The New Fujifilm XT5 - What they're NOT telling you! (inc. RAW files) Watch before buying!

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foreign [Music] guys welcome back to the channel in this video we're going to be talking about the Fujifilm xt5 which I've had now probably well since the day of release I went down to Commander cameras with my future Max T3 and X Pro 2 which stuck to this day can't believe and pass exchange those but thank you to come out and cameras for giving me a good deal as always on Parts exchange so uh this isn't a sponsored video by any means but they always do look after me with past exchanges and I know that somebody told me that that camera sold less than a week my expirative is gone I'm devastated I wish I could buy it back actually but yes we have the Fujifilm xt5 here and I've been using it since the day it came out I went straight to a job picked this up from come on the cameras went straight to a job and I've been using it every day for commercial events a few portraits even photographed Santa Claus the other day so um and I've done a bit of video hybrid shooting as well so yeah it's been used every single day since then and uh yeah what I wanted to do in this video though is talk to you about I'm not going to give you the specs because if you're watching this video you already know that this is an amazing camera you know what the specs are it's phenomenal but what I wanted to do is talk to you about things that other people aren't mentioning and sometimes when I spoke to other people about when they've asked me what my feelings are on the camera a lot of people have been put off by certain things and I just want to address those issues as well so yeah that's what we're going to discuss in this video so for me this camera was a upgrade from my xt3 not so much the xt4 which I'm filming on now but definitely an upgrade from the xt3 I've really really been looking forward to getting the the normal screen back I'm just not a fan of flip screens the first thing I'm going to say is I'm absolutely Delirious that we've actually gone back to the xt3 screen and a few people have said that theirs have been loose their screen and mine's actually Rock Solid so really really happy but it was until it caught the bottom the I could play actually the L bracket is something I wanted to mention first the um the grip for me is too small okay the cameras the the camera is too small I wish I personally don't understand why cameras have to be so small I use this professionally I use it all day I'm holding it like this all day I would love it to have been bigger now on that obviously you can get grips they don't do a booster grip which we know about because there's no contacts we can't put a battery grip on the bottom of it but there is a Fuji MTG I think it's um metal hand grip I think mhg mhg metal hand grip for the xt3 um xd5 I still think that's too small but I know a small rig and other companies are bringing out thicker ones so um but the focusing ones are under 30 quid so yeah 130 quid for for about half a centimeter extra but it is doable and it's better than nothing so yeah for me the grip is too small going from 26 megapixel on xt4 20 to 40 on this was a bit of a worry for a lot of people a bit of a worry for me for my events because I shoot a lot at high so 6400 I didn't want that to be a compromise at all now I'm going to do a separate video on that because I was going to try and cram it into this video but I'm going to do a separate video to to see uh because I'm I have shots at 6400 on it I have to say I do think there is a slight I do think there is a slight compromise but I haven't done anything extensive yet so I might eat my words on that one but a lot of it's going to depend on the lens as well because we'll get to that in a minute but because of the sensor I think there's a slight kind of worms being opened um now my issue was if I'm doing weddings and events with a camera like this for 40 megapixel we're gonna have a look at this of all files in a minute I've actually taken some photographs where you can download the raws and and jump over to Dropbox whatever it is Google whatever and download the raw files and have a look at pixel peep I've taken someone xt4 which is 26 megapixel or taken someone xd5 same lens using this 33 mil 1.4 high-res lens so you can compare and see what the difference is but for me it's it's about the raw file size if you're if you're shooting Williams events like that that would be something to consider if you were to taking two or three thousand photographs or a wedding or event going back and then transferring massive files over uh could be an issue so we're going to look at in a second as well what I will say though is the quick button that if you on on footage is normally if you press the press and hold delete for a couple of seconds then press that the back button it would give you a quick format option that's not there anymore that's really annoying I I don't understand why that's not there hopefully Foods you'll bring