The Eldrazi Titans Explained | Magic the Gathering Lore

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worlds heave beneath their enormity their seemingly endless forms that peer in through the vast nothingness that makes up the blind eternities they are creatures that defy reality and crumble the very fabric of plains upon which they visit devourers of life and Mana their purpose remains a mystery what are they what role do they serve in the Multiverse these are the alrai Titans of Magic the Gathering [Music] hello everyone and welcome back to The Ether Hub I'm sbon bringing you more mag of the Gathering lore today I want to answer a question often seen in the vorthos community a debate that rages fiercely at every LGS I've been to who is the greatest villain in MTG there's certainly plenty of candidates for the title of greatest villain it could be nickel Bolis dog mooth or any blue control player just to name a few but I want to make the argument that the reigning best baddies in Magic has to be the alzi Titans in this video I want to examine every aspect of the alrai titans from their in-game cards to their lore to determine why I believe they easily clear as the greatest villains in Magic the Gathering consider this the total and complete comprehensive history of the alrai Titans before we begin though I would ask if you're enjoying content here at The Ether Hub to consider supporting the channel by throwing this video a like sharing it with friends and becoming a subscriber or member of the channel it all goes a long way in helping our community grow and now let's get into the lore the blind eternities the harsh Dimension between planes is briefly traveled by ples Walkers living organic things can only survive for mere moments before being vaporized by the energies that make up this vast nothingness one of the most powerful and intellectual plains walkers known to exist the Elder Dragon ugan was able to push the limits of these moments driven by his unmatched curiosity ugan sought to understand this space between spaces there he found living beings who he suspected to be ancient natives of the blind atorni themselves who existed before the formation of the Multiverse as we know it capable like Plaines Walkers of traveling between PLS through three of these beings were identified and given the names ulog KC and emerol the alrai Titans the eldrazi are alien creatures whose True Form exists in the blind eternities ugan explains that when they arrive on a plane they manifest a small portion of themselves as a physical Avatar a shadow of living ether projected into a three-dimensional space if the inhabitants of a plane are fish then the alrai are but the hand of a great be reaching into the water whose entirety cannot be fathomed by those below the surface or at least this is the metaphor ugan used when he described the alrai to other plains walkers all three of the alrai Manifest as Titans enormous compared to the scale of the Plains they visit standing on a sea of tentacles where leg should be ulamog manifests as a body of bone and sineu something like an exoskeleton covers a featureless head extending down like the cheek guard of A Warrior's helmet but more reminiscent of mandibles two purple Arms Reach Out of a humanoides abdomen branching from the elbow into four clawed hands colec manifests as a humanoid abdomen covered in eyes its broad chitan plated shoulders hold what could be a giant eye where its head should be possibly a lidless pupil crowned in strange deep black plates floating above like olog it has two arms branching into four at the elbows two ending in a clawed hand and the other two ending in dagger-like plates similar to those floating above his head emerol manifests as the largest of the three Titans she floats finger-like tendrils reaching down from her tentacles which are then woven into latest flesh like a web to form a sponge-like body that encases a purple glowing eye originally ugan suspected the eldrazi Titans lacked what we typically note as intelligence he believed they acted more as a force of nature consuming and destroying solely as a biological response just as a tornado acts without malice ugan Bev the alrai to be incompatible to their concept of foresight however as more time was spent analyzing the alrai and more ples experienced their wrath it was learned there was much more to their intelligence than ugan originally suspected the alrai are able to communicate with beans on the planes they've encountered some speculate that it's merely telepathy but the Plaines Walker Jace Bolen believes that emerle has the ability to control all sentient beings and that their communication is more akin to mind control some people have reported seeing visions when they're close to the eldrazi giving them hints to what the alrai know and understand about a plane and its inhabitants when Jace gets the rare opportunity to actually speak with emerle it's a strenuous act for him he sees visions that cause headaches he's not sure how much his actually emerle speaking to him and how much is just his interpretation of this entire experience emerle tells him that she cannot speak to living beings not directly but that their minds can adapt in an effort to comprehend her this shows a level of planning and understanding previously unknown meaning we're just now scratching the surface of