The Most Powerful Preconstructed Commander Decks Ever Made for Magic: The Gathering - MTG

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[Music] many Magic the Gathering players ask the question what is the most powerful Commander precon ever made well both the power level of Commander precons has been going up and up in recent years with coherent plans high impact reprints and a manabase good enough to let you enact that plan with moderate consistency many Magic Gathering precons of the past are still remembered as being far superior to the decks of today so how exactly does the modern era of Commander preons Stack Up Against The Old Guard are the marov or Kalia precons really as good as people remember what are the strongest commander precons of all time this video will present the five strongest Commander precons ever made we've examined literally every precon ever in terms of each deck's game plan how much the cards in the 99 synergize with that game plan whether the Mana base helps or hinders that game plan and of course the strength of that deck's Commander as well as the remaining cards within so with all those metrics and more examined in detail just what are the five most powerful precons ever made and why let's take a look and let's also be sure to get together in person to play Magic the Gathering at scg conon Vegas this June 7th through the 9th this is going to be one of the biggest magic events of the Year scg conon Vegas and I'll be there to sling spells sign cards and meet all of you scg con Vegas is a massive Commander celebration offering single day and weekend passes with Commander Galore including Star City game's first 2-day 8K cedh event hey remember when I said cedh was the future of Commander as an offhand remark on a bra bra Ilan Commander podcast and got yelled at for like a week straight on the internet well who's laughing now this is also modern Horizon's 3 pre-release weekend so what better place to experience Magic's newest set of the year than in Las Vegas at a major scg convention in addition to the commander cedh and modern Horizons 3 pre-release events there's also Pioneer and modern 5Ks a legacy c1k on demand modern Horizon's 3 and mystery booster drafts not to mention a flesh and blood battle hardened and proquest will there be more Legacy players or Flesh and Blood players at scgcon Vegas come on down and find out registration is live now so follow the links in this video's description and get ready to spend modern Horizon 3 pre-release weekend in Las Vegas with me the professor first up at number five we have party time the orov commander deck from Battle for balder's gate party time is headlined by nalia diares an incredibly powerful engine and payoff for party Synergy all wrapped up in a well-stated 33 for three Mana nalia is an obscene card 44 cards in the deck are creatures Each of which is either a warrior wizard cleric or Rogue there's also no once per turn Clause associated with her card advantage ability meaning you can keep casting creatures from the top of your deck for as long as there are creatures to cast and Mana to cast them at only three Mana she can also start this train rolling as early as turn three and is easy to replay through Commander tax if she ever gets removed her party payoff ability is exceptionally strong too pumping your whole team and making them painful to block it is not hard to get a full party in this deck given that again each of the 44 creatures in the deck contribute to party and nalia herself covers 25% of your party needs this deck also packs several powerful cards for a precon including mother of runes skull clamp deep gnome terramancer grim hirling and black market connections it's no wonder then that the total cost of the singles in this deck currently sits at $127 which is currently twice as much as its current $68 market price were you to buy a sealed copy on the secondary market today where Party Time loses the most points is its interaction suweet and Mana base interaction is sparse in the deck with no one Mana spot removal and only a couple spot removal spells of any kind instead of interacting with your opponents the deck focuses on enacting and protecting its own game plan with lots of card Advantage protection spells and recursion and honestly this strategy is an effective one for a precon if you're very good at doing what your deck does best who cares if you aren't interacting with your OPP opponents the best removal is player removal after all fortunately the deck doesn't have too many strenuous Mana requirements so the basic heavy Mana base doesn't hold the deck back as much as you might expect all in all party time is still one of the most powerful Commander precons ever made so much so that even the historical greats would struggle to keep up with it number four on our list is nekron dynasties headlined by Zar uh cat cat Cesar Cesar uh headlined by the silent King necron dynasties is powerful consistent and highly resilient graveyard strategies are always some of the strongest things you can do in commander and nekron dynasties is no exception the Sleek monocolor Mana base means you will never stumble on Mana the deck has a nice selection of early game plays though it is a bit bloated on four drops especially considering the commander costs four Mana but with five sources of artifact ramp that accelerate you to four Mana you will at least start the train rolling ahead of schedule with reasonable consistency the deck game plan is remarkably powerful pumping out a board full of artifact creatures many of which either don't cost you a card or have the ability to come back from the dead for a turn thanks to unearth the deck has a few high impact board wipes including mutilate which will consistently sweep virtually any board with how many swamps the deck plays not only that but both living death and their name is death are effectively one-sided board wipes for a reasonable Mana investment once you reach the late game which you will thanks to your sweepers nekron dynasties is a true force to be reckoned with gilded Lotus scepter of