The Most Unhinged Influencer Diet Advice on the Internet

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2023 Wellness influencers  really are the gifts that   just keep on giving hey everyone  I'm Abby sharp welcome to aby's Kitchen today we're going to be taking a look  at the Highlight Reel of the most unhinged   problematic Wellness influencer advice and  let me tell you this year did not disappoint   and by not I mean it has been a dumpster fire of  disappointment before we dive in I want to give   a shout out to today's sponsor my Heritage so my  mom and I have always been really interested in   our family's history so before my grandfather  died he recorded a bunch of tapes documenting   his whole life and they are so fascinating to say  the least so I've always been eager to learn more   about who and where I came from and my Heritage  makes it so easy to build your family tree this   is the leading global service for family history  research and DNA testing they have 90 million   users and 19 billion easily searchable historical  records plus Advanced AI technology for repairing   and enhancing historical photos it's honestly  crazy I've been slowly working on the street bit   by bit and my plan is to share my findings with  my parents for the holidays along with their own   accounts so they can learn more about their own  ancestors but it's really an amazing service so   you basically plug in as many family members as  you can can and then you can research each one   for old records related to marriage licenses death  certificates newspaper clippings Maps schools and   more one thing I learned is that basically every  man on my mother's side is named Alan uh which I   guess is a tradition that my sister and I kind  of put to bed but even if you don't have a ton   of information they make it super easy to build  your tree with their instant discoveries function   and they can take old photos and basically bring  them to life it's super crazy but if you want to   start to build your family tree and research your  family history you can check out my link in the   description to get a free 14-day trial of the  my Heritage complete plan to get started today   well let's start with this misinformed video from  Autumn baits claiming that the protein and peanut   butter doesn't count 2 tablespoons of peanut  butter has 7 g of protein one egg has 6 g of   protein but the protein you get from peanut butter  doesn't really count it has a digestibility score   of 46 eggs have a score of 1.1 three this measures  how much protein you're actually absorbing so when   you eat one egg you get that full 6 g of protein  but when you eat two tablespoons of peanut butter   you're really only maybe getting 3 G all righty  now nutritionist Autumn and I may not share the   same approach to nutrition but I think most  of her content is generally scientifically   sound but I feel like she really misunderstood  the assignment here so Autumn's talking about   the D score which is the best method that we  have to assess ESS protein quality a score of   46 means that if you were to eat the average  requirement of protein from only peanut butter   only about 46% would be usable by the body this  is based on the fact that plant-based foods are   missing or low in one or more amino acids all of  which you need to synthesize protein tissue so   peanut butter is limited by methionine so if you  were to only consume peanut butter then of the 7   G per serving only around 3 G would be UTI I for  tissue synthesis but who the is only eating peanut   butter for their daily protein oh Ethan if we were  to Simply pair the peanut butter with like a slice   of bread which has plenty of methionine you've  got all the essential amino acids to utilize   the protein in that peanut butter Bread's limiting  amino acid is lysine but peanut butter has plenty   of that so it's like having two pieces of paper  with a few holes in each when you layer in a   variety of plant-based Foods you fill in all  the holes and you get more available protein   and by the way you don't need to consume these  complimentary proteins at the exact same time   either that protein combining theory has long  being debunked so this is actually a complete   nonissue for folks eating a normal non-restrictive  diet so if you like peanut butter enjoy it as one   of many sources of protein in your day just  because it's not the best source doesn't mean   that it doesn't count next let's take a look  at this advice from frugivore page Shay this   is the number one rule of food combining don't  eat protein and fat with fruit it's best to eat   fruit by itself or alongside vegetables and leafy  greens fruit digests very easily and quickly so   if you eat fruit along with a high protein high  fat meal all of the fat and protein is going to   get in fruit's way and it's going to cause gas  and discomfort oh gosh honestly of all the The   Fringe diets out there I have to say that the  whole high carb fravor food combining diet is   probably the one that makes the least amount  of scientific sense you just don't get it do   you so the suggestion that combining fruit  with