this back in a firmware update because to format a card a day quickly a shortcut was just to press and hold the trash button the bin button and then hold that after threes press that after three seconds it doesn't work um so yeah formatting the card I've had to put my my memory which is a bit of a pain in the ass because all the other cameras do it on this one anyway small thing but yeah it's a niggling thing let's have a look at who this camera's for then so if you're a portrait of photographer or architectural landscape uh events photographer well events photographer maybe not so much because you don't want 40 megapixel for that but somewhere some events you do um I think I think it's a phenomenal camera the the improvements make it absolutely solid for commercial photography and I think it's just absolutely incredible now for landscape photography one of the reasons I bought this camera because I was looking forward to sort of not having not feeling so obliged to use my Nikon z7 so much because I really love the resolution of the z7 and being able to print bigger don't I'll try and avoid cropping with my landscopes at Absolute I just want so many I want a massive catalog of big images I don't want to be able to crop 40 megapixel I want them to stay that big so when this was announced I thought fantastic this is going to be um the Fuji colors for my Landscapes again really really miss my my Fuji colors for Landscapes obviously I wanted the gfx but I couldn't afford one um and not that thrilled on the lens ecosystem either but I I thought this would be amazing now the 1024 doesn't seem to resolve the the pixel sharpness okay the actual sensor itself is fantastic in Lightroom so with the other with the other lenses like the 33 the 1655 um the 56 the new 56 um and 5140 those lenses seem fine even the 18 to 55 actually the 1855 raw seemed fine in Lightroom but the 10 to 24 this is the mark one but optically obviously the Mark 1 and Mark II haven't changed but the 1024 doesn't seem to render the sharpness at all so it's a bit of a concern so obviously you've got the 8 to 16 to consider a few if the front bulbous element doesn't bother you obviously you need like 150 um mil filters if you're doing landscape photography or something like that or even a polarizer so for commercial for interiors for architecture the this camera is causing a bit of a problem now I'm looking at the voltrox lens I don't have the viltrox 13 metal but I know from from a few good sources are well in the lens that it's very very good and will resolve the detail so that could be if you're thinking about buying this camera and you'll potentially put off by the wide angle problem that could be a um obviously it's a prime but that could be a solution for you so that's something I'm looking for especially for my clients interior kitchens that sort of thing okay let's dive in and have a look at some of the raw files a lot of people have been put off buying this camera because they think that the 40 megapixel file size is absolutely nuts which I get but have a look at this now we've got some all these all these raw Falls as I said you can download there'll be a link in the description now you've got the xt4 uncompressed at 57 Meg that's a 20 26 megapixel file but an uncompressed is 57 Meg the lossless compressed which is what I shoot with 100 of the time I just don't see any difference in the compression it's absolutely fantastic it's 28 Meg so for the same size it's exactly the same file this is just a flower we shot on the desk here with some flowers in there some flowers in the office for a change the other day so um you can have a look and see what the difference is there but then the compressed I don't know why you'd use this is too much smaller again so 26.4 now that's interesting because you're only shaving you're only saving two Meg there but that's like that's nearly half okay now if you look at the xt5 one this one gets interesting uncompressed 85 Meg now these were taken at 125 125 ISO um so obviously when you lift ISO the file sizes do get bigger so you could be talking um you could add five or so Meg on top of that for higher eye so far as it might even be 10 Meg but uncompressed is 85. the lossless compressed is 42 and compressed is 27 so there's a massive difference between the compressed and the lossless compressed okay so I haven't done any testing on the on the difference between the compressor and the loss that's compressed at all um what but I'd be interested to see is whether or not for a wedding 27 megapixel fault sounds exactly the same as Max D4 so if there's no you know I tend to try and get it right in camera so I'm not one of these people that does a lot of post-processing but I'm looking at these files now thinking lost this compressed it's only 10 Meg more so it's not massive difference okay so 10 Meg is 10 megahertz I suppose it does add up so I would have to be vigilant there but if I could get away with shooting the compressed files at 27 28 Meg say 30. that's absolutely fine and and the crop ability