The NEW BeamNG Drive Career Mode is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!

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so today I'm going to answer the question what is the BeamNG Drive career mode and folks the first question you probably have is how do you get into it well you go to the main menu and you rapidly click the career mode button until it lets you join so yeah come with me on a journey as we go from poop box to slightly upgraded poopbox and we're going to show you guys what the leveling system's like how to earn money and how to buy cars sell them and upgrade them and folks it is a pleasant surprise this is a really awesome feature that I think a lot more people need to go experience now do keep in mind it is a work in progress so it's subject to change it might wipe out saves when updates happen I don't know but we're ready to jump in and let's do this so here we are after we slam that career button about a million times we are in and uh yeah it's definitely changed since the last time we checked this out it seems to be more like I would say almost like RP like like we've got our little tutorial vehicle here and it's gonna go through the basics of of what is in the career and I believe we're gonna go to the dealership and potentially pick out a new vehicle so one thing I do notice we're actually taking advantage of being able to walk around outside the car and I feel like that is actually going to be a decent little part of the career here so let's go ahead and jump into our car uh we got a uh it looks like a base model covet here not a bad car and yeah it's actually going through tutorials teaching you how to play the game as if this is the first thing that you play uh when you get into BeamNG which it's probably gonna be for a lot of people when career mode officially releases so it wants us to drive around in the parking lot like we're like a student driver here so let's go ahead and make some laps I don't want to end up running into a pole oh it actually wants me to deliberately crash into something okay a crash into something in the parking lot uh here we go there nice so this is something so you have insurance but you have to pay the deductible so now you have to actually be careful while driving around in career mode so it looks like you have the option to toe to the road a garage prior checkpoints and more and there's an option to flip your vehicle upright so it's gonna let us use the recovery here so recovery and repair that cost us money so it says discover the world around you so looks like we're gonna be going to a gas station so we go pop this up here uh which the little map here isn't new now I'm pretty sure all the gas stations now uh work in the game so we're gonna set the route to the Apex gas station and I guess we're gonna go fill this bad boy up so I'm assuming it didn't actually charge us there I don't know if we have money or not maybe we do uh by the way there is traffic driving around the city I wonder if you could control that like make it a little more dense or if it's just this is the default for career mode and another question about career mode is they're going to be police like are you gonna be able to break the law obviously the system is in place but I'm curious as to how they're going to handle that uh are the tickets gonna actually cost money now which honestly they should it'd be really cool okay so we're gonna pull into the gas station I should probably be using actual blinkers and stuff all right so we're gonna pull up to the pump here uh let's go ahead and park it and we actually get to buy gas here so it looks pretty realistic if you look at the menu here it says prices will vary slightly between stations and a lot of the gas stations should have charge stations now so let's go ahead and we're gonna click the refuel the vehicle here uh I don't know what the currency is but I guess we'll just start this there we go so I could stop refilling at any time when I hit the pay button this is a neat little menu I like this I like the way they've changed this there was a couple gas stations I think in Johnson Valley uh that worked but like I said it should be implemented at any gas station on the uh the base Maps Okay let's go and hit pay uh I still don't know where my money is so yeah so it looks like the career Mode's gonna be made of a racing deliveries police Pursuits rock crawling and more so basically all the things you do in beam already except for you're gonna get paid for it so once I us to drive to the next challenge so let's go ahead and head out here watch for traffic I don't know what my insurance cost uh like I'm kind of curious how that system works is it just like a percentage or what is our deductible it's weird this is like one of the first times we'll play in the game I'm very mindful of traffic and like I'm looking where we're going oh here we go all right so our first challenge let's go ahead and view the details of it so it looks like we just got to drive to a destination we're going to the Quarry Side Auto Sales is this the new dealership it might actually be so if you didn't know uh also arrive on time there's a bunch of bonus objectives okay so you can see how you make money so you could arrive on time at the destination so there's a bunch of