The New Silk Road: Ambition and Opportunity | CNBC

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I thought this would be about a new dark web...

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/butters1214 📅︎︎ Mar 01 2018 đź—«︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] on September the 7th 2013 in Kazakhstan President Xi Jingping made one of the most significant speeches in China's recent history he denounced the bill and wrote initiative also known as the be are I the largest infrastructure project since the Marshall Plan aiming to modernize the ancient Silk Road spring cities from the desert forging new trade routes across continents and oceans and launching whole countries into the global digital sphere I'm dr. Manish Shah and american-born Chinese raised in Taiwan and a professor of East Asian Studies in contemporary China I'll be exploring the revival of the ancient Silk Road meeting businesses and entrepreneurs looking to benefit for the trillions of dollars of spending in this first phase of the built and real initiative this is the prime example of people who came in started something suddenly people are gone so the building is complete empty I think he really means he's a visionary sorry first stop my home of the last four years and at the beginning of my journey and this is a perfect place to start deep inside the cargo Court I'm overwhelmed by the enormous structures cranes containers and cargos right behind me this is where I get a real visual image of why Hong Kong has traditionally served as the Gateway for China to reach the rest of the world this is also where maritime route had built a real initiative against [Music] since Hong Kong was handed to China from the British 20 years ago it has operated within the one country two systems framework allowing the city to do business with the rest of the world using its pre handover laws and systems [Music] some were like Hong Kong to be the maritime powerhouse for the Bri taking advantage of its international legal framework savvy business skill sets and sound financial structures all this is happening at a time with Hong Kong sits at a crossroads trying to find its place in Greater China narrative so as the Bri offer unique opportunity I want to take this question to my students today good yes all right so today is a little bit of an interesting discussion we're gonna talk about the build Road initiative I just want to quickly get an idea about how much you guys know about this topic Filipinos have addict respect for the Chinese in terms of business so why won't we not join this big opportunity because it's basically like introducing Philippines to the world also if we are talking about that's kind of the construction of infrastructure we have to think about whether technology of the construction works I feel that as a financial center Hong Kong didn't have a business sense actually we really can't influence this project how it will go in anyway but what Hong Kong can do and have always done is that you try to find yours and your role in a Chinese project and you try to find out how you can capture profits from this project so at least for me this is what I hope and think Hong Kong should do in the situation if I'm the business owner in as a country like Indonesia or rather I will think about the well those of Chinese business owners come to my consciousness and objections they have tellement they have money China's has always had this strong sense of culture perhaps that is what Hong Kong can actually tried to contribute to China Hong Kong has been considered to be adaptable because they have been dealing with a lot of foreigners now that is something that Hong Kong can actually contribute to the success of Bri Oh China is what you have to do to deal with these people chatter and chatter that's a great I think perspective as an outsider looking in the consensus my students implies that there are great cultural and financial opportunities available to anyone willing to jump on board the Bri after all this is the world's largest infrastructure project since the Marshall Plan and Hong Kong international focus puts it in a great position to benefit but I want to see how these issues matter outside the classroom and as Hong Kong is expected to be the Nexus of the maritime trade routes we're better just start that one of the city's largest logistics companies I'm on my way to care logistics I'm going to meet mr. Eduardo Ernie who is the executive director in north China I'm pretty excited because Kerala just sticks is something that I think we live in Hong Kong we see all the time I always remember their orange and gray logo it's very iconic also when I was living in China I see Carrie center Carrie shopping mall they run hotels property management and so on so it's a huge very visible conglomerate so really excited of this so how does the building Road initiative actually benefit Carolyn Geist --ax the Belen Road initiative has opened up many new business opportunities it has also become essential in our strategic framework for long-term development with this new initiative we now have a clear idea of where to expand we are focusing on the economic corridors identified in the belt and roll initiative well there's some of the changes that you have seen at Kerala gist takes since the announcement