The Net Gun | Overtime 4 | Dude Perfect

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Welcome to overtime episode 4 it is great to have you guys with us today. We have a great show planned To segment, you know two segments you don't You're twins purple hoser dude perfect in overtime tall guy beard twins purple *intro* Coach tell them the first one. Let's start off a little cool not cool, bye-bye Wow COOL / NOT COOL Here we go starting off with a bang Cubs you got something cool for us Yes, you guys are gonna have to be the judge of that You know I'm saying I brought some of my best work today. This is a portable sauna. Oh Okay, so you just have hop in and zip that sucker up Already turned it on it's set to 160 degrees Okay, you might be asking yourself, "But Kobe what if you want to use your phone?" I actually was not thinking that... You know what I like the effort I'm gonna give you a sympathy green Yes! I'll take it! Ty, you have lost your mind. It doesn't look to be totally improved. Going with the red button. Oh my! Put your hand in there! Listen, this is not a toy You should not have gone first. Here's the deal, I'm gonna vote based on how sweaty you are at the end of this segment if he is sweaty, he will get a green Cory, you want to go next? Yeah, I think I should I'd like to introduce you to the cup that cannot be spilled. Oh Oh my! I will start us off with the green, you know, I don't spill that often but I've got a little kid at home Bang baby! Hold on. How do you go from this to this? Oh my! Absolutely! Nice yeah, nice. You wanna green him? Nice. Yeah, that is 100% my fault I gotta say I'm gonna keep that over here Cody or Garr Oh somebody quick if you don't want the world's loudest whistle That's a pretty bold statement Okay I need everything you got at one time *Whistle gives all it's got at one time* I'm deaf. Really? well bonus whistle. I'm giving it a great oak. I just pick one for me. Oh, yeah, I'll give him... How about both? Hey, there's no other whistle. I'd rather have I think I might be able to hear that whistle from the moon Oh, yeah, that is loud. I hate to like to go there, but is there sound in space if you're standing next to a rocket? Your gonna hear the rocket! Comment below whether Cody's right or not speaking of space. I've got a really cool thing. You're gonna enjoy That is a remarkable control, I will 100% Green man, green for Kobe. Sorry, I'm not very good Not a great flyer but the product speaks for itself. Oh Mylanta! You are sweating! I did say if it was a working product I would not I'm gonna wrap up this segment right here. You guys ever seen one of these giant flashlight? No, sir codes, I'm gonna actually use your vehicle in the demonstration. I would be honored. Would you mind taking it up for me? I'm gonna stand back. I would like to introduce you to the net gun I think we have a little fun with This is how you handle the tall guy that only shoots threes Should we see if they'll take down a twin He's got netted we should probably go back to the desk and we're gonna do this all day Nice round of applause great cool not cool. We're getting better. Well, it is time to move on to a brand new segment Hope you guys enjoy it. It is called prank Jackson Okay, so here's some various taxidermy and here's how this is gonna work, we got a couple buddies They think they're just coming to hang out at the office today What they don't know is there's gonna be a vicious garden snake waiting just outside DP HQ - ready the snake attack. I'm ready. Let's head downstairs Alright guys here we are at the sabotage point and we're gonna lay our snake right here in the grass So here's how it's gonna work snakes gonna be laying here fishing line is going to be through the crack of the door They walk up to the door ideally without seeing the snake and then here it comes Right up I Think that's gonna work They think that this door is open. So they're gonna walk up and tug and then the snakes just come on Okay, they're here Tell him to use a fake coat on this door, so he's gonna be right here Can you believe it both wesley and trav actually what their britches ha ha ha I cannot believe that that is funny That was a good time It was a good time and I hate to be that guy but you know, it's about to be a not good time No the next segment because it's time to head to wheel unfortunate I Hate this segment you want to I think I've got a new way to do this Garrett You're gonna start take a name out. Don't show anybody Coby same thing then me then Cody There will be one name left in the Hat that Corey will pick up that will be the person spinning the wheel All right, Garrett eliminate the first person do not show anything Eliminate someone Kobe I have eliminated someone please me money, please. Okay, okay I am queasy like my stomach hurts. Oh my gosh. My heart's pounding. Okay, Corey. The person is spinning that wheel is This is all fun and games, but I think we got a Great show of all time it is good to be back. I'm your host ed Forrester the golden boy see the resemblance Anyways, we've got a great show for you guys today. We've got a guest at his babe Are you serious Regardless, it's great to have you on the show this week I've been kind of thinking maybe he tried to steal the spotlight or something, but then again it was like Nobody could steal that spotlight. So I wasn't too worried about it, you know to be yeah cor I'd tell you how this works But you're pretty familiar. So if you would hold my bike real quick. Yeah Alright thanks for doing that core and I got some great new stuff on the board. Well if you're ready, I'm ready Cory sped that way. Oh Wow power ability obviously, it's been working on that since last time All right, Leo looks like it's coming to a stop. You're not gonna have to shave your eyebrows Gratulations cor what I need you to do is fly to Wisconsin D board the plane go out through security take one step outside Take a big snipper and that fresh, Wisconsin