The NEW Starfield COMBAT System Overview

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they did it I'm telling you guys this is it Bethesda have finally nailed their combat system and I'm telling you this it's going to change everything welcome to starfield's Signal your place for everything star filled and guys I don't think this is hyperbole I really do think that bethesda's new combat system is going to revolutionize their games think about what this means for not only their new Starfield IP but what it could mean for Elder Scrolls 6 Fallout 5 Starfield 2 In Our Lifetime maybe okay let's just Dive Right into our overview of starfield's new combat System Mod your weapons to adapt them to your playstyle different weapon sights and Scopes larger magazines a selection of grips and barrels different ammunition like Explosive Rounds okay so I love this first section here um it gives just kind of a brief overview of the different things that you can mod and customize about your guns I wish they would have given a couple of different examples from from different kinds of guns like this looked like it was some sort of assault rifle or a machine gun um I wish they would have done this on a pistol and a sniper rifle long barrel rifle as well maybe even a heavy weapon but you know Beggars can't be choosers right we're happy for any kind of information we can get so let's walk through this step by step so he says we can customize through this is kind of here's the main body here this is our receiver slot and we have a fully automatic component in here we could probably move this to semi-automatic and I imagine that between these different mods that there's there's risk and reward right that there's there's pluses and minuses and so we might again this is kind of assuming because we didn't get to see a lot of examples but if we did change this to maybe a semi-automatic then maybe our damage would go up or maybe that would give us the ability to put in other mods that the fully automatic doesn't allow so there's going to be a little bit of give and take I'm sure and all these are deeper RPG mechanics right like we've been talking about for a while Bethesda kind of showed their hand a little bit here in a good way in that they've said hey here's kind of where where we're going with this this is proof that we're really investing in these choices that matter to to your playstyle and as they keep going let's just go down a little bit more here weapon sights and Scopes larger magazines he says weapon sights and Scopes uh bigger magazines so here we see that there's just iron sights on it and that's these little kind of notches right above the barrel right here and so obviously most of you have probably played games with with Gunplay before but this is just where you line up these two things in your sights as you kind of aim down the barrel and obviously you don't have to aim um but you can you can free fire or hip fire as they say but that's what those are and so that just lets us know that in addition to this we could put a scope on if we wanted to or maybe a different kind of size that maybe isn't even a scope but maybe it's just a different kind of ridicule that would that would help for better aiming lots of different customization options for the magazine and Battery we see here that it has a drum magazine which is really cool that's this guy right down here let me see if I can back up Just a Touch where it's not highlighted he's the game here we go and I'll try to zoom in on this and post so you can get a better idea of what it is but so this drum that means it's kind of circular right and so there's a bunch of of uh rounds in here A bunch of bullets in here that kind of circle around and as you fire they kind of come up the chamber and it fires them out right it's Gunplay 101 with signal you're welcome um and let's keep going here so we got the drum magazine and then it also had on there he doesn't go down to highlight it but also has some options for uh your your muzzle right here muzzle break so we see this is our muzzle right here right on the end there's the tip and then it also has these slots here so this is the the muzzle brake kind of muzzle um we have seen later on that we'll we'll get to eventually but you for pistols you can get a suppressor which kind of goes on the end right here like a little attachment we didn't see that on on an assault rifle kind of weapon uh but we do know that we can also have long barrel rifles like for sniping and I would assume that those can have suppressors on them as well I didn't notice that the first two or three three times I've watched through this but I wasn't exactly looking for it so we'll look for it again as we go through um and hey that's this section real quick before we move on let's take a look at what we got over here so looks like pretty basic um not necessarily basic but familiar stats as far as the Gunplay goes so again as we change these different mods it may update some some of these stats so we know that this it's a modified drum beat rifle that has gives us eight points of physical damage and notice they have different ammo types in addition to different gun types which I thought was really interesting that's kind of an even deeper mechanic there they also have these heavy like weapons that are they call them electromagnetic ballistic array weapons and those are the kind with like several barrels on them they have all those laser points they have all those laser sights on them and they just shred enemies we'll we'll get back to those here in just a minute but very cool just noting that they have a lot of different customization options here in addition to the ammo they also have your magazine so you have 60 60 rounds in your in your drum chamber here or excuse me in your drum magazine we also have your total rounds so this is how many rounds you have on you and being you're being your fire rate is 160. uh you're gonna go through you could go through all of these rounds pretty quickly and you also have your accuracy here your range uh of course you you can shoot farther but this is like an optimal range where your sights are going to be optimized for and the damage is going to be optimized for so uh have its mass