The New CCIE Enterprise Wireless v1.0 Certification

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network dojo hey Jeff rent sink here from Network dojo and in this video we're gonna go through the new CCIE enterprise wireless v1 dot o certification in detail so all about the new CCIE Wireless certification that we're moving to so on February 24 if you haven't heard a 20/20 the CCI Wireless certification ends and is replaced or kind of a rebranded with the CCIE enterprise wireless exam and they're moving that back into a new version with a new name one dot oh and so if everywhere e 23rd the old one goes away February 24 the new one goes into effect so in this way we're going to talk about the change in the program we're going to give an overview of the new requirements that's going to take to get this CCIE enterprise Wireless certification I kind of talked about the transition and then we'll dig into the blueprints in the hardware and software the list so first program update again February 23rd 2020 is the last day to do anything related to the CCIE wireless version 3.1 whether it be with the written or the lab exams at this point the old Cisco certification program as a whole goes away and work in a completely new era for Cisco certifications including CCI Wireless February 24 every single cert for the most part from any all the way through ie is changing so this time Wireless gets rebranded enterprise Wireless at the CCI level this kind of goes into some track consolidation they're doing down at the NP level they're kind of moving routes which Wireless and design into something just called Enterprise and so at the IE level they are doing sort of two specializations with enterprise there's enterprise infrastructure which is the routes which side and then for us Enterprise Wireless for the most part though this is what we would have kind of assumed in the if the traditional Wireless program what version 4.0 it have been so again we're today at the time of this recording still have about eight months before the the new program goes live we are at CCI e wireless version 3.1 we were kind of waiting for afford update anyways this is basically yet but on top of that it's just getting rebranded alright so what are the requirements underneath the new program to get that CCIE enterprise Wireless well we still have to pass a written exam followed by a lab exam so that part is similar one difference at the written level is that there is no longer an actual CCIE written exam anymore what they've kind of replaced that with is something called a technology core exam so this kind of falls into the CCNP world as well so if you look at the CCMP tracks every CCMP track has a corresponding technology core exam and so we're in the enterprise track so there is an enterprise core exam data center has a data center core exam collab as a collab core exam and so forth and so the core exam is kind of a broad type of an exam covering the you know the large information for that focus or that track kind of as a whole and then at the NP level there's specialization exams that go deep dives into a subset kind of the topics so this exam is now actually sort of a dual purpose exam it's an exam that would allow you to achieve a ccnp it's one of two exams you would have to pass to get a ccnp but it's also the exam that unlocks the capability of taking The Associated lab CCIE lab in that track and so for us in the cci enterprise wireless world we would have to pass the enterprise core exam where in the enterprise track in the wireless world funnily enough though that enterprise core exam could also allow you to take the infrastructure CCIE or the routes which what the routes which is turning into and so it's the only track actually where one core exam actually feeds into to II's every other track there's just one core for one ie so this core exam is a 100-point from all reports at Cisco live to our exam that really is CCNP level and ok if you are in the Cisco certification program you're probably yelling at me right now they were pretty emphatic when people would bring up all its the ccmp level no it's not ccmp level exam it is something different it's an it's a core a technology core exam okay well call it what you want but it's one of two exams you need to pass a CCNP so by definition it's a CMP level exam otherwise it's something different if it's an exam you need to pass to pass to get a ccnp it's a CCMP level exam it just so happens to also apply to the CCIE as well so yes it it's a CCMP level exam so you just look what details about our enterprise core so our core again enterprise core it's a en cor 300 - 400 won again first date to test February 24 20 22 hours 120 minutes and you can take this at any normal Cisco sorry Pearson VUE testing facility so just like any other written exam that you've ever taken okay so passing the enterprise core exam unlocks the ability to pass the lab exam and so we have our enterprise Wireless lab exam that we're talking about in this video here so actually sorry I said same basic rules that we've had for CCI written exams up to this point apply actually that's that's not correct I forgot to update that one sentence it's true in the fact that the written exam is valid for three years so in today's CCIE you can pass CCIE written exam to allow you to take the CCIE lab exam and that's ECA written exam can be valid for up to three years to allow you to take the lab exam but in the current program we had these limitations of okay well if you pass your written exam today you have to take your first lab attempt within eighteen months otherwise your written exam would prematurely expire out