Claudine Barretto’s Heart For Her ‘Chosen’ Family | Karen Davila Ep113

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so gananam is you are thank you finally it's her birthday it's sunshine birthday know birthday it's your birthday it's my birth it's your birthday happy birthday happy birthday to [Applause] you [Music] what happened to clodine baretto all these years I isolated myself yeah actually um this was the time now uh I was newly separated and um I felt that U my my kids needed someone to be therez I I was broken and they were broken too so I wanted to make sure that you know um they would they would feel secure and safe now anytime they need me I'm just [Music] there you already adopted Sab yes yes but Sab I always I always say it's meant to be we're meant to be God has a blueprint life and blue right away the moment I yeah it's funny look that's why I don't say blood that's why I don't believe that blood is thicker than water when I held her in my arms I felt this I can't explain it parang this is mine this is mine this is for me I'm going to keep you safe I and I swore the moment I held her I swear that you know I would do everything in my power to make her happy to give her a good life that fast yes wow how did you lead to adopting Kia and Noah after you've had Santino already they really wanted the sibling that was one of their prayers talaga when they wanted a sibling I told them oh let's pray if in 2 weeks um we don't we don't get a call or whatever that means it's not for us cuz we we'd visit orphanages cuz I used to do social work for DWD um you adopted proud and of course you don't get a call you don't usually get calls that you know there's someone here that you can adopt but this after two weeks we got a call and they what year was this 200 I was maybe 15 yeah 15 15 2015 and then so we I was like okay T this is really for us cuz this is no joke we get a call and then you know so that's how it how how it happened and with K did you just say yes I'll adopt her on the phone yes without seeing her no yeah gra Clin I mean that's another kind of love H so after K you adopted Noah yes no tala was what planned the kids wanted as another sibling a boy and um I was like Julia Claudia Dan girls when it was Leon's time um I left marg's house now cuz we used to live together so I didn't know anything even with Santino I didn't know how to really dress him up guys and you know true enough you know Noah was I know we waited 3 months uh and then the mom gave birth and then gave him up gave him to to to me I mean adop no but um and and Noah's like my angel he's he's like with me 24/7 he's Ling he's I we sleep together holding hands talal mama boy tala what is it in adopting children that that your heart seems prepared for I think I have so much love to give yeah and Par even if I give it to Sabina and Santino there was it was over my cup was overflowing pin you you love and I wanted to to to share it how can you say no to to to um to an angel and then people would say because believe when you adopt you adapt they adopt and it's how you bring them up the foundation children with um autism are are called special yeah special because they are special why why is it now when you're when you adopt um it's like I some people do that it's true but it's painful it's not nice to hear so I was trying to says WD for the longest time is to to change you adopted to chosen Ganda because you chose them that's why they shouldn't feel bad you know adopt no they should they are chosen you pick them you don't get to pick your own child yeah if it's a boy or girl you know but this one you get to decide and also I believe there's no difference really no difference love Santino K Saina Noah and K it they're all the same if you can love your husband who's not your blood not your own blood how can you not also love these children unconditionally oh my gosh hi say hi T Karen hello what's your name this is Noah how old are you Noah 4 years old and Kia how old are you I'm 8 years old years old see both of them when you chose them they were still infants oh yesal baby baby newborn talaga newborn talaga newborn oo ano talaga diit sa Ain M boy talaga it si Kia she's the one that we prayed for oh my gosh they make you happy no being with them would you sayur they also help you hardest time yeah yeah o cuz you know what if I if I if I didn't have kids I don't think I may purpose is that right your kids are your purpose no yeah Yun and they they are my biggest award oh what does mommy do at home why K who takes who takes scared of you guys who makes youo mommy who washes your bum bum when you poo poo Mommy Mommy tal yeah tala food oh who cooks your food who cooks your [Music] food at the height of your separation there were talks that you underwent a period of depression I think everybody would I know would would go through know that period I think that's a face yeah it it happens to to everybody um I yeah I I I really par was so uh protective over my children that I didn't like I didn't want to leave the house so anxiety my anxiety I was I had I I had um as diagnosed with anxiety disorder and um PTSD that's post trumatic IC stress disorder and you were also taking medication then people didn't understand yes yes uh when you go to a psychiat psychiatrist usually they they give you medicine for your endorphins for your you know cuz that's a chemical imbalance e so that's what people don't understand if you're diabetic then you have to take maintenance for that if you have anxiety you have to take or depression you have to take medicine for that and how long was that period in your life you know I don't I don't remember how long cuz it was like a roller coaster there there were like months that I would be okay there would be months that you know I would just have panic attacks and anxiety attacks or or but I always had to to show my children that um I was strong I'm a strong person I don't show them that I cry I don't I don't show them that but it must have been so difficult what did you do how did you cope prayers a lot of prayers but also it came to a point that um I think during the pandemic um I just locked myself in in my van cuz I'm always with my kids e you know I parked at our our our Park know and I was just screaming and screaming and screaming I know um uh uh inside the car I told the the driver to leave me