of initiative one of the top agenda items is to push forward with the PRI laying the groundwork of long term expansion especially across the 6th economic corridors with two strategic acquisitions this year one of those is a major logistic company in centration yadah is a rail freight logistic company based in La Jolla China with weekly schedule block drinks to kazahstan and Yuba Kista we believe we are probably the only logistic company connecting East Asia to the entire CIS and the Caucasus so when it comes to a business in North Asia Southeast Asia or now Central Asia do you find that challenging with regards to some cultural or linguistics barriers or challenges there it's it's quite a one of most challenging Clark you know especially when you go into this guy's country where they speak Russian languages a lot of offices company news Hongkong si si hub or si Henry point into Asia in fact one pair one row is just a topic that I mean makan Kong I mean happy more opportunities because logistics in Hong Kong is still growing and our company is also growing growing in terms of bringing Hong Kong to connect with other part of the world Samuel you're born and raised here so I'm just curious do you feel that the building rule initiative the Hong Kong expertise can be transferred to many different cultures and cities and with different people certainly yeah of course Hong Kong people particularly young people have to pick up this opportunity willing to travel willing to work in other nearby countries even go to the Central Asia this is what I think the Hong Kong government and also Hong Kong business company let those young people to have this opportunity how are the young people in Hong Kong today similar are different to your generation first of all they have much more opportunity than the time I grew up and the assess of information technology they have more chances to understand things outside Hong Kong does one belt one road make you more busy [Music] so here in Hong Kong the Bri seems to be opening up exciting new possibilities and expanding horizons for both big business and the new generation of Hong Kong youth and at this important moment in the city's lawn of fascinating history Hong Kong and its people appeared to be in a great position to benefit from the Bri both strategically and financially so somehow I'm getting a more hopeful picture at the full initiative Hong Kong's role here perhaps two industries are really welcoming the idea and embracing it people can see that a lot of the ground works have been laid and going along with what either the Beijing or the Holland government is pushing forward to so I can see a spirit of embrace that's wonderful my second stop on the Viera maritime route is Malaysia due to its position along the Malacca Straits it's always with a key country along the route a recently China pledged 34 billion u.s. dollars into developing Malaysia's infrastructure but the Bri isn't just about bricks and mortar a revolutionary digital project is underway [Music] Southeast Asia is one of the fastest growing digital markets in the world with a young tech-savvy population and a growing middle class it's a new frontier for the next ecommerce boom in a march 2017 Chinese tech billionaire Jack Ma with the Malaysian government announced a digital free trade zone a plan to position themselves at the center with this tech explosion the digital free trade zone liberalizes ecommerce across Southeast Asia and having partnered with the Malaysian government Maas company Alibaba often called Amazon of China went on to acquire 83% of lazada one of the region's biggest e-commerce platforms giving Malaysians easier access to Taobao Ali Baba's version of eBay that is hugely successful the scale of Alibaba is staggering recently on China's equivalent to Black Friday a reported sells of twenty five point three million dollars in just one day a Chinese company that powerful often has to work closely with the Chinese government so I want to find out how does the Malaysian tech world feel about Jack was a helping hand a meeting with lazada Malaysia CEO to understand how they'll benefit from writing the BR I's digital wave first and formost only asked a really exciting thing the collaboration between Alibaba and lazada in what ways do you think is the win for lazada as well as a win for Alibaba I can speak volleyball here but I do think that it is part of their strategy to you know open up to new markets and I think they have decided that lazada is the company that knows the Southeast Asian market the best the access we have to the talent and the knowledge and experience there is such a mass advantage for us and it really allowed us to engage more with some of the brands that maybe were not willing to work with us before but that gave them really confidence that their partner in China you know is now maybe also engaged here so let's let's engage more with lazada and it also gave the local SME basis in all the markets like confidence to say okay we know Alibaba maybe if they come in that ecommerce is really ready let me adopt this - let me bring my business online and let me try to expand my business through a digital solution and and and instead of building another store or building another warehouse so Jack Ma mentioned that this is one of his ways to support the built