we wouldn't get to the three-year mark and then once you take that first lab exam you can't space subsequent lab Battams lab attempts out more than 12 months or again your your certificate your written exam expires prematurely that is gone now so once you pass the written exam which in again in the new program would be the enterprise core exam it's valid for three years always so there's no need to take the your first lab attempt in any time period other than the fact it just has to be within three years otherwise after three years your exam would expire out and you would have to retake the core or repass I should say the enterprise core exam to be able to continue to attempt the CCI you lab exam so kind of good news there so it just sort of makes it less more less more you have to take the written exam less often than some people everyone saw someone would run into that eighteen month timeframe or something like that and they'd be like oh great I gotta go pass that written exam again so I can go take that lab exam that's gone so cool change on that part all right so the lab exam itself continues to be an eight hour exam it also has two modules which we today we have two modules the diagnostic and the config sections but the modules are a little bit different now in the new version of the lab so module one is called the design module this is a three-hour module no more no less and this is kind of reminiscent if you're ever we're familiar of the ççde the design practical lab exam it kind of sounds like that and so it's a section where you don't have direct access to any gear you're going to be kind of designing and for us would be a wireless lab in this case here and so it's all gonna be you know they're gonna give you details customer requirements diagrams and different things like that and they're gonna have to start making you answer a bunch of questions to help you sort of design out this network here and so you're you know answering you know multiple-choice questions or drag-drop questions or there's a lot of different sort of flavors of these questions that they might ask you you know choose this or that or whatever it's going to be but it's all just sort of computer-based questions that you're gonna be answering and that's again three hours design module once that module is done you're gonna move into module 2 which is more closely to what we're used to with a config based module but they call it the the design operate optimized so that sort of cycle of design deploy sorry deploy op operate optimized so that circle of design deploy operate optimized that's really what they're kind of going for as they design out these modules so by and large it means config based stuff we have you know access to all of our hardware we're configuring things we're troubleshooting things inside here effectively making things work and that's five hours so still eight hours total and the idea is that there's supposed to be sort of an overarching story that connects module 1 to module 2 so it's not like you design random Network 1 over here and then configure random Network 2 over there you design the network that you then work on deploying and operating and optimizing so they're supposed to sort of link together into one sort of cohesive story so very much like today each module is gonna have a minimum passing score and so you have to meet the minimum score for each individual module in order to pass the lab and you also have to achieve a minimum combined score for the module so at the end of a there's three three scores you need to meet the module one minimum score the module two minimum score and the combined score if you can meet the minimums of each one of those things you pass the lab if you miss the minimum of either one of those three things you ultimately fail the lab so same deal is what we're used to today so here's just sort of a little picture from a Cisco live presentation kind of showing the two modules together in the module one you can't go back so once you answer question one and move forward you can't go back and fix question one if you realize something was wrong later so you just you're always moving forward just like a regular written exam it's kind of like that module two again it's pretty much what we're used to from a config section they do mention these web-based items in module two I don't know if we'll see that or not I guess time will tell if we see some multiple-choice questions in module two or not maybe but we'll see and this is just a little bit more of an explanation about what the two modules are so it won't you can when we talk about that design module number one measures the candidates ability to create analyze validate and optimize network designs which is the base for all deployment activities you need to understand capabilities a different technology solution services translate customer requirements into solutions and access them assess network is to support proposed solutions module two and you can kind of see this sort of blue line moving from one progressive storyline over to the next one they're supposed to be connected the what on this one module two candidates will build the network according to the design specs and requirements and restrictions and will operate optimized given network technologies and solutions alright validity period so in the new program once you pass the lab the CCIE is valid for three years technically that's true today as well as just today we have we sort of split those three years up into a two year active phase followed by a one-year suspended phase or state we remove the suspended state in the new in the new program so it's going to be three