The Most Pretentious Mob Psycho 100 Video

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foreign to start this video I want you to imagine the most beautiful thing you've ever seen an absolute Masterpiece that's almost Flawless in your eyes good now does that thing you're imagining look something like this no well that's what I imagine this is a panel from the mob cycle 100 manga and being written by author 1 in 2012 then receiving an anime adaptation by Studio bones in 2017 it is my favorite story now usually when I make a video on a show or Manga that I like I pretty much just do the mayanime list breakdown you know plot characters art music enjoyment whatever that means sub at 10 on the end and call it good but that just doesn't feel right for this story because to me mob cycle 100 is much more than the sum of its parts I think it's almost cliche at this point for video essays to say that a piece of media in some way changed their life but you know what that's what I'm saying because mob psycho's main idea is changing your life this show has affected real decisions I've made and that is something a numeric score could never express and so my goal today isn't to try and convince you to watch Mob psycho let's be honest you probably already have instead it's to get you the viewer to understand why I love it and yes there is a difference between those two things a difference that you'll hopefully recognize if you for some reason decide to listen to me ramble about an anime for far too long so to start let's talk about one punch man as one's other work and the older brother to mob psycho people often like to draw comparisons between the two both are super powered stories set in a bland cityscape that's complemented by a bizarre comedic tone the protagonist saitama and jigeo are also similar in that they're both ridiculously overpowered almost to the point that there's nothing that could pose a threat to them so what separates these two stories what makes these two protagonists compelling and unique why do I cry so much when I hear this song well all that can be answered with one word emotions if I had to pick one emotion that saitama most often displays it would be confidence there's hardly One Moment In the entire show where saitama isn't completely confident in himself now I'm not just talking about confidence in his powers a major part of saitama's character is just not giving a crap about what others think even when being condemned by crowds of people his resolve is unflinching saitama isn't meant to change he's a beacon of unwavering strength there to swoop in and save the day when all hope is lost shigayo kageyama or mob on the other hand is none of that he holds unimaginable power and yet he completely lacks self-confidence you see mob has psychic abilities which are controlled by his emotions meaning that if he lets his emotions get out of control his powers will follow suit mobler missed the hard way at a young age and ended up hurting someone close to him in the process and so determined Not to cause any more accidents with his powers ma began to repress his emotions because of this mob doesn't really fit in with the other kids at Salt middle school he's quiet insecure and doesn't know how to properly Express himself growing up mob was often looked down upon for these things when the other kids would laugh he wouldn't understand why leaving him feeling ostracized whilst being told to get a clue outside of his powers mob doesn't really have any special talents actually he kind of sucks at most of the things he tries he's not good at school he's physically weak and he tries to make friends but that's a hard thing to do when you don't have any interest to share in the first place this is why when mob stumbles across the spirits in such consultation office he's filled with excitement excitement and the thought that there might be someone he can talk to about his powers someone like him but instead who he's met with is Reagan Reagan is a psychic or at least that's what he wants people to believe really he's a struggling businessman who uses his absurdly high Charisma stat to convince people that he's the real deal but of course mob doesn't see this as Reagan reluctantly sits down and offers him some advice mob latches on to every word and in this Reagan sees opportunity he asked Mom to join him as an employee and MOB happily accepts so from this point on most of the show follows these two as they take on odd jobs ranging from exercising ancient spirits to giving back massages and can I just say it is so fun watching these two interact in bizarre situations Reagan is like the perfect opposite to mob while mob is a timid boy with incredible power Reagan is an almost overconfident man with absolutely no powers and at first it kind of seems like Reagan is taking advantage of Bob but that's not exactly true while he does pay mob an extortionately low 300 Yen per hour over time we come to see that Reagan genuinely cares for him he acts as a mentor to mob and it's Reagan's teachings that come to guide mob's decisions throughout the story The main teaching being that mob's powers do not make him special this is a principle that Reagan himself lives by he's the one that would benefit the most from having powers and yet he never once wishes for them instead he works hard as a businessman and solves people's problems in a way that only he could I think the point where the story really kicks off is episode 2. the episode emphasizes the fact that mob's life has always been controlled by others he's begged by his classmates to join their collapsing telepathy Club whilst also being pulled in the other direction by Reagan and his job as a psychic of course he listens to Reagan and while on the job he meets a spirit that apparently lived a similar life to himself a loser who led his decisions be dictated by those around him the spirit ass mob hey are you living every day to the fullest this question really Cuts deep into mob's mind and after pondering it he realizes that he's not Bob has no Ambitions until he relies