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exchange gift P Christmas New Year's gift ni Yan na ba baig talaga [Music] Nang you know I haven't seen this the gift of you what I time I'm glad she's walking again walking again I have to Hindi na P Hindi na 53 na akan na nak in the hallway of you always visit yes we always go we always for the first time nice to see thank you nice to see you oh parang everybody miss I know I know feel Mo feel everyone loves you everyone's missing you I know they're all asking about you super Miss everyone's missing you already you have to say to everyone who misses you Sayo to all my bachelors I miss you too and if I were you I'd miss me too gra look at her she's so pad I work out like crazy the whole morning is just Waits no three times a week in weights and then I do cardio wow as in and I'm on a like very diet we're all looking good that's what's important I know that's true and to age gracefully otherwise yeah you fall depressed if you're not aging gracefully and we have to be healthy really what's a wisdom yes that's true if you look good you will feel good corre when you feel good you will look good true it goes hand in hand true that's true that's why and can that's why yeah if you look bad you can if you look bad you will feel bad and when you feel bad you will geted you it spiral Spiral so no no no no you have to love yourself you have to take care of you have to do Al yes no matter what you're SCH know yes you have to come here more yeah you drop everything beautify yes that's [Music] true [Music] CH just need to get inspired I just need to get inspired by beautiful inspired look at me still so we are all so thin and beautifula talaga T Naman talaga yes but I need the reminder what that what she's The Queeny no we have to I have to keep on trying was also telling do that I'm like you know what I love also now that I realize how mean the freaking world is yeah you have to stay beautiful I love it how always you must remember when they stop being mean something's wrong with you happens then that's it that's it so let's you should be worried you should be worried we have to be bothered so okay okay that's why now I said th much O Come on come on and it's all available so just do it actually heart you know the best advice to get from his I mean very wise very wi mat you're already very mat you will survive this world before stay beautiful you will survive everybody no believe me if you stay beautiful you just Empower yourself the rest will follow and just let them yeah it's not it's not easy yeah I'm actually okay with but I get over you let in you have to be careful careful before sure now I'm you've learned you've learned over the years I had a little a little but it's with the wrong people I feel always always how learn that's part of it learn it from you'll always be safe at home [Music] yes so you better no it's true not just anyone can you know pop up and say oh I want to be this and be that and be they can watch it and you know and maintain it and be to maintain it is a different story I know you have to maintain you have to have the money also to maintain so that's at the end of the day because your confidence will come from that real talk this is adult talk you know when you know you have even if you just leave everything behind people know because you have that confidence you know when a person has and when yeah you know so agree that one you secure and then you can maintain it then of course we have I I of course I'm here forever oh you be well good luck I'll chatting with you I know so nice to see both of you you guys are the best they don't make it like that more so nice it's so nice to see people yes better than planning also some yeah it's more auen organic yeah and then you see you see that you have something in common what did you see Madame that's I always stay beautiful a little byebye bye her favorite gring for her Mar and ala yes not favorite it again I love I love is life better without social media I I believe so what's your words of wisdom I have freedom to do what I want to do with all sincerity I don't do things out of wanting to show people yeah and I feel I feel people more because I also feel their sincerity when you give me something it's because you know it's what I want it's not the value that you're giving me because you know oh she's going to post it and everyone's going to see it and even when I dress now I dress for myself and not for the public not because you know you don't feel pressured to like overspend that's true because you feel like you're going to have to show off yeah you're right so it's more real that's and I didn't know that then now I know it so I I save more money now there's more feace because I don't have to keep on checking on on Instagram like what you know what's this person doing what's going on I'm more productive I can do things that more important to me rather than what's important to showu on social media how do you keep relevant how do you keep yourself relevant I am [Laughter] relevant I love that answer I love that answer or it's not something you can just erase because you don't have social media in fact I believe I'm more relevant because people don't know where I am what I'm doing that's true agree cuz I think a lot of people are scared not to have social media because they're afraid not to be relevant so you have to empower yourself and then you you can turn off your social media and know deep in your heart you are no which is which is a good advice I think a lot of people are victims or prisoners of social media also div nowadays and there's only a few people like you who actually don't have social media I get tired of things easily like I can be so into social media one day or for like a few years and when I'm over it I'm over it I'm in a different world now I can let go and you have to let go of what does not serve you anymore a lot of people are so scared of not having social media because it's become it's an addiction yes exactly yes you let go and you just no but that's true I have to agree having some mystery and leaving things for yourself gives it more meaning you know you have to count your blessings I want to just live in the moment and enjoy the moment and the people who really matter that's why you're happy now cuz there's less than distraction and you're doing things that really make you happy and you're more productive you're right Gretch 2.0 wow do you like the Gretch 2.0 I like I like the gretan in every stage the not so good Gretchen the naughty Gretchen the controversial Gretchen the hardworking Gretchen but I like the more peaceful Gretchen now the older the more mature you know yeah I'm more confident I'm just more sure myself I like it you know it's hard to be happy when you're not at peace and I think because you're at peace with yourself you you don't need so much yeah there are more important things that's not Material because when we talk about our experiences in the past it's not oh I bought this I bought that it's never the material things that you remember where you went together your experiences together the places you've seen the trials you've gone through that's what I realize but the memories you shared together like all our and all our good times and all the tears and all the laughter that's what we remember always remember look at this side so lifted oh my gosh look oh my gosh what's your name I like it I love it I love it too I love it ther really is good for you effect look at this side and even your neck must TI compared perfect perfect for the holidays it's tight yeah yeah and you can feel if you feel the skin here right it's more it's lighter this is more loose off right this is more FM I like tight tight always tight always tight is good tight for my myage face Myas we should do this when we have time right like the good old days thank you thank you at least I'm with you before Christmas I know this is our actually this is our Christmas get together now Bing time and we saw heart yes I know such a lovely lovely lovely face you I mean seeing you again next time B again beautiful people must stay together together of course Merry Christmas Merry [Music] Christmas
Channel: Dr. Aivee
Views: 160,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fG5nlNC6qIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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