The Mysterious Wedding At Cana - Bishop T.D. Jakes [April 28, 2019]

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[Music] [Applause] get your Bibles go to the Gospel of st. John chapter 2 verse 1 through 11 I need you to pray for me I thought I had more voice than I do I feel like preaching glory to God in my spirit I had a lot of voice when I got up here to say something I thought oh so you still down in Tampa yeah I don't think my voice is fully cut the plane yet to come back home but such as I have I will give it up to you and perhaps in the absence of more voice we can add more thought the gospel of Saint John chapter 2 verse number 1 through 11 there you will find a passage of Scripture that I have mulled over in other places a few times but I have not recently shared and certainly not in this way with you that I'm going to share it today it is the Gospel of st. John chapter 2 verse 1 and it starts by saying and the third day there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee and the mother of Jesus was there and both Jesus was called and his disciples to the marriage and when they wanted wine the mother of jesus saith unto him they have no wine jesus saith unto her woman what have I to do with thee mine hour is not yet come his brother saith unto the servants whatsoever he said unto you do it somebody say do it and there were set there six waterpots of stone after the manner of the purifying of the jews containing two or three firkins apiece jesus said unto them fill the waterpots with water and they filled them up to the brim and he saith unto them draw out now and bear unto the governor of the feast and they bear it when the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine and knew not which it was but the service which drew the water knew the governor of the feast called the bridegroom and saith unto him every man at the beginning does set forth good wine and with men have well drunk then that which is worse than thou thou has kept the good wine until now this beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee and manifested forth his glory and his disciples believed on him can you say man can you say man again remain standing I want to take a moment and talk to you about the mysterious wedding at Cana the mysterious wedding at Cana there's something odd about this thing there's something strange there's something mysterious about this wedding at Cana and if you'll give me a little time I think I'll be able to point out the mystery at the wedding of Cana are you with me this morning let us pray spirit of the Living God fall fresh on us this morning empower us and release glory upon us in such a supernatural way that we might be infused with truth to the illumination of our soul this illumination happens on the inside darkness is automatically in this film I think you're in advance for what you're going to do have your way in the midst of your people I believe you for great things the Lord in Jesus name somebody shout amen you may be seated yeah let's go to work everything in scripture starts and ends with weddings it is no mistake that we start in the book of Genesis and the first thing we see in the book of Genesis beyond creation is a wedding between a man named Adam and a woman named Eve from Genesis auspices the beginning of the story and the understanding of humanity and his fundamental basis God introduces it by the concretization of an institution of marriage through a wedding where he puts a man to sleep and performs the first mirth through a man and men of birth women and then women took over the birthing and birth children and out of that came the world you didn't hear that but it's good anyhow Adam had the first baby I'm glad that tradition stopped there yes out of his side God took the woman and brought her forth full-grown woman coming out of the side of Adam and he produced Eve and from this wonderful wedding in the book of Genesis to the marriage supper of the lamb where the cry has been made behold the bridegroom has made all things ready and there at the marriage supper of the lamb in the Book of Revelations from cover to cover we are seeing weddings interest dispersed between these two wedding sir our amazing weddings like Hosea angle Mar the Prophet who married the prostitute God used this wedding to indicate his relationship between him and the children of Israel that they were so distant and so far apart that he would marry a a a prostitute and Reidy her offered the wickedness of her own debauchery and bring her in and he said go and marry a harlot so that my people can see what it's like for me to be married to you to Jesus himself over and over teaching the kingdom of heaven is likened unto wedding after wedding behold the bridegroom cometh and they bridesmaids have no oil in their lamps the wedding illustration is not new it is not new it is not new it is in the book of Ephesians for this cause shall a man leave his mother and father and take unto him a wife and they shall cleave and become one flesh it is not new to the beginning of the book of revelations where we see the fulfillment of the promise of God for the Lamb of God when his bride is brought before him who is the church God likes the weddings however it is interesting then to understand the gospel of Saint John that the first miracle that Jesus does is a wedding the very first miracle that Jesus does that he performs is a wedding and before we drop into the detection to the context of how Jesus does his wedding I might remind you that all of these synoptic Gospels Matthew Mark and Luke none of them mentioned