here 4.5 and then value what you could sell it for or what you bought it for and then of course the mod slots that we have here uh so we see it has seven so let's see how many do we actually see we have one two three four five he actually says here in just a second what our other two mod slots are and those are grips and barrels so in addition to just your muzzle right here you're also going to have your barrel and so we could mod this to have a bigger Barrel or a longer Barrel that again that's going to increase your accuracy maybe increase your range as well or maybe even shorter barrels that like for a shotgun for instance that may increase your spread so increase the amount of damage you can do in a shorter distance but maybe decrease your your range and then for your grips that's going to be all this stuff down here and again that's going to directly affect probably your accuracy and maybe even like a recoil value that isn't shown here that may just be like a hey you get basically less recoil or more recoil depending on this but we don't see that value here it may just be listed under the mod slot we'll we'll see hopefully and on this next screen we see where he kind of goes into the the mods for the magazine and Battery components and here it shows us Explosive Rounds we see that the the drum magazine that was down here before is changed into this explosive round magazine and notice over here that for Explosive Rounds we have we need adhesive we need uh tetrafluorides and we also need lead so this is kind of some some additional crafting within this customization options right here and so we know that we need uh three adhesives three tetrafluorides and three leads to create at least one round of of explosive rounds and so um these are things that we're going to need to note as we Adventure as we journey through the Stars we will kind of note whichever play style we want hey I want to make sure that I'm picking up my adhesives you know and my looting and my tetrafluorides and my lead or maybe even we could break down other guns or other bullet types that we don't want to use for our play style and we can start to start to collect these from from breaking those down as well that would be very cool and we also notice that as we change to Explosive Rounds our magazine size decreases right we don't have that big drum here anymore with all those rounds in it but so we decrease went to about half but we also increased our physical ballistic damage or explosion explosive damage to 14.8 from just eight points which is that's a good trade-off if you ask me uh we also decreased our Mass which is good which that probably affects your recoil as well we also increased our value and it's just showing us that we added on a mod slot an active mod slot and here it shows us here explosive rounds and muzzle break and here it's showing us that required research we still need to research the magazine and Battery mods to and maybe after we do that this will increase our mod slots maybe instead of seven total we would move up to 10 or maybe this would increase the the amount of of variety that we have within our options I don't know exactly for sure but it's a good thing to research that for sure this looks incredible you notice that as he's firing this it kind of looks like Sparks are going everywhere uh he's or this character is shooting this robot and right here you see an explosion so all these are this these aren't Sparks from like the the ballistics hitting a metal robot these are tiny little explosions that are happening with our explosive rounds and so this looks really cool um even if Explosive Rounds weren't necessarily like important to you as far as the damage and all that stuff just the look of it looks amazing I'm I'm a fan I usually don't mess around with different ammo types A Lot in games like this just because I'm like I don't really see the point like you know it's you have to craft it and and kind of go out of your way just to get them and then you you go through them really quickly but because they look so good here I I might change my play style just for that because it looks great um let's keep moving all you stealth players out there will surely need a suppressor here we go so this is a suppressor we were talking about earlier right here kind of attaches on to the end of this pistol it also has your laser sight here coming this way and then we also have just some these are maybe like a step up from Iron Sights it's still not a scope but it's going to give you like a little reticule right in there that's going to it's going to help aim a little bit better maybe increase your accuracy headshot headshot headshot and we see just so we're noting we also see here that this is contributing to this character's skill upgrades right pistol certification kill 20 enemies with a pistol he just killed his 20th right there so it It upgraded um I think we've also seen in one of the other sections maybe the skill section where there is an upgrade or no it's a little bit later here with a sniper rifle there's also an upgrade path for stealth kills as well and this is probably counting towards that as well but the pistol certification just happened to be the one that actually upgraded In This Moment and again notice I know we've seen this before but notice on the gun we have our rounds listed here and so if you wanted to there's probably some customization options where you can even hide some of this if you want to since it's kind of redundant on the screen but it's nice that we have it right here on the weapon as well it's down here and of course we also get or sneak attack 2.1 times damage I know we all love that it's there's going to be a lot of stealth players here we also noticed that here it gives us our indication that we are hidden um we'll go back to another moment in in the trailer but there's like some the mechanic here is like there's like some bars that kind of grow and and kind of Bloom and then contract as you're more hidden or less hidden or about to be discovered uh we'll look at that in just a few minutes I say just a few minutes like this isn't going to be another 40 minute um it probably is all right let's keep going okay so we see just a couple examples here of