the eldrazi intelligence the eldrazi are known for feeding on the planes they choose to visit the manner in which they feed is quite unique consuming a plane of the Mana builds it leaving distinctive Trails of Destruction behind them ulog is known as the Titan of consumption extracting the Mana out of all things leaving only the husk of what existed before that resembles Coral or bone ulog smells of sulfur in Decay but it's not known if the manifestation itself smells that way or if it's just the process of his consumption kelac is known as the Titan of distortion warping reality and perception of both living and non-living things leaving in their wake a geometric landscape of Twisted destruction the dark obsidian plates hovering over their body are thought to bend truth and reality or possibly small holes into the blind eternities emerle is known as the Titan of corruption who reshapes all living things creating life in her own way these Abominations hear the telepathic call of the alrai and are twisted into a tentacled Lattis flesh image of emerle herself the alrai follow the lay lines of planes it's not known if these Paths of energy are used by the alrai or if they are directly affected L lines are like the veins of a plane carrying its vast stores of Mana throughout the world's body it's believed that the lines are what originally tempts an alrai Titan to this food source as massive collections of Mana are its prey as an elzi begins to Feast on a plane you can see its destructive paths follow the lay lines as it faes over the most Mana Rich segments of a world when the Mana level of a plane reaches unsustainable levels the plane crumbles to nothing and the alrai move on to their next meal the cycle forever repeating the way the alrai Titans feed gives us a glimpse into the original proposed purpose for the alrai and the overall makeup of the Multiverse ugan believed that the alrai could act as multiversal vultures they were the cleaning crew of the multiv IE as more and more planes would spawn and be created across the Multiverse it's theorized that the alzi Titans were there to balance things to ensure the Multiverse perhaps doesn't get too crowded washing over older planes absorbing their mana and pruning them so that others could continue to be created this of course is just a theory all three of the Titans unleash spawn a weaker extension of themselves that break off and acts on the will of the alrai Titan like cells or appendages that can be reabsorbed these are known as lineages and physically resemble their progenitor possessing some fraction of their power there are drones varied in appearance seemingly dedicated to specific tasks like planting and hatching spawn While others are made for combat there are also spawns and Scions smaller and less powerful than the drones they often overpower their enemies with pure numbers or act as troops for larger Ali ulamog's lineages are made up of bone and muscle like their progenitor similar to ulamog there's a mask of bone plates where their Fe should be spawns too have arms split at the elbow and tentacles or araed legs and leave behind white dust after they feed on the land their Scions are worm or squid-like with segments covered in bone plates that end at a mass of tentacles the drones are larger and often tend to the spawn in the larval stage or a in feeding off the land coex lineage often have space warping crowns of obsidian over insect-like bodies they can warp reality around them and when they feed they leave behind the same geometric patterns in the land kelik spawn are many-eyed skittering creatures that imitate crabs or termites Emeral lineage are colorful most often purple and possess a mass of tentacles weaving into lattice like flesh some of them float above the ground when feeding they leave behind yellow dust over what seems to be living flesh their spawn have small jointed legs and lattice spines there have been two cards printed for each alrai Titan accurately portraying them as legendary and overwhelming ulog the Titan of consumption sucking the energy from living and non-living matter he creates disease and plagues his spawn resemble parasites ulog the infinite gy is an 11 Mana 101 and like a plague on the attack it destroys a Target permanent when this Titan resolves he is an indestructible himself and has an attack trigger of Annihilator 4 depicting its ability to consume the spoiled Flesh on a corrupted plane Annihilator is a common ability to be associated with the eldrazi which further depicts how destructive this race of aliens can be when they target a plane for consumption if you manage to get ulog off the battlefield he takes all the decaying cards in your graveyard with him shuffling them back into your library like tilling the Earth ulog the ceaseless hunger is a Godlike 10 Mana 101 just as ugan explained reaching down into a plane with a cast trigger allowing you to Exile two target permanence consuming the rot that is not fit to be recycled once ulog manifests on the battlefield he marches forth on indestructible Tentacles when the ceaseless hunger attacks he consumes all your opponents whatever know exiling the top 20 cards of the defending players's library coel Titan of DOR warps time space and reality inverting what existed beforehand into something unrecognizable minds are twisted and loyalty shattered leaving the