The Newlywed Game Episode 3019

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still married I do too stay tuned for another fun Newlywed Game chosen especially for you with me Bob Eubanks from Hollywood The Newlywed Game and here are today's newlyweds this couple got happily hits 22 months ago Donna and Barry Johnson our next couple resided they're about 23 months ago Melissa and Michael Prichard this couple traded Rings 10 months ago Lisa and Rick demusey and our final couple celebrated their Union two months ago Karis and David Strauss [Music] and now here's the star of The Newlywed Game Bob Eubanks [Music] hi welcome to the Newlywed Game glad you could join us today we have four delightful couples who I assume you're ready to play the game you are yeah in order to do that we must send the ladies off if we can to our soundproof booth ladies if you would please now remember gentlemen round one we'll be asking you some five-point questions you'll be answering these questions as you predict your wife will answer the same question when she returns if her answer matches your prediction you get Five Points one couple with the most points at the end of the show is going to win a fabulous second honeymoon so gentlemen if you're ready here's our first question the ladies are gone and it goes like this gentlemen will your wife say that she has the greatest power over you when she's screaming staring or smiling David when does she have the greatest power over you when she's screaming staring or smiling absolutely screaming absolutely it's you don't want to be there no I don't okay Michael she had power over here when screaming staring or smiling Mike I'd say screaming screaming yes every day all day you too really you two used to have a full head of hair didn't you yes yes definitely going bald yes I can tell what do you think about this Barry definitely when she's screaming she screams oh yes she's definitely just have to sit back shut your mouth up and let her are you telling me that you're telling me you married a screamer boy a lot of guys would say you're a lucky guy well thank you yeah uh I would say that uh when she's screaming staring or smiling screaming and staring simultaneously just give me one okay uh with that I'd say screaming gets my attention screaming all right next question gentlemen if you had to pay your wife a salary for all the work she does around the house how much will she say you would pay her each week for all the work she does around the house Michael how much would you million dollars Bob you'd pay her a million dollars it's just a lot of work what do you think about this Barry I have to say million dollars plus she everything oh you guys make me sick million dollars yeah right correct uh 49 plus tax County do you live in uh I currently live in Orange but that may change after today that's 8.75 so 49 okay uh figured out 8.75 on 49 I'd say 54 55 bucks well which one 54 50 55 thank you very much you're the toughest contestant I've had all day thank you thank you David I would say uh Bob I'd say 400 a week 400 a week I need to get jobs like these guys yeah I know I hear you okay next question guys how long will your wife say it's been since she was last upside down laughs [Applause] I just asked him folks that's all I do what do you think Barry I would say a month been a month okay Rick uh it was exactly three days thank you for not complicating that thank you David what's today Tuesday pardon me four days ago I don't know what today is four days ago four four days Michael two days ago above two days Bob thank you very much Bob we'll be right back to reenact the newlyweds we'll see how well our husbands have predicted what their lives right after these passages [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] before that's a good Orchestra good bet oh welcome back by the way gentlemen we recorded your predictions on cards you now have them in front of you each time that your prediction matches your wife's answer you get Five Points isn't that amazing and it's the one couple at the end of the show that has the most points they win a fabulous second honeymoon that's even more amazing I mean he used to used to bury your soul for a toaster now we try this question out ladies would you say you have the greatest power over your husband when you're staring smiling or screaming when you have the greatest power over this guy at least screaming screaming you got power over him when you're screaming really what's your answer screaming I knew that he said screaming yeah he didn't shave today did he I like like that oh you do okay how silly of me Donna you have the the most power over him when you're staring smiling or screaming probably smiling when you're smiling what I'm thinking yeah way to go be dangerous yeah dangerous yeah he says you have all the power over him when you're screaming at him when you're screaming he said you scream a lot when you scream oh when you scream a lot everybody just sits back and and lets you go at it no one says a word and what do you do you ignore me I sit there and do the man I sit there and ignore you Melissa screaming the only time he listens he predicted screaming yeah all right definitely screaming definitely screaming yeah I come from yellers all right he says that you have the most power over him when you are screaming yeah okay next question ladies if your husband had to pay you a salary for all the work you do around the house how much would he pay you each week how much would he pay you Donna for all the work you do around the house each week oh my husband's cheap I will go with a hundred dollars hundred dollars a week I don't know your husband's spending somebody else's money that's all I can tell you Barry said that he would