The Most Expensive Yachts Owned by US' Billionaires

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fast cars fast planes and fast boats the holy trifecta of wealthy billionaires all around the world i mean are you even a billionaire if you can't travel to all seven continents without your feet touching the ground once suffice to say billionaires really love their yachts whether it's sailing it to exotic locations or throwing legendary parties on it they simply can't get by without a boat the size of a small mansion sometimes you just have to marvel at these massive freaking boats and ask yourself what are the most expensive yachts owned by u.s billionaires well let's find out number 5 sergey brin dragonfly 73 million dollars we're kicking off this list of progressively insane seafaring vehicles with potentially the prettiest boat on this whole list i mean just look at this thing and it's owned by none other than one of the two brains behind google turns out all that google ad money was going somewhere after all google co-founder and former president sergey brin reportedly owns this high-speed super yacht named dragonfly it's