some of some melee weapons which is awesome we have a combat knife that looks really good definitely looks like a combat knife and not just like a little blade that you made I like that it is the United Colonies combat knife here and um I'll zoom in on this and post just so we can see maybe what that says I don't know if it's anything important but we see that it gives us 16 points of damage and then uh what else do we have here this you can also choose and then we also have our rescue ax that's for emergencies only of course um but I love the design of this it's not just like a hatchet right like it's it's a it's a modern futuristic sophisticated option for for chopping up whatever needs to be chopped up and that gives you 17 points of damage I want to know what a rip shank is though that sounds really interesting it only has 12 points of damage but I would I would use it just to say he just got shanked uh because that's fun all right so go Hands-On and here we see like a block with with a knife um but also notice this is not the same knife this is this is a different knife than we just saw right um the blade is different and then also the hilt is different and so this looks more like um maybe what a hunting knife would look like and not necessarily a combat knife with melee weapons and of course just blocking with it you know I don't know how much damage that does just just blocking with your arm but maybe it's something so we'll take it and we backed up here sorry Hands-On with melee weapons and we're going to get into some specifics about the the combat animations and how it's overall improved and overhauled here in just a few minutes but a quick note here is that this this animation or the knife it it's this still seems a little strange to me I think all the punching and and the hatchet work looks really really good but this one it's just kind of like a pop I don't know it still seems a bit weird I think it's much better than just the fluid like just swinging kind of through air like like Skyrim did it just never felt like oh yeah this is fun to do um so maybe there's a little bit of a pop there maybe the animation and the sound and everything once you're playing that feels good but it still seems a little strange to me and almost like it doesn't really fit either way weapons like it seems like this guy's farther away than what you actually stabbed um I'm not gonna critique it too much but you did crit them there and you see all that see all that splatter see all that blood splatter oh that's a lot but you did um you did crit this guy just run right up to him and so that's where it hits and again it the the distance seems a little weird to me um but I don't know maybe that's the sacrifice they had to make so notice that as you as you crit him drops drops the gun over here and all this goes everywhere uh so that's fun I know a lot of people love that if you're not into Gore maybe there's a way to turn that down in your options in your settings menu I'm not sure but we also see here that we get to uh loot him at this point as well he has a grindel machine gun some ammo 7.77 milliliters and a technician's ground crew pack so maybe this is like um I don't know exactly what this is maybe this is like a little goodie bag of stuff that will have that he'll have in there here this is this looks pretty uh pretty brutal right here I want to watch that again this guy's ballsy coming up next to that maggot Mall uh to uh just hack at it again lots of blood splatter and we also see the mac and Mall kind of backing up I'm not sure if that's the if that's your combat doing that or if it's just kind of doing like a Dodge I think it's doing just like a Dodge I don't think you're pushing it back with your with your combat but again the distance looks a little iffy on that and again I get it like these huge creatures like you're not going to be able to be right up close to them uh I just noticed that just notice that it's still an improvement it's still great looks good I think it's always a delicate balance between like what's realistic what's Sim and what's Hollywood I really like that line striking that balance between what's realistic what's Hollywood what's fun uh I think this is a great like design philosophy to go off of so they they did a lot of gameplay where I was very impressed with with the person controlling the character they pulled off a lot of hard shots that I would definitely not be able to pull off something that skilled um I think this is a good move to have a very skilled player playing this as opposed to maybe what we saw what was it the IGN first where they were playing like the red fall and just the the player was not doing a great job um we don't know all the context there but this is a much better viewing experience at least watching someone who knows what they're doing just really kick some butt in the combat again I want to go back and watch this shot again one for the player that was just epic um we see here we see another uh ballistics thing come up kill 20 enemies with a ballistics weapon so this is kind of updating you looks like it probably updates you uh maybe halfway because this is 10 out of 20 and then once you uh complete it I I kind of hope it doesn't notify you every single time because that might get a little distracting much like the much like the XP indicator that is still right in the middle of the screen I've said my piece I won't I won't talk about it anymore okay and notice here it looks like down here we have some indicators on where our enemies are so there's still a couple behind us here and then we still have one up here let's see if that changes as we as we go through yeah because from right here there's two right here two little notches right there and then as we go through and we shoot where that explosion goes off kills one guy get our XP notification again that fire looks really good guys the fire looks really good I haven't noticed that yet looks really good let's watch it again this is fun doing this together isn't it we just sharp there it looks really really good one more time with Starfield Louis front it's like a freeze frame on that okay so it blows up and then we see it kind of blooming there looks really good I mean just