if I needed to is there and then obviously shooting with the new problems I've got that extra sharpness as well so I take that I'd 100 be happy having a slightly bigger file that's croppable and sharper but no that's that's for me that's I said no I opener another thing A lot of people are gonna be put off behind the camera because of the file sizes but do some research you can download these files rip the crap out of them let me know in the comments if you've done if you found any um let me know particularly if you found any difference between these two lossless and compressed because if you could if I could get away with shooting I wouldn't shoot landscape or commercial or anything like that I'd probably just leave it at lossless but definitely for a wedding or something like that I'd love to be able to try that out and see if I if I get away with the results so that would be really interesting and that renders every argument about the xt5 higher res completely out the water in my opinion so yeah that's a good find make a shame about the uh 10 to 24 is one of my favorite Fuji lenses let me know if you've um at one point when I looked at the files I actually thought I'd left the Ibis on on the side and I always use a two second timer so yeah let me know and I'm using a flipping I hate these I hate these so can't wait to get an L brackets talk about ergonomics um obviously I'm delighted with the screen flip screen absolutely perfect I've done some street photography with this I've done landscape photography of doing commercial events it's just the way I like to shoot I literally hate flip screens for photography I'm filming on a flip screen now so I can see what the camera's doing and everything but for photography absolutely I've done some video with this as well I filmed a concert with it left it running at the front and absolutely meant so yeah really really cool um I really like it incidentally you've got these doors on the side which as I'm doing now I always plug in a USB C power bank so when I'm filming I've got actually the cameras running off a power bank if you get a PD Power Bank they're not expensive and plug it in there um you can um you can charge these in like if I'm filming a concert I don't have to worry about trying to change the battery every half an hour or whatever now I will say I will say I am one of these people that's gutted about the evf on it I just think because the now this is a Stills camera now for for Stills I use the evf I try and avoid using the screen as much as possible sometimes um sometimes I you know it's just quick and easy to use the screen but for me I'm only I'm an evf shooter that's especially if I'm shooting an event or something like that and because the screen's gonna light up the auditorium okay I'll film a lot of piano concerts and that sort of thing or shoot a lot of piano piano concerts so I can't really use the screen on that occasion so I have to use the evf I'm devastated that they've not given us the xh2 evf I really am and then the difference between this and the xh2 is 200 quid not comparing it to X is 2s but the k62 is 200 pound now if Elder said there's an xt5 Plus or something like that for 200 pounds I would 100 pay 200 quid to have a better evf on this thing absolutely no two ways about it I just don't think it's it's up to standard that it should be I think I'm fine with it I'm fine with it it's a lot of money for considering what you get I think the X the xx2 the xh2 is just a better camera value for money right if you like the ergonomics if you like the Aesthetics if you like the flip screen it's just a better camera now for me this this exposure triangle here is exactly is absolutely the way I like to shoot the screen is absolutely where I want to shoot and I do like the slightly improved grip so for me this is the camera I'm really happy with it I just desperately wish um the evf was better and that's pretty much my my biggest my biggest thing on on this thing um everything else I'm absolutely in love with the the oh I autofocus has always been a massive uh bog bear on Fuji's it's just crap I think Kerry was watching I don't care who's watching if anybody says I'm I don't know how to use my cameras sold off I've been using them professionally for nine years I autofocus on Fuji it's just garbage now they're massively and that doesn't matter I don't care what lens you're using right I've owned them all bar two there's only two lenses I've never owned and there's maybe three now with the new ones um and I but the new one the xt5 is massively improved so I can actually use eye autofocus right it's it's game changing it's really really good um it's it still misses I I would say it's on the par with my Nikon z7 mark one right I'm being honest I'm not one of these YouTubers that yeah it's it's it's it's good right mine the z7 mark one is is good I think a lot of people say that the z7 mark one isn't very good Friday iOS to four I autofocus but I think it is right I think it's good um in the right light I think it's fine now is it