anything that has protein or fat will   create some kind of like traffic jam in your gut  is so far from what the science tells us for one   our body is pretty sophisticated it's not like a  one lane Highway we can digest different foods at   different rates because our body releases the  right cocktail of digestive enzymes based on   what we put into our gut second digesting food  really fast isn't really a good thing like we   don't want fruit to just go right through us as  it would if you were to eat an entire watermelon   or banana smoothie in one go because if it does  our blood sugar would spike crash and we will   be hungry really soon after despite eating an  entire watermelon protein fiber and fat AKA my   Hunger crushing compounds will help to slow down  the blood sugar response which is one of the only   food combination strategies we want to follow  I mean this is the same Creator who insists   on keeping fat intake under 10% of calories and  that she got toned when she eliminated all major   protein sources so yeah I think it's safe to take  a hard pass on this advice all right moving on to   some of the worst Wellness influencer offenders  online Bobby Parish of Flav City I know there's   a nationwide shortage of formula still but have  you seen the ingredients in most they're not the   best the good news is there are some better  ones but take for example something like this   the first ingredient is non-fat milk that milk is  not organic that milk is not non GMO meaning the   milk is GMO it comes from cows that eat GMO grain  I would never eat GMOs I wouldn't want infants   doing that either strike number one how about  something like this see the sweetener in here   it's corn syrup salads why would they put corn  syrup in an infant formula cuz they're trying   to mimic the sweetness of breast milk mother's  milk well that sweetness is lactose this is the   opposite of that GMO corn syrup which is addictive  and lights up your brain in the way of a drug   to give this to an infant pretty pretty bad but  Bobby I buy organic formula well that's good cuz   like it says it's organic so it's non GMO milk  but look at the oils used in here organic palm   oil soybean oil sunflower safflower oil they're  trying to mimic the fat content of mother's milk   but these even though they're organic are highly  processed highly inflammatory High refined and   those kind of oils are also bad for the gut a  baby has the most gut microbiome they're ever   going to have at that age to start destroying  it with those ingredients is bad news but what's   the good news there are way better ones that are  not perfect but way better try getting something   called Serenity kids made with 100% grass-fed  milk how about organic lauca or organic hip from   Europe those are way better than these options  just keep in mind what you're putting in your   infant at this age is very important this is quite  possibly one of the most problematic insensitive   and toned deaf Bobby videos he is at put up oh  brother this guy stinks and based on his content   repertoire that's saying a lot so first of all  is Bobby a pediatrician a pediatric dietician   even a person who has attempted to feed another  human after pushing them out of his body because   as far as I'm concerned anyone can stand in a  grocery store and yell about ingredients to a camera but it gives them zero Authority to speak  on a critical topic like infant nutrition at the   time this video was posted we were in the midst  of a serious infant formula shortage so honestly   read the room Bobby let's go through some of his  ill-informed grievances shall we first of all   GMOs not a concern for me GMOs have undergone  more detailed evaluation than any other group   of food products that we consume and the data  overwhelmingly indicates that the consumption   of GMOs pose zero risk to human health as for  corn syrup solids buddy Bobby next time just like   do a basic Google search before you get on the  horn but basically Bobby makes a stink about the   corn syrup solids being high fructus corn syrup  and that high fructus corn syrup is addictive   or toxic or whatever lots to say here keeping it  succinct first of all the claims that high fructus   corn syrup is addictive is based on rat data not  humans but this is a moot point more importantly   corn syrup solids aren't High fructus corn syrup  at all high fructus corn syrup has 55% fructose   to glucose ratio whereas core and syrup solids are  straight of glucose Bobby also says something to   the fact that lactose is the opposite of glucose  which again points to how little about nutrition   he actually knows lactose is a disaccharide made  up of glucose and galactose but because it was   meant for pries who often lack sufficient lactase  enzymes levels they mix it with glucose to make it   easier for them to digest not all formulas have  corn syrup solids but this has a very specific   clinical purpose to help babies Thrive Bobby then  rounds out his video with his usual vegetable oil   rant and we've cleared this up at nauseum over  here at aby's kitchen but to summarize while some   Studies have pointed to