plan's inhabitants to work with the Titan and destroying their own plane insanity and despair ensues since victims do not know what is real the card colec Butcher of Truth is a 10 Mana 1212 with a cast trigger that is certainly despair inducing drawing four cards while it's on the stack even before the spell ever resolves into reality whether the butcher enters the battlefield or not you have gained more information in the form of card draw which is associated with the flavor of seeking knowledge its second ability is Annihilator 4 a mechanic that encapsulates the destruction of the alrai whenever kelik attacks the defending player must experience the devastation of zendar and sacrifice for permanence their battlefields are laid to waste and if KC finds their way to their graveyard they turn zones Inside Out shuffling your graveyard into your library the card kelac the great Distortion has two colorless Mana symbols in its casting cost representing the colorless Mana of the alrai beans not bound by the traditional Mana sources found locked to planes but rather the infinite colorless Mana stored in the blind eternities like the first iteration of this character it also lets you draw cards from a cast trigger making sure you have seven cards in hand this works in tandem with its third ability letting you discard a card with Mana value X to counter Target spell with Mana value X the knowledge gained by drawing cards is converted into controlling what resolves dictating the truth of the stack and the battlefield the great Distortion also has Menace depicting that this intimidating 1212 cannot be blocked by one measly chump alone emerle Titan of corruption takes life and twists it into something new with tentacles and woven spongy skin the living beings affected are plunged into madness and become listless followers of emerol the largest of alrai emerle Eon torn is a 15 Mana 1515 that can't be countered her cast trigger allows you to take an extra turn letting everyone know emerle is inevitable and Unstoppable she floats above the ground Defying Gravity so her next ability is of course flying but she also has protection from spells that are more than one color the eldrazi make use of colorless Mana like no other taking the complex energy from the lay lines and converting it to otherworldly power dismantling the most evolved Magic on the plane with an ability like Annihilator 6 you understand the vastness of her presence overshadowing everything that stands in her way eon's torn also shovels your graveyard into your library if she finds herself in that zone continuing to build life out of death emerle the promised end is a 13 Mana 1313 that costs one less to cast for each card type among cards in your graveyard when the promised end is cast you gain control of Target opponent during their next turn and that play takes an extra turn driving your opponents mad and bending them to emle's will flying trample and protection from instance shows that emerle cannot be killed and why imprisoning the eldrazi is one of the very few viable options for dealing with this threat long ago 6,000 years before the eldrich moon stories Abominations over ran zindar the core lithomancer niiri calls for help from her only friend and Mentor the vampire fire saor marov when her spark ignited he had taught her how to use and control her ples walker power to protect her home plane now she was being tested as they stood with an encampment of refugees they looked to the valley below to see the hordes of Abominations stop and turn towards something monstrous the hordes disseminate the camp and the Monstrous being unraveled the Earth beneath them niri and sa's only option was the planes walk away unable to save zendar or anyone else as they r somewhere else another Plains Walker appeared Through The Ether the ancient spirit dragon ugan he knew what was happening on zendar possibly being the wisest Plaines Walker in existence he watched over the Multiverse in an effort to bring balance he tells nahiri and saor the information only he had the power to gather this monstrosity was one of the eldrazi otherworldly beings that devour entire Plains ugan believed that the alrai should not be destroyed they didn't know how the death of the alrai would affect the mul verse or if it was right to kill them ugan instead suggested that they might be able to imprison them using their physical forms as anchors to force them into dormy the three Plaines Walkers construct an underground chamber calling it The Eye of ugan it's surrounded by a hedron network floating rocks constructed by niiri with a Nexus inside linking them with all of the invisible lay lines of mana on zendar they sealed this chamber with a magical lock which pulled the hedron and surrounded the three alrai ulamog klac and amarle stood petrified and soon the plane of zendar would devour them underneath its crust as it healed itself it was like driving a stake through the hand that reached into the pond trapping the projections of the unfathomable beans that existed in the blind eternities they tested the lock to make sure it was strong enough only the three PLS Walkers would be able to unlock the hedron and the heri herself would stand watch over her home plane for all of eternity saurin and ugan agreed to return if their help was ever needed niiri could activate a signal from the eye of ugan to