years of active state and you there is no suspended state now so three years you're good and you don't lose any you know benefits after two years or anything like that but you still have three years to recertify if you do not recertify within those three years you lose your CCI you can no more suspended so three years active and then God if you don't recertify within that time ok the last bullet when you recertify your new expiration date is three years from the date of recertification and so if I pass my lab January 1 2022 I need to recertify by January 1 2025 three years later let's say one year later January 1 2023 one year later i recertify I was like on it or I got another CCIE or something like that so it doesn't add three years leaving me five more years to recertify no it's now it's three years from the date that I recertified saaphyri's first certified January 1 2023 even though I had two more years to go now my new date is January 1 2026 so I got another three years to recertify I can't ever get it longer than three years now when we recertify you can recertify through either exams or continuing education credits or actually a combination of the two so we still have containing education credits now because it is more of a three year cycle where we it was it was kind of a two year cycle before it moves from continued education credits of needing a hundred of those to 120 and actually the interesting thing is here we can actually mix and match seee credits and exams so at the end of the day we're trying to get to 120 points and I actually have another video that talks about recertification so you can look at that for a little bit more detailed examples of this but the quick information here is that to get that hundred 20 points we can do all secrets we can do exams to recertify us and the interesting thing here is exams have points that they are granted so if I pass another CCIE lavis like say get my data center passing a CCI lab boom 120 points recertify everything automatically if I start taking some written exams like the the Enterprise Corps exam or any Corps exam is worth 80 points it doesn't have to be in the same track can be any track that's not enough by itself right I still got 40 points to do I can take a specialist exam or a concentration exam at the CCNP level is a specialist exam those are worth 40 points so I could pass a core exam plus a special exam get my hundred 20 points and recertify things and again I can continue education credits one credit one point inside there so I can mix and match these so I could say you know I'll pass the core exam and I'll get 40 continuing education credits boom 120 points i recertified my CCIE so all exams all contain education credits or mixing you can do any of them so very flexible in terms of that a couple other notes why the continued education credits there is no more limit on Cisco live credit so you can completely recertify based off of attending Cisco live if you could actually get 40 credits a year awesome more power to you you can do that there is no more fee to leverage continuing education credits here so that part is free if you got ya pay money to attend the things but you don't actually pay money to cash those credits in anymore and I say if you want more information about this check out my other video I have on YouTube that talks about Rhys certifications in the new program okay transitioning into this new program so a lot of us are interested and maybe doing some work today might have already started on things today what about us you know do we get anything as we potentially transition into the new program now I do have another video that will talk in greater detail about the transition process recommendations that I have to help you figure out okay if you're thinking about the version 3.1 today or you've already been working on it should you keep on working on that should you start thinking about the new version I go into greater detail over there so so check that one out but some high-level things here if you get your CCI Wireless before the transition date you already have it or you gonna get it between now and February 23rd 2020 you get to keep that CCI you wireless certification until it expires but you won't be able to renew it so eventually it will just expire itself out but for free you get the CCIE Enterprise Wireless certification that you will be able to recertify so moving into the future you will be a CCIE enterprise Wireless certified individual you will be able to renew that certification and that certification will inherit the expiration date that your CCI you wireless had going into the change if you happened to be in a suspended state at the time of the change so you know it's you passed that two-year mark in the current program you went from active to suspended but you haven't lost it yet when we flip into the new program there is no more suspended state and so it will move into an active state and at least you'll be active but you still have to recertify with the same final expiration date that your previous certification already had what if you are sort of partway so some people will have passed say their written exam but they didn't pass their lab exam what about them well the cool thing here is that if you've passed your CCI or Wireless written exam within you know the last three years so it's still a valid exam towards taking a lab you will get four we credit towards having passed the enterprise core exam so I actually get two things here number one you actually get an enterprise core certification sort of like a spa it's kind of like a specialist badge sort of a deal a recognition that you have