look at all the details on the edge kind of the the dark kind of contrasted with the light and smoke yes yes yes yes yes it's going to be good okay so my first time watching this I just assumed that um the character like threw a threw a cryo grenade or a nice grenade out like we've seen them do before and we'll see again here in a minute but uh he actually shoots this chamber see this shoots that chamber and it freezes what's up and does it freeze it does so it freezes that player character and you see him Frozen you see him Frozen and like falling over again from the physics of this kind of blasting out so it freezes him and he starts to fall over and that gives you some free shots to the face all right it's more dynamic and let's back up and see that together it's more Dynamic the animations are more fluid there's some more guys over here so I think that is a really cool like crowd control mechanic let's see what else the player does here animations are more fluid it just feels great it does feel great all right here we have one of our heavy weapons and we talked about this earlier but notice all of these laser sights right here there's one two three four five six seven one two three four four five six seven eight nine maybe uh so there may be up to 54 different barrels on this which is just insane and so notice that it's watch the round watch your rounds right here okay so we go from 60 to 143 in a split second I mean it is rolling through these rounds let's see how long it takes them to blast through this guy we probably have more mods and more weapons I want to say any other game we've done so here we get a great look at a lot of our inventory options here over on the left side of the screen we have all of our different weapons and their different damage uh types so if we scroll through here we see we have the Beowulf Brawlers Equinox Coachman drum beat Ember drumbeat is what we saw earlier that we were looking at in the crafting section Amber eternity's gate experimental A7 Hard Target micro gun micro gun interesting we also see our total carrying capacity our Mass so we're almost at capacity here um here we have the highest damage as the experiment A7 is maybe like an experimental weapon that may be one of those electromagnetic ballistic arrays that we saw earlier eternity's gate seems to be like in a different color as well some of these have different colors so I'm wondering if that's an indicator of like their weapon type that you can cycle through Maybe so this rare laser rifle is an electromagnetic weapon we see even some we see even like some cables going on here to kind of give that electro magnetic kind of feel to it and then we also have The Coachman we've seen that before this is a nice shotgun it looks like they've actually modified this a little bit with the better grip um and maybe even a longer Barrel than what we've seen before or weapons in this game at a drum beat what we saw earlier and Ember this is an energy weapon as well and it has a few notes here about it as ignition beams and focal lens and a standard Barrel laser set so those are good things to note moving on this looks like definitely like an alien Tech kind of weapon I thought this looked really cool eternity's gate the damage on it doesn't look very high but let's look over here and see if we can find out some more information so we know we do physical damage and energy damage and we know this is a rare particle beam rifle we've seen that perk before that skill that we can level up particle beams um hand loading here's a note says volatile rounds that are designed to pack a bigger punch but aren't as stable and can fail on occasion that's really interesting so maybe that's a part of like a risk reward dynamic as a part of using particle beam weapons that hey they can push out the damage but you may find that they don't always work and so if you're in a heated battle and you want to make sure that your weapons are working for you this may not be the best option to like go in with um or maybe you could use this as like a surprise if you're going to Ambush a bunch of enemies go in guns Blaze and try to take out a few and then as it starts to fail or if it does fail then have a backup kind of ready and waiting to finish off the rest of them this is a rare shotgun and this oh this is my bread and butter love shotguns in video games has physical damage of 119 just solid awesome damage we have a few notes Here we have exterminator 30 damage against aliens not intelligent aliens but maybe alien creatures okay and we also have reflex sight tactical stock and lachet rounds interesting so all kinds of different mods that it already has on here you can see the stock the sights right here and looks like this right here may be are rounds modifier I'm unsure the other game we've done before there's a lot of variety upgraded gear man that was beautiful let's just walk through those so here it looks like we have like a grenade launcher here is our magazine for those massive grenades grenades are about that size right and see the barrel so that's that's what we're working with right there these are big old boys um and this looks to be like our sights on here which is really interesting foreign and also has something okay CR this is our um this is our rounds count right here see it has four right there um got a good grip get a nice stock plenty of accuracy again we see the size of those rounds and a little warning little warning signs on the side you know let you know hey be careful with these they could explode okay and also get another warning right here which is funny I'll have to try to zoom in on post and see what that says sometimes Bethesda hide's little cheeky humorous things in in little thing little details like that and this is an Allied gun and here we get another look at a good uh rifle weapon here we see get another handle the stock here notice right here the nice little nice little detail we have what 15 16 17 18 and so are these confirmed kills with this weapon just 18 kills seems a little light it could be how many times you've upgraded this weapon could be how many times you've died with this weapon I don't know either way it's a really cool little you know design detail okay so I love