that this wedding that the Gospel of st. John is the only place where this wedding is recorded at all matthew says nothing about it mark says nothing about it Luke says nothing about it in fact instead matthew is predisposed to focus on proving the authenticity of who Jesus Christ is by way of lineage Matthew teaches us you are who you came from there are some great things to be understood because he wants to validate Jesus right to the throne by proving the historicity of the genealogies of Jesus Christ mark and similar method and Luke and simular method approaching from different angles Jesus mother and father to prove that he is absolutely the seed of Abraham that he is absolutely the son of David that he is absolutely the Messiah that would have the right to the throne in spite of the speckled history of his past meaning the fact that he has in his family women of ill repute oh yes he does and he has idolatrous truth in his family and he has Tamar who laid out on the corner and showed a little bear leg to an old man to get in the family you know how family reunions are you sit there with your polish self and your sanctified self and your Holy Ghost filled self but if I call your whole family together there huh yeah you know you know you know them cousins you got and kin folks you got and people you got in your family that there are some stories in the family and some secrets in the family and some issues in the family and there are some things that you don't find out till Uncle Willie died that yeah yeah such it was so it was with Jesus and it's important that you understand that not just to equate him with your family but Jesus there is a methodology to the fact that he has inter woven into his family both Jew and Gentile both righteous women like Sarah and unholy women like Rahab so that he could stretch his arms both right and left and redeem both the unholy and the unholy both the Jew and the Gentile are all within its grasp so that when he goes to the cross the Gentile goes with him when he goes to the cross the Jew goes with it when he goes to the cross the law goes with it when he goes to the cross grace goes with it all of it is in his bloodline so that he could redeem all of us from the curse of the law and from sin and death he who the son has set free is free indeed you can't lock me out of Jesus [Music] you just can't lock me out of Jesus you can't lock me out of Jesus I'm in that blood that fell I'm in every drop in every tissue he redeemed to me and no matter whether you like me or you don't like me you might as well get used to me because I am represented on that cross just like you somebody say man Matthew Mark Luke and John prove that through the genealogies and the discussions about the kingdom and understanding who he is and understanding that God had a strategy honey before the foundations of the world that God does not react he acts he is sovereign he is absolute he is God all by himself he's not making it up as he goes he's not pulling this thing together in response to the tactics and the dictates of the enemy he doesn't wait to the enemy does some and then sit around say Oh God what am I gonna do he's gone all by himself he's sovereign in its power he's absolute in his being he rules and super rule he moves whatever he wants to move he has the answer before you ask the question he has the conclusion before you go into crisis mode he's God and God alone there is no question about that that much we know to be absolutely true so in Matthew Mark Luke come along they are proving to a Jewish tradition who is so preoccupied with authenticity proving their authenticity to a throne a throne that they hope to possess but currently did not for you see the Jews were in servitude up under the Roman Empire and there wasn't really a throne for Christ to take because Caesar was sitting on the throne controlling the physical Jerusalem but there was another throne made my hands that Caesar had no control over and and that throne said above Caesars throne for you see Jesus was not to be king but king of kings and Lord of lords the the mighty God the everlasting father that I am of Israel that's what Matthew Mark Luke and John came to teach us then according to his bloodline he had the right to sit on the throne but John had a different mission John is not proving through his great-great-grandmother that he has a right to be the king of kings and the Lord of lords John goes further back further back then Adam and Eve John goes back before there was aware or win or this or that before there was a ladybug before there was a cricket before there was a humming of a hummingbird before there was cross pollenization between rosebuds and bushes before there were seeds or oceans or winds or ways or stars or moves or Scott in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made in him was life and the life was the light of men and the light shined in darkness and the darkness comprehended it not it didn't start with women it didn't start with men it didn't start with sex it started was word in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God and all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was vain in him was life and the life was the light of men and the light shined in darkness and the darkness comprehended and not now there was a man who was sent from God his name was John he was not that light but he was sent to bear witness of the like saying there is one who is coming after me who is mightier than I whose shoes I am not worthy that latter high indeed baptize you with water but