The New Best Cypher Setups For Split

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okay starting on a because I think it's the better side for Cipher camera here you can see the spawn barrier as soon as they walk out trip right here this strip basically just denies anyone trying to push into this area to wrap you through elbow trip on this line just a strong trip to protect you on site One Way by throwing it into this thing and for your second cage you don't have to but it is just slightly better to throw your cage up top like so you could throw it down here instead though like that and now playing this setup playing this position you have early info for uh a main so you can call for your teammates to rotate back and forth and when they hit sight you can pop this one way get a free kill after that when they start actually pushing you inside they're hitting your trips you can pop this cage so you have to lurk around in and to spam your chips for free kills for a one-way setup for Tower you're gonna put your cam up here this camera is a one-way camera whereas you can see their legs while they can't see you first trip right here simple info trip for your cage you throw one way right here I don't have an exact lineup for this I just place my Crosshair slightly above the diamond for your second trip I'm normally just throwing a simple info on for Maine for my teammate to play off of put a cage with it but you can swap it up this trip is normally just for your teammate that's playing screens to spam off and get a free kill so you can swap it up and throw whatever you'd like now playing the setup just showing up here when you see your when you see their feet walking up and they're on the upper section on the ramp not the lower part drop this spell off of get a free kill if they try to run through the cage to kill you they hit the trip you can wall bang them if they're on this side or just shoot them normally for Maine this trip can stop the lurker but also when your teammates are calling that they're running in can't stop the cage spam off of it because your teammate have smoke to spam off the trip and get a free kill or if you would like you can also just save this cage for the retake so that when you're retaking through screens you can pop this cage see if less angles are worried about little clearing for the third setup if you want to be the players playing screens yourself playing off your Trip's Main come here look at this bar for where to put your camera as high as possible and jump through this camera gives you vision and domain and if they walk into the tower and then for the trips it's honestly super simple I'm normally throwing a trip similar to the one before but just a slightly more out so they have to commit more if they want to hit it and it puts it like this at that height it still hits them in the head if they're in hell like so and then for the second one placing it off the corner of this block like that and in between them I'm just placing a cage honestly super simple setup you're spotting you're spotting the main cross for your teammates if there's a lurker you could see if they go into heaven and then it's a running man you just pop the cage spam get free kills super simple some alternative cameras are really good to know for a site it's the one right up here sees Maine C's CT it's pretty strong we'll get shout out though relatively fast the one screens here you can't tag people with this but they also can't shoot it back gives you Vision Main and sees if they walk in the city there's one on the billboard up here which you actually can throw without jumping off you just have to walk right up to the edge and throw on the side like so really good info early but it will get a shout out if there's people here and then for ramp as soon as the round starts you can come if there's a camera up here this camera will see cross here if they're walking and they Main and those can give you ramp vision for B site the standard setup that I'm running the most often placing a camera on here this camera's a little bit of a one-way camera where you'll see them around here and they still can't see your camera unless they're crouching and looking up and then for one ways I'm throwing a cage right up here honestly you can just Bank this up top without a lineup just by throwing but if you wanted but it will sometimes have a gap like so if you want to make sure there's there's no Gap at all for a precise lineup you can walk up against the edge of this door like here and then aim right where this pill or this thing meets here oh there's no Gap two main trips I'm throwing this one right here one right here and then a second cage like so playing this is super simple you see people walking up into this area you want to wait until they're about to hit when they're close into the garage area if they're back here it's easier for them to escape by going around the corner and if they stand all the way back they can see you also so you want to wait until they're about to hit in here for perfect timing hey Bob spam off of them you should get at least one for free and then if they're able to hit through you can back up drop this cage and spam one for trips super easy kills and also this setup is super easy to live off of also with his cage it's super easy just to back up in the CT if you need to if you're getting two if you're getting pressure too hard on B and want to play a retake setup come over on top of these boxes place the camera here this camera will give you a vision of the B main walkout and the Be Heaven walkout for ship wires you're gonna Place one off the third step in here this drill bar one side is completely hidden and just it's really nasty to catch people off guard walking into cellulite so and for the second one you're placing it at the top of the last step ahead level here for cages placing one just about here and you also place your second if you need to now playing from CT you see if they walk out heaven for your teammates you see they work out be Main when they do hit B you can puff this cage spam off your trips and then also this cage allows you to reposition back pillory if you need your second one can do that or if they start planting this cage is deep enough that you can walk inside and actually spam the planter here to kill them if they're planting safe for your third setup on B if you needed help in B Heaven the setup's a little bit unorthodox but it's what I like to do the most for your camera placing the same one as before in the first setup on site it's a very strong camera and it gives you Vision To Be Heaven which is what we need the most for it for trips placing one here of a cage right about here and then for B Main we're placing a trick wire off the protein tank paired with a normal cage in the choke and now playing from this setup you're playing in a rather weird spot you're playing in this off angle heaven right here walking out as far as you can climb here now your vision for mail and be Main if they've been hitting male bunch you can when they're running up when they hit your tripwire spam through this wall to get a free kill and drop and you have this cage to play off of here with this cage you can rat inside of it you can just use it to reposition and hold for the cage run out or you can run back pillar to play off your second trip here if they hit B Main you can pop this cage to stall and to stop them from seeing you early on but if they are getting ready to push through it you can easily just drop and reposition pillar if they run out would be main then you have this tripwire which gives you can pre-wall bank bills for this pillar or for the Box and yeah and some alternative cameras will be I think quite strong you can place one in here this gives you Vision a b main walkout and B Heaven Again you can place one above it here same vision B main B oven you can place one on the roof here above this one gives you B main or it gives you B Heaven Vision it doesn't give you B main Vision but it gives you Vision when they walk out and is super unlikely to get broken from b-man so this camera can be strong in the retake this is the alternative camera I would use for the retake setup in B heaven you place one up here which is quite strong if you need Be Heaven vision or you can place one in the corner like so
Channel: respawns
Views: 126,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FaOlj4vg5G8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 15 2023
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