in world initiative I wonder if the people are aware of the collaboration between lazada and Alibaba what is your view on that what we are really experiencing is a lot of excitement Digital free-trade zone we have a batch of 1500 tell us that we will enable to sell into the Chinese markets we are working on a solution to you know allow them to sell into other ASEAN markets [Music] the DFT Z is an official Bri initiative aiming to turn Malaysia into Southeast Asia's eful filmic hub the plan is to build cutting-edge high-tech warehouse bolivar making cross region shipments more efficient and affordable I'm on my way to meet Satish who owns a company called Russell tailors that imports and rebrands wholesale kitchen appliances from China I wonder how he thinks the lazada Alibaba partnership could benefit his business wow this is the warehouse do you take the whole space no we just rent a few racks in here based on what our requirements so walk me through the process here so these goods arrived from China in a container and then where does it go next so from here we load it up into a truck and we ship it to LA sawdust warehouse so as in rent as an order by customer Lozada from their own warehouse we'll pick all right them wrap it up and ship it to the customer it keeps my overheads lower so I don't have to employ more manpower and it's also more scalable so if there's a surge in orders and not the one who has to come do you have a market research team no actually do everything myself even like designing the instruction manual designing the packaging of box let me show y'all good where would you like to sell everything to right now we only sell in Malaysia but hopefully in the next two to three years we can expand regionally all right this is the Russell Taylors a f-14 airfryer I love the packaging actually so so here is a question so you know that on lazada now because of the collaboration with Alibaba Group they also opened up this table all collections and I wonder if there is another merchant in China selling a similar product on table all at a slightly cheaper price they might become your competitors are you worried about that for my product category I'm not too worried but I know for other categories where there is restrictions are not so strict many of the merchants in Malaysia are not too happy about it stop our collection all the merchants are not too happy what about the consumer consumers are happy because they get it at the cheaper price so that's another tricky part [Music] for Jack Ma and Alibaba it's a win-win situation Alibaba enters a new local market with a ready established firm and gets to leap on Amazon positioning itself as the market leader in Southeast Asia for the Malaysian consumer it's great too because all of a sudden they have access to more products for more outlets at digital speeds but for cetaceans government this ecommerce revolution presents both great opportunity and a great dilemma because to expand and develop as quickly as possible Malaysia and Malaysians the alibaba's expertise infrastructure and capital but at what cost [Music] I'm here in Singapore the third stop on the maritime route every time I come I'm just impressed by how green and lush Singapore is and I'm getting a glimpse of the future of Garden City I'm curious to find out how Singapore might become the valuable partner to build a real initiative helping the participating cities and countries to become more green more sustainable [Music] [Music] Jack Owen is an engineer turned entrepreneur was hoping to radically change how we farm vegetables in rural areas in cities his award-winning vertical farm technology has been an in development for five years and in 2016 his company Skye greens secured a 20 million dollar investment from University in China Jack nice to meet you thank you for having me here come to my farm so this is your farm yes yes yes I think this is my first time visiting a farm like this so you have a big farm here how many kinds of vegetables are you growing we can't grow more than 40 different types of vegetables with this border well that many but we are concentrating particularly on seven types of vegetables well seven mmm such as cabbage by the Chinese cabbage kale mizuna amaranth ah sometimes Morning Glory here we also grow lemongrass Wow I think this is my first time seeing the real lemongrass why do you need to grow lemongrass because you can prevent mosquitoes this is a fish pond yes this is an aquaponic system what is this this is a tilapia the trap your fish can generate ammonia a nitrogen fertilizer so our plants can absorb it at the same time our plant waste can be used to feed the fish this is our greenhouse which has trees to vegetables in it also the ones earlier were planted as small pots the genius of jack system is a sustainability and efficiency the vegetable plots are layered up to the roof driven by a waterwheel using the same water to nourish the plans and a fish farm to fill the water with nutrients it's an inspiring vision and to date Jax technologies are being used in Singapore China Thailand Malaysia and Tahiti the men go in times odd could you tell me how many floors there are here 32 flows it's rotation speed is one circle in 12 hours every day from 7:00 a.m. in the morning to 7 p.m. in evening yes yes today yes very fresh yeah just