he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire had the word was made flesh and the word was made flesh my brothers and sisters and dwelt among us and we beheld the wonder of his glory they only began to the Father full of grace and truth and talking about Jesus Emmanuel God Tabernacle with us God hanging out with us divinity hanging out with humanity supernatural hanging out with natural the very God himself who said let there be and it was stepped down into the dressing role of a girl called Mary spun around in a phone booth and walked out as Jesus Christ God Tabernacle in the flesh so what I want you to see my friends is that John has raised the bar on the discussion far above rehab far above Sarah far above Abraham far above David he has tied Jesus to God and God to Jesus in a supernatural understanding of who our God is the old money of Liberty on the present of Miss Eve God the I am of Israel the Prince of Peace the wonderful the wise one Oh Ancient of Days the supernatural Maddy God I'm talking about God see you like to talk about church I like to talk about God God John has raised the bar so high that he has taken us to the pinnacle of the mountaintops of a greater understanding of that which we shall be holding is of God and not just men that's why the wedding is so strange because in the first chapter John establishes Jesus has been God wrapped up in flesh and then it makes it so strange that in the second chapter we go from the divinity of Christ himself the Incarnate God wrapped up in flesh we go from that and all of a sudden in chapter 2 we are slammed into a hey we're at a party how did we get from divinity to a live dance [Music] the Jesus that we just saw sitting on the circle of the earth with all power in his hand is now hanging out at a party look at the arts or more of my heart look at the yin and the yang look at the divine and the natural the next time we see him he's not just God wrapped up in flesh he's hanging out at a party is a bit mysterious the mysterious wedding at Cana does not seem to fit with the auspicious power of the first chapter it would not chronologically be the discussion that I brought up in the second chapter and yet it stands from the lofty piece of chapter one to the lower valleys of chapter two in the abyss of chapter two the problem is we part in and we ran out of why [Applause] some of those are the sisters I came to talk to you today about the mysterious wedding at Cana that the Bible says that Jesus and His disciples are not out healing the signal raising the dead know that apart [Applause] isn't this just reconsidered that Jesus is just at a party to be at a party or is he in fact trying to teach us something at the party you see there is something something strange going on because Jesus is hanging out at the party and all of a sudden his mother comes to him I'm gonna give you three little points and I'll be out of your way is he his woman his mother comes to him and and says Jesus they have no wine now that's a strange problem it's not like Mary and Martha who came to Jesus and said my brother is dying it's not as it's not as painful or as severe as the widow of nain who is carrying her dead son to a grave but the woman - with Ixchel blood will touch you see him of his garment trying to stop the hemorrhaging that has gone on so long as she is about to die after all running out of wine is not a life-threatening situation it is not a disaster it is not nearly as painful or severe as leprosy it does not stand on the level of blind Bartimaeus the big problem here is in spite of the festivity Mary reveals that beneath the gyrations of the flesh of the party and the moving and the celebration which went on for days in the Bible days that they were partying but they had no wine you might have a nicer house in mind I admit that you might have a better car of in mind you might have more degrees than I do but what does it mean if you have no why I think that God is trying to tell us that we live in a world that perpetuates an ideology that they have been going on they want to seduce you into thinking that somehow you are missing something that they have that that somehow you should emulate them because they are so much more progressive than us and and we are kind of slow and backwards and antiquated but the Bible says they may still be shaken but they have no way they may still be jumping but they have no way y'all I hear what I'm saying to you I know you got relatives and kid people and neighbors who think this Jesus stuff is crazy but don't let them fool you with their fans in it the Bible said they have no way oh my god perpetrators and imitators they stand up and try to look down their nose at you and say oh oh you crazy Christians go in the church and praising the Lord this Bible reminds me that in spite of how it looks they have no why touch your neighbor and say they have no why [Applause] the reason the haters hate on you is that they have no wine the reason the bullies are all over the internet trying to attack you it's because they have no why if they had some wine they wouldn't be hating on you but you gotta understand sits a cab [Applause] comes and exposes the terrible secret that they are partying but they have no I not the one that matters not the life that counts not the wine that changes not the wine that satisfies not the wine that liberates not the line that gives us distinction not the wine that sets us apart they got nice but they have no wine they got strip clubs but they have nowhere they have all eyes but they have no way they freak out but they had [Applause] they have know why this