The Most Luxurious Yacht In The World (2022)

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everyone loves a good luxury vehicle who can say they haven't fantasized about owning a fast car a fast plane or a fast boat i know i can't but this time we aren't gonna be checking out the coolest cars or the fastest jets this time we'll be looking at the most luxurious yachts to ever hit the water why because sometimes you just have to take a step back and marvel at the sheer luxury of these massive boats number 10 dragonfly million dollars first off on our list of luxury seafaring vehicles we have the super yacht owned by one of the two brains behind google sergey brin dragonfly is in my opinion the prettiest boat on this entire list and i'm not just saying that for the ad revenue what we have here is a 239 foot super yacht hailed as the fastest and most fuel-efficient long-range cruising yacht on the water and with the look of the thing that's not very hard to believe like any super yacht worth its money you can land a helicopter on this thing it features a helipad on the front of it as well as a dance floor and an open-air movie theater on board it cruises at a top speed of 27 knots and has a maximum cruising range of 4 500 nautical miles you can do pretty much anything you want with this yacht you can party on the water go island hopping on this thing or you can use it to coordinate disaster relief after a hurricane no kidding the dragonfly did just that back in 2015. look it up this boat is just that awesome again not for the ad revenue number nine musashi 160 million dollars next we have a beautiful super yacht inspired by japanese interior decor and appropriately named after a legendary samurai the musashi owned by the founder of software company oracle larry ellison musashi is one of his many yachts and is without a doubt the coolest one he owns the designers of the musashi weren't satisfied with conventional design and went ahead to create a unique masterpiece the lower deck of the boat is reserved for mostly crew areas and technical spaces while guests get to enjoy the slew of amenities that make sailing on this thing a treat some of these amenities include a gymnasium and a spa you got a huge main deck or as they call it a play deck where you can find a basketball court an informal lounge and a cinema the rest of the deck provides sumptuous suites and cabins for guests there's an open-air top deck that offers guests the chance to enjoy the sun cool off in the yacht spa pool or enjoy a drink at the bar as they dread more and more the fact that they'll have to get off this awesome yacht at some point so yeah this 288 foot luxury yacht worth 160 million dollars is exactly as luxurious as you thought who could have possibly guessed number eight radiant million dollars next up we have a very luxurious yacht built by the legendary larsen back in 2009 radiant is owned by the emirate millionaire abdullah al futen this beautiful buoyant boat is 330 feet long and has a tonnage of 5 000 tons the radiant isn't just luxurious because it looks so good it's quite the feat of modern engineering as well the engines put out more than 8 700 horsepower meaning she can accelerate up to a maximum of 21 knots she can also keep you on the water for a while with that impressive 96 000 gallon fuel capacity the enormous hull of the radiant is made of steel and its grand exterior is made of aluminum nothing too mind-blowing but it's interiors now that's where the money is or should i say that's what they're charging you for the radiant's elegant interiors were designed by glenn pushelberg it's got a deck laid with teak wood and it can easily accommodate up to 20 guests and 44 crew members on any given day as for amenities the radiant comes with swimming pools a beach club a massage room swimming platform movie theater gym and a deck jacuzzi all air conditioned of course the radiant also comes with defensive systems as well it's equipped with an extremely powerful water cannon to defend itself against attacks on the water and a helicopter landing bad in case you start losing said attack on the water and need a quick getaway number 7. serene 330 million dollars here we have one of the larger super yachts out there and as we all know when we're dealing with a vessel this large you're probably gonna have to mention a couple billionaires serene is currently owned by the billionaire crown prince of saudi arabia muhammad bin salman this italian-made luxury super yacht was originally custom-built for another billionaire russian vodka tycoon yuri scheffler the serene was also apparently leased by bill gates for five million dollars a week told you we were going to talk about billionaires the serene is about 440 feet long and it boasts a twin-screw propulsion which helps propel this absolute behemoth of a boat it accommodates around 24 guests and 52 crew members and no its size isn't even the best part it's how she uses it the serene comes with a few features like its two helipads convertible into a dance floor a submarine snow room steam room and oh so many different kinds of pools you've got your regular pools sea water pool jet stream pools and spa pools for a vessel constantly surrounded by water there sure is a lot of water on board number six eclipse 500 million dollars owned by russian billionaire roman abramovich eclipse isn't just one of the most luxurious yachts to ever hit the water it's also one of the most expensive yachts on the planet the crazy price tags rumored on this thing will make your head spin estimates of the worth of the eclipse have ranged from 800 000 to a whopping 1.5 billion now i have no idea where on earth those figures come from but looking at this magnificent vessel i'm not too surprised it was built by blom and voss of hamburg and measures 536 feet long allowing it to fit many more extravagant features your everyday super yacht might not be able to handle the eclipse features 24 guest cabins two swimming pools several hot tubs and a disco hall you also have two helicopter pads in case one is out of service i guess three launch boats and a mini submarine capable of submerging up to 50 meters are you starting to see where those wild price tags come from the eclipse also comes with several security systems as well there's an intruder detection system a missile defense system and the master bedroom and bridge that feature armor plating and bulletproof windows where roman abramovich plans on taking this yacht we can only imagine number five project y721 500 