on others to dictate his purpose because of this mob feels like he's wasting his life like there's experiences that he's missing out on Mob wants friends he wants respect he wants Hobbies he wants love but he knows Powers can't get him these things instead you must change from within and so in his first Act of self-determination mob decides to join the body Improvement Club at his middle school I freaking love the body Improvement Club usually when muscle heads get betrayed in media it says these punks who bully others and think that they're better than everyone but instead when mob asks to join the body Improvement club they're absolutely psyched it's stuff like this that makes me love one as a writer the body Improvement club serves as a wholesome and also realistic subversion to her expectations of course these dudes would be hyped to see someone like mob decide to improve himself because mop had always relied on his powers for everything he's not physically fit and now he seeks to change that he pushes himself to the limit in his training and fails constantly but with the encouragement of the club he picks himself back up and keeps fighting on through joining the body Improvement Club mob shows that he's done taking the easy way out there's no reason for a person with powers to gain muscle but Mom knows that taking the harder Road will push growth out of himself making him stronger than ever before of course not everyone in mob's situation would think the same way he does like Teru who we meet in episode 4 Teru like mob was born with psychic powers however unlike mom he chooses to use them at almost every opportunity available Taro has used powers to gain popularity among his classmates and now rules his school with an iron fist he believes that his powers are a gift and that they make him better than other people I mean bro literally says that he's the main character of the world which is why when Terrell meets mob the actual main character of this story he's shocked up until this point tarot had existed as a big fish in a very small pond and now mob threatens that existence tarot immediately tries to fight mob and assert his dominance but mob won't fight back he tells tarot that he doesn't want to live a life having to rely on psychic powers to solve his problems but this only makes Terror more Angry he can't believe that someone gifted with his powers would stoop the level of an average human Teru continues his assault and tries everything he can to break mob's persona but mob refuses to fight back and eventually mob realizes why tarot hates him so much it's because they're the same both mob and taru are scared that without their powers they're nothing no friends no standing out just another average loser who won't leave a mark but the two handle this in very different ways mop has made the decision that he will change himself that he will choose the harder path in order to become a better person on the other hand tarot has always taken the easy way out he's scared of change meaning that he's scared of mob and all he represents upon this realization Tara becomes completely enraged and screams for Mob to use his powers the mob won't give in he can't give in he needs to prove to himself that he can change mob fights as hard as he can until the very end not to use his powers but after being choked out by taru he breaks mob loses control his emotions painted across the screen as he obliterates taru and the school surrounding them this moment isn't satisfying like most power-ups are instead it's deeply saddening tears roll down mob's face as he realizes that he failed to change he caused another accident because of his psychic powers and doesn't know where to direct his emotions he's overwhelmed by a feeling of powerlessness the feeling that he would never be able to conquer himself I tear up a bit whenever I see this scene up until this point in the show we've seen how Ernest mob has been in turning his life around how hard he's worked to improve himself all that making this scene hit like a sucker punch to the face a reminder that change takes time and while ma was taking steps in the right direction he hadn't yet acquired the strength to change but things aren't all bad because of mob Tara realizes that it was he who was average for lying on his powers he accepts that he needs to change and in the process becomes one of the best characters in the entire show when you boil it down most hero type stories revolve around acquiring power a character's development will often be reflected by other skill with Transformations marking significant moments in their story arc and I'm not trying to take a jab at this kind of Storytelling because when it works it works well think something like miles's leap of face scene from into the spider-verse I've probably watched it like a cool 10 000 times but I also love when a story like mob psycho decides to take a different approach to this idea the show actively discourages acquiring power in favor of acquiring strength and we can most clearly see this at play with a story of ritsu ritsu is mob's younger brother and from an outside view it seems like he has everything mob doesn't Charisma intelligence athleticism good looks ritsu is The Golden Child of the kagayama household and yet he still can't look past what he doesn't have deep down ritsu envies mob's powers and resents him for not putting them to good use for years he wished for powers of his own but when Rita's wishes finally come true he's not even happy instead he's angry that he doesn't have enough power and takes that anger out on others fueled by corruption and guilt ritsu takes part in the Scandal to expel the delinquents from his school word of his power travels quickly and he even ends up hurting a bunch of people well before ritsu could never upset mob for fear of his powers he now confronts them directly attempting to prove his strength Rita says that he's done being buddies but Mom knows that isn't true he refuses to fight and apologizes to the people that reads who hurt leaving Ritu baffled at how mob