The Music That Defined The 2010s | Mic The Snare
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Channel: Mic The Snare
Views: 844,027
Rating: 4.9403477 out of 5
Keywords: micthesnare, mic the snare, music analysis, video essay, 2010s, decade, best music, best albums, pop songs, lana del rey, despacito, billie eilish, gangnam style, justin bieber, purpose, yummy, skrillex, rihanna, work, drake, views, hotline bling, young thug, stoner, the weeknd, house of balloons, after hours, lorde, royals, migos, versace, beyonce, review, reaction
Id: kMbmdnaj6t0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 37sec (2497 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2020
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Yeeesss love him, radiates Scott the Woz energy
Yes. This was the first video I ever watched by him. It's really good.
He's so happy when he hears something he likes
as taylor swift once said, me!
Heβs great, I love his Deep Discog Dive series
Only found his channel a few months ago but I love his videos
Heβs great, a bit of a balance between the Fantano type reviews and more theory based analysis. His video on the Charlie Brown Christmas always gets me in that Christmas mood.
underrated channel