these skills sort of a deal but the important part here is that you get credit for having taken the exam and that's actually a separate thing and I'm gonna have another video specifically about this this process as well as you know all the different ways you can get credit for an enterprise core exam which will allow you to take the lab without having to repass the enterprise core exam in the new program so but for us let's just worry about the written exam if you pass the written exam as long as it's not expired it will give you credit for having passed the enterprise core exam which will grant you to the ability to schedule and take the lab exam so you won't have to take the enterprise core exam right away you'll be able to schedule that enterprise lab exam now your your core exam will inherit the expiration dates that your written cci you written exam had moving into this new program change and so if you're CCI your written exam was valid through the end of say 2023 your enterprise core exam will be valid through the end of 2023 towards taking that CCIE lab exam now we mentioned where you know in today we have these requirements that if I pass my written exam today I have to take my first lab attempt within 18 months let's say that you passed at 18 months but when the new program change happens those limitations are gone and so it's three years from the time you pass your written exam you can take the lab exam so that that translates over so it's actually a win-win across the board with them now if you haven't passed the wireless written exam you don't get anything you get to your knowledge that you've gained but that's how you get you will have to pass the enterprise core exam unless you've done some other activity that translates into getting credit for taking the enterprise core exam and again check out that other video that all I'll put out there in YouTube to go through all the scenarios to to feed into that possibility okay let's talk about that enterprise core exam itself so again we have the core exam to pass we have the written exam to pass we're gonna look at the blueprint of each one and we're also going to look at the lab hardware software list so let's focus on the enterprise core exam because that's sort of our written exam moving into the future here so the the important thing to remember as we're looking at this today prior to the program change is that you get the the choice if you haven't passed your CCIE Wireless written exam yet you can decide hey you know what before the change happens I'm gonna pass that and not have to taste take the enterprise core exam so that I can take the lab or you might look at this and say you know what actually I like that exam better I'm gonna not worry about the CCI Wireless written exam but come February 24th I'll worry about taking the the Enterprise Corps exam and I'll use that to grant me the ability to take the CCIE Wireless enterprise wireless lab exam they both have their pros and cons today is Wireless written exam is definitely wireless centric if you take out the the evolving technology section but it's definitely a lot more deep it's a it's an expert level exam whereas the enterprise core exam is predominantly not Wireless there's some but it's a small percentage of the overall exam but it's more of a base and P level exam so it's not super technical compared to something like the CCI you written exam is today so less technical but a lot of stuff that's not Wireless whereas Wireless written all wireless but much more technical that's well they should look at this what did I just do that was smooth that's right again okay so enterprise core exam let's take a look at this we have a total of six sections within here we're gonna see some wireless stuff and we're gonna see a lot of stuff that is not and so in the architecture world we're talking about some design principles definitely some wired design principles on here we got a little bit of a wireless design principles on top of that premise and cloud infrastructure deployments SD one SD axis which some of that is wireless somewhere that is not QoS type things and hardware software switching type stuff on the virtualization side of things most of this really isn't germane to wireless but we're talking about sort of a hypervisor virtual machine type things virtual switching verse and GRE tunneling that's usually a little bit more on the LAN side of things although you can use tunnels for other purposes too and then we have lists VX LAN these are some of the SD access type stuff that we're going to get to although these are used in other places as well so semi related to things that we need to understand infrastructure so loss switching type stuff layer 2 layer 3 switching we have some wireless specific stuff so cool some of our stuff here some services that lots of different things might be leveraging network assurance and so diagnosing different things some services like Netflix IP service level agreements DNA Center some scripting Netcom fright rest conference type stuff what else security so authentications on things ACL control plan policing rest api is a little bit more wireless here so some security on our wireless LANs on top of that some overall network security design and then automation in here so again some scripting some DNA Center type stuff on here so as you can see a little bit of wireless in there but a lot of stuff that's not wireless but if you look at the the descriptors oftentimes you're seeing things like describe interpret construct these are these are levels of questioning that don't require you to be able to like you know know how to write out configurations for