could put himself below such pathetic people it's only after getting captured by the villain group claw and being forced to rely on low-level psychics the Ritu begins to realize he was wrong him getting Powers didn't make him better than anyone else instead they only brought out the worst parts of himself Ritu is ashamed of his actions and scared that mob won't forgive him but when the two finally meet again mob Embraces him he expresses how much he admires reads for the attributes he's worked for and how strong he was for never needing powers to get by mob didn't even give Ritu the chance to apologize well Ritu initially thought that strength came from Power mob makes him realize that true strength comes in the form of kindness and the will to change this wheel is put on display as mob chooses to challenge himself with each new episode from running for student council to helping a girl stand up to her friends to even standing up to clients himself mob grows with each new experience and begins to more fully understand his emotions his biggest test however comes in episode 5 of season 2 which also happens to be my favorite anime episode of all time immediately the tone is completely different from the rest of the show the episode is grungy and devoid of color there's almost no music used and the screen is letterboxed for a cinematic effect in the previous episode mob was trapped in a young girl's Mind by mogami a powerful psychic who upon death became a vengeful Spirit mogami believes that negative emotions are more powerful than positive and tries to Foster them in mob by forcing him into a grim alternate reality that mirrors his own in this world mob is relentlessly tormented by everyone around him including the very girl who was trying to save he's without the use of his powers and so he's forced to take this anguish head-on day after day even his own brother ritsu is no more than a stranger who doesn't bat an eye at mob being physically assault mogami tells mob that only the four student would refuse to use their powers and that he's weak because of it he says to him if you don't become stronger you'll be used exploited and forever a stepping stone for others in his own life mogami wasn't as fortunate as mob had been at first mogami had used his powers for good however after his mother developed a mysterious illness he was forced to take assassination jobs in order to cover the expensive cost of her treatment still his mother died and blamed him for her Misfortune afterwards Montgomery realized that the whole time he was being used and upon becoming a spirit vowed to punish those that brought Misfortune to others and it's through this simulation that mogami wants mob to be reborn as a sympathizer to let his negative emotions explode and use them on the world and after six months of torture it really does seem like his plan might work anxiety fear rage all these emotions build up in mob until he can't control him anymore he lashes out almost like he's trying to kill the people assaulting him up until this point mob had always stuck by his principles he would never hurt a normal person but after spending so long bottling up his negative emotions finally he snaps until he remembers what him and mogami are not the same mob has Reagan and dimple waiting for him on the outside he has a brother who looks up to him he's made friends who care for him he has the body Improvement Club who want to see him succeed and he has a girl who he works so hard to impress all that training he did wasn't in vain and all the connections mom made weren't for nothing the mob that mogami fabricated may have succumbed to him but shigayo kagiyama will not in return mogami tries to tell Mom that the six months spent in this dream can't be erased that easily but mob replies to him yes while that may be true seeing such a cruel and messed up alternate reality has only made me more thankful for the reality I do have people can change through their interactions with others the people around mob have changed him for the better and because of that he is strong enough to face mogami and in mob's own words if I'm able to change then everyone else should be able to as well that means no one is worthless mugami's negative emotions explode as he attacks mob saying that life is painful and devoid of meaning in response mob explodes too not with negative emotions but instead positive this was the moment that the whole show was building up to when mob finally realizes that his powers were not a curse but instead a gift that he can use to save people as the two fight the show asserts mogami had overlooked something that lay dormant within mob a person's heart is made up of two sides of the same coin just as happiness shines in the shadows of Sorrow only in the darkest depths of fear this courage truly shine mob chooses to believe in the good in the world and in the end his positive emotions overpower mogami's negative ones just as they always will in real life I freaking love this episode everything about it is amazing the music the animation the voice acting the dialogue the character moments the theming they all come together to create something that's so much bigger than the sum of its parts it's like this episode is a checkpoint halfway through the show where we can see how far mob has come we've watched him work so hard and continuously fail for so long but in this episode he finally does it he's finally able to conquer his powers and watching this happen I changed because when you watch an episode as good as this one you can't help but reflect on your own life on all the decisions and mistakes you've made that have led you to the point that you're at but watching mob change made me realize that my life doesn't have to be the same as it was yesterday I'm the protagonist of my own life and that's what makes it so beautiful and if I start changing today then hopefully looking back in a couple of years I'll be a better stronger person than I am right now but I also love how this isn't the end of the show womenori the girl whose mind mob was trapped