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I just saw something big look like some kind of lake monster I don't know if I could do this anymore you get to it get going lazybones you got to get there come on what if it's another safe that is definitely a safe check it out look at that the dial spinning there I do not know how big it is though oh I'm gonna have to dig it up quite a bit more to figure it out what is up adventure agents okay some of you missed the last episode this has been so crazy I am alone on an island in the middle of a lake called Vancouver Lake and agent racks and aged Pikachu are not with me they're on the shore they couldn't make the trip out here it is too dangerous I took the canoe out here and there's some blue-green algae in the water it's toxic not safe for kids that young so I had to come out here by myself they're on standby I'm gonna check in with them in just a minute we just followed the clues that were on this map and we found the GB Cooper mystery and these clues led us to a pose from these objects right here this filter and these pair of binoculars they led me to dig right in this spot here and we found a safe agent it has been a long time since we've had a buried safe and this is really exciting I'm so excited to dig this up and see what it's in here and see what it adds to our trying to solve the DB cooper mystery let's get this safe dug up and let's see if we can get it out in I don't know how big it is I don't even know if I can move it by myself last safe that we tried to get out we had to pull with the go-karts to get it out of the ground it was so big if it's that big I definitely can't get it out by myself I mean office new alright well let's quit wasting time I'm gonna get this dug up and I'm gonna report back to agent Rex of Pikachu let them know what's going on wow this looks just like the first safe that we found the safe that we found in the pond long time ago some of you may remember that the first safe that we found in the pond our neighbor Al's house oh no how I'm gonna get this thing out of here the handle here oh it's not budging I'm gonna have to set you guys down and see if I can pull this thing out of here comment down below if you remember that safe whoa I thought I heard something this island is completely supposed to be completely uninhabited but I don't know we don't know something like this is buried here I don't know DB Cooper is still here maybe Cooper landed here if this is the real DB cooper we just don't know I want to get out of here I want to get this safe up and get out of here Oh first I gotta check in with agent Rex Pikachu all right agents this is the safe here do you remember this safe it looks just like the safe that we found in the pond to me send me a message back with what you're thinking this is how big it is I'm gonna try to get out of the hole now all right let's set them a message let's see what they have to say I'm gonna get this thing out of here or at least try now we're talking I got it to budge ah it's a good thing we got this good grip right here Oh [Music] [Applause] oh man they want to know if we can crack it open today I don't know I don't even know how long I get back to the shore in it it's a long way away in the winds blowing yeah agents I mean I don't know I don't know what's gonna happen here's the safe right here see it's not as big as the one that we found in Al's pond first it's a little bit smaller but it's still heavy I'm gonna have to get it all the way into the canoe and then I'm gonna have to get the canoe in the wind all the way to you guys to the shore I'm gonna give it a try though how much time we'll have to try to break into it we'll give it a go we don't really have any tools to break in though I've got a shovel maybe we'll find some big rocks to throw it all right well I'm gonna try to get it out of the water okay you guys I mean I'm gonna try to get it out of the hole I'll let you guys watch okay I'm gonna let agent Rex and Pikachu watch here I'm gonna set them up right there they can watch me try to get it out of this hole oh I did ha ha ha I'm gonna have to get this thing into the canoe now all right I parked my canoe right here gonna pull it over here to safe [Music] hopefully won't sink the canoe in the water agent Rex and Pikachu sent me a message let's see okay gents I got it into the canoe look check it out it was pretty hard but I got it in I'm gonna go ahead and head back to you guys and hopefully I get back there sometime soon I don't know the wind is blowing it's rough seas out here but I'm gonna try to make it from the island to you guys as soon as I can agent checks out all right make it to the back don't tip it over oh man this is really weird having a safe in this canoe with me so before I head out adventures I need a fuel up with some Nick sticks grass-fed beef jerky stick I'm gonna open these up oh man oh yeah when you're adventuring good good fuel Nick sticks grass-fed beef jerky sticks or our favorite beef jerky sticks and it gives us the protein and the fat that we need see fat is good for your brain you need fat your brain is mostly fat and you need to replenish that fat in order to keep moving so if you're a kid ask your parent what constitutes a healthy adventure snack for you because it's different for every family and every person all right agents while all fueled up let's get to paddling and head back to agent Rex and agent Pikachu they are gonna be so excited to see this safe in person right safe oh yeah how you doing haha let's get going whoa whoa I just saw something big I mean some kind of murky seaweed stuff and something big like three big things just moved I have never seen that many big things move in water like this got to keep our eyes peeled look like some kind of lake monster of a fish it's huge he my house I peeled for more