world has no I stop being jealous other people they have no wine they got a lot of degrees but they have no way they may have a lot of money but they have no one you don't have to be intimidated of anybody because you know the real deal what God is the party if you have no wine then then then then then then Mary causes us to know then eventually they have to come to us [Applause] they always said we would need them but the Bible is teaching us that before is home ah they don't have to come to you because they have no wine they back themselves up into a corner and they have the wine so I'm going to talk to you a little bit today I'm talk to you about time and I'm gonna talk to you about talent and I will talk to you about tools because between the time and the talent and the tools were going to come to understand how to deal with the wireless world this is a wireless word this is a perpetrating world this is a deceiving world this is a world who prepare who prepares an idea of itself as if the celebration is really over there while they commit suicide blow their brains out OD on pills all for the lack of what you already got they have no I so I want to talk to you a little bit of today about time because because Mary has come in here and and she has come out of time this is a syncopated story this is an offbeat story this is an off scheduled story Mary comes to Jesus with this minor insignificant problem and at a moment in which he says woman my hour has not come so the syncopation of the miracle suggests that this is off schedule and I love beat the Menace notice the majesty of a God who has a schedule in order for him to say my hour has not yet come it means that he's not just flying by the seat of his pants that his life has a timing to it and it has a rhythm to it it has an order to it it has a structure to it that he's not just walking down the road just doing stuff to be doing stuff healing people digit should be healing people and I thought we may can earn a lesson from Jesus if we learn to respect time yeah if we put our lives on schedule he said woman my hour has not yet come he it some of us have no hour because we have no schedule if you have no schedule you're not really like Jesus Jesus operated on Sketchup Solomon says that there's a time and a purpose and this and a season for every purpose of under heaven that God has a schedule he has a time I don't care how much you wanted he has a time when he's gonna bless you he has a time when he's gonna raise you he has a time then he set aside that's what I love about the car when it's my time you can't do that with me within my time you can't stop me from getting there here when is my time your mighty will clap for me cuz what is my what is my time I'm unstoppable what is there's not you come my hour has not yet come but this system just trust that every now and then God does something off schedule [Applause] [Music] every now and then God will break his own rule to bless they gotta come in and do something that wasn't on your date book wasn't on your schedule no what no display in it wasn't about to happen didn't look like it was gonna come to pass but God in His infinite wisdom and it's mighty glory every now and then will bend the rule and just do it because you might not be a big deal to you but Lord is a big deal to me can you bless me anyway can you bless me off schedule can you do a new thing with an old woman [Applause] ah [Applause] time is an amazing thing the older I get the greater appreciation I have to time time is an amazing thing some things you can only get in time some things you can only know you can try to make them understand it sooner but they really don't get it you have to have a collection of life experiences to appreciate certain things some things you can't know about lying until you've been through some stuff and you see some folk come and you see some folk go and you've seen winters free summer and fall good days and bad day some things just take time you see how folks go down low you seem low folk come up high time will prove everything it'll prove every lie aha in a prove every back minor in approve every whoremonger I don't have to try to chase now he said she said they said [Applause] test me people say time time time time [Applause] the ology the mysterious thing about the wedding at Cana is in part tied to the fact that it is before the beginning of his ministry and it is at the end of the wedding it is prior to the beginning of his ministry but it is at the end of the wedding it is so strange that later we will hear somebody say this is our daughter at the end of a wedding that you were served the best wine at the end other way so one hand is that the one is that the end of one thing and therefore at the end it shouldn't be served and on the other hand it is before the beginning of another thing it doesn't quite fit at the end or the beginning it is out of step it is out of court the mysterious wedding of Cana and yet Jesus does it I want to talk to some people who have had God do it anyway they said you would never be anything but God did it anyway they said anybody who grew up in your neighborhood was a wrist child but God bless you anyway I wish I had some anyway people least likely to succeed but you'd never be nothing but God did it anyway your mama died of cancer your artis died of cancer but when it came down to you god bless I wish I could hear anyway praise [Applause] slap somebody and tell him he broke a rule dab Leslie he broke a rule the blessing he grew up a rule of West he broke a rule of the blessing it did look like Ed was