things that would be more like a configure or troubleshoot word and so when you look at these and you look at the descriptor words you can see okay I need more base level knowledge for this or this one actually you need to know the configuration and show commands for that so let's you know maybe how deep they go into some of these different technologies called out in the blueprint and then i'll also pay attention to the percentages and see okay well there's a bunch of stuff in here but it's only 10% of the overall exam and so it's not as heavily weighted inside there so that would be the blueprint for the enterprise core exam give you a little bit of an idea of what you might need to deal with depending on your time tables all right let's move over into the lab exam oh goodness perfect let's take a look at the blueprint for the labs and I was good where you see topics that are not configurable so we're gonna look at this blueprint remember that this blueprint blueprint is only for the lab if you look at a blueprint today in the cci world is what the kala what do you mean call it it's like combined a unified unified blueprint that is valid for both the written exam and for the lab exam so as you're reading these things it's like okay well that doesn't make sense in the lab so that must just be a written topic we don't have that anymore right it's the lab blueprint but we have two modules one of the modules is they design module and so again when you see things in there that don't really look like they could be configurable in a lab that probably means that okay well is this something I might need to know for the design module inside there so you can't just completely ignore because again you might need to understand this to answer some of those some of those design module questions another thing to note is that the blueprint doesn't differentiate between what do you need to know how to do on arrow West versus mobility Express versus these catalyst controllers in the fabric world and so the the rule of thumb should be if that technology is valid on any one of these platforms you're gonna need to know how to configure it on any one of those platforms alright with that in mind let us take a look at that here would be the lab blueprint inside here so again six different sections section number one has some more kind of design type stuff in here so understanding standards and protocols design survey type stuff absolutely things that we can't really be configuring about understanding sort of you know coverage two plans versus throughput versus location versus high-density again this is more design type stuff in here but now we're getting into things that could be you know either in the design or in the configuration section so getting into your RM type stuff channel use that's more design RF profiles data rates are excessive p/e clean air airtime fairness so the other thing that you'll note if you're familiar with the CCI Wireless version 3.1 today a lot of the stuff is just sort of rearranged and so they've taken you know things that would have normally just sort of been in kind of it the arrow S section the the big section that has all of your kind of wireless controller type configurations and they like take the section and put it over here and then that section they'll put it down here and so what you'll notice is that it's a lot of the same stuff but just sort of rearranged through different places all right the wired side of things this really is almost identical to the same wired stuff that we need to know for the current lab exam so we have our layer two type stuff VLANs STP ether channels this is new so the fabric type stuff rect SD access so VX lands in the list and verse all that fabric overlay kind of stuff POA basic ipv4 ipv6 basic multicast QoS on the wired world and our services so with the exception of this it's all the same stuff that we're looking at today so nothing really changes there okay enterprise wireless networks again they're not differentiating between air OS mobility Express and the fabric world and so again if it's applicable in any of them you need to know how to do it in any of them so our controller interfaces and ports our lightweight a peds modes logging CLI joins Discovery's high availability so a few of these are more applicable in the catalyst world as opposed to our air West world Wireless segmentation RF groups profiles ap groups flex connect some tagging again some of the new stuff inside their flex office exten mesh the same types of non-local mode stuff we see it in this version that we saw on the last version worker bridges can I got thrown in here there's really no autonomous section anymore but there's a little remnant of autonomous inside of here mobility again some classic stuffs and stuff in the new world as well all right so a lot of the stuff inside here is what used to be sort of the ice section in the last blueprint but again they're sort of just reorganizing things inside here so a lot of ice stuff but some unknown ice stuff as well so management access across different things some of this is actually login type stuff CPU ACLs management via wires while your wireless all that type of stuff we have our ice identity management at any preciate key new feature inside there we have our again this is kind of copied over from before so client authentication type stuff some override type things guest management so local web auth central web auth sponsor policies we have kind of our wired switch port authentication type things again we have that before but it's just kind of called out here now trust x4 SD access and the wireless world so the group tags ACLs