The Mythical Founding of Rome

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These graphics are so nice!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/hoanns 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2017 🗫︎ replies

This is really good. Post more if you make another one!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/buttersack 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2017 🗫︎ replies
the mythical founding of Rome begins with the fall of Troy as the Trojan Prince Aeneas fled the destruction with a group of survivors they eventually reached Italy founding the city of Lavinium and his son Ascanius the city of Al belonga for generations son at their son ruled as king in Alba longa until we get the king Numa tour his daughter Rhea Silvia and his brother Amulius hungry for power Amulius expelled his brother from the throne and forced his niece to become a vestal virgin priestess so she would bear no sons to contest his rule but Ria's suffering would continue as the god Mars forced himself on her against her will resulting in a pregnancy and birth of the twins Romulus and Remus Amulius in fear of potential rivals ordered the twins thrown into the Tiber River fortunately for the twins the river was in flood and were spared from the stronger currents as they washed ashore a wolf heard their cries and came to their aid sheltering and nourishing them with her own milk Faust ulis a herdsmen soon came upon me with compassion he took them in and raised them as if they were his own children Romulus and Remus were not only diligent in their duties at home but also steadfast in the defense of their people they would chase down and attack bandits sharing the spoils with their fellow herdsmen because of this a loyal following grew around them later during the festival right of the looper cow the bandits sought their revenge enthralled in the celebrations the villagers were ambushed and Remus was captured they brought him to a Mulia saz prisoner on trumped-up charges Remus served as imprisonment in Numa tours home while questioning him he soon grew to realize that Remus and Romulus were his long-lost grandsons Romulus with his followers mounted a rescue killing Amulius himself with Numa tour restored to the throne of Alba longa the twin set out to found their own City at the very spot where they were once left to die but discord grew between the brothers as they quarreled over what's he'll to start building on Romulus and his followers occupied the palantine hill while Remus and his followers occupied the Aventine hoping for a sign from the gods to settle their dispute the sign came first as six vultures appeared Remus but then double that number appeared above Romulus both sides argued over what was more significant who was answered first versus the greater number of birds in defiance Rima slept over his brother's partially built walls to which Romulus answered with violence killing his brother Romulus was now the sole ruler of the city to which he gave his name roamed the ambitious Romans wanted to grow quickly so they opened the city to any who would come runaway slaves criminals and the dispossessed while nany man did come the city lack for women that will not last beyond a generation Romulus reached out to the neighboring cities seeking alliances through marriage rights but with all of his attempt rebuffed he turned the force Romulus organized a series of games and festivities to be held in Rome and invited the neighboring populace as the city filled with guests most notably the say binds Romulus set his devious plot in motion by giving a pre-arranged signal to his men they abducted all the unmarried young women from the crowd and against their will made them their lies naturally these actions led to war while the Romans defeated the rest of their neighbors easily enough the same binds proved to be a greater challenge and it was only the intervention of the true victims the say buying women themselves that could put a stop to it they fearlessly entered the battlefield positioning themselves between the battle lines appealing to both sides they cried out only one side can win this fight as for us it is better to die than to live for we must do so either as widows or as orphans their impassioned plea was successful the Romans and say binds combined into one people with the Saban leader Titus patias ruling jointly as king with Romulus though he would be murdered in a nearby city years later and Romulus would again be the sole ruler of Rome Romulus his reign was long and prosperous as Rome's power and influence grew but one rather innocuous day while inspecting the troops a thunderstorm descended obscuring the King from his soldiers the storm quickly abated but Romulus was gone proculus Ullaeus a trusted and respected Roman later confirmed his fate he claimed that Romulus came down from the heavens and spoke to him saying go and now to the Romans that the gods in heaven will my Rome to be the capital of the world accordingly let them cultivate the art of war let them realize and let them teach their descendants that no human power can withstand Roman supremacy he ascended once more and vanished as once founder and now immortal God of Rome this version of the myth is based on Livi's account a 1st century BC Roman historian as translated by T G a loose Livy recounts multiple versions of the founding myth for brevity's sake I've condensed and simplified adhere the founding myth is obviously puzzling for a modern audience in terms of ethics morality and the supernatural but it was a bit of a head-scratcher for the Romans as well Livy himself was skeptical about much of the story as to what parts of the myth if any can be supported by archaeology is a matter for another future video
Channel: Jimiticus
Views: 65,184
Rating: 4.7828283 out of 5
Keywords: Founding of Rome, roman myth, roman legend, romulus and remus, romulus, remus, sabine, faustulus, rhea silvia, amulius, numitor, aeneid, troy, ancient rome, roman empire, roman republic, livy, rome, caeser, who founded rome, roman foundation myth, history of rome, kings of rome, roman kings, first king of rome, aeneas, roman founding myth, when was rome founded, when did rome begin, the myth of the founding of rome, rise of rome, who was the first ruler of rome, etruscan, lupercalia
Id: zHN6HIjD9Y0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 20sec (320 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2017
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