so in your Canon level absolutely flipping not but yes it is a massive improvement over other fujis so yeah if you if I were to full I can't speak today if I also Focus as important to you then you're gonna love the upgrade on it and just generally Focus acquisition is much much faster much more reliable it feels like a more professional camera you're not using it thinking well okay you are but you're not using it so often thinking have I missed Focus or something like that um it does still miss Focus but nothing like as bad as xt4 that's pretty much all I hate I'm gonna do on Fuji um I do I do love the camera um another thing I was going to say is that the the Dual car starts I will go back so we'll go to puzzle days we've got some positives um the Dual dual SD cards I'm so so thrilled it's Jewel SD I could not stand the CF Express or Flash whatever it is I couldn't stand it I've got about 30 SD cards all of my my case over there I can't replace them I don't know if I can need them I might I need to be able to swap them out quick and just go on to the next job or whatever it is I try not to format cards for at least like a week or so so that I've got a backup until I've double backed up my hard drives or something like that so yes it's um it's really really good that we've got that I'm really really pleased with that um the other thing is on the xh2 you don't have the Press style that that button there that dial there on on xh2 isn't pressable it is on this and I couldn't live without it um Bluetooth freaking works I did a photo shoot for me and the family the other day for Christmas presents and I thought for shits and giggles I'll try Bluetooth and it flipping works I can't believe it I actually pressed that I say it works it works 90 of the time I pressed it you press and hold it it goes into this thing at the top and then you press Bluetooth there and it starts pairing you phone but I'm on an iPhone 13 and it found it and then I used the iPhone 13 as a remote and it worked every time apart from one right there was one occasion when it didn't work but I turned the camera off and on and then it works again so my other Fuji cameras the Bluetooth is just absolutely blooming garbage it never works I can't get it to work on any of my Fuji cameras in fact let me know if you can I can't get it to work on any freaking Fuji camera so this the Bluetooth it made me laugh when they've got Bluetooth written there I thought are you taking a piss because that ain't gonna work but it actually does so well done through you for getting that um and yeah that's about it um everything else has been covered by the YouTubers don't mentioned much but the only thing I would say is the joystick on the xh2 is up there and I think I much prefer that it's the same place as my Nikon z7 so I much prefer the joystick being up there like it is on xh2 but that's a small thing I did notice that when it was in portrait mode doing street photography and I held it like that it my thumb was touching the the top screen it's done it there see it's as your thumb moves that it touches the top screen and then your focal point moves to the top so you have to just have to be careful or the turn touch screen off because when I was using that and then it just touched the top screen by mistake it was just uh it was just moving out it's a bit close to the screen but I don't actually notice it doing that an xt3 weirdling off but anyway yeah I think that is it I think that is it because you've seen all the other videos have gone through all the specs I absolutely love it um huge huge improvement over for Fuji I'm really really thrilled with it so yes eight and a half out of ten for me it's just the evf really that really has wound me up I just uh and and the grip I just find the camera a bit too small but that's me I've got big hands if you haven't got big guns you've got small hands you might you might be in love with it so yeah I'm absolutely absolutely love with the camera so it definitely feels like a massive upgrade anyway and definitely you definitely need to pick up one or two of these primes so anyway leave it there that's probably long enough video as it is thank you for watching guys and hopefully I'll have another Street photographer video coming out before Christmas so uh yeah see you soon thanks again [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Gareth Danks
Views: 129,130
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Landscape photography, fujifilm photographer, landscape photography tips, photography vlog, fujifilm xt3, The Fujifilm XT5 - They're not telling you this!! Watch before you consider buying!, fujifilm xt5, fujifilm xt5 review, fujifilm xt5 vs xt4, fujifilm xt5 file size, fujifilm comparison, gareth danks street photography, fujifilm xh2, fuji xh2 vs xt5, fujifilm x-t5, fuji xt5, ffgf, xt3 vs xt4, fujifilm, fujifilm xt5 focus, xt5 eye autofocus, camera review, gear review
Id: Wqi1RsrfYSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 08 2022
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