that was big Oh there's one right there okay agents I'm getting deeper out into the lake and I just saw a few more of those big oh there's another one right there these monster fish lookin things who know what they are but they're huge in there everywhere they seem to like the cover of this seaweed or whatever it's not see because this isn't see some kind of weed growing up in it from the from the lake bed I'm starting to get deeper out of the lake and I'm posed with the problem agents I wish agent Rex and Pikachu were here to help me I think I'm gonna ask them what do you think I should do let me ask you to see if this canoe tips over that safe is gonna sink straight down to the bottom of the water there eventually once the air escapes from it if that happens I can get out of the water I could tip my canoe back over and get back in or swim to shore I got my safety lifejacket here but that safe will be lost forever there's no way I can remember where the safe is where it fell out in the water it's just too difficult it's too murky water here so impose the problem how do I make sure that if that happens then I can have some sort of landmark to know where the safe is and the water to come back and get it comment down below what do you think I should do I'm gonna ask agent Rex and Pikachu when they think I should this is the kind of thing that if you're a special agent you got to be able to think on your feet or on your boat and your paddle let's figure out what to do I'm gonna send them a message all right agent racks and Pikachu I need your help I'm pose of the problem you see the safe right there I'm starting to get out in the middle of a lake here and I'm really worried if this boat tips over I'll be okay but if the boat tips over I would never be able to recover the safe the safe would be lost forever what do you think I should do is there some way that I can make it to where if the safe falls out I can mark the location where it fell out please send me back a message I'm trying to think about it but three minds are better than one I need your help agents can you send me back a message telling me your ideas for what I should do to protect this safe to make sure that if it the canoe tips over that I can mark the location of where it is somehow in order to figure out what to do let me show you what I have in my survival pack here I've got multi-tool knives and matches I've got an escape rope got my water bottle here vacuum seals like this rope here got my survival knife here got a Batman grapple hook and what I could do with that some more Nick sticks fishing tackle and binoculars what can I do with those items they can make it toward this safe is somehow the location is marked if I got tip did the boat tipped over somehow comment down below let me know what you think I'm gonna think about it to a wait for agent Rex and Pikachu to get back with us now agents I know that by the time I post this video I will figured out some way to do it but it still can be a fun mental game a mental practice game for you to practice being agents by trying to figure out what it is you think I should do with those items to make some kind of markers so pause the video right now and think about it for a little bit let's see if you can come up with something maybe you'll come up with the same thing I'm gonna end up doing or maybe you'll come up with something even better but pause the video think about it for a minute then play the video and see what I end up doing okay agents I just heard back from agent Rex and Pikachu let's listen what they had to say for an idea that is a good idea that is a really good idea yeah the only problem I could see with that is if the waters deep enough it'll pull my canoe down but that's a good idea that is a great idea I'm gonna work with that idea I'll let you know when I come up with see you when I get back okay agents did you hear that they said that I should tie the canoe to the safe yeah that's a good idea but the only thing I can think of that's a problem there is that the safe might pull the canoe deep down into the water and then I wouldn't be able to flip my canoe back over and get back home what else we do we could tie something to the same hmm what do I have it floats oh I know this water bottle it's vacuum sealed which means that there's a cavity of air all throughout it even when it's full of water let's see if it floats Hey look at that it floats I'll just take my scape rope here and tie it to this and so the safe will fall in the water all the way down to the bottom this escape rope is 50 foot long the lake is definitely not daddy and then the water bottle will float around and then I could take the canoe go back to shore I'll have to come and get some help I can't pull the safe out with just my canoe but this will always be floating there as a marker where the safe is all right let's tie it to the safely take off my escape rope it's oh whoa whoa okay I better make sure I don't tip this canoe trying to tie it to the safe so what I'm gonna do is and then I tie the other end to my water bottle this is off okay feel a lot better now when I make sure the boat doesn't tip but you never know what fish monster things deliver huge if a bunch of decided a fault lipo I don't know what would happen gotta be careful all right hands let's keep moving and get this safe to safety haha get it get this safe to safety that was going okay let's get [Music] [Music] whatever it is it's really heavy Oh what if it's another safe what if somebody tried to do the same thing I did and they tied their rope to this this is a floatation device what if there's a really big safe on his hair no that would be cool I don't know it was too heavy for me to pull off I guess we'll never know I don't know maybe one day we could come back out here and see what that's attached to right now we've