in finally awakes he asks her if she's always that cruel she admits that she is and even after all the abuse she put him through mob forgives her this act of kindness gives Menorah the resolve to become better and just as others have changed him in this moment mob realizes that he can change others too foreign in mob psycho changes Teru ritsu Emi minori and even this josuke looking dude changed because of mob's actions when Ritu and the class president apologized for framing him he tells them it doesn't matter people didn't actually care if he was the culprit or not they just wanted a reason to get him expelled that was the real problem he realized that he was hated by everyone around him and decided to change that it's such a small background character Arc but he joins the body Improvement club and becomes like the best character in the whole show he's pretty much Bob's biggest hype man throughout it all at the end of season 2 when we first meet toytra Suzuki it's immediately established that he's a man who believes only in himself as the president of claw and the most powerful man in the world he had always lived his life exactly as he wanted unconcerned with how others felt torturo believes that he is strong enough on his own causing him to push away everyone around him and think of them only as tools to be taken advantage of but as we've seen this is the exact opposite of mob's experience when the two meet mob tells him that someday he'll come to regret this way of thinking and that people making up for others deficiencies is what makes the world round he offers to be toichuro's friend but of course toichuro retaliates in disgust the only way he ever knew to solve his problems the two face off and toicho ends up releasing too much power turning himself into an unstable ball of explosive energy he knows it's over and kneeling in the midst of the wreckage torturo tells mob that the only way to save his friends is to sever his life before an explosion but mob won't do it he creates a barrier around the two attempting to contain the explosion and save toichiro's life Totoro is stunned as mob explains to him how he's learned to make choices for himself and how right now no matter how much he dislikes toytro to leave him here to suffer on his own would just be too sad this causes toyjiro to reflect on his own life and realize that he was wrong people need other people this power was not worth the cost of his wife and child the only people he had ever cared about Tortura wishes for a second chance to apologize a chance the mob gives him when he absorbs tortura's power almost losing his life in the process in the end totro finally apologizes to his family and learns that no matter how far away you push them the people around him still cared sarazawa had long lived his life in solitude scared of what might happen if his powers were Unleashed on Humanity this is why upon meeting toitra and seeing his powers for the first time in his life he felt understood torturo gave him an escape from his anxieties and because of this sarazawa latched on to him blindly following his every command sarazawa believes that through the claw organization he has found his place in society which is why when mob shows up and tells him that what he's doing is wrong it comes as such a shock cerezawa won't accept it all he had ever wanted was friends he knows that what he's doing is wrong but after wasting so much of his life as a shut-in torture was the only person that had ever made him feel wanted he thinks that it's too late to change that there's nothing else out there for him but after absorbing mob's power and feeling the struggles contained within cerazawa realizes that none of that is true and while he's grateful for toitra for believing in him if his happiness came as a result of others tears he never wanted it in the first place sarazawa helps protect mom from the president and what I love about his character is that even after the dust is settled he continues to change there's joins Bob and Reagan at the spirits in such consultation office and tries to make the world a better place through his work he struggles with things like finding purpose and being independent but over time with the help of his new friends his confidence blossoms dimple is a character that had always seemed to be in the background of the show he plays a key role in pretty much every art but for a lot of the show he still kind of feels like the token companion character to mob dimple was the leader of this great big laughing cult but after mob destroys it by being physically unable to laugh you can tell dimple feels lost he had people worshiping him but now he's forced to trail behind an awkward middle school boy in the hopes that he can one day use him to regain power dimple even tells mob that his ultimate goal is to One Day become a god this goal soon Fades however as dimple continues to get mixed up in the business of mob and friends and while he would never admit it over time we see dimple come to genuinely care about shige and the people around him when mob is trapped in minori's Mind by mogami it's dimpled at volunteers to go in and snap him out of it but eventually dimple begins to feel like he's lost sight of his ultimate goal and this scares him without his goal what is he devil tries to fight these feelings by proving to himself that he has ambition when a cult Rises up to worship the Divine tree dimple tries to convince mob to step up its founder but obviously he says no upon hearing this dimple decides to take matters into his own hands using mob's image along with power from the Divine tree to brainwash the people of seasoning City soon enough mom finds out what's going on and confronts dimple he tells him that what he's doing is pointless and wrong but Dipple doesn't see the problem he enjoys this way of life and everyone he controls lives in a constant state of bliss dimple tries again to get mob to join him but mob tells him he won't this time dimple is angered he can't believe that Mob Could Just casually denied the thing that he's been wanting