little breakdowns on the bottom right I think this is the new dealership this is something I actually didn't talk about uh whenever we show the update a couple days ago which by the way we're just getting a bonus video today because there's a lot to the update and I had a bunch of other collabs already booked up I was like I gotta cover more of this this is neat okay I don't see a time so I think we just have to arrive in one piece and we'll be good here uh so we're driving up at the dealership like I said this is just something I missed I went over to like the new island uh in the update video but I knew there was a dealership I wasn't quite sure where it was and it appears to be over here hold on we have to actually hold on slow down we're not timed right now so I want to obey the traffic laws this is like the first Top Flight I think I've ever stopped for in the game the game is demanding I get moving uh well I'm being the proper person here and actually waiting at the stop lights uh it looks like we're going to a dealership so I would like to not beat up my vehicle before we uh potentially sell it so if you guys were to control a career mode what would you add I like the ideas that they have so far I'm hoping that buying and selling is a big thing depending on like what you put into your car so say you buy some upgrades maybe you'll get more money if you can turn around and sell it I mean how neat would it be to like be able to buy a truck buy one of the new enclosed trailers and have a drag race vehicle in there and you could take it out to the script and go earn some money that way or the racetrack say we get some proper which the AI is not bad uh in the racing but say we get some like legit proper race AI like that'd be fun to go out there maybe you uh starting like lower cups what the heck is going on I'm gonna make a pass here all right all right give me some room there we go sorry I'm impatient I'm gonna run a red light here thankfully they don't have cameras at the red lights yeah it would be cool if you could start out in like some of the junkers do some racing that way and work your way up to buying a race car maybe there's several different career uh branches essentially and you could have race car driver you could have police uh maybe even I don't know buy an ambulance so maybe you have to go get to a destination pick up somebody and then race back to the hospital like there's a million different ways this can work and I'm almost kind of curious how they're going to integrate the other Maps so I always uh believe like especially for career mode that you should be able to drive to a portion of the map and then it switches over to another like lower style map so say we can go to Utah from here I really wish that was a thing and it might be or it might be something they've thought of because I don't know how career Mode's gonna work when you switch Maps oh yeah here it is here's the new dealership oh my goodness I got a lot of cars parked out here so we're gonna go buy a car in BeamNG drive that's actually kind of crazy all right so we're gonna pull up into the spot here uh we got here with a zero damage so there we go it's gonna show the dealership off uh we earned 1500 money whatever this is supposed to be is it beam bucks or something so gameplay for every driving style well here you go non-linear gameplay that puts you in the driver's seat so obviously you can look at the icons one looks like racing one looks like uh transport job so I'm hoping we get a T-Series remastered soon it doesn't like you have some sort of police job and then like maybe challenges and stunts on the right so kind of what we were just talking about it seems like it's happening so what do I got to do here all right so we actually have to exit our vehicle wait do we get to walk into the dealership this is so cool looking are these the cars that are for sale they don't have like tags on them or something do they I think it would be really neat if they had on the dealership lot the cars they had available and you could walk up to it and inspect and see the price uh but let's go see how this works so we're gonna go into the building here okay open Deal dealership there was a reason they put this thing in here so build your dream collection so you have Dynamic inventory check dealerships often for new inventory so they do swap inventory out try before you buy you can take the test drive and then trade and save so you can trade in your own vehicles uh for discounts that is so cool and look this is what we have for sale oh my goodness what year is it oh look at the top right you can see our money I mean it's kind of behind all the little tutorial messages but I have uh 11 443 we're gonna call them Bean bucks I'm pretty sure they have an actual name so if we were to pick out a car uh they're all I want a rear wheel drive car I don't think I want to all-wheel drive and I don't particularly like front-wheel drive cars so I'm gonna go with the 1990 200 BX Type L so we can inspect the vehicle actually did it have miles on it was there actual mileage on the car like is that a thing where we have to go maintenance the car I feel like you can do like oil changes and stuff that'd be kind of cool dude this is like inspecting a car in real life can I actually pop the