air Turn right back around and come home if that is the definition of fly to Wisconsin for absolutely no reason Cory say it with me here Hey go buy yourself a plane ticket big guy Just left the office. Guess I'm going to Wisconsin what could be better than going to Wisconsin for literally no reason Everybody's walking around with their bags. I have literally nothing. I'm holding my hat just so I can feel like I'm holding something So boring Why are you Wisconsin no reason I've arrived in Wisconsin. I got my cheese hat on but I can't keep it a reason for coming the moment we've all been waiting for Wow, the flights are actually really close together no offense, but it all I get stuck in, Wisconsin Excuse me. Almost miss my flight didn't know still Dead hope would never see each other again and back and that was unfortunate back to the studio All right, and welcome back Corey Yeah, oh thanks guys I hate this game Well now it's time to add to the next segment and that is mail time Alright and as always we've asked our editors to come up with a creative way to deliver our mail So, let's see what they have in store for us today Chad. What do we got? Oh, What a treat is that a male goat Let's see what we got boy, so starting off strong Custom VP trailer hitches. Oh, very nice Look at this a clay figurine know what your big fan of our face off series take a look at that That's tingle baby. Oh Wow, what a draw hair got a couple of friendship bracelets here if Jill wanted a shout out and he wanted us to wear them In the overtime video. Oh, yeah like a reward Oh guys Somebody sent us some micro smoke what in the world is micro smoke not familiar. I'm unfamiliar Oh Guys, there's a pan. No, it smells horrible It does smell like a goat. Oh, he's definitely peeing. Oh really No Oh, yeah now the goat Smells it's so strong. I thought we just lost real unfortunate ok, guys, you want me to pop smoke and try and run him and Get the go-ahead. (goat poops on floor) Oh, he's taking a dump on the pee. Is this a bad idea? Yes! x4 Don't worry guys. I'm getting rid of it. That was a horrible idea Chad come clean this up. Thanks for joining us on mail time We'll take you to the next segment as soon as we clear the building ha ha. That's the greatest segment ever The smoke is cleared. The smell has not still smells little goatee in here But show must go on and it is time to head to a brand-new segment at the kitchen. Mine doesn't look like that Hidey-ho, welcome to my kitchen. I'm sure you're like me were you scared of the Internet look for a cool project? Think you know what? I could probably do that by the end of it you go Hey, mine, doesn't quite look like that in there. Yeah, these two teams will be battling off in a watermelon sculpture battle Let's see. What happens Oh sup guys team tying gear here. We have picked our watermelons. Hold on I would like to be its team Garrett and I go ahead take it away. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to team twins What's up, guys? Here we go team guarantee We've decided to go with the peacock We'll be tackling a slightly simpler concept a shark Good luck boys in three two one Begin, I wouldn't worry about this so much Y'all ever seen a shark jump out of the water Shark-tooth You guys know that cucumbers or pickles pickles or cucumbers that's what I meant Do you ever know that pickles have scales like fish I feel like at this point in the competition I'm taking this a little bit more seriously than Gary Hey ty you remember those high school projects where you always had the team lead, you know, the team lead does absolutely nothing You know, yeah welcome to Team Gary Always wanted to do this I Love have yet to see Jarrod do anything productive for his team? And honestly, I'm pretty impressed with what I'm seeing I think we might have to change the title of this one. Mine does kind of look like that One minute remaining oh I got a good idea. I got a good idea One eyed shark currently, I would add another blueberry no need you have to alternate tomato blackberry tomato by 3 2 1 tiny shark one side. I'm sorry. Literally all that matters is the one photo being posted to Instagram. We did a one-sided shark Sure, the other side doesn't look great. He didn't have an eye. Okay, but all we need is one phenomenal side of this shark So that our Instagram viewers will vote on it It's officially time to take this to Instagram to find out which sculpture is better your week And the winner of the 2018 watermelon sculpture battle is Grant Pham what happened man? So disappointed I am too Gary that was absolutely ridiculous never should happen can't believe that peacock Look exactly That's all I have to say about that. I believe it is giveaway time As always at the end of it over time. We've got a couple treats for you guys if you're a subscriber pound and you share the video pal you get this and this I'm not a freak out there you get this bow and this valley so we'll pick five of you guys that are Subscribers and share the video and then there you go half anity So if you're not a subscriber Click down here So you don't miss out on any new videos if you want to see the last overtime video click right here And if you want some TP merch click right here sign it off for now. We're the set smells like goat pee
Channel: Dude Perfect
Views: 44,670,242
Rating: 4.8686819 out of 5
Keywords: dude perfect, dude perfect stereotypes, dude perfect water bottle flip, bottle flip, water bottle flip, dude perfect bottle flip, dude perfect basketball, dp, dude perfect world record, edition, nerf, trick shots, trick shot, family, ping pong, bowling, clean, family friendly, bubble wrap, soccer, football, spinner, spinners, fidget spinners, dude, overtime, goat, wheel, unfortunate, cool, not cool, taxidermy, prank, watermelon, mine doesnt look like that, food, wisconsin
Id: RohJfM-VFS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 16 2018
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