pay you one million dollars a week all right that's right you you deserve it yeah oh thank you very she is the boss is no doubt Melissa 500 500 he said he would pay you one million dollars a week isn't that nice yeah that is so nice Karis what do you think definitely not going to go with a million so I'll say 400 400 he said he would pay you probably top card about 400 a week Lisa how much would he pay you I say I say one dollar one dollar one dollar no no no no Rick is a little more generous than that quite a bit more juice not quite a bit Rick what'd you say yeah 55 a week [Applause] I think that's better foreign next question ladies how long would you say it's been since you were last upside down [Laughter] Melissa what do you think I would have to say about two months two months all right your husband predicted two days two days I don't want to know two days he has someone else living with them Karis I'll go with last night [Applause] David said it's been there four days boy he obviously remembered you I guess I wasn't there last night Lisa I say two days two days your husband said three days no I know I mean what do you mean you know wasn't he there Donna [Applause] probably like a year ago you guys are in a different direction okay oh no a year ago I'm not in any direction if the last time you were upside down was a year ago it's just fine with me not so good with Barry however he predicted you would say it was one month ago a year ago a year ago where did you get a month ago a month a month ago was the last time that we had good right after these messages [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] Bob Eubanks and you're watching The Newlywed Game on buzzer TV let's play [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back to the Newlywed Game ladies your husbands have now been secluded off stage where they belong by the way and it's your turn to predict what they will say remember these questions are worth 10 points so good luck to you ladies thinking back to your wedding reception who is the the one person your husband will say that you should not have invited give me a first name only please Melissa the Justice of the Peace do you remember his first name or just want to say justice of the peace the Justice first and that was there yeah Donna um first name only please probably Gene Gene guy gene or girl Gene girl team girl Gene okay Lisa Billy Billy Karis Darren and I'm safe because there was a few there so I'm going to say Aaron Darren all right fine ladies next question the last time you and your husband made love who will he say put on a better show you or him Donna I know Donna's got to go back a long time to think about this who put on a better Show Donna you or him I did you did all right thank you Lisa he did he put on a better shot a better show I'll be darn okay and I earned it pardon me I heard it hey 55 a week Paris I did you put on a better show and I think he'll agree I did you little W Melissa I did way to go Melissa I'm better huh I'm better you're better than he is yeah all right next present ladies and uh uh Mauricio would you come out here and join us please now ladies this is Mauricio ladies if you could have two husbands and one of them was Mauricio okay what manly job would your husband say you would want him to do and what manly job would you give to Mauricio Lisa you can have two husbands first yeah which manly job would you give to uh to Rick with him no Rick remember you remember Rick is your husband I'll try to keep you reminding us Rick is the guy who didn't shave today yeah he's your husband Rick would keep his normal job what is what which manly job would you give to Rick uh sweeping the garage okay sweeping the garage and what manly job would you give to Mauricio helping me do anything in the house helping you do anything fine okay uh Karis what manly job would you give to David would still take care of all the bedroom duties bedroom at my emergency he can do all the household work household work hey sorry you did well number one Melissa what what manly job would you give to Michael fixing things around the house he'd fix things how about Maria what'd you do fixing things on me okay [Applause] she puts on a good show by the way too yeah Donna what job you're gonna give to Barry um I love the household stuff but especially me household stuff okay and what job did you get to Mauricio all of the yard work yard work all right mauritio thank you very much for being with us all right ladies here's our 25 Point bonus question ladies what will your husband say is the last event you two bought tickets for and be specific last event Karis you bought tickets for oh oh um a trip a trip a trip to Santa Fe trip to Santa Fe all right how'd you go I mean was that airplane airplane all right Melissa the Marine Corps ball the Marine Corps ball all right Donna a trip together you mean well I imagine yeah the two of you bought tickets I'm not sure after the show you'll be going together to the movies to the movies Lisa Janet Jackson Janet Jackson All Right ladies thank you very much we'll be back with the husbands right after these messages [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] what are they talking about Liza Minnelli or hot dogs they're talking about talk about Prince Charles is Right weekdays at eight right here on buzzer foreign welcome back to the Newlywed Game three of our couples have points and berries over there struggling but don't worry Barry you'll have lots of time we're going to see how well your wives have predicted what you will say remember these questions will now be worth 10 points here's our first one gentlemen thinking back to your wedding reception who is the person you would say your wife should not have invited