doors open and stuff on we're inspecting it I mean not gonna lie this is pretty immersive and like picture being in uh even VR in doing this you know walking around we're inspected the car looks pretty good uh I would kind of like to see like cars that are in different conditions maybe uh because obviously it's a used car it's from the 90s I like it so let's go purchasing info so yes um you can see oh my goodness there's dealership fees this feels a little real and there's sales tax uh so I can deliver this to wait I have a garage I need to go find that so I'm gonna choose to trade in so I could trade in my tutorial vehicle uh they'll give me almost 3 200 for it so let's go ahead and trade that in so that knock down the price to uh 422 so you know what we're gonna make the purchase uh we're gonna purchase this vehicle can we just drive it right off the lot oh this is cool it's got like a little movie for it oh my goodness I like this drive away with all the doors open that's fine okay so now we're gonna go drive to our girl oh our garage is right across the street so yes this is where I believe when we last played the career mode it was actually over here you started off in the garage wait so can we go in here and like full blown customize it uh that would be cool so we have a vehicle management Hub so there's a computer in here uh do we get oh dude this is so cool okay so where okay here's the computer so I'm gonna look around the garage like is this something that we own uh it'd be kind of cool if you could like upgrade your garage uh maybe for like new spots even if it was like some sort of way to make income here it's a nice little office okay so we need to go over to this computer and figure out what we're doing here so let's go use computer yeah vehicles uh my parts so we could purchase parts and there's a tuning menu so we can go purchase parts so yeah customized vehicles with countless part options parts cost money be sure to budget wisely and you can buy sell and remove parts so it wants us to buy a spoiler how much wait okay so that's like the only thing that we could buy but you can see a parts list here and career Mode's a work in progress you might not be able to buy all these parts yet uh or just the whole fact that we're in the tutorial so we could go by I want to buy the small lip here so it says install so does it just oh it just pops right on the car and it'll be kind of cool if there was like a little bit of a mechanic simulator in here and you can actually take the parts off yourself so yeah uh we got sell I mean it's funny that there's sales tax in here seven percent all right let's go ahead and purchase uh and the tutorial is complete so now we are free to go do whatever we want to do so what else is there to do currently so let's go ahead can I purchase more parts I'm actually kind of curious if I can customize the vehicle more uh yeah now the tuning menu is open and then oh yeah all the parts are open now so we got a budget of close to seven thousand dollars so so we could go in here and legit customize and build up our own car and probably tailor it to what we're gonna do in the career mode so how much do wheels cost in the game so can you know one thing I hope they add is a way to preview the wheels that you're adding here so like if I hit install I guess maybe you don't make the purchase yet so okay uh you can go in here and do that and not install them that makes more sense there we go all right so we got tires on this thing can we uh do like a I want to do a cheap body kit or something to it so front bumper uh they have a wide body one uh let's see what else do we have so if I go to this front bumper what is that that hasn't really change anything so you can just put the bull bar on there and then you have the option for a wide body which I actually really like that one I mean it's got a Spacey stuff's gonna look a little weird here but I feel like it's a little more aggressive so I like that I'm gonna put that on there uh let's go down to side skirts wide body side skirts let's install those all right how much are we in the hole right now we got about 2500 uh let's go ahead and do the rear bumper real quick I like how we're doing only Body Mods and we haven't done anything under the hood let's go wide body so change that up there all right liking it exhaust let's go ahead and uh I want to spend money and put a race exhaust in this thing just so it sounds better there we go and I wonder about paint uh what can we do about paint like how does that work oh actually hold on we need to put an intake on here can I pop the hood uh I don't know if I can hear Let me see if I can pop the hood from here I want to actually see the engine parts change so there's that so we can pop this up this is way more immersive to me than like a Forza or a Gran Turismo when it comes to the customization be able to walk around the car pop stuff open uh we go and put like a sport intake uh I don't know does that actually change something under the hood I know a lot of parts do I'm not really sure about this particular intake does it actually look like we have a special intake in there now I guess it would be in the box there uh but yeah I think a sport intake would be good all right that's gonna put us down to 800 so maybe we stopped