alone get out of the car lot I was screaming I was asking God B it why why why are why am I going through this why why why me you know I'm a good person so why why are you doing this to me I mean how long for how long I was really really mad yeah and you were suffering yes I was so angry talaga I was so angry at God and then slowly you know you realize now you know you draw strength from [Music] him what was the hardest being a single mother um being a a dad and a mom at the same time cuz like I have two boys so I I really don't know how likeo puberty he's started shaving already I don't [Music] financially oh yes do you still believe or are you still hopeful Claudine that you'll Remar I don't want anym why not I I'd rather an know just um make sure that I bring up my kids you know and and to to be good people to be God-fearing people um May thank you bonus or I'm waiting you're not dating no in 11 years Wala so you know you hear stories about yourself I'm sure cining this person this person feeling uh nothing I hardly go out of my house with these people do feel sometimes people are just cruel oh yes yes yes but you know what there are a lot of there are a lot more um good and kind people then there are Bashers and hate do you look back at your life Cline and say Lord what happened to me yes that's what when I I told you that I was questioning God yeah that's what happened cuz I'm a titer so in a church so in the Bible it says Jesus said once one time in the Bible test me on this one so every 10 like um 10% of everything I own you tithe yeah I tithe yes wow yeah so that's why I I'm never ever going to not have that you will open the flood gates of heaven and pour out all your blessings that I will not have any room room for all the blessings that you're going to give me what [Music] happened is it hard to rebuild again yes it's it's really hard sometimes I get I panic already it's hard it's hard the trauma is really really [Music] hard because he he is a big part of my life soans and I'm just so thankful and grateful that up to up to this day tala um they honor him they celebrate him and and that's that's that's all that's all cuz you know Karen I realized you know um in in your life sa you you just have one great love right so once upon a time once upon a time tala you know Ken when you interviewed me remember um there are lot of people who were judging me and all and I was I was I felt stop judging because stop you know saying it's my fault uhet Mar um if now you and Rico's parents are yes are are you close in speaking terms I speak speaking terms yes and and what is that like you know when you feel total forgiveness complete forgiveness tala you're at peace and that's how it is with um TI you know she is Ana you know I'm I'm very close to to the youngest um ra would be happy I know he during those times ta said we he was not in peace because on the 20th anniversary of his death that's when TI sit I talaga became okay okay I was going to say my gosh Ang p n Cline thank I mean how much did you lose £84 lb 84b okay in month two months how did you do that intermittent fasting tala I do 24 hours I do 20 hours and then to it became a a habit already so so an 4 P.M 4 yeah per guys don't without your doctor yeah you have to start start like 12 13 hours g 14 don't go uh beyond that about because you are so tiny look at that p p is this the thinnest you've been or size when you were single yeah size single I went down now now I'm 100b now again you're 100 P my gosh s all if once a day 400 p.m. but that must have been difficult what was the hardest part losing weight which part you Cravings the Cravings talaga was was really oh so bad tala and then what how did you control it well I i' i' clean that's what I I know I'd clean the bathroom I'd clean and clean and clean you you were just willful yeah and try to sleep early talaga y sleeping early and try to wake I try to wake up late actually nakab Yun people think yeah soalan KO Yung ano 11 palang Mo later and I also took out ano beef and pork I'd eat talaga like chicken from a fast food chain and then Donuts it's all [Music] prepared I we talk every day and um I visit her once a week G um she's 86 my mom is 86 she has lupus but she's very strong PA you're a devoted daughter no you really take the time very much okay because I grew up with my dad and my momal taking care of me that's why when my dad before he passed away I I didn't want to leave my dad so for 16 days straight I was I was I was staying in the ICU I had bedz that that was the only um way I could sleep cuz like when you sleep you turn so one of my worst and greatest fears talaga was to lose my dad oh before that wasal a nightmare maybe because you know there are not a lot of fathers who are good Fathers felt protectors it's the Lord now it's the Lord now so but you that's what I my dad huh my dad has that that that gift that when you go to him you just feel safe and you know Karen I don't know and I don't understand and I don't know the meaning of safe anymore what do you wish for with your sisters just happiness for them M but do you wish you were all close again no I think it it's better this way why is that too much hurt too much hurt now it will take a miracle but miracles happen every [Music] day what's the big dream now um I really would love to do a soap opera again a especially now cuz I have the blessing now of stino and and Sabina cuz I asked I asked permission when I did cuz I knew it was one season so and now they're okay they my my kids they take care of each other Claudine do you have a life verse what what sticks to me is you be still and know that I'm God I lost everything everything and I did not I did not so hard to not speak you know that's so hard that's so hard you just want to scream but you can't your kids are there you can't until that one day that van thing happened G I was really screaming talaga and you let go M and now are you all surrendered to God that that's what that's what I have what I what I Dida I'm where I am now I [Music] surrendered [Music]
Channel: Karen Davila
Views: 1,627,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: karen davila, house tour, ph celebrity
Id: 6Uv2odQwCWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 10sec (1450 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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