the potential inflammatory  properties of getting too much omega-6 in the diet   the larger body of high quality evidence suggests  that Omega 6 fats do not have a significant effect   on inflammation in fact a 2012 systematic review  assessed the effects of omega-6 linolic acids on   inflammatory markers and found no strong link  to suggest that they increased inflammation as   for the Bobby approved formula recommendations  this one is a toddler formula which is used when   most infants can actually literally come off  formula so unhelpful suggestion and both the   LCA and the hip contain vegetable oil as a third  ingredient which was one of the main things he   just ripped into so these may have other unique  features that make them the right choice for some   families but they're significantly more expensive  and way less accessible than drugstore Brands the   last thing that parents need is to be mansplained  misinformation when they are literally just trying   to do the best damn job that they can I am trying  really hard to keep it kind here because watching   Bobby's content makes me ragy AF you wouldn't  like me when I'm angry but let's move on to this   gut health tip from Liz cyber they say that the  gut is like the second brain once I learned how   to eat in a way that was gut healing my mental  health completely transformed today I'm going   to show you how to make one of my favorite easy  gut healing breakfast and it's going to keep you   full for hours starting with a lot of high quality  butter that I get from a farm we're going to add   carrots onions broccoli a clove of garlic then  we're just going to stir fry this in the butter   the reason that we're using these vegetables  is because they're very low carb and they're   not starchy starch is one of the things that can  really irritate the gut okay I'm going to stop   the video right here because basically the rest  is just some scrambled eggs with lots of butter   avocado and veg and it does look delicious but I  Flav this video because of the clear and misguided   message that carbs and starch irritate the gut  now IBS symptoms are very tricky obvious viously   everyone's experience of what triggers a flare  will be unique but generally speaking we know   that starchy foods are actually hugely beneficial  to the gut if we look at a type of starch in foods   like unripe bananas potatoes oats rice plantains  and legumes called resistant starch we see that   these actually act as unique Prebiotic fibers  to improve gut health microbiome diversity short   chain fatty acid production and immune response  the reason why people like Liz who have taken   on a super strict carnivore style diet may see  a reduction in GI symptoms is that they end up   cutting out a ton of potentially triggering foods  but elimination diets like the controversial gaps   diet that she references in this video or other  bogus gut healing diets that we hear about online   are not meant to be followed long term you're  supposed to eliminate then reintroduce most of   these foods that you cut out in a stepwise  manner so as Not to cause long-term harm to   microbiome and unfortunately this is a cycle  that we see in a lot of folks with histories   of disordered eating and eating disorders which  Liz has been very open about struggling with in   the past so I talked about this in more detail  in my video right here but often Enos orders can   cause functional gut disorders food sensitivities  and motility issues which then can lead people   towards hyper restrictive diets to try to get some  digestive relief which in the end can actually do   more long long-term damage in fact in the case of  the carnivore diet one review of the literature   found that people whose diet was low in fiber and  high in animal protein had microbiome disbiosis   and a specific bacterial ratio in the gut that  is associated with IBD so while the carnivore   diet with low amounts of beneficial starch or  Fiber May temporarily suppress some GI symptoms   It ultimately is not good for the gut and speaking  of carnivores we have got to talk talk about this   Gem of misinformation from the carnivore MD Paul  saladino I have elevated cholesterol but I don't   need a stab here's why in many people like myself  we eat a significant amount of saturated fat from   animal meat and avoid seed oils LDL cholesterol  Rises if I went to a classically trained doctor   they would beg me to take a stattin but my  elevated cholesterol does not mean that I am   at an increased risk of cardiovascular disease so  much dangerous misinformation in one short clip   so for one anytime I see an influencer pill  shame or discourage the public from taking a   life saving medication or seeking the advice of  classically trained doctors my eyes get a little   Twitchy look at my eye twitching I also find it  super convenient that Paul never shares references   or receipts for the studies he references so I  guess I'm going to be picking up the slack we   have and Le research that high LDL cholesterol  can increase the risk of heart disease because   that cholesterol can bury itself in the arterial  walls cause inflammation