there can I paint it at least I'd like to be able to paint the car here we go paint design so track day beater oh some of these paints are expensive so the old paint cost zero uh track day beater hold on if I install this what does it look like oh my goodness this is like the most generic like blown out clapped out car you see on the streets like almost zero actual upgrades besides the body and hey we put a little bit better intake on it I love it all right this is gonna basically make us broke can I I think I could change the color of this I mean I don't mind it let's just go ahead and purchase these parts so if I go to tuning what do we get here so this is all your adjustments for the car I don't know about the paint there's probably somewhere to paint this but I mean this is our car this is what we've upgraded here and we're ready to go take on uh some more of our daily challenges can I put a little pizza thing up on here go deliver pizza Okay let's listen to it I mean it sounds a little more aggressive uh I think I really added much horsepower wait is there a dino oh my goodness it's right over the curb yeah I gotta be mindful of that I didn't even see what kind of horsepower I mean we're basically stock except for the race exhaust that we put on here and the intake so let's go back up to this do we have challenges we could take on where do I fill like safe doing this so it's a Gymkhana boot camp they have moving assistants help a neighbor move some boxes do I have to have a pigeon for that I'm actually kind of curious I'm gonna set the route to this maybe you get loner cars uh for certain objectives either that I mean you could probably stick a box or two I could Pop the trunk we want to stick it in there yeah this just I mean it feels similar to other career modes but it also feels completely different like the stakes are higher with your car uh I do enjoy the part system and the tuning system way more than most racing games and I think uh once it's all said and done with all the objectives and stuff like I think I'm gonna have a lot more fun doing this I'm trying not to run this thing into a pole like this is the most careful you're ever gonna see me like drive in this game uh mostly I'm ripping it around corners splitting the car into I mean I kind of want to run into something but I don't know if I pay my deductible right now I spent too much on the parts okay it looks like we're gonna help some rich people like move uh so if I don't have the correct car do I get a car or how does this work all right so let's pull into here okay so moving assistance just says help the neighbor move boxes what if you don't have a car that can move stuff like I don't own a pigeon okay so it gives you a pigeon so you have to deliver seven pieces of cargo to the destination you can see what it pays so to get seven pieces we'll make a 750 which is great that like pays for like the spoiler I'm assuming those parts are loose back here so yeah we're we're just a little delivery boy I mean this is an honest living right here by the way I don't see a timer on this so in theory you would just want to drive nice and safe because those boxes are definitely loose in the back oh yeah we're just driving it right up the street here you can see it 0.25 so I got a quarter mile to go but they're moving from the neighborhood over there to this neighborhood is that it I believe so all right let's take our time I want all the pieces to stay in there I want to make that 750 bucks oh much of that one box okay yeah we're moving hey nice house by the way all right we're moving into here boom and we have successfully done it we oh actually we gained a lot more money dude that paid actually really well okay so you can see like different career branches on the left side so you have like a labor once and that looks like it's a trailer intro so maybe you'll start unlocking trailer jobs so you could take them you know across the map and then you have Adventurer which Adventure seems like more like vehicle challenges potentially uh let's see what oh you know what there's the other dealership over here in the map now that's open I kind of want to check it out and then maybe we'll stop by we can always do a race Oh there's uh Jefferson motor in here is also a dealership and it looks like there's a Parking Challenge in here I don't see anything as far as like police work that we could do I I think the police station in this map has actually seen an upgrade and somebody was saying that there was a underground parking garage in there now uh yeah let's go drive over I I always am kind of curious about like maybe the dealership over here because it's Rich Motors so I feel like maybe that's where you could buy your high-end cars so let's go ahead and travel over there right now uh I hope I could save this like I hope I don't have to restart this every time because it would be nice to continue this because I mean there's enough here to where I would definitely come back and play this I'm really hoping that we can enter our vehicle into like races and stuff maybe even some drag racing I mean you could convert this thing over it's gonna definitely need a lot of major upgrades and then we'll get some drag tires on it but I mean I feel like that'd be kind of cool also a real possibility