harvested hmm after quitting his manufacturing business in 2009 Jack was given land from the Singaporean government experiment whiz from then on there was no stopping him today his company sky greens not only produces one ton of fresh a supermarket vegetables every day but also provides infrastructure and consultancy for any farmers or investors looking to use as high yield of space-saving eco-friendly model elsewhere and this year Jack's project at Hainan Island China yielded its first successful crop I'm sure you have heard of your business basically have any relationship to that the Bri initiative is of great importance to me because it passes through Cambodia and Laos these countries are developing countries with our system you can make quadruple use of the land right in for example you have this piece of land and you only need to plant own 10% of it and then you can multiply 10% of this land and you're free to develop with the other 90% oh I see I see so on this land they can do other things without influencing their farming productivity so why don't we move the village from into the city so they can sell their produce in the middle of the city so when you're meeting other business leaders or professionals with expertise in Singapore do you feel that they share the same vision or have they talked about it if our generation doesn't care about they cannot grant the survival of our next generation I communicated with many experts not only from Singapore but also from several other countries and any and all contributions are not just made by one person but all of us together to bring benefits to the earth so I'm not alone on this everyone is contributing ok I think he really means he's he's a visionary and and this is really what you want to do right jack yes but do you find that you're not alone on this journey but I'm sure the people journeying along with you is not huge but are you finding a few partners and friends live with tears as I feel that Jack is moved to tears because he's really sharing with us the fundamental vision and and what is really motivating him and supporting him to do what he's doing but the journey is it's the moment a tough one it's tough it's tough yes initially I thought the Bri would show me China exporting expertise across to 65 countries along the routes the meeting jack has turned that expectation on its head because it's exporting his knowledge back to China helping them to overcome environmental issues caused by the rapid development and urbanization that the Bri would evitable e create for the persistence of great entrepreneurs like Jack and China looking to take the lead in green technology I'm hopeful that the PRI has the potential to help spread sustainable solutions throughout all the regions and touches shaping a healthier future for our planet in January 2017 China sent its first freight train all the way to London taking 18 days and half the time it would take to go by sea it marked a major point in the development of the built route the built route is not just a construction of one railway track with a development of six economic corridors throughout Central Asia the Middle East and Europe bring together 65 countries through major infrastructure projects under the banner of the New Silk Road a long way from the modern cities of Hong Kong and Kuala Lumpur and Singapore have come to see where it all starts deep in the isolated steppes of Kazakhstan where one of the BR I's most ambitious and risky projects has begun Kazakhstan is the largest landlocked country in the world rich in natural energy resources and historically considered the point where the east meets the west I'm heading to a place called goes on the Chinese Kazakh quarter most famous today as being that boy on the map farthest away from any ocean far goes was once better known as a key trading hub for Chinese and centre agent margins along the ancient Silk Road but as to silk room withered so morgels died and the buckle in the built route disappeared back into the desert [Music] however since the announcement of the Bri new interest has come to this isolated region and today the Chinese and cause of governments are reviving the old Silk Road switching camels for freight trains hoping that the new goes will rise from the sands the first step in the project is to create a for go special economic zone since the 1990s China has achieved great success in building special economic zones one example was transforming Shenzhen from a small fishing town to a ten million strong economic powerhouse and here the same trick is beginning to work in just three years the fec goes east gate has sprouted from nothing now housing the new goes gateway the largest dry port in the world it's here the Chinese freight has to be transferred across two smaller ex-soviet tracks continuing to Central Asia in Europe for Chinese transit customers this is a new route only completed in 2015 so I want to see how faced one of the horror ghost regeneration project is go previous to before that special economic zone this build what we're seeing is probably just like a desert layer yeah so this place really came out of nothing yeah came up from nothing but I'm curious then wire goes right I picked this particular location historical it's it's it's gates of the Silk Road second wire goes because of the local