this shot here we got a Maelstrom gun that laser sight muzzle um got more sites up here have probably are um our magazine counter there are rounds counter got the grip and have some sort of add-on modifier right there as well I don't know what that would be maybe this is your rounds modifier like a ballistics or a heavy or a explosive I'm not sure we haven't seen that before okay so watch right here and you're gonna see the shell from the round come out as as he shoots and as it as it kind of launches it out ours and right there I just think that is so cool to watch it's spinning definitely has some uh some realistic this I don't know about this guy though this one's just gonna like floating here it's like spinning and floating and not real sure what it's doing let's go back and watch it okay so this guy's so all the way up oh this is coming up from the ground maybe it bounced off of something man the physics are just awesome in this game so that game bounced off of something or said that that round did that shell look at that muzzle flash man that's big you guys see that right here big muzzle flash I want to use that weapon for sure I don't think I've seen this yet or at least I haven't paid any attention to it this emblem right here that's not Freestar Collective that's not you're not a colonies that's not uh the Crimson Fleet so what is that have I missed it let me know what this is in the comments and put the put the time code on here okay so here we see this awesome and very heavy looking uh rifle and we also have this awesome scope on here check this guy out this definitely looks like an upgraded scope again we have a rounds counter and looks like we also have some little power options here that's a power icon and up and down um yeah very interesting don't know what that's for but also we have a big muzzle on here that may be a type of suppressor it's hard to tell from this angle um but let's what's even more interesting look what the scope can do so he's talking about how sometimes you need to modify your weapons for specific uh moments in combat or specific environments and notice how it's kind of hazy everything is and so your visibility is a little bit lower than normal so what would you do if that that were a situation you were in well you might think about using a thermal scope look at this you can also see I kind of notice all the snow falling which is what's making it hazy or maybe this is dust but I absolutely love that they have this thermal scope option here you see this guy and you're gonna with your with your site you're going to aim right down on them while he's sitting nice and still and of course you're hidden so you're gonna get some some damage bonus which is amazing so down here you have the option to hold your breath this is probably what's making this so steady what's making it you know it doesn't it doesn't have that the camera sway that gun sway on there nice so quick and yes of course you do get sneak attack damage and you do upgrade uh or you get your next level in your stealth perform 10 stealth attacks and you upgrade woohoo congrats okay so notice as you boost already this looks so much better than what it did in in the June Showcase of last year in 2022 right the the Flames the boosting looks so much better so much cleaner uh we'll kind of have the Flames here and then kind of the the exhaust from from that boost right there and notice over here again still in the same place but this is kind of our our boost um endurance if you will how much boost we have and that's again probably something you can upgrade because I know that your Boost pack is a skill that you can that you can get that you can probably upgrade as he boosts over this rock back up just a little bit boost packs are excellent for getting and we notice that he kind of he boosts a little bit and then he kind of floats just a little bit and this is what the developer's talking about like when gravity your gravity is lower that these boost packs kind of have you know even even better effect because they can really take advantage of that low gravity so you kind of boost up just a bit and he kind of makes you feel like you can float or fly a little bit absolutely and so we also see a bunch of enemies with Boost packs on on their back but we don't see them using it that often which I think is interesting I think in this trailer this gameplay they're wanting you to feel like hey you're awesome you're you're you know you have all these abilities I don't think they showed anywhere where these guys are are using their their boost packs um I may be wrong about that but can you imagine being overwhelmed with a bunch of enemies down the ground you're trying to fly around shoot them all and but there's also one two three four maybe up to five other enemies kind of flying around in the air doing the same thing to you trying to trying to pin you down it's these are going to be some awesome combat scenarios I cannot wait this is going to be such a fun play style that it's going to be hard not to like lean into this too much um and so you know just to try to have like a variety of places all right because I think the first thing we're going to do when we come into a situation to some sort of battle arena is just you know boost boost up and then just fires fire some grenades down on the ground to you know lighten the load uh spread out thin out the the herd if you will and then we'll come down and maybe have a have a submachine gun or a pistol ready to kind of clear out the rest but I think that's going to be such a fun play style that I'm kind of afraid that I'm going to overuse it uh but we'll see there's going to be lots of other stuff too okay and so right here this was interesting because this guy is glowing kind of like what we saw earlier with the thermal scope uh Dynamic but we don't have our thermal scope on so it's possible that maybe we have a modifier on our helmet that is allowing us to see certain types of enemies because again if we go back this guy down here go back and see he's already this guy he is not glowing and then we get to this guy over here he is blowing and so lots of questions is this guy a special kind of enemy that he just glows for whatever reason or do we have