intrusion detection so again this is more in the controller side of things but just got put in this section now switch port race and that'd be more prime kind of a thing where else business applications this is kind of the last section from the previous blueprint here so all of our QoS type stuff voice ABC NetFlow roaming technologies wired outside wireless multicast and the EM DNS services within here so again nothing really new slightly reorganized and then we have got our management platform plus c MX platform stuff falls underneath here so we still a prime infrastructure in this version of the lab all the same prime stuff from before is still within here we have the c MX server still in the lab is adding on that DNA spaces but this is all for the most part c MX kind of related type stuff and then we have the new DNA Center inside here to support our fabric world and the stuff they want us to do there with the automation assurance and SD access so that's the blueprint for the new exam and so if you're used to version 3.1 it's like wow it's all there then we add on a SD axis with DNA Center so that's the basic deal so not if you are someone who has been preparing for 3.1 all your work almost every last thing directly translates over into the new version we're just doing it under some new code plus some new stuff to add on to the end and then finally let's look at the hardware and software list what gear are we actually dealing with and what code levels are we dealing with in the new lab one more tab here okay so Hardware first from a switching perspective we still have those 36 50s what we have from version 3.1 but we're throwing in the catalyst 93 hundreds Calais 92 hundreds which is going to give us you know support for that fabric world we still have the CM X server we now have DNA sir DNA Center on top of things still have eyes still of prime access points we still have some of the 3700 series ApS that we had in the previous version new we're have 3800 series ApS the 1850 series ApS are still there those are going to be used for mobility Express and then from a controller standpoint we have a lot of possibilities well every one of these show up in every single lab maybe not but from a physical controller standpoint we pretty much have the 3504 controllers and mobility Express if you want to consider that a physical controller virtual controllers we have the 9800 embedded into the catalyst 9300 switch we also have the cloud 9800 as well so the virtualized 9800 running in ESXi and then we also have the virtualized air OS controller as a possibility on top of that and so probably pretty likely any physical controller will show up in the lab virtual controllers maybe it shows up maybe it doesn't just depends on the lab that they're going to write for that time code levels we have on our catalyst 9290 three hundreds and the 9800 controllers as well Saul 16.1 Gibraltar code 36 50s are running ever 16.6 C mx-server moves from 10.3 in the old version to the new version 10.6 DNA Center is running at 1.3 ice upgrading from 2.2 to 2.4 in the new lab Prime from 3.2 to 3.6 in the new lab autonomous if we haven't Thomas ap still running 15.3 code which is what we see in the version 3.1 of the existing lab controllers again if it's the new fabric stuff is 1611 if it's arrow s is 8.8 our Windows 7 PC has now been upgraded to a Windows 10 PC for our wireless client also the PC that we're going to be using for a lot of our GUI configurations that PC will be running just an updated version of anyconnect secure mobility client 4 7 and an updated version of the jabber client 12.5 and we will still have a Windows Server but all these things here there is no configuration there there will leverage them but we're not going to configure these on top of here so that is what we're dealing with so if you have the ability to get any of these or corollaries to any of these the important things would be you know try to have something that runs some air OS based code if you can get some fabric stuff cool if not I hear that's where rack rentals come into play right mobility Express really of any flavor is gonna be just fine again as long as you can run 8.8 type code and if you can get a server awesome slap these VMs in there if you can but if not again that's what Rack rentals are for right so that is the overview of all the exams that apply to the CCIE world and the hardware software less so if you want more information definitely check out the Cisco learning communities it's got all these details it's got these web pages that I was just showing you here again I know you can't click on a link on a video but you can just google CCIE Enterprise Wireless it'll be way up at the top for the list you'll get there pretty quickly now if you're looking for any sort of training materials our website Network dojo comm we will absolutely be creating materials for the new CCIE enterprise wireless as well as lower level stuff to come but that's going to be our primary focus over the next time here getting that stuff updated for everyone and you can also email me you know if you have interest in the certification I'm happy to be a resource to you so shoot me an email Jeff at network dojo comm I'll do my best to help you out as well so with that we'll say thank you check us out if you haven't already checked us out and we'll see you in the next video
Channel: Network Dojo
Views: 1,559
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Id: 3omWiAnbi-Q
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Length: 36min 30sec (2190 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2019
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