the whole show so in a fit of rage dimple attacks mob defends himself and tells dimple that he doesn't want to hurt him that he knows this isn't his true self but as dimple continues to press the attack mob's emotions begin to rise he's about to erupt to force dimple to see the air of his ways but then he stops he realizes that dimple would never actually hurt him that his powers were only getting in the way of them talking dimple doesn't understand he's a dangerous evil spirit mob would never just let him do all of this but Mom knows it's all just a facade he's not a dangerous Spirit he just got carried away like everybody does at times mop tells dimple that he's sorry for not giving him the time or attention he deserved not realizing that this wasn't just some scheme when dimple was finally given the chance to achieve his dream he wanted mob there with him but now that they're together they can talk about everything he wants dimple is taken aback by this and reflects on how in the end his goal was meaningless all he had ever wanted was to be acknowledged and having the city worship Him didn't satisfy him in the way he thought it would dimple realizes that really all he wanted was a friend and that he's finally found that in mob in the end dimple completely changes from a spirit who only knew how to take advantage of people to someone who would willingly sacrifice himself for others and finally we're at Reagan whose character art takes place mostly during season two by this point in the show we've seen how close him and MOB have become and that while he could be selfish at times Reagan always tried to do what he thought was best for Mob he got mob out of some tight spots and even stuck up for him at the cost of his business but in episode 6 of season 2 Reagan has a major lapse in judgment him and MOB get into an argument and Reagan ends up saying some real hurtful stuff causing mob to stop showing up to work at first Reagan tries to rationalize things Shirley ma will come back once he realizes how lost he is without his master and besides Reagan built his business from the ground up by himself why should he care what some Middle School Boy decides to do but over time Reagan begins to think that maybe he was wrong he sees mob hanging out with friends looking happier than ever and realizes that maybe he needed Mob More Than mob ever needed him no that can't be true he won't admit it Reagan tries not to think about it continuing to do things the same way he always did but slowly his life begins to take a downward spiral he comes home to the same Empty Apartment every day the only message is in his inbox coming from his concerned parents he regularly goes to a bar filled with outcasts and gives them advice just so that he can feel needed it's only when he's drunk and hurling in a back alley that he realizes that he doesn't actually have any friends he's heading in a bad Direction far from the capable man he presents himself as and he will not accept it Reagan decides that he must change by any means necessary and so he gets back on that grind set working tirelessly to turn his life around volunteering streaming live counseling game exorcisms Reagan takes every job he can and quickly builds up a reputation for himself his online popularity skyrockets getting in magazine interviews and even the opportunity to appear on TV an offer that he excitedly accepts only to realize too late that it was a setup it turns out the boy he was supposed to perform an exorcism on was an actor and Reagan is exposed to the world as a fraud he can't believe it he was on top of the world just a couple of days ago but now because of a few jealous psychics his career is ruined even the outcast at his dingy bar won't talk to him anymore Reagan is forced to hold a press conference to defend himself and as he does he begins to reflect on how things got to this point why did he become a psychic in the first place it's not like it's a necessarily lucrative job Reagan recalls that he quit his job on a whim and became a psychic because of an ad he saw in a magazine it all didn't really matter to him that is Intel mob came along when he first met mob and gave him advice he really didn't know what he was doing he just made it all up but when he saw mob's eyes brimming with hope he couldn't help but empathize Reagan feels like an imposter he wanted to become someone special that mob could look up to but as he sits up on that stage he feels weak weak because he couldn't accept that mob didn't need him anymore then maybe he was the one caging in mob the most and so when he finally opens his mouth he's not addressing the journalists and reporters in front of him but instead mob Reagan finally voices his true feelings to mob and as he does a mysterious burst of psychic energy hits the room mob has accepted Reagan's feelings after the conference the two meet and Reagan apprehensively asked if mob knows what he really is in response mob says that he's always known he's always known that his master was a genuinely good guy Reagan never needed to be someone special he just needed to be there for Mob and that was enough and from this point on Reagan makes an extra effort to do exactly that when mob decides that he wants to train for a school race Reagan is right there running alongside him as the series progresses the two continue to push growth out of each other until we begin to see them do things they never would have in the beginning when mob finds out that his longtime crush subome is moving away he actually decides that he's gonna take action and confess his feelings earlier in the show mob would have just quietly accepted defeat but he has grown something that's evident as he prepares for his confession mob talks openly about his feelings and isn't afraid to ask for help he has a support group that Hypes him up and gives him advice he even builds up the confidence to call subome and ask her to meet one-on-one mob goes and buys flowers picks out a nice outfit and is on his way to meet her oh hey truck what are you doing here wait mob throws away