something active like a perk or skill or something modded into our helmet that allows us to see unless it's like kind of Mark certain enemies maybe heavy weapon enemies or or maybe uh leveled up enemies like their their Elites of some sort I'm not sure but these are good questions to ask he went down pretty quickly so I don't think he was an elite maybe we can scratch that out will actually push you backwards this is this is no surprise but this is such a neat little like attention to detail that if you're in zero g or even light gravity if you fire a ballistic weapon it's going to push you back right the laws laws of physics laws of gravity um this is going to push you back um and I think that is just so neat and so I love how they kind of uh answer this in the context of okay well if you have energy weapons they don't do that energy weapons on the other hand offer a more stable shooting experience so you know you could use being pushed back by a ballistic weapon to your advantage as far as just kind of out of stay how to stay fluid how to stay you know moving kind of be a harder Target but that also might make it more difficult for you to aim and focus on on the combat scenario so it's good that they give you the option to use energy weapons that who knows there could be plus and minuses to them but they're definitely not going to make you move or affect your your position on the battlefield as much whenever you're you're in the middle of combat in zero g and man I love the way this looks oh this looks so cool it's like a laser is kind of coming out of it oh looks so good it's gonna be so fun we also have mag weapons come back just a little bit because on the other hand offering more stable shooting experience these are high-powered electromagnetic induction ballistic arrays high-powered electromagnetic induction ballistic arrays say that three times fast I'm not going to uh but this is just awesome so we have one here magpulse we have we have the uh the magazine there and maybe that's the chamber I'm sure yeah I think I think you switch them out so that's kind of that's everything then we have the barrel and all of these laser sights coming out here that are just going to rip through enemies this is going to be fun guys this is going to be fun oh man I like that shot the blue I mean the blue just kind of looks like it's a it's a laser cutter or something all that there again this might have been what we saw earlier when we had the 160 rounds or maybe that's just uh standard for for these we have some more kind of control uh buttons right there I'm not exactly sure what those do may just be for design yeah look at this oh so you kind of these are heavy weapons right so you kind of hold them from the hip like this guy is he's not holding them down sights um wow this looks so good I mean in a split second what I want to see how many frames it takes once you once you start firing all right so once you start firing one two three four five six seven seven seven frames the seven divided by 30 that's um about a fourth of a second that's about a fourth of a second that is amazing just right through them like a hot knife through butter and then freeze this guy and then this guy takes a little bit that's a big robot model it takes a a little bit more to get through them then we start talking about melee combat here and just punching so I'm just gonna play through this maybe you prefer something bigger starfield's got you covered love it okay let's go back to the beginning of this section um where they start just punching punching the aliens in the face I think this looks so good and so this guy he is this guy has full uh full health now he's level five we don't know how know what level you are and or I don't think we've heard how the leveling works either if the environment in your enemies scale up with you or if the enemies are are static right if they just have one level and they they kind of stay the same if you're the same level and you just punch this guy and he goes down in one hit that that is impressive looks like they're giving melee some due credit here and if melee is this powerful I can see a lot of people you know rolling a Melee character this would be really neat or at least having it is like a backup if they're if their ammo gets low or something but I like the way it's hard to tell I kind of go in slow motion here but from the sound design and from the animation it looks a lot better than than what we used to have uh with with melee combat so I'm very happy with this just punching an alien in the face fun okay this is so this guy's a level 25 and so he's he's a little bit more and uh this is interesting I didn't notice this before look at he has um another little bar right there I think that's the symbol for electromagnetic so maybe he has some resistance to electromagnetic weapons um and maybe that bar goes down first with those kinds of weapons and then you start getting his armor or his his health but look at the animation here so you go to punch this guy and just his head that long head just goes way over I love that I hope that like if you were to punch with your other hand that his head would go the other way and that there's you know they're kind of reacting like that man I just think that is so funny whoa just okay all right and then we get to see some more weapons we get to see like a pistol here I think we've seen I think we've seen this pistol before I think that's the combat Tech pistol we've seen has it has the same sights on it doesn't have that suppressor that we saw in there earlier it does have your laser sights there and it's got looks like it has a larger magazine too right in the grip kind of protruding out just a little bit that's good to know keep moving here we see another kind of pistol let's see this is an electromagnetic pistol it looks like let's see all the uh it still has a muzzle flash on it but it has all this kind of blue electromagnetic stuff that we saw earlier coming out um what is that we'll have to I'll have to zoom in on post and see if I can verify what that is for you I like that transition transition through the wall and then you're firing another gun on the other side of it that's pretty cool but this is definitely a