call for them niiri taught the inhabitants of zendar about the alrai helping them stomp out the remaining broodlings and maintaining the hedron network without her after many years niiri tired of living and fell into a meditative State her teachings of the alrai were passed down through these centuries and stories of the Titans became distorted into the mythology of zendikar's core and murol deities their horrific visages were morphed into attract Ive descriptions seen on cards like Shrine of the Forsaken gods and they were indeed worshiped their true identities were forgotten while niiri slept the tectonic plates of the akum mountains and the locked hedron shifted ulamog was able to influence the humans an core who lived near the eye of ugan spreading an infectious Madness they began to perform rituals to their unseen God and created a temple near ulamog's prison this loosened the bonds of the eye allowing Millions of Spawn to pour out attacking the cultists the very few who survived were overcome with an insatable blood Lust For Destruction they had become the blood Chiefs the progenitors of the vampire race on zendar niiri awoke to find zendar once again teaming with alrai brood and called for saorin and ugan for Aid however neither answered and she had to reinforce the prison on her own with the new vampires now free of Hog's influence niri leaves zendar and its Denis to deal with the remaining eldrazi brood on their own she had to find saurin and discover why he didn't come to her Aid and furthermore ask why they were now vampires on zendar when there weren't before believing saurin may have corrupted some of her denisons years later the pyromancer and Plaines Walker Shandra Nar had stolen the dragon scroll which contain the spell for ugan Signature ghostfire breath and a map of zendar the Plains Walker and mind Mage Jace bin was hired to find Shandra and get the scroll back as well as erase the memory of all who had seen it following the map of zindar and looking for various Clues they both ared near the eye of ugan another Plaines Walker the fanatical Saron V was also there on orders of ugin's brother Nicol Bolis Saron V had fallen into a Delirious State hearing voices calling him deeper into the eye when he meets Shandra he uses his ability to turn into a dragon and attacks when Jace arrives he attempts to stop them but the hedron absorb the power of all three Shandra and Jace used the scroll containing ugin's ghost fire breath to defeat Saron accidentally untying the knot of lay lines and unlocking the alrai prison broodlings pour out of the eye threatening zindar once again nicobolis reveals to his Pawn Saron that this was his plan to open the eye that he wanted to release the elrazi simply to see how the Multiverse would act in response to their enormous threat if a few years later saurin marov comes back to zendar this time fulfilling his pact and teams up with the Elven Plains Walker Nissa Rane promises to help him seal up the alrai prison when they finally arrive Nissa decides to shatter the hedron and release the alrai Titans fully hoping that they'd be grateful and leave zindar saurin was fed up with Nissa for not heeding his warnings and was tired of zindar creating its own problems thus deciding to leave the plane to its own devices and its probable Doom now that the three alrai TS had been fully released the plains Walker Gideon Jorah arrives on zendar to find chaos he wants to help the innocence of the plane and finally seiz The Titans with his own eyes understanding that he needed help he goes to Ravnica to find more ples Walkers and recruits Jace bin they go to zendar arriving at The Refuge of Seagate to find it already destroyed the two help the survivors escape and Gideon gathers Defenders to take back the city from the broodlings as they begin to celebrate they you see a Titan on the horizon ulamog is coming Jace travels to the eye of ugan finding ugan himself there rebuilding the prison the dragon explains how the adzi cannot be killed and plans to rebuild the hedron to lure the Titans within the range once more Jace and Nissa the latter among the survivors of Seagate raised hedron and channeled the L lines Gideon Shandra and their troops would lure ulamog within the range of the hedron and imprison him however a demon Plaines Walker omnus arrived searching for a way to reignite his spark he saw the hedron network and tried to siphon their energy knocking them out of alignment and freeing ulamog then calls the second eldrazi Titan kelac to Seagate as zendar seems to be on the brink of collapse on the verge of deciding whether or not to leave zendar to its fate Gideon proposes that he Jace Nissa and Shandra could hold the Titans at Bay it wasn't just about the alzi it was about protecting the Multiverse from whatever threatened it the four of them agreed to do whatever they could with their Plaines Walker powers to help the Multiverse to stay and fight when they could easily just run away they swore to keep watch this was the foundation of the gate watch Gideon and Shandra LED two armies that merged and lured the two Titans into the circle of the hedron network Nissa calls upon the L lines knitting a glyph that lashed itself into the Titans and as the gods try to escape the glowing green lines hold fast the alrai fight back sending their brood to attack even pouring them down from the