give me a first name only please let's start with you Barry because darn you need some points here oh that definitely Jim what's the matter with old Jim you don't like him yeah we're in the we're in the hotel room yeah and we get a knock on the door at three o'clock in the morning he was looking for his Viagra yeah or maybe he's looking for your Viagra Donna said you should not have no Gene Gene Gene not Jim Jim Jim okay okay okay okay don't don't yell at her yeah what he's right yeah right I can tell Michael first name only please well it has to be the adjust of the piece just a piece she said they have to be the Justice of the Peace David Andrea Andrea no she said you should not have invited Darren Darren Rick Billy Billy yeah who's Billy uh Billy is a is a good friend used to be used to be yeah it's a changing relationship at least a predictive as they should not have invited Billy you got it okay next question gentlemen gentlemen the last time you and your wife made love who would you say put on a better show you or her uh Michael what do you think me Bob you did it huh way to go Michael you're the showman right all right she said for sure she did see put on the better show uh David definitely her definitely her definitely definitely it was her yeah Rick hey I got I gotta be very diplomatic about it sure who put on the better show it was me that's me all right you predicted you would say that uh yeah you did yeah come on all right all right Barry here's your chance if you get this on the right to zoom into last place what's your answer bear I would have to say she did she did she said she did yeah okay next question gentlemen Mauricio would you uh come back out and join us again where's Mauricio let's get maricio yeah now gentlemen gentlemen if your wife could have two husbands and one of them was Mauricio what manly job would you say she would want you to do guys and what manly job would she give to Mauricio so David what job is your wife going to give to you hurry please give him a massage pardon me massage me oh you're gonna give her the massage what manly job would she give to Mauricio cleaning the house cleaning the house all right she said she would give you the job of bedroom duties and he would do the housework almost well judges what do you say about that [Applause] okay that's a rick now what manly job would she give you my my heart is pumping yes I know because Mauricio's out here well she's going to give you what job Rick she is going to give she could by the way remember your name that's reassuring yeah I would say Bob that you would probably give me the uh the task of feeding the dog feeding the dog and what job would she give him Rachel um Rachel would have the uh uh the nighttime short night time George all right she said she would give you the job of sweeping the garage and Mauricio would be helping her inside look at him you want to kiss her now it's a very fine looking person very she gets two husbands now what job will she give you Barry she would give me the job of taking care of her taking care of her and how about what job in Mauricio get he would get the job of taking care of the kids and everything the kids all right she said that uh yeah you'd get the household stuff and he'd do the yard work close enough but not quite close enough no I'd give you pal oh man what job would you give him Rico taking out the trash taking out the trash Michael Michael [Applause] thank you as Bobcat would say I got a big ass surprise for you she would give you the job of fixing things and him the job of fixing things on her [Applause] thank you thank you very much okay before we get to our 25-point bonus question let's see where our winning couple will be going on their second honeymoon you're going to Barbados Almond Beach resorts in Barbados stay at the intimate club or the larger Village enjoy privilege in both locations luxury rooms Gourmet dining watersports and nightly entertainment Almond Beach resorts Barbados back to you Bob thank you Kramer very much all right here it is our 25-point bonus question for 25 points gentlemen what will your wife say or what did your wife say is the last event you two bought tickets for be specific the last event that YouTube bought tickets for let's go first couple number two couple number two Barry and Donna you have 10. 25 would give you 35. if you get it right you're in first place miss it you home in last place Barry the movies the movies she said the movies you got it okay couple number three Michael and Melissa you guys have 15 25 we give you 40 get it right you're in the lead Michael the drive-in movie theater drive-in movie theater she said no you bought it to the Marine Corps ball last event couple number four David and Karis you have 20 25 gives you 45. get it right you're in the lead the movies the movies he said you bought tickets to a trip to Santa Fe all right couple number one Rick and Lisa you have 25 25 we'll give you 50. get it right you and your wife are going on a fabulous vacation what's your answer okay this is a complicated answer because just give you tickets for something and but we both bought tickets for a movie movie she said it was it was card please it was the Janet Jackson concert that means it couple number two [Applause] congratulations to you kids thanks to all of our couples and thanks to you at home I'm Bob Eubanks we'll see you next time [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] game on Bob Tober is off
Channel: Justin Game Show Channel
Views: 36,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: F-whqb4ZcKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 18sec (1758 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 08 2022
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