with this uh when you go in and tune your own vehicles and you start putting in Parts a lot of times you can mismatch parts or you can maybe not upgrade something enough like there's real consequences to your upgrades you could go out and just blow a motor like if I blow a motor uh do I have to go pay the insurance deductible by the way I I bet you I could put a trailer hitch on here probably gonna be uh carrying big trailers but uh that would probably probably be something that you would want to do unless you're just using loaner Vehicles the whole time by the way I've kind of uh adjusted my driving style here I'm a little bit more aggressive and I'm not actually stopping at every red light also I like the idea maybe you could flip vehicles in here I mean I'm sure you could upgrade them but maybe find like crashed out cars uh pay to have them somewhat repaired and then maybe upgrade them from there and make some money like I feel like there's a lot of possibilities with like flipping vehicles in this game all right let's go over here and also do you think they're gonna allow mods to be integrated in the career mode like could maybe the mods that you have installed could some of those cars appear at the dealership that could be a thing I don't think that would be a thing anytime soon and oh my goodness this is cool all right so let's go ahead and pull up here you can see the opening oh keep clear gonna completely ignore that by the way did they add stuff to the inside of this I don't remember the inside of this dealership being so busy like I could have swore it was just empty in there but now I mean it's pretty legit can we walk into this uh honestly I think these buildings you should be able to just walk into uh is her wait would this this would be the front door doesn't look like we can move in there you can see a bunch of cars covered up though uh I wonder if you know it'd be kind of cool if they put like new vehicle teasers in there and like you just had them covered up all right uh let's go and open this dealership menu so here we go you could buy a T-Series again wow okay it really tells you like how much stuff is gonna actually cost like if you want a diesel right now it's 77 000 uh you got the hopper uh you got our vehicle actually I don't know if that's exactly ours I thought we had a little bit different one there's a Sunburst I'd love to buy one of those you have the Bastion that's the like the RT the 5.7 liter uh that's actually like the police edition because it's all-wheel drive one uh okay so I do have wait so I think we just answered our question there is a Lego car in here and it costs 11 I think I might have broken something here I didn't even realize that I had mods enabled like that's cheap I mean it is a Lego car I would fear like breaking it and then if you look down at the bottom they do have a 2019 K series uh for sale but yeah the vehicle is actually at mileage on them so they're gonna rack up mileage in the game and I'm assuming that will affect their value I mean if it's like most dealerships as soon as you drive off the lot you like lose 20 of your vehicle as far as the value okay so I think we have time for another challenge here let's go over to this AI race I'm kind of curious can I race my car and do that I feel like that would be ideal that you could select your own car so I wonder if during the race like say you wrecked during it would you like normally you could just restart the challenges I feel like uh taking damage in the race isn't gonna count but it might you never know maybe when the race wins like say you actually complete it you end up with the damage that you receive there okay here we go can we let our poop box race I'm really hoping we can on slide into here uh and boom all right so view details let's go ahead and see what it tells us so it just says it's a basic street race challenge uh you can see what you get it appears that you get 50 experience towards racing so I guess there's a different branches different trees for experience so let's go ahead and do this like do we get to use our vehicle or are we gonna get to use their vehicle no it looks like we get to use uh their vehicle this is cool like this is really cool and the thing is is the thing that a lot of people don't realize exist and is actively getting updated with the normal updates it almost just kind of hides itself like you don't know that a lot of this exists in the game right now all right oh it's good at that oh it might be able to get the inside of the game a little shove out to the outside here we go oh my goodness these are so slow whoa dude's getting kind of aggressive here kind of pushed me off on give them another little shove out in the corner hey we're playing with each other too much back here we need to catch first place uh this is cool oh he's gonna slide across okay let's do a little late breaking oh my goodness I've locked him up uh slide it there we go how do you oh my goodness he just drove right the side of me yeah there's gonna need to be some improvements with the BeamNG AI uh I think they've gotten a whole lot better but they still seem to be a little bit on the unaware side I don't know maybe he was actually just legit mad at me and he just ran through the back of me here all right let's see if we can