eternal glory and caged Sun provide a massive boost to your Mana allowing you to play some positively berserk Heavy Hitters out of the tombs and biotransference are both powerful and hard to interact with engines a host of reanimation spells can help you cheat on mana and bring back your highest impact cards when they're removed the biggest downsides to necron dynasties are ones inherent to its monocolor identity and its Reliance on artifact synergies you have difficulty removing artifacts and enchantments you cannot touch spells on the stack and perhaps most importantly your day can be ruined by a well-timed overloaded Vandal blast but honestly these weaknesses are necessary for the deck to not just be entirely and unreasonably busted the gist of nekron dynasties is is this you will neither stumble on Mana nor flood since the deck packs so much to do with your Mana all the time you're always going to reach the late game which you are well set up to dominate your recursion makes you hard to interact with and your Bevy of self-mill means you'll see most of your deck every single game this consistency and resiliency goes a long long way in a format like Commander that is defined by its high variant but all that being said any deck that can't be played as advertised should get docked a few points and that's the only glaring issue that I have with this deck the commander at the front of the box is easily the worst of five potential commanders included in the deck swap out that face Commander with any of the other legendaries and you'll have a deck that's ready to kick all types of organic butt and wipe every player in your pod out of existence metaphorically speaking of course in a win for Dad bods everywhere where urza's iron Alliance takes the number three spot on our list both the brothers War precons are remarkably powerful and wellb built but urza's iron alliance's game plan is faster easier to pull off and more resilient to disruption urza himself is a commander that gets out of hand very quickly making massive construct tokens with evasion each turn because he has affinity for artifact creatures he's hard to keep off the battlefield since that cost reduction also applies to his Commander tax the deck packs an impressive 17 two Mana spells meaning you will almost always have important plays in the early game with seven cheap Mana rocks plus scholar of New Horizons ethereum sculptor and wreck Hunter the deck plays a full 10 pieces of early Mana acceleration the deck is also full of ways to make massive artifact creatures as well as pump your entire team of artifact creatures it also has a nice selection of interaction including three board wipes plenty of removal for non-creature permanence and of course the creme deic Creme of creature removal swords to plow shares ursa's iron Alliance isn't lacking in card draw either with both repeatable card draw and Powerful one-off Mass card draw the top end of the deck is compact with zero stinkers the most expensive card with no cost reduction or alternative mode is Mir battle sphere excellent heavy hitter that has withstood the test of time for a reason if the deck does have a weakness it's the lack of counter magic not even a single metallic rebuke du disruption protocol or any other artifact themed counter spell when playing against other precons this won't be too much of a problem but it could certainly come up when playing this deck versus more optimized Decks that being said this deck has a very powerful and proactive game plan it's got lots of good interaction for permanence and an impressively consistent Mana base for a three-color deck I would feel very confident bringing this deck to a commander game night even if it was the only precon at the table so what are are the top two most powerful Commander precons ever made well speaking of two I'm giving away 15 collector booster boxes of modern Horizons 2 tomorrow at 400 p.m. Pacific on my whatnot stream 15 of them 15 of these collector booster boxes of modern Horizons 2 are going out to anyone in the Stream just come hang out and also when you create your account using my invite link you also get $15 to spend on anything on whatnot so that $15 is going to get your free magic cards or put it towards packs or command or precons H and maybe just maybe a free Modern Horizons 2 collector booster box just go to what e fine usinvite sharian college and I'll see you tomorrow Thursday May 9th at 4 P.M Pacific for the big giveaway the second strongest Magic the Gathering precon is also one that brings me a lot of Joy it's the timey wiy Dr precon the timey wiy deck is another example of the high power level of universes Beyond precons in fact all four Doctor Who precons could make a compelling case for landing on a list of the most powerful precons but in my opinion tyy wiy is the strongest of the bunch tyy wiy is a bit complex thanks to a handful of very wordy sagas and a mechanic that many knew Magic the Gathering players wouldn't otherwise encounter but once you get the hang of it suspend really isn't that tricky the mechanic in tandom with repeated instances of time travel mean you can cheat some very powerful spells onto the stack well ahead of schedule any deck that can have two commanders is going to automatically have an edge in power level since that essentially starts you with an extra card in hand the commanders you have to choose from in timey wiy are all quite good and they're all synergistic with the deck's overall theme this this is a refreshing aspect to this deck I've already said how frustrating it was that Mr House didn't synergize at all with the rest of his preon which of course is why I went ahead and built my own Mr House precon the video guide of which is available here if you have not already seen it the 99 of time muw is exceptionally tight with very few cards that are not either highly synergistic or strong enough on their own to Warrant inclusion the deck even packs a reprint of farewell a notorious card these days for just how free freaking strong it is in Commander everybody lives is also an outstanding emergency