got to get back the winds kind of blowing it's blowing me away from the shore this could be tough let's keep going [Music] oh hi I'm food I don't know if I can do this anymore you'll get to it get going lazybones you gotta get there come on you can do it don't give me that lazy I can't do it stuff go go go oh okay okay yes sir I'll try oh my back it hurts your back hurts I don't want to hear it lazy lazy bones get going paddle harder come on put your back and do it more okay oh oh I need help oh my goodness you need help my great-great-great-grandmother can pedal harder than that and she only has one arm come on you can do it get going your great-great-great grandmother's still alive that's amazing you're right if she can do it I can do it too let's go oh well most robust there I can see agent back to Pikachu thanks Patrick Axl Darrin I don't think I can make it I'm so tired I'll do it I'll do it the safe isn't helping at all lazy safe you just sitting there doing nothing being it heavy safe hold me back uh I'm almost there look out mommy hi Keith Thank You gals it does have wheels it's just like the other safe we found except it's like a little smaller so look what I did so you guys had a great idea to tie it to the boat but then I thought what if it like drags the boat down but this floats and so I could leave it there and then we could come back and we would see this bobbing in the water and then I saw something floating in the water out there tied to a rope and so I grabbed it and tried to pull it up and it was too heavy to pull up and I was wondering if like somebody else had a safe I did the same thing and it just fell into the water because it was this big styrofoam buoy that was just tied to it probably not but I thought maybe that would be funny if that was what happened I know I was trying to pull it up it was too heavy okay guys so we have the safe up here problem is we don't really have any tools right now to try to break into it but we could try to break into it like the primitive way there's some big logs over here if a primitive human was to break into a safe that's what they use big logs or rocks right like stone tools so that's what we can do we can try to break into it with that what do you think let's go see if we can find something over here in the woods you're gonna try to break into the safe primitive stuff so let's see here we get one of these ah look look at this a beaver or you chewed this one up for it thanks beaver so who's first batter up me first I am really really tired can you guys help okay all right let's see what you got oh you're right look at those spikes oh that is a good zombie Club a primitive zombie Club yep all right look out axle it's doing something whoa look at that did you just do that yeah oh hey we're making some progress here okay so who's gonna do the big one yeah see if you guys can wield the big club here oh whoa look at that dude oh my god we gotta watch out this looks got some spikes on it where Oh Oh what do you got there dude that's a great idea oh what's that what was that oh there's a bunch of little beetles Spidey oh this is fun whoa well Lucas that's a little baby egg things on it yeah oh I try this in Tennyson go go go Coco it just turns to dust instantly we need a harder rock all right so Darren's getting the big club ready all right there you go you got it you got it you got this you can do it I believe in you Wow that was a good try man you gonna try Axl all right make everybody back oh wow check it out wait touches one bit well I completely flattened the handle got it oh it's moving see that look at that all right you guys it's spinning yeah I don't know if we're gonna be able to get this thing up in the primitive way we'll probably have to take it back to our workshop no we cannot do it today maybe tomorrow maybe tomorrow we'll see okay we'll see what happens we might might be able to do this we're definitely gonna try it in the next episode okay Axl is gonna do it one more one more ready oh look it sank it in see that it forced it in huh all right so agent Rex had a great idea we're gonna try to hammer the pin out the primitive way with just sticks that's a great idea don't hit my hand Wow don't do it resist the urge come on pin is it moving oh there you go okay I'm gonna move my hand now that's Axl's got the the zombie Club here okay all right there we go oh is it moving okay here right there try again come on you guys remember last time the person up broke the stick I don't know adventure agents we'll see so what do you think's in the safe place what do you think's to the safe blackberries what do you think's in this state I do not think it's blackberries I do not know I'm gonna take a guess I hope that there is more clues than the safe I hope the DB Cooper's caches in here now that would be awesome what if he landed on that island and he had a safe they're waiting for him to bury them now wouldn't that be cool who knows we don't even know if this is a real DD Cooper whoa that we're following all right adventure agents well we want to find out what happens or what's inside the safe you're gonna have to check back in the next episode go ahead an click on the video you see popping up right now if you don't see it cuz we haven't made yet you have to check that next Saturday until next time remember life is an adventure and love is a key we love you Adventure is out Adventure is out he's pretty sad that we can't break open the safe right now you
Channel: The Adventurers
Views: 115,615
Rating: 4.7327766 out of 5
Keywords: axel and daddy db cooper, axel show db cooper mystery, db cooper, mystery safe, clues found, mystery, adventure
Id: Rewlg24m3lk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 24sec (1464 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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