gonna turn out like this it didn't look like I was gonna come to this it didn't look like I was gonna survive this it didn't look like I would pass the test but everybody then God breaks a rule of blessing I mean bloody seconds of crazy chroming gulfs supernatural [Applause] catch a baby says not your time but it is your turn [Applause] [Music] but it is your turn for some of you they say it's too early and honestly say it's too late but God sent me here to tell you it may not be your time but it is your turn to pray them for yo [Applause] slap your neighbors hands my turn it may not be my time but it is my turn it may be at the later years of my life but it is my turn to some exceptional people God made an exception watch your back from death's door God made an exception first one to graduate from college God made an exception did the heaven agreements and still got the job God made an exception but I hear they agree [Applause] and then said I'm just hunting a little bit [Applause] and then there is a whole talent piece there is the talent involved here because in my world where you're always looking for great leadership leadership solves problems leadership seeks solutions leadership doesn't just sit back and let the whole thing shut down and I say nothing look at Mary who did took it in her own hands to walk over to Jesus and see him as an answer [Applause] she would not asked him if she didn't know he could the very fact sheet don't nobody know a child like his mama and the very fact that his mama walked over him and said they have no wild is a sign that she knew that he had the power he may not have ever done it before but he had [Applause] [Music] they say it was his first time but he had them Oh y'all don't hear what I'm saying somebody's getting ready to do something that you never did before but you get up his mama knew he had the power and so she goes up to him and she says to him she says baby they have run out of wine and he says to her woman he didn't call her mama I would have said mama he said woman my hour has not yet come not to me that's a No [Applause] sound like a no to me my hour has not yet come kind of sound like I'm not gonna do it but she I like sitting here cuz sometimes you can't take no for an answer he said woman my hour has not yet come she don't say nothing else to him she tears to the servants [Music] see if you won't be a leader you can't take no leadership is italics not everybody is a leader just cuz you sit behind a desk that make you a leader just because they gave you a title that make you a leader just cuz you got a degree that make you a leader leaders don't take no for an answer they find a solution you told her no my hour has not yet come and she act like seeing him here she turns to the servants and says whatever he tells you to do do I want to tell you whatever he tells you to do do it I don't know who I'm talking to you think you got a no for an answer but whatever he tells you to do do it slap somebody say do it now now now nah nah nah I feel something about to erupt in this place I feel like something's about to break loose in this place because we understand that there are two dynamics but if they're about operating in the realm of this whole talent issue that this miracle is predicated on these two dimensions of talent one is the talent of leadership that takes authority of when there's a problem rather than complains about a problem that's a talent leadership is a talent yeah it's a talent it's a talent that starts out in children you can notice it in little children it begins to emerge in little children there have been arguments for years over whether leaders are born or made I think it's a little bit of both I think they are both born with innate wiring with the propensity to take the lead my baby boy and I will plan a Batman and Robin and he said that he says well I want to play Batman and Robin I said cool let's play Batman and Robin he said cool daddy he says I'm Batman Robert I thought it was kind of strange since I was 42 and he was eight but he thought it was normal for him to be Batman and me to be Robin so some talent of leadership is pre-wired some parts of leadership are developed you could be a leader in handy you could be serving what you are [Applause] not knowing that you are attracted to leadership not just to serve it but because you are hid and in the process of being exposed to it you become what you see can I go deeper we know then that leadership is in fact a talent what we don't also realize is that servitude or obedience is also a talent just because you gave an instruction doesn't mean that the person who gave it to has the power to carry it out it what just says she had faith in Jesus in spite of his know that he was going to say something whatever he tells you to do she also spoke to the servants being fully persuaded that they had the ability to carry out the order because some people you can give a command but they cannot carry out the order a certain good servitude is a gift it is a talent that is necessary and I want you to see that this miracle is suspended on the pendulum of the talent of leadership and servitude if Jesus didn't lead it wouldn't happen and if the servants didn't obey it wouldn't happen what good is a leader without a follower what good is a Shepherd without a flock what good is it for me to play the piano in a room full of deaf people what good is it for me to draw art in a room full of blind people every game needs a yang and both of them are talent [Music] [Applause] if you don't believe it hire somebody who can't follow instructions [Applause] some of y'all know what I'm talking about you know it with your own children we're gonna be away at nine o'clock I want you to cut off the lights lock the door and make sure that the alarm is on and that some kid yes ma'am ain't gonna do nothing the ability to carry out instructions it's not as easy as you think it is a talent and if there were not sufficient talent here there would be no miracle which makes me think do you have the wrong guest at your wedding it could be possible that there's not enough talent around you for God to do what he would like to do in your life because you don't have enough talent to lead or enough talent to follow wrapped around you to bring the miracle to pass the miracle is not just built on Jesus ability to do it it is also built on their ability to carry out instructions whether they do or whether they don't Mary has left the room I like how girlfriend just laid it out and left whatever he tells you to do do it you are coming into a season then if you don't have the talent of obedience you're gonna miss the miracle what ever I don't know who this is for whatever he tells you to do it might be some stupid like march around a wall and and then on the seventh time start shouting it might be something as dumb and touched the hem of his garment but whatever he tells you to do it might be some crazy like giving to fish and five loaves of bread but whatever he tells you to do it might be some weird like let me spit in your eye but whatever he tells you to do somebody's about to get a super natural breakthrough from the Lord but it won't happen if you're not in the right place at the right time whatever he tells you to do slap three people say do it do it you don't have to understand it just do it you don't have to feel it just do it you don't have to understand it just do it you don't have to feel it just do it you don't have to agree with it just do it somebody I'll do it you are coming into a season of joy somebody got on her Instagram sent me a note I'm about tired and said talent wasn't working for them it said don't know for me I paid my time and and nothing changes and I wrote back what are you doing you think you can pay your tithe and sit on your behind and then the miracle is gonna come to your house and ring your doorbell do you think you don't have to go to classes and prepare yourself and present yourself and organize yourself God is not gonna bless you over top of attitude dysfunctions cussing everybody out trying to figure out why you didn't get the promotion tithe don't walk over crazy [Applause] Oh yelling don't talk back to me sometimes you blaming God for stuff that you do that cancels out your blessing the Bible said whatsoever he doeth shall prosper if you don't do anything I don't care how much have to pay God don't have that the blessed if you don't have nothing to do you gotta do it I take my hands on you and give you a ministry I studied for stayed up for rehearse for and pray for and you think I'm gonna put a little greasy spot on your head and anoint you and you won't get it too divine osmosis while you watch TV the devil is alive to him whom much is given much is required or help me preach this day am i preaching any here but none of that is really the mystery none of that it's what I call this the mysterious wedding at Cana it is really in this his whole thing about the tools because if we had the need and if we had the tool the talent and we didn't have the tools the miracle wouldn't happen for the last three months when I close my eyes I keep seeing a toolbox nothing said just the toolbox every time i close i see hammers and screwdrivers and pliers and wrenches and the toolbox is open them all the tools are hanging out tools - Gus gonna give you - too soon he's gonna give you everything you need to accomplish everything you're trying to do it took somebody say tools tools tools Jesus says go go get some water and put it in those stone jars and the writer downstairs then it hell I think it says two or three firkins which is really 20 to 30 gallons of water each yes that's pretty big 30 gallons of water it is pretty big 30 gallons of water there are six stone vessels each holding roughly 30 gallons of water essa if you didn't have the vessels you see sometimes goddess in something in your life that you don't understand why it's in your life and you don't have no use for it right now but save it the strong charge didn't make no sense at first but now now now if you if you don't have the tools this this miracle will not happen outside the tools you can have great talent you can have great time but if you don't have great tools I've seen people who had Talent and the head time but didn't have the tools to be effective there are people in prison with talent they're people sleeping up under bridge with Alan they're people sleeping up under the bridge who got tired but do you have the tools here lies a mystery God collects the tools before the time [Applause] so God will give you tools before your time of operation you can tell when he watches watches this is real important you can tell when he's about to do some minion life because he starts bringing tools ted cannot teach this a minute the tools maybe people [Applause] tools maybe relationships toodles maybe opportunities that you don't even know what to do with yet but God will start gathering people around you and you becoming what is something so calling me why I'm so I'm so interested in me why so and so talking to me I don't have nothing to do with that industry I don't work in that department but see God is gathering