million dollars next we have a yacht that hasn't even been completed yet and has been topping lists for years and i wholeheartedly support that decision it was purchased a couple of years ago by bezos for 500 million dollars and they've taken their sweet time building this bad girl it's slated to be shipped out in 2022 bezos being the former richest person in the world is unsurprisingly the kind of guy that likes to party on yachts so he decided if he's gonna own one he's gonna own potentially one of the craziest yachts to hit the water project y721 will of course feature several decks boast three enormous masts and it will be bursting with amenities across its decks you can expect beautiful lounges huge swimming pools and lots of bars this yacht is meant to be peak opulence number four topaz 527 million dollars next we have a super yacht also built by the legendary larson its slick exterior was designed by tim haywood who knows exactly what a yacht is supposed to look like and went for it while its equally exquisite interiors were designed by terence disdale design the topaz is owned by sheikh mansour the deputy prime minister of the united arab emirates he is the minister of presidential affairs and a member of the royal family of abu dhabi and surprise surprise he's also a billionaire with a net worth of 20 billion dollars and boy did he go for a powerful yacht the topaz is 482 feet long and it's fitted with a power packed 7990hp engine pulling this massive ship at speeds up to 25.5 knots this beauty of a boat features a steel displacement hull and an aluminum megastructure with eight gorgeous decks for different exotic viewing experiences the extravagant interior of the topaz features amenities like a large jacuzzi much warmer than taking a dip in the ocean believe me it has a swimming deck a state-of-the-art gym and the yacht is fully air-conditioned for optimal temperature control the topaz doesn't just look good from the inside either it comes with fancy underwater lights and double helicopter landing pads shoot i'm satisfied just looking at the thing number three the rising sun 650 million dollars as a top contender for the most luxurious yacht in the world we have the rising sun owned by billionaire david geffen this 650 million dollar vessel is one of the most expensive yachts in the world designed by the late legendary john bannenberg and built by german mastership building company larsen of course i'm sure you're starting to see a pattern here did i mention that the rising sun is a whopping 453 foot long super yacht making it one of the largest yachts in the world as well big surprise it's already been owned by two yacht enthusiast billionaires the rising sun isn't just routinely frequented by billionaires though it's hosted celebrities and even royalty and can you blame them who wouldn't want to sail around on this masterpiece of engineering for the cost of over half a billion dollars the rising sun will give you 86 000 square feet of living space and 35 000 square feet of lavishly designed deck space as well as several luxuries for you and your many guests including features like jacuzzis a full gymnasium a sauna a spa and a basketball court the kind of stuff you can fit on your ship when it's so bloody massive number two azam 600 million dollars next up we have the largest yacht in the world also made by lersen to nobody's surprise clearly they know what they're doing the exam was apparently one of the most complex and challenging yachts they ever had to build and it shipped with a price tag that reflected exactly that measuring at 590 feet long this humongous ship somehow doesn't immediately sink to the bottom of the ocean and is also somehow one of the fastest super yachts out there reaching speeds of up to 30 knots i'm going to call black magic on this one this floating extravagance is owned by none other than sheikh khalifa bin zayed al-nayan president of the united arab emirates and emir of abu dhabi who had no problem paying for this 600 million yacht with his 18 billion dollar net worth the azam wasn't just built to wow you with its incredible size it's got an equally wow worthy interior when you get on board its luxurious interiors were designed by french interior decorator christophe leone and it has been described as sophisticated and luxurious in a turn-of-the-century empire style it can hold up to 100 people accommodating up to 36 guests in supreme luxury with a crew of about 70 people with billionaires constantly competing to own the largest super yacht how long is it going to be before we get an even larger yacht and who do you think is gonna own it number one history supreme 4.8 billion dollars finally we have what could easily be called the most luxurious yacht in the world and to nobody's surprise it's also the most expensive yacht to ever hit the water and it's not even that big in comparison to some of the whales on this list this insanely expensive 100 foot long vessel was designed by the world renowned uk luxury designer stuart hughes and it took over three years to complete this incredibly decked-out boat pun intended the history supreme was purchased by billionaire malaysian businessman robert knock for the ridiculous price tag of 4.8 billion dollars yes it wasn't a typo last time so what kind of futuristic spacecraft could warrant such an insane price tag well it doesn't have jet thrusters but i'm pretty sure some of the history supremes cost can be attributed to the solid gold and platinum used to assemble this thing the luxury boat features no less than 220 000 pounds of these precious metals covering the entirety of the vessel right from the base which is coated in a thin layer of solid gold to the dining area deck rails staircases and anchor one of the many outstanding features of this yacht is the master bedroom it features a wall made from meteorite rock and a statue made from tyrannosaurus rex bones and it features a 24 karat gold panoramic wall aquarium precious metals aren't all you can find on the history supreme you can find precious gems as well worth several millions of dollars what else do you think could make up for its massive price tag so which one of these yachts do you think is the most luxurious if you like this video you should click on a video on the screen it's just as good see you there [Music]
Channel: King Luxury
Views: 833,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dlEHaOvEs7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 20 2022
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