make our move up over the bridge here there we go uh we have taken first place uh here is this the end are we going in the tunnel oh that was the end oh my goodness that was a really quick race there all right so uh we gained even more money so we can actually go back to the shop and like upgrade our car now by the way there's other wait did it unlock more challenges oh there's another race over here so this is the pipeline race we might as well go ahead and do this and gain a little bit more money this will probably put us up close to I would say about six thousand dollars so far what we've earned uh in career mode okay here we go it's a little bit bigger race I think we've done this one before all right here we go we got 12 checkpoints I got faster Vehicles this time so the stakes are a little bit higher uh in this street race you know what I'd like to see uh maybe they enclose kind of like an actual Street circuit uh that you would see like in maybe like F1 or IndyCar like say they actually close off and put up some barriers that way it looks like an organized race I mean I I like the idea of Street Racing too like having like some street racing events also as far as other events what would you guys like to see I would like to see maybe a cutting up event like in traffic so I think on this map in particular there's enough Highway that like a cutting up challenge like say you must race uh from one end of the highway to the other and like cut through traffic I feel like that would be cool too as an event okay are we just I think we're kicking butt right now I'm not even gonna look back like I always get myself in trouble looking back so let's just focus on the road ahead here focus on gaining that money uh slide it a little bit through here there we go already nine checkpoints in here comes the 10th checkpoint there's 11 right there uh let's go ahead and slide it one more time I'm waiting for the AI to just come out of nowhere just like Barrel into me and here we go it's our last checkpoint right here kind of cut through what kind of looks like a chicane here oh yeah I get all the speed all right we can look back now uh yep we are plenty clear we whooped the ai's butt during that one and there we go uh we have game oh that was worth 4 500 wow so obviously we should I think I could quick travel over to it I want to go back to our garage real quick so looks like I could set route does it appear that there's a quick travel to any of these so let's go and set the route and uh let's look at our money by the way I think I said there was no police stuff but look there's actually a uh two chases here uh that we could do uh you know we could set a route over to that real quick let's do that and then we'll finish it off by going uh to uh the garage and upgrading our car a little bit more because we'll have uh we'll have quite a bit to spin I mean we're borderline we can go buy another car like I could probably go buy another junker if I wanted to honestly trying to go find a D series would be great that way we can get like trailers and do some transport jobs I am still trying to figure that out like are we gonna have the option to be able to use our own stuff During certain events which I think we will it's still a work in progress but like the idea of going out and buying a truck so we can go do like trailer jobs is honestly exciting to me no it might not sound the most exciting to a lot of people but like BeamNG I mean other than being an amazing vehicle simulator it's turning into like a career that like I could picture myself playing a lot of this in and yeah if we got like maybe multiplayer inside of the game like not just the the beam MP which I love being pee don't get me wrong but say if there was something that they could integrate the career mode with which I do believe there's certain like car RPS servers that do act similar to this so it is kind of a thing now but if we had it in the official capacity that would be cool okay oh slow it down lock it up the brakes a little bit in this thing maybe we should upgrade the brakes that should probably be a thing that I want to get some more speed out of this thing maybe shed some weight I I would like to actually delete the seats which I'm pretty sure we can do and then maybe put like a little lighter like race seat in here uh because that should all matter in this game so let's go ahead and let's see what chases do we have we'll just do one of these real quick uh let's do the we'll do the unpaid fines okay let's stop this suspect as quick as possible okay uh it says arrest the suspect and remain undamaged or lightly damaged that's one of the uh one of the options uh they're they're like trying to tell you don't go and just spear the suspect what did he just do what was that breaking oh my goodness I almost just ran right through the back from by the way I want my siren on there we go now I would like to see just being able to buy a police car or maybe not buy one but like go to the police station become an officer because how you drive around in free roam and you know the random Pursuit set startup I feel like that would be a cool gameplay Loop instead of just going and doing the challenges only uh just being able to drive around as a police officer would be kind of cool in the game all