tools I came to tell you something is about to happen something is about to happen something is about to happen that's why the devil didn't wants you to get to church today because he didn't want you to get this word that something is about to happen in your life I mean 30 seconds or crazier pray [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the tools are prophetic the tools are prophetic the tools are prophetic - what is about to happen in your life the tools represent capacity something that has capacity for your future you've been hanging around stuff that had capacity for your past but what you need in this season is tools that have capacity [Applause] [Music] [Applause] but the brightness in his face Sabattus hair slow vamos I'm almost finished I'm almost finished I'm almost finished I'm almost finished I'm almost finished I'm almost finished but I have to justify my subject I called it the mysterious wedding and Cana I still haven't really shared the mystery for you see the mystery is in the process of what happened next everything else is kind of normal your mama embarrassed wants you to do something you don't want to do at a time you don't feel like doing it in front of people you don't feel like being bothered with that's kind of normal she say something smart and walk out I've been there and done that but all of that's kind of normal but what happens in this next phase is some mystery Jesus says go out and feel the vessels with water thirty gallons of water six vessels and once you get them filled with water pour them into serving the canvas and once you pour them into serving the candidates go serve the guests we know it was water when they poured it in the vessels we know it was water when they poured it in the sermon de Canas when when cccc the Lord told me when I was getting ready to preach that here he said there is going to be a substance change something that started out one substance [Applause] is about to turn into a completely different substance and this is watches watches this is the crazy thing about God stuff you don't even know when it happened I want to talk to somebody who got healed and you don't even know I want to talk to somebody who grew up and you don't even know when it happened I want to talk to somebody who stopped breathing and you don't even know when it left here it just somewhere watches somewhere in the pouring out somewhere in the keep it on keep it on somewhere in the go ahead anyway somewhere in the to it's if you just go ahead and - I got up here this morning and the devil said you can't preach you don't have enough voice to preach I said watch me while I was preaching and I poured myself out Gabbar began to preach the stronger [Applause] [Music] I don't know whether it turned wide in the de Canas I don't know whether they turn wide in the cup I don't know whether it turned wine on their lips but some way in the process stop avoiding the process because your miracle is in the process if you avoid the process you avoid the promise sometimes you gotta go with it and the devil say you ain't got number one and you gotta go ahead anyway hear me real good there's somebody in this room that the enemy is told you you don't have anything but water you don't have what it takes to do what you're believing God for you don't have what it takes to accomplish what is in your spirit you ain't got nothing but one but if you do it anyway who am I talking to today [Applause] somewhere along the way he will turn the water in the what this word is a substantial substantive change coming in your life i'ma prove it to you it was six pots each one had 30 gallons of water I believe that thirty times six [Applause] is 180 some people say you gonna do a 360 but the problem with the 360 is that you turn all the way back around to where you were before [Applause] [Music] [Applause] do a 180 right now la precision one day that's what God is right these are the contact page in a completely different direction you're not heal each other bounce we're in a hassle but [Music] [Applause] [Applause] it is a mysterious shun double it is the mysterious wedding it's going to be a mystery it's gonna be a 180 it's gonna be a complete turn it's gonna be an absolute shift it's gonna be a turn of direction it's gonna be a substantive change it's gonna start out water turn the wine it's gonna start our pool and turn the rich it's gonna start out broking turn the wealth it's gonna start out illiterate and turn to intelligent it's gonna start our empty and end up full it's gonna be completely turned around you're not even gonna know we and it happened just while you poured yourself out why are you trying while you're doing what you do like you do when you do it God is about to turn everything around this is your week to do something I'll treasure this is your week to do something I'll try y'all in the bucket this is your week to do something I'll try y'all over there this is your week [Applause] ah acidnam my seat as bad a feeling sorry for myself I'm tied a weight around huevos something happen this is your week [Applause] tell your neighbor get ready to poop [Applause]
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 92,832
Rating: 4.8352194 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, wtal, woman thou are loosed, megafest, potters house, bishop jakes, pastors and leadership, pastors, leaders, instinctbishops, village
Id: h-zjZia34a4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 10sec (4210 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2019
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