and increase your risk   of a heart attack or stroke now I assume his  argument is based on the heavily criticized   review that concluded that 92% of seniors with  high cholesterol ended up living longer suggesting   that the benefits of a Statin treatment had been  exaggerated But Not only was the study criticized   for bias and poor methods but 2third of its  participant pool came from just one study and   even that study found that Statin use provided a  survival benefit also being metabolically healthy   AKA maintaining low insulin levels doesn't erase  the damage that LDL can do to one's arteries nor   does it mean that he wouldn't benefit from  a Statin one 20year study of men with no   heart disease risk factors other than high LDL  cholesterol and no evidence of heart disease   found that just 40 Mig of a weak Statin reduced  coronary deaths by 28% honestly I don't really   give a what Paul does but I do care what kind of  BS he is spewing to the masses bullsh and finally   let's finish off with Coach Jeremy who apparently  had his Halloween doctor costume do double duty   this year with this notoriously misinformed video  yo are you serious right now do you realize that   doctors are literally poisoning young children  in this country when you turn back and you see   the label not only does it have sucrose which  is an artificial sweetener that disturbs the   brain but we have red 40 which has been proven to  cause hyperactivity in the brain and then guess   what that same doctor wants to prescribe your  young child with a methamphetamine like adero   whoa whoa whoa that escalated from like red 40  is dangerous to fullblown conspiracy theory that   doctors are giving their patients ADHD to make  money off of prescriptions honestly this makes   me sick I don't know if this guy has ever met a  child who has been sick but if your kid is a very   high fever and is like puking having diarrhea and  not wanting to eat or drink anything you are head   to the ER you don't give a about a little suc  Lo or red 40 you want your child to get better   and rehydrate because dehydration is a major  cause of morbidity and mortality in infants   and young children children worldwide largely from  acute viruses that cause diarrhea but to just set   the record straight on a few things sucrose AKA  Splenda is considered safe in moderate amounts   with human research showing no negative impact  on gut health and while I wouldn't personally   recommend children consume artificial sweeteners  like sucrose daily a little bit of sweetener to   encourage kids to drink an electrolyte supplement  that could very well save a life is absolutely   not a concern as for food d red 40 was actually  phased in as like a safer alternative to red 3   because red 3 was linked to thyroid cancer in rats  as for hyperactivity a 2004 analysis of 15 studies   did find that artificial food dyes like red 40  did slightly increase hyperactivity in children   while other research suggests that this effect  is genetically determined and not all children   react the same another meta analysis found an  association though not necessarily A causal   between food dyes and autism so even though this  is all quite inconclusive and correlation is not   causation I do think that there's reason to be  cautious with overc consumption that said if your   kid is exhausted from dehydration the benefits of  a rehydration solution far at weigh any potential   small boost in hyperactivity and if your child  is sensitive there are unsweetened and die free   options as a mom I'll be honest I do try to avoid  food dyes under normal everyday circumstances but   I can't really imagine my kids wanting to drink  salty clear liquid when they don't want to eat or   drink anything at all so I will take a life-saving  sweetened dyed substance on occasion over my kidne   to go to the ER to be put on a drip but you know  what we are lucky to have options here and when   Jeremy has kids and his kids are violently  ill he can do that risk benefit analysis for   himself well folks there's no shortage of  crazy unhinged Wellness advice making its   rounds and you know I will always be here taking  it down as it comes our way so don't forget to   hit that subscribe button for more diet culture  BS take down content like this video check out   my description for my free Hunger crushing combo  ebook and I'll see you next time on aby's kitchen cheers
Channel: Abbey Sharp
Views: 195,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abbey sharp, abbeys kitchen, hcc, hunger crushing combo, dietitian, Unhinged influencers, outrageous content, shocking social media, influencer controversies, wild content creators, extreme online personas, controversial influencers, influencer drama, unfiltered content, social media spectacles, viral influencer moments, bizarre online behavior, influencer scandals, outrageous trends, unpredictable influencers, influencer authenticity, sensationalized content
Id: 3vDrV5AJ9Io
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 26sec (1226 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2023
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