climate the winter is not snowy here or no wind so it's dry how have the buildin Road initiative helped you to maximize your commercial value in capacity focus from the Chinese customers and folk also focus from of the European customers chrome this program helps investors to invest heroes to pay attention it helps to logistic companies because they have good rates at this point are you running on your maximum capacity currently we're working on 50 to 20 versus our maximum capacity so there is a huge huge yeah yeah we're going to reach our capacity by 2020 so we are two years from that's pretty fast that's pretty fast seems to after only two years of business the horror ghost gateway is thriving but while building a gateway in this isolated area makes strategic sense the second part of the investment is much more risky and far more symbolic it's here just ten kilometer from the drive port that the international center for cross-border cooperation for the ICBC is being built the seed for the new city of horrors the ICBC is currently an area of aden adaptors split across the border with separate chinese of kazakh sides each country responsible for its own area taking advantage of his special economic privileges it initially became a trading hook for small-scale merchants peddling goods across the last approach matures the investors hope that these conditions will lead to the explosion of new medicine here in the desert they've come to me the president of the Kazakh side to see how plans are progressing when you stop religious three categories America Mehta industry catalyst true Radhika terrific asana masses business interest of keturah fighter precision suppress with an same support national average puro Trista's reduce risk Astana ewg Paku Paku Akitas Katara silla period our messages settle screen innovations Ptolemy Nyanza as this you logĂ­stica this me venerable not Arista in a business cookie lab Street or silk madam goo Goo's nationalist register in Turkey interest and research can be a delicacy stefan de totora huge true Teske continent center the mood thank ebooks tasty massage this tool called him an accent tourism when you talk to Lisa still a particular resolution innocence capitalism steroids mr. comedian skied Sandra leggat s catalyst of the Davos of Central Pacific huger tightly Lana grams Nomad Santorini today's comedians but to attract people to a study in the desert is developing tourism and meeting places enough today we suspect present a selenium it was part of convergence in a result Newton in tourism so is it what what are the trigger on soir season good afternoon Narayana of God position she's desert middle of to respect today at the potential inertia client some people say that this plus the Chinese side together this'll be the next Dubai dispensation drop a sec unicornia he tossed astronomy meristem intelligence on me as the Bulls would show the wireless device was repossessed oh no solution and we see very similar problem people collude to annoy catch stop shaving of aluminum [Music] there's a lot of impressive rhetoric around the ICBC and it's backed up by the numbers on the Chinese side alone the new horror goes has already attracted three point two five billion dollars of investment on the side projected to be the size of New York City so is this the beginning of the future the original horror ghosts grow naturally the entrepreneurs of antiquity headed there as the Silk Road increased in traffic in many ways this is the modern take on the ancient practice of growing a city from a trading post but the new horror goes is something different a dual government-led initiative rather than an organic process so traveling across this underdeveloped country side backs the question is it possible to manufacture a new city and a new economy in the middle of nowhere [Music] Michigan to inject walking through the ICBC the first thing to notice said it's almost all one-way traffic the Chinese tourists posed for pictures on the Chinese Kazakh border line and cross over into the Kazakh side to buy fake goods imported from China and a half completed shopping mall followed by more photos with a few local Cossacks dressed in faux traditional clothing for a tour of the area in a golf cart with 93% of Chinese having no passports creating a visa-free tourist destination seems like a smart plan but the ICBC feels like an easy mixture a first based tourism and low level commerce rather than the beginnings of the next Dubai at the center of the ICBC is the border crossing so as you can see on the ground there are two lines two blue light on this side represents Kazakhstan the red line represents People's Republic of China and you see a lot of Chinese tourists just standing here taking pictures of people standing right between the two lines it's quite the same the idea is for the Kazakh side of the ICBC to be finished in 2018 from what I can see the target isn't likely to be met because outside the centre of activity the Kazakh side is one huge building site the city of dreams is still being constructed slowly in the middle of a desert have come to me to kazakh businessmen who once lived in China they're building a complex on a Kazakh side and I would like to see how their investment and the new goes is developing do you Angeles displace what is it trying to be at the end