sky but n's glyph was working as Gideon and the troops defended her the LEL lines of zendar were eroding the two Titans though this was breaking zendar as well its fate was now tied to the alrai Shandra stoked her Flames as hot as she had ever tried before and sent her fire up the lines of the glyph the flame wasn't enough but Nissa put a hand on her shoulder channeling all of zendikar's Rage into Shandra now the pyromancer was the Nexus of zendikar's power and her Flames ignited the L lines with a massive crack the Titans broke and the glyph was permanently burned into the ground hunks of charred Titan flesh rained down across zendar it wasn't merely the avatars of the Titans defeated but the Titans themselves despite ugin's dire warnings about killing the eldrazi Titans nissa's layline magic had forcibly pulled the entirety of the adzi Titans onto zendar so when they were overloaded with Mana and Sha's fire these deaths seemed to be the true deaths of ulamog and kelac when niri left zendar to find saurin she arrived on his home plane of inrad at this point she believed zendar to be lost to the alrai Titans that saurin seemingly ignored saurin explained that the hell vault which he had made with pieces of moon silver to encase Supernatural prisoners might have absorbed her call for help to niri saurin seemed to hold No Remorse for leaving helpless inhabitants of zenar to Die the two fought and saor won trapping thehi inside the hell Vault when thehi finally broke out she returned to zendar only to find the elrazi had been freed looking over the decimation she thought her friends had forsaken her and her plane and wanted her revenge had she stayed on zenar longer she would have seen the eventual defeat of olog and kelac however she went back to inrad and attacked sain's family at marov Manor she imprisoned the vampires there encasing them in stone leaving them in agony she formed cryptolith that distorted the energy of the plain's lay lines and summoned emerle to lay waste to inrad the way saurin let ulamog and kelac lay waste to zendar emerle arrives at the temple built for her in the nephalia drownyard twisting inrad into madness turning its inhabitants into mindless tentacled monsters bent to only her will saurin gathered other families of vampires to take down the heri and while they severely wounded her she was able to trap sword and Stone own forcing him to watch as emerol destroyed his world Jace Bolin hears that something is affecting the residents of inrad and goes there to investigate strange mutations were being found tentacles and eyes were sprouting from people's bodies the Angels who were charged with protecting the plane were driven mad and began to wipe out humans Jace arrived at marov Mana to find hundreds of dead vampires he noticed one clutching a book The Journal of another Plaines Walker tamamo Jace read the journal's entries describing how the energy of the plane had been warped and realizes that this is how the Angels were affected he found the cryptus that were redirecting the L lines to the drown yard Temple were being built by zombies and worshiped by the people there was their God this eldrich deity when amiral arise on inrad she strains the plain sanity with no spawn following her she mutated inrad inhabitants instead and warped the ones affected earlier beyond recognition werewolves and the stromkirk family of vampires fall under her influence the entire Village of hanar is morphed into a singularly towering alrai Spawn Two archangels justella and Bruna were driven mad before emerle arrival and fused together to form brella voice of nightmares to lead the Angels turned drones against the plane Undead however are immune to emle's influence making the Necromancer Liliana vest effective in directing her hordes against eldrazi spawn niiri then leaves enrad set ified with her work those who resisted emle's influence fought back the order of St traft the vder and family vampires and carda the only angel left unaffected by Madness Jace assembled the gate watch and they planned to trap emerle the same way they had trapped ulamog and kelac on zendar Jace cast a protective barrier around them to Stave away Madness but as Liliana grew tired emerle was able to fight back emerle strains against the barrier and speaks to Jason's mind the moonfolk pl Walker tamio AR she's the author of the journal Jace found at Markov Manor she explains that the hell Vault was made of moon silver which was capable of holding much more than just demons its unique composition was able to contain anything not natively found on inrad during the Battle of thraen Jace finds himself in an illusion that resembles his sanctum on ravika he climbs the stairs seeing visions of his friends in each window then finally he reaches a vision to depicting an angel with a cloaked face he'd seen this Angel before he thought it was amiria the murol God created in the likeness of emerol she speaks to Jace's mind asking him to succumb to surreality she was researching trying to understand something and wrri it in a scroll quote this is all wrong I am incomplete unfulfilled there should be blossoms not Barren resentment the soil wasn't receptive it is not my time not yet emerle murmurs emerle invites jaay to play a game of chess communicating telepathically that the only reason they can converse is because that his mind was very