button better even than heroic intervention and arguably on par with tf's protection it also happens to be one of my favorite if not my very favorite moments from all 60 years of Doctor Who so if you want to see the best episode of Doctor Who ever you need to watch the empty child Dr dances to parter sorry sorry this is about the strongest Commander precons not the best episodes of Doctor Who back on track Prof back on track ahem it's worth noting that there's no countermagic in this deck list either with a fantastic Mana base coupled with a highly synergistic and Powerful game plan and a nice array of strong Standalone cards makes tyy wiy a truly special preon all right you've waited for it now here it is the number one most powerful precon ever made is there is no doubt in my mind that as of the filming of this video anyway the strongest Magic the Gathering Commander precon ever made is elrazi Unbound the first ever entirely colorless preon eldrazi Unbound is New Territory for the Casual play designers at Wizards of the Coast as such I suspect they might have Juiced the power level on this deck a bit to make up for its Lack of Color identity but that's just fine by me since we the player base get to reap the rewards alrai Unbound is a colorless Deck with an extremely high curve the deck is helmed by oh God is it Z Lula do L OD do Zula do do dock uh the deck is helmed by void gorger a six Mana 74 that gives your giant colorless spells double Cascade that means once you get your Mana online easy to do thanks to the heaps of Mana rocks and other acceleration at the bottom of your Curve Your already strong top end will bring with it more top end and then even more top end after that klec the great Distortion is an absolute house refilling your hand and repeatedly countering your opponent's best spells as long as long as you have fodder to discard rise of the eldrazi a new card designed for this precon is another staggering topend card removal card draw and an extra turn effect all wrapped up in a 12 Mana package but the thing about alrai Unbound is that casting these massive spells is not only achievable it's the entire point of the deck whereas many of the worst precons throughout history have expensive top endend cards for the sake of expensive top end I'm looking at you a top up Primal Dawn eldrazi Unbound whole deal is ramping up to spells that cost seven Mana or more and once you start casting these spells said spells will then Cascade into other great spells or more Mana ramp to help you cast even bigger spells now if you're familiar with the deck you probably already think of the Mana base as being superb but I'm here to tell you it's actually better than you already think see despite being a monocolor or really a no color deck see there's still only 15 basic wastes in the deck which is well under half the total lands the rest of the land selection is full of useful utility lands like Blast Zone war room and tyrite sanctum as well as lands that tap for additional Mana like Shrine of the Forsaken Gods alrai Temple and of course the urza lands the deck has an inherent weakness in that only having access to colorless spells does mean your interaction will be more expensive on rate than those same effects on a colorless card but while those issues are real they are more than mitigated by the deck's plentiful ramp and its overwhelming and proactive game plan once you get your Mana going the deck pops off and you're going to have more Mana earlier than any of your non- green opponents honestly I'd go so far to say the ramp in this deck is competitive even with monog green decks for all those reasons and probably many more I didn't mention I believe eldrazi Unbound stands tall as the strongest Commander pron that we have ever seen you may have noticed that all the precons on this list are from the last few years of releases I truly believe precons now are stronger than they've ever been and this list reflects that but in my opinion this is a good thing precons should be good enough to hold their own at the average Commander table that's how you get new players to stick around but more importantly what do you think the strongest Commander precon ever is and why did I disrespect your favorite old preon let me know in the comments below and remember I'll be giving away 15 of these 15 collector booster boxes of modern Horizons 2 tomorrow that's Thursday May 9th at 400 p.m. Pacific all you have to do is be in the Stream for a chance to win one I'll ship it to you anywhere in the world but if you create your whatnot account using my invite code you'll also get $15 to spend on any magic the Gathering products or accessories or cards or packs or other awesome items that are available on whatnot hey it's $15 free bucks and maybe you'll walk away with a free what are these worth if we got 15 of them so create an account at tarian college for $115 in credit and then hang out with me tomorrow and maybe take home a free collector booster box of modern Horizons 2 cuz I'm giving away 15 of them they got fetchlands in them baby [Music] next time on shuffle up and play Yu-Gi-Oh players learn magic the Gathering I'm Paul from Team APS I'm playing the Warhammer pron I'm Alec I'm playing dog meat I am Larry from Team APS Daval the dollet Creator the precon I selected is Sam wise gamg I have created upgrade packets were you a cast Supply llama is that a fortnite llama yeah yes it is our all wait did we make an alliance or did you just sh negotiate very vanilla I've been described as very vanilla and we are going to start my villain phase let me get this straight lose a card or you gain a card it's a villainous Choice I'm sorry happen again yeah there's some of the UPG Ash wait I think I know this
Channel: Tolarian Community College
Views: 234,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: commander, best commander, most powerful commander, magic: the gathering, nerd, geek, tabletop, games, card games, tolarian community college
Id: wjVD-Kz1vcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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