entertainment entertainment leisure shopping centers so this area is a three star hotel and commercial center project the hotel has five floors and more than 180 rooms the commercial center has three floors including the base in 2018 the end of 2018 currently every year we have almost 5 million visitors from China so if that is the case we will be able to build it all up really quickly did you have any worries or hesitations at first of course we were worried when we decided to do it for the first time initially with problems around the plans then later the problems of constructing foundries and selling those are all issues this is the first time that you invested in such a big project and the first time to rather yourself yes I think so of course they are risks maybe you have to be a pioneer anything is possible so they are risked an opportunity as at the same time and you just asked whether we did a serious evaluation we didn't do a lot of research it could be related to our personality we like adventure but of course worried as well the developers took me on a journey of the Kazakh side away from their own site to show me how other projects were progressing currently these pieces of land are still empty perhaps they start to work on something and it wasn't approved and the plans dissolved yeah this company also disappeared disappeared after how long the construction has started since about last year maybe two years it's been left here for two years yeah that's right so this place is the prime example of people who came in started something about this construction and suddenly people are gone so the building is complete empty the site is just left alone like this so when you first came here didn't you see this phenomenon happening yeah we saw it but you still wanted to come in no it's their problem their plots is too big so now there aren't any investors so here it's very interesting so this is another complex I believe they're probably gonna make is some kind of Dutch flavored hotel and shopping mall because the name of the project is called tulip and interestingly the way they do the poster here they specifically point out built and Road initiative so basically just say that this is coming out of the initiative and there comes this business opportunity [Music] we stopped the car overlooking the Chinese side to see the contrast between the two sides of the zone so here standing here you can actually see this sharp contrast between the Chinese side and the south side on this side most of these buildings and the constructions are done by the government grasp it walk back to the cause of sunny side you see sporadic constructions there is much less governmental led initiatives over here but I was told that these two buildings actually belong to one development which actually has been put on hold so the sushi center is it an office building yeah office buildings and how many companies are in there now the Amity how long have they been completed it was done before I got here a few years ago everything beaut but they aren't able to get at the people is it possible for this place to become Central Asia's Las Vegas everyone is talking about the gambling industry is a very interesting business everyone wants it to happen so businessmen that are interested in this area are keeping it in the backs of their minds especially China well I wish you all the best over here you really have a lot of courage for coming in and investing thank you really it's a lot of courage and if it's a success I'm sure we'll see each other again we'll come and pay you a visit again okay thank you thank you so thank you thank you [Music] how the new horror goes who eventually look is still open to speculation the 2018 launch date does seem like a pipe dream I'm curious to see what this place will look like in ten years will it be a thriving metropolis or will the new goes slowly return to the dust the fundamental thing that will help carry is Republic leapfrog into but the country with better economy is technology and technological innovation [Music] for the last leg of my journey I'm heading to Kyrgyzstan one of the poorest Republic's in the former Soviet Union traversing across a spectacular the Buried steps I wonder how pri invest successfully in places as isolated developed as this as I pass into Kyrgyzstan the landscapes of early blossoms despite the beauty I've arrived in the country that unlike Kazakhstan is resource-poor with little gas after the announcement of the VRI former president Atambayev moved swiftly to propose various infrastructure projects with China building roads and railway lines but as Kyrgyzstan got more to gain and is simply an enhanced transport system is there another sector through which the Bri can help grow the national economy I'm here to meet a young group of Kyrgyz entrepreneurs who may hold the key to the country's future and the University and it's kind of water if not ask them who if not now that when I think that one of those people who can change air and shave Cappetta aziz sotoba yeah is a man on a mission instead of his company Keiji labs to boost tech entrepreneurship in kyrgyzstan and hopes to help turn this country into Central Asia's tech hub came to show me the rise of Bishkek Aziz took me on the tour of the city's tech hotspots so this is yeah welcome to Allah this