adaptable quote I was personified a long time ago forces cannot be reasoned with agency does not exist in propagating waves if you take shortcuts to try and grapple with what you cannot perceive cannot comprehend who am I to gainsay No One you perhaps the angel says to J inside his mind then Jace understood this wasn't amiria or emerle exactly but his mind's attempt to comprehend whatever he was feeling from emerle Power he had to personify it to make sense of it Jace wins the chess match and the angel lowered her Hood looking exactly like an amiria statue had seen on zendar the chest pieces start to come to life and ridee and attack Jace's King is toppled by his own pieces when Jace told her that she couldn't do that that he had already 1 emerle told that all of the pieces were hers amir's face began to melt dissipating into purple smoke The Voice still spoke telling Jace she was coming and Jace tries to escape outside of the vision emerle is hovering over the city of thraen mentally assaulting those below the plains walkers need to work together to trap emerle inside the moon with the pieces of the hell Vault they find emerle was too vast to burn like they did to the other two Titans so they form a plan to trap her in the moon with tamio powerful binding spell Jace had to bind the glyph to the personification of emerle tamamo read from a scroll with iron bands like the one Jace had seen amiria writing in a silver beam struck emerle and enveloped the large mass of her body pulling it in emerle folded collapsed impossibly the light winked out and she was gone a glyph appeared in the moon like a scar tamamo later says though it was her power that imprisoned emerle the Titan had in fact taken over her body making her cast the spell on the scroll a scroll that she had never seen before the scroll she read was supposed to destroy the plane but instead it powered the spell that trapped the elrazi tamamo spoke to how everyone was trying to survive to prolong their story at whatever cost but what if they were all just a part of emerle story in service of some awful Destiny just as she had said to Jace they were all emerle chest pieces the two plains walkers were left to wonder if they had actually won in the entire history of the alzi we only have one example of direct communication between the Titans and other characters as emerle has a mental conversation with Jace Bolin near the end of alrich moon from this encounter there's a lot to digest but clearly emerle herself has laid the seeds for her own return though we cannot comprehend fully emle's desires and goals she does seem to think that the world she visits and devours should welcome her arrival in a strat was not as receptive as she believed it should be this shows the alrai or at least emerle is self-aware though the world was in her words Barren and resentful when it showed blossoms seems to be counterintuitive to the very Natures of the alrai themselves as it is they who make planes Barren with their consumption the lines that point us towards her return is that she admits that she isn't ready that she's not complete what a complete eldrazi Titan might look like we can only speculate but but as we know her purpose is to be welcomed by the worlds they destroy it could very well be very terrifying as we believe that emerle allowed herself to be trapped within enr's Moon some including myself have speculated on what may be happening to this Titan one theory is that emerle is in fact a newer form of eldrazi Titan not born at the dawn of the Multiverse but later evolved to be more intelligent than her predecessors it's why emerol is so different when compared to olog and kosal why she ventured off rather than feasting on zendar once released to me emerle may still be growing both physically and mentally almost like she's still young comparatively perhaps being trapped in the Moon is like being encased in a cocoon giving amerol the chance to grow while feeding on the latent Mana locked within the unique silver material of innistrad moon who knows what may break forth when emerle does feel ready when she is complete but it will be a dark day for the Multiverse when the eldrazi return while ugan was somewhat certain that the three eldrazi Titans that we know of might be the only of their kind that hasn't stopped other curious thinkers of the Multiverse from finding clues of others of this brood seen in Magic the Gathering yet to be revealed as alrai some have speculated on the possibility of other alrai in MTG lore Merit LJ is an avatar that takes the form of monstrous Kraken which is thought to be her true form that she cannot change she is centuries old and able to travel between PLS but is not a plaines Walker she has the same love crafting and hor flavor as the eldrazi and though her power is destructive she doesn't seem to consume PLS she wants to be worshiped as a God and can whisper to the minds of people willing them to start Cults in her name similar to what emerle did on inrad cultists are mutated in her likeness with lots of eyes teeth and tendrils but are single-minded like the followers of the alrai these cultists are like beacons summoning her to PLS it's possible they power her interplaner travel and are the reason she wants followers to begin with the undead do seem to serve Merit LJ where emerle has no power over them so Merit LJ could just be a more