think that when shell cordovan color 8 specifically they're one of the consistent brands that produced this year around which just shell cordovan Styles and different colors mostly black and color eight but the color eight just looks fantastic these have you know seen some good wear this year just go back to them time and time again command of soul I personally like to travel with them quite a bit and they're really versatile and they always get comments people just absolutely love these shoes when I wear them and if you don't want another addiction I recommend just skipping that entire section because I find a lot of like Goodyear welted boots and also watches it kind of goes hand in hand finely made things that can last essentially a lifetime Nick asks since you started what has changed for the YouTube watch community and what notable changes have you seen in the watchmaking industry now I have a specific bias to what I will see with the industry at large because I'm more of a digital Centric type of Creator platform and what we're doing here so that's really where I'm going to see the most change I think number one that I've noticed just from YouTube in general is just how much more saturated it's gotten when I first started posting videos there was only a few people that were posting and then there was like the second wave of creators I think watchfinder was involved myself Adrian Jody Jory that whole way was like the second wave of watch creators there were of course some players that have been on the platform for a lot longer but that's where things I think started to really open up and then in the years to follow you would see more and more and now there are just so many channels that it's hard to keep up with there's so much watch related content and that was I think a response to just how much of a void there was and how much enthusiasm there was when you have enthusiasm with lack of content that's an easy opportunity for people to jump jump in and you know really optimize the passion because there's so many people that have interest in watches and they want to talk about these things they photograph beautifully they're amazing to talk about the enthusiasm is there that there was absolutely a void that was filled by a lot of other people and I think allowing us to just share and have a conversation about these things that we love looking at the industry at large one thing that I've noticed specifically is somebody has a business in this is more e-commerce driven is just how much digital has just shifted I mean 2018 2019 a lot of watch brands weren't even posting prices of watches online let alone selling watches online I think now with digital content we have this instantaneous feedback loop and ability to get information to people in a much more direct way so that's the thing that I notice the most of course I have a specific perspective on the industry compared to some others but that's what I've noticed mostly in the past few years Conor asks what are your thoughts on brand ambassadors do you find them important for a brand to have do you wish Brands without them would have them do they influence you in anyway is it a good way to spend Millions so this is one of those things we have to remove yourself from the equation to understand why is it a thing for myself do I buy watches because of somebody wearing something in a movie or a certain celebrity wears it is that something that's going to put me over the edge absolutely not I can say 100 confidence that has never been a reason for me looking to buy a watch I mean I was just watching that Knives Out movie and Daniel Craig had an Omega Seamaster 1948 which is cool to see but that's not going to influence my decision and whether or not I buy that watch it's just it's cool to see that's pretty much it there are brands that do this well and you have to understand their position too if you're a mass Market brand say like like an Omega they're probably the most notable brand for doing ambassadors you have to consider you know what is going to get certain people that never would look at your brand to look at the brand and a lot of those people that might have money that are looking to buy something cool they might see it on somebody's wrists as a red card event they see their favorite celebrity wearing it I think Omega is an example of doing some of these relations well you have the Daniel Craig the James Bond there's been some where they I think probably over reached a bit and there's just too many I think you almost want to be more essentially focused but you also run the risk if you put all of your eggs in one basket you never know what a human is going to do they are people that make mistakes they do things and you have attachment to your brand to somebody that made a mistake so that is the dangerous thing with ambassadors as well a brand like jlc does a phenomenal job I think they've done great within film Kingsman Dr Strange for some reason I mean I'm not a big Marvel fan but it just kind of fits and then there's also the perplexing ones like tutor with David Beckham which always feels like is that I don't know it just doesn't feel like somebody would wear a tutor so I think there's a lot to unpack with ambassadors I understand why they exist are they going to influence people like probably you and me as much maybe not but they are probably important for some of these Brands and they have to spend their marketing somewhere where else could they put their marketing that's going to have high visibility and high ability to maybe convert future customers in the future and Pockets that they normally would never be able to reach but okay guys that is my video here today looking at answering some of your questions if you enjoyed it please give it a thumbs up subscribe and hit the Bell icon if you want us to do more of these in the future that's a great indicator as well also definitely check out full authorized dealer 30 Brands quick and fast fulfillment dedicated customer support and a full factory warranty for all the products that we offer but guys thank you again so much for watching be well and I'll see you all very soon
Channel: Teddy Baldassarre
Views: 628,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: teddy baldassarre, teddy watches, teddy watch review, best new watches teddy, watch shopping with teddy, kevin o'leary, kevin o'leary watch investments, watch investment advice, how to buy a rolex in 2023, watches and wonders 2023, rolex, rolex vs. omega, rolex submariner review, best usa made boots, tag heuer watches, are tag heuer watches good, omega seamaster diver 300, daniel craig omega, anna taylor joy, hodinkee, talking watches, adrian barker, jenni elle
Id: pUSZtfe9tlU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 18sec (1278 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 28 2023
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