is main co-working space in which kids in that's a part of that all landscape incubation hubs like this are the backbone of startup culture in the West and here in Bishkek there are a number of hubs that help cultivate ideas and relationships aziz wanted to introduce me to two extraordinary local entrepreneurs or having global success [Music] she of mendes oh I think I met the right person matt d'oeuvres is a developer outsourced company that has clients all over the world for a Singapore to Silicon Valley close to home has developed the systems for numba taxis and number food Kyrgyzstan answered to uber and delivery you have some best developers in the u.s. Silicon Valley how do you compete how much maybe three or four times but then you can provide almost the same quality of work in most cases better even better absolutely how do you get people to be so good oh we have a very rough program we call it Hunger Games we call it people those who want to become a good developer we prepared for them a very hard program in most cases impossible actually you know and the strongest ones they become actually the ones that will finally start to call people do you think this could potentially be the pillar economy for your country what makes our community is different is that it's going organically and the initiatives come from community not the government not educational institutions we don't have all that's our comparative advantage we just have to use what we have our brains our brains yes across the hall is another impressive fish kickstart of created by aya beck assemble off Maggie Yousef calm rapidly grew to become one of the most successful tech sites in the world averaging 45 million hits per month this is a global operation basically but the idea started here in Bishkek oh yeah now that is just mind-blowing I guess a lot of your users don't even expect that this is from bishkek yeah it's a nature of our country most of us are entrepreneurs there are not many people working in government jobs but a lot of people are running some kind of small business so among the young generation they are now considering to start that small business in the area of IT so I don't know how familiar you are with China's one belt one road project do you think that could potentially bring any change of landscape in your industry general speaking about China we don't know much about that ecosystem because it's closed but they have some of the most successful business models for the IT startups ever made like they have we chat right now even here in Bishkek right now there are startups there trying to replicate that we chat well is this ignoring competitors right for example what if we Chad decides to come in and take over the market I mean could that happen yeah I think in my opinion competition is good in IIT because when you're competing in a tea you everyone is more or less on the same level NIT in particular it's it's about who has the best idea yeah estoy bien implementation thank you without built and rolled initiative would it change anything but the change what you're doing the accomplishment of this project would positively impact into our plans just like you know surfing do you would just like find the right way for you for you and like from China would come like a big wave that would have a positive impact but you know we will still be doing good without dividend those initiatives because he loves surfing anyway all right it's just happens that there's a big way yeah but even with the smaller ways you're still sir yeah why don't we will create so the tech industry in Kyrgyzstan looks vibrant and healthy and along with the Bri is digital future should only grow but now as I'm at the end of my exploration into the first phase of the build and world initiative I wonder what will the future hold the Bri plows on forging new relationships striking new deals and integrating new economic policies its skill scope and ambition grows with each passing year now encompassing game-changing digital innovation and tandem with astonishing world-class infrastructure as I've traveled through the mecca cities of Southeast Asia all the way to the mountains and desert Joey shows he can't help the feel have always connected with that has been touched by the massive admission of the built-in road initiative but as I've seen great ambition comes both financial political and cultural this only time will tell if China's long-term vision for payoff for the people I've met along my journey [Music] or the real game changers or the true pioneers with this new Silk Road [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: CNBC International TV
Views: 1,146,852
Rating: 4.631104 out of 5
Keywords: CNBC international, CNBC Life, the new silk road, the new silk road documentary, belt road initiative, belt road initiative map, one belt one road, one belt one road documentary, one belt one road china, one belt one road initiative, one belt one road explained, one belt one road china documentary, belt road initiative hong kong, one belt one road hong kong, one belt one road singapore, one belt one road malaysia, khorgos, kazakhstan
Id: REtEOS_9Eic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 57sec (2997 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2018
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