powerful version of these alrai Titans or maybe she's something else entirely while the three alrai Titans are the only ones confirmed at the moment that's not to say that powerful Scions of their brood can't also reach legendary stat status on their own as manifestations of their will and extensions of their bodies Scions can come in all shapes and sizes and Vary wildly in power levels we already talked about a few other legendary alzi in the story segment of this video but those were all creations of the Titans not beans tied to them directly these were legendary creatures Twisted into THS of the alzi not alrai as we properly know them this makes sense though as the spawn of the adzi are just pieces of the Titans themselves so why would they become named legendaries when in reality they're merely just cells of the greater Titan this pattern however has broken with the release of Commander Masters and the birth of a new legendary alrai creature Zula do void gorger this powerful new eldrazi Commander is an eldrazi lovers perfect gift a huge colorless monster who loves it when you cast other huge colorless monsters with Cascade Cascade your alrai cards give you even more elrazi cards the eldrazi are definitely a consideration for strongest villains in the magic the Gathering Story the Titans are the only known creatures able to live in the blind eternities they're impossible to fully comprehend making it difficult to know how to defeat them even when people figure it out they have to convince the entire masses of a plane to essentially stand any chance of succeeding against the elrazi they can listen to people's minds communicate telepathically and control people twisting them into willing THS alzi can travel between planes easily and nobody knows for sure why they might go to a particular plane at any point that is unless you can coax them there by some large source of Mana we can compare the alrai threat with other big bads we've had in Magic story past to see how they stack up in the realm of villainy alrai to me have a larger scope than one like nickel Bolis the Elder Dragon Plains Walker who tries to be an omnipotent agent of chaos nickel Bolis was the Mind who orchestrated the Titan's original release he obviously didn't believe they posed a great threat to himself but instead used the alzi as a means to see how the Multiverse would stand up against an allc consuming threats a mantle he would later take on while bis's power cannot be understated he's still played with personality traits that would always lead to his eventual downfall in releasing the alzi and spurring the creation of the gate watch he ensured his ultimate plans of becoming a God would fail greed and the desire for more power the Folly of all would be tyrants is not something the alrai possess one of the other strongest analogues to the alrai and MTD lore is forexia forexia resembles the alian art depicting similar builds and behavior and they share a similar hive mind collectivists ideology a lot of fexin creatures look like ulog showing bone and sinu fian have their own broodlings and spawn these spawns all answer to the one the leading compulsion to further the spread of forexia fans are all one Hive mine with Collective memories like emerle servants seemed to be when she invaded inrad where I feel the eldrazi have the upper hand is again individual traits are totally extinguished within the Broods of the Titans while those forian of new forexia only appear single-minded on the surface clearly with the fall of Elish norn who is driven off purpose by her own fears forian aren't nearly as uniformed as we once thought this cannot be said about the Al drazi though who are for all intents and purposes one being following one goal with no true Divergence while some Titans may have fallen emerle still rides inside the moon of inrad waiting as all these other major threats have come and gone the alrai remain a permanent fixture within the Multiverse and there you guys go the complete and comprehensive history of the alrai in Magic the Gathering certainly these strange monsters are some of the greatest villains present Ed in the story a driving narrative and threat that breaks our conception of what a villain is not always does a villain have to be an evil dragon or conniving Mastermind sometimes the greatest threat is the unfailing nature of the Multiverse itself and that in reality is what the alzi represent in Magic the Gathering now I want to know your own thoughts in the comments below do you like the alzi and MTG as always thank you all so much for watching if you enjoyed the video don't forget to leave it a like share it with friends and and become a subscriber it all goes a long way in helping the channel grow and until next time guys see you
Channel: Aether Hub
Views: 104,618
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mtg, mtg lore, mtg story, magic the gathering, magic the gathering lore, magic the gathering story, aether hub, eldrazi, eldrazi lore, eldrazi story, eldrazi explained, mtg explained, eldrazi titans, emrakul, emrakul lore, kozilek, kozilek lore, ulamog, ulamog lore, gatewatch, nicol bolas, nicol bolas lore, mtg villain
Id: BSpCPpnnnfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 35sec (2315 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2024
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.