right let's see if we can try to end oh he's gonna hit that car he's gonna hit that car oh dude he slammed over to me Han I think we can pan him here I need to pin you I need you to stop there we go right into the wall stop him all right there we go I think we have him unless he reverses here and oh yes it counts there we go that wasn't worth this much money it was only 750. uh there was a couple other things we could have done what was win in under 30 seconds oh my goodness that would have been tough all right we're gonna head back to our garage and see how much money we have and see what we could do I mean we could always go look and buy another vehicle but I feel like this is a good starting vehicle it's a nice rear-wheel drive plenty of upgrade options for this thing I might put some different tires on it maybe something that's got a little bit more grip by the way I think car washes should be a thing in the game like say your vehicle just gets dirty over time uh it'd be neat to see some car washes all right so here we go we're gonna pull ourselves in here and then we can open garage uh so there's an option to repair so it shows you the value which that's more than we paid for it right I believe it actually is quite a bit so it is taking into account uh your vehicles uh by the way do I have damage no I think it's just the wide body uh fenders but yeah it's taking into account uh the value that you put into the vehicle so that's cool by the way we could take like pictures in here and stuff I kind of forgot about this hold on we could turn on like our headlights oh my goodness this is actually kind of cool looking uh so we have our tuning I I don't see the painting is that not in here oh we go into uh I guess a can we go with a photo oh yeah we can do photo mode in here uh oh my goodness this is it's honestly so cool looking okay let's see if we can get a couple more upgrades here so we're up back up to ten thousand dollars so we can dump ten thousand into this I could sell it and I'd have about twenty thousand we could go buy a Sunburst uh which is another car I'd like to have uh but you know what let's uh let's do some stuff with this huh we gotta definitely do a carbon fiber they have a vented one what is that like uh yep that's kind of cool so I definitely want that so we have the engine management is this a type LS that's a good question homie purchased the hood real quick okay so I confirmed it's the BX uh so I could continue to upgrade maybe the engine here so I'm gonna upgrade oil cooler we could throw in Austin this bad boy uh that might not be a bad idea how much does the Nitrous system cost only about 360 bucks okay we've spent uh we haven't spent that much so we're doing pretty good let's go ahead and put in a uh I guess we can do the stage three performance long block this could be four thousand dollars there I'd like an adjustable race ECU but I think we're at the the tell-in of what we can do here uh what about brakes front brakes can I upgrade those uh looks like it's gonna be a little out of my actually I can do maybe the type LS could I do those all right that fell right into our uh our price range here so I could purchase these parts uh so we should have a little bit of an upgraded engine right now we got upgraded cooling down there let's go and pop the hood real quick so yeah I could just be this car but I know some have a little bit more detailed uh like engines and stuff but I mean this is cool like we have upgraded this we're a little bit lighter I should probably can I delete the seats out of this thing by the way you can see our value of our car has gone up I don't know how do we rip off parts so say I don't want okay so purchase Parts maybe it's under tuning I don't know I'm actually kind of curious maybe it was where we had to swap amount in the parts list I don't know regardless let's go ahead and jump in real quick and real quick just take a little bit of a drive Phil if it feels a little bit more powerful oh we could hit the NOS does it cost to actually like put in new tanks once I run out uh that would be kind of cool all right I wonder if we're gonna blow the engine I mean we did upgrade the radiator and the oil cooling okay let's go ahead and get on it here uh I mean it feels better it's definitely faster oh my goodness okay let's not crash our car but yeah that is just a taste as to what's gonna come here if you guys want to see maybe just this work in progress career mode series uh comment down below let me know and we'll see you guys next time
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 439,247
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Keywords: beamng, beamng drive, beamng career mode, beamng career, beamng career mode garage, beamng career mode 0.30, beamng career mode 2023, vr, car crash, beamng vr, beamng vr update, beamng 0.30, beamng VR, beamng virtual reality, VR, update, beamng update, beamng mods, beamng drive mods,, beamng parts mod, beamng drive crashes, beamng drive 3.0, beamng new trailer, beamng side by side, beamng drive 0.30, beamng new update, beamng vr crash, beamng crashes
Id: SnurOc4BIws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 38sec (2018 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2023
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