everything by sacrificing himself to save a young boy from becoming roadkill he could have used his powers to save the boy but instead he lies motionless on the ground blood gushing from his head luckily this isn't the end of things but unluckily mob's Consciousness gets taken over by the Incarnation of his powers which I like to call Inner shige while before mob's conscious mind was able to control inner shigay now it goes berserk energy Rampages through the city enraged that mobs hesitants to use his powers kept him from his true desires mob's greatest enemy always was himself but things aren't the same as they once were throughout the show mob lent his strength to so many people and now in his greatest time of need those people finally come back to repay the favor and in the process of trying to stop inner shigay their character arcs all come to a completion taru selflessly saves everyone showing that he doesn't think of himself as above others ritsu stops being scared of his brother and expresses his true feelings and toichiro chooses to stop fighting so that he can be with his family still none of them are able to stop mob he's too far gone his two selves contending within the recesses of his mind if only mob could get rid of the other ugly side of himself but he can't and slowly the mob we knew begins to fade from existence replaced by the very entity he spent the whole series repressing there's only one hope left for Mob his master Reagan with the help of sarazawa Reagan is able to get with an earshot of mob but his words have no effect Anderson tells mob that Reagan is a liar that he was only using mom for his powers and that once Reagan sees shigayo's other side he'll give up on him but that's not the Reagan we know and love our Reagan would never give up on Mob and without cover runs fearlessly onward With a Little Help from Dimple Reagan is able to reach mob and finally tells him the full truth he doesn't have any powers Reagan is a liar to mob to his customers to everyone he lied about his strength because he didn't want others to find out that deep down he's weak a scared lost soul that isn't special in any way but you know maybe that's okay at the end of the day his weakness is what makes him who he is and the same goes for Mob both sides of mob called the other fake for so long but in reality shigayo kagayama was a mix of both because her strengths your weaknesses the part you love the parts you hate they're all what make you you and that's what Reagan means when he tells mob that he's fine just the way he is ultimately mob psycho 100 is a story about acceptance about how in order to truly change we first have to accept where we are and at the end of the story that's what mob does he decides to accept all sides of himself finally completing the permanent change he spent the whole series striving for his Rampage ends and MOB confidently completes his goal of confessing his feelings to sabome she sadly doesn't feel the same way about him but you know what he's okay instead of destroying another city block he now only sheds a few tears before moving on Mob achieves a level of self-mastery that makes him almost unrecognizable when compared to the emotionless kid we meet at the beginning of the series it's a change that inspires almost everyone he meets and one that also inspires me and to be honest I usually don't Vibe with complete character 180s all that much sometimes I just can't get myself to believe that a character would change that quickly or fully based on the events of a story but something about mob's transformation just feels so earned we watched him keep at it trying and failing for so long that when he finally achieves his goals it feels real like I could do it too there's a quote that I love by one where he talks about writing this story he says what I have in mind is to tell a big story of one little step I don't believe our lives change completely for the better at a short notice it's all the small progress we make that's important the characters in mob psycho don't just change immediately while the growth may have been set off by some major event it's all the small acts of kindness and an inner strength that over time come to Define who they are and I love that about this show I know this whole video has been extremely pretentious but I just can't help but gush about this story like I said before mob cycle 100 has genuinely changed the way I view the world it's a story that sets itself apart from others by saying hey maybe life isn't so bad there is good in the world and that good is worth chasing after human interaction is necessary and meaningful and people can change through their interactions with others and if no one is special that with enough persistence maybe you can be the person you want to be so I guess all that's left for me to say is thank you one and thank you mob psycho 100 for everything [Music] hey everyone thank you so much for watching I wanted to let you guys know that this is going to be my last video for at least two years in a couple of weeks I'll be moving to El Salvador to serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints it'll be awesome and I'm super excited but I also won't have access to any of my video making gear that's why I would never normally ask this but if you like my stuff then please turn on notifications for my channel I promise I'll get back to making videos in the future and when I do they'll be better than ever again thank you all so much for your support and kind comments I'll see you all later
Channel: Nitsua
Views: 19,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Reigen, MP100, Dimple, Shigeo Kageyama, Teru, Ritsu, anime analysis, anime review, mob psycho, mob psycho review, manga, mob psycho opening, mob psycho soundtrack, mob psycho ost, 99, season 3, mob psycho 100 reaction, intro, amv, nitsua mob psycho 100, shimazaki fight, mob vs
Id: If0IoKxb7-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 16sec (1876 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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