ballistic weapon see the Barrel Flash see the barrel Flash and laser sight coming down we also see this guy kind of moving back and forth and uh yeah it's a sub machine gun so it's a lot tighter it's not as long right it's just like a regular assault rifle um but it looks like it could be good for maybe some lighter damage but faster output okay so this is a a machine gun kind of like a Gatling gun if you will um and so you're going to start out firing and look I thought this was a grenade launcher at first but he's shooting into this tank he's going to blow that up to knock this hunting maggot Mall down boom again the fire looks awesome and notice how the hunting maggot gets staggered and just Falls over that just kind of stood out to me is like hey this is I love the way that the enemies are interacting with what's going on in the environment it's not just getting damaged and you know freezes up for a second it actually falls over from that massive explosion then stumbles back up while it's still on fire and you just go to town on it just ripping through it starfield's got you covered love it here this actually looks maybe like that experimental shotgun we saw earlier I'm unsure but it is an Allied something we see that right here and another good shot oh I like this one this one may be part of the thumbnail I don't know we'll see love this whole look this looks is this one of the mercenaries one of the ecliptic mercenaries the um stuff on his helmet makes me think it's one of the uh it's one of the the Cults Maybe guys all this looks so good I really like this weapon too this looks like a fast firing revolver pistol see all these rounds here I like how they're like closed off too I feel like they don't show so like the the rounds actually like burst out of those that's really interesting that's an interesting design Choice um or maybe that is the round and they maybe that's like for for the rifling that's how they spiral coming out of the gun I don't know the sides on there and this is going to rotate around as we fire and it fires quick fires really quick for a revolver usually revolvers are not that quick I really like how this seems like it's going to feel just pay special note to to the reticule here in the middle I like this reticule back up a little bit so I wanted to back up here this your reticule here when you're firing is yellow right here or excuse me it's orange and why is it red in other places or why is it orange here maybe from a crit shot or maybe from a headshot I don't know right there I feel like you got some head shots too maybe you didn't start with one but everything else is red very interesting we have a hunting twist fin here looks like uh an alien creature on a desert on a desert Planet so to speak um looks definitely dinosaurs like with a tail and Claws kind of like a Velociraptor which what do we hear early the ashta are like a cross between a wolf and a philosopher Raptor so maybe this isn't exactly the same but maybe it's in the same family same genus Maybe okay so that was an ecliptic mercenary so that's kind of they look like they are very heavy armored this guy was coming at you with with an ax and so you you put a stop to that real quick see fly up take down these guys I love that throw down a little cryo grenade here and freeze this guys he's coming at you with he's got an ax as well so you're gonna you're gonna stop that in its tracks and then you got like a big sword I mean look at this okay so right here oh we do get a frame look at this I'm trying to like keep my eyes open for like a little bitty glitches and little bitty bugs and little bitty mistakes uh but right here we can see one see how how the the blade hilt kind of breaks out of his hand just for just for a frame right there it's still in it comes out and then it's back in it so it was just for a single frame but it's there and yeah this is totally just a big sword it looks like a I mean look right here this is very interesting so it looks like it has these little designs in the hilt um kind of looks I mean looks like a ninja sword that is very cool didn't know there were space ninjas but space ninjas confirmed or maybe maybe you're in a museum or something you just grabbed whatever you could find to help you uh right here man if this big guy was coming at me I do not like spiders yucks let's see that again I don't want to see it again but that's a big old guy so that's this level 60 and that's a what is it a herding spider wasp Grazer a spider wasp that is one of the scariest things that you could imagine a spider and a wasp together no thank you gonna stay clear of that one got more little hand machine guns here and you switch to your knife nice little grenade throw there crit created with a grenade throw and over here we got our electromagnetic ballistic array gun and we're just gonna shred through this guy oh wait no that's a shotgun excuse me I saw all these laser sights and maybe it's still that type of weapon but it's the shotgun variation yeah still ballistic weapon we can see everything pop up over here but yeah all these laser sights there made me think it was the other kind let me back up oh it's killing me this uh this is definitely a little frightening right all these robots running at you uh these are varoon robot models so this is um house Varun right one of the religious cults in the game or one of the religions in the game maybe I shouldn't judge him and call them a cult who knows they may be nice people taking out these guys face Pirates again just awesome combat I mean oh whoa whoa shoot this guy's I want to be able to do that so bad I just don't think I'm gonna be good enough and so you shoot this guys maybe it's you know maybe this isn't where you shoot their their jet pack maybe it's kind of like a finishing animation right how those were somewhat random in in some of their other games like you you wouldn't always get a finisher animation maybe this is kind of like a finished animation because right here you see you shoot them once and it's not in the back it's like in in the chest and then he Sparks up and does this little animation like huh what's going on no my jet pack which brings back Rocketeer Vibes holler at me in the comments if you remember The Rocketeer and blows up way over there right here that's awesome and then of course we have this scene I I don't know what to think of this I I don't know what to think of this let's just watch it let's just watch it and then it just ends and cuts to Todd and he's smiling at the camera like a cheeky son of a gun all right let's go back see what we can see what we can see so they got your guy walking through here just like a boss got lasers flying past him like he doesn't care he doesn't care at all he knows what's going down reaches his hand out no gun no dial no device and does something where he activates some sort of power and we see these little bitty see this see these like all these little bitty light particles something indicating that something's happening here and activates it and as all these people are shooting at you they don't have any kind of like HUD up here where we see you like using your your CO2 your oxygen or your endurance or see the everything coming down we don't know what's happening here but we do know that once you activate this power that you have that all of these guys stop shooting you and they just like pass out and it takes a second okay wait so it does it drop their guns okay so the guns disappear what is happening there so what is happening this is the first time I'm really like looking at this with you guys so notice the guns guns guns guns guns everywhere guns everywhere firing at you as you so you activate this it takes it a moment but from right here to right here so you see this girl this guy's gun right there this gun right here next frame they disappear and they just kind of go limp they're in zero g you see all this other Rubble around you start to float up they start to float up so what is this tell me what you think in the comments and I'm not just saying that for like engagement or whatever like I really want to know let me know in the comments or head over to Discord tell me what is going on here because I have no idea I have no theories I have no reasoning I have no logic I am just befuddled but man am I interested in it I think it looks so cool and and so awesome okay so that's the end of that section I want to go back real quick to the skills section because they dive into a little bit of combat there all right so we're back in the skills section now I'm not going to go real into depth into the skills part just wanted to kind of Breeze over the combat sections here so they do note that the Boost pack training is a skill so this can either probably give you more boost pack endurance or longer boost maybe even stronger boost to get you through um more uh Stronger gravity uh we'll see right here he's just talking about how he likes to fly over give us some more examples of flying over and here we see the indicator that we are leveling up our boost pack training love that this guy talks about a skill that helps him kind of be better at melee neural strikes maybe just cracking skulls open here I love that in the in Low Gravity it just comes and punches them it just goes flying with the Wilhelm uh sorry that's an inside joke that one's a lot of fun invest in the skills that suit your play style okay here's where we get to see a little bit more of stealth and this is what I want to show you okay right here see where this is our hidden meter this is the sneak mechanic do you see all these little notches here so this is saying kind of how hidden we are and if we're about to be discovered so this is kind of how you need to either find better hiding or you need to go ahead and do what you came here to do I love it that I called this vent thing in my WTF video uh this was this was so cool for me I honestly did not expect it but it's really cool that it exists love it okay so again with the sneak this really isn't um combat but notice we can pickpocket before we do the thing that we came here to do and we're still hidden there so just want to show you that as a part of combat um love it end we have another type of knife here as well this isn't the combat knife we've seen before and it's not the hunting knife we saw earlier so it looks like there's going to be a lot of variety between melee between um Regular like ballistic guns that we're used to between electromagnetic guns between the bullet arrays and maybe some other cool stuff that they didn't even show us I'm very excited for the combat in this game if you're like me and you love watching videos about Starfield then I would love it if you give the video a like help other Starfield fans find our content and consider subscribing that way you won't miss any content as soon as it launches and if you're looking for a community of people to enjoy starfled with then we invite you to join our signal crew over on Discord this is such a fun way to connect with other positive and excited players in a space where you don't have to worry about internet trolls kind of babbling on about 60 FPS or junk like that and finally thank you so much to all of our patrons and our channel members they get really cool perks like ad-free viewing Early Access to new videos and even their names immortalized in the credits of these videos and for the biggest Starfield fans there's even a producer tier and I'll let you explore those perks on your own through the links in the description thank you so much for watching liking and engaging in the comments let me know what you think about the new combat system in the comments below for now may you find Wonder as you Journey Through The Stars [Music]
Channel: Starfield Signal
Views: 52,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starfield Signal, Starfield, Starfield News, Starfield release date, Starfield Gameplay, Starfield weapons, Starfield Space Suits, Starfield Outposts, Starfield Crafting, Starfield Character Creation, Starfield Lore, Starfield Quests, Starfield Spaceships, Starfield Ship Building, Starfield Traits, Starfield Skills, Starfield Backgrounds, Starfield Economy, Starfield Research, Starfield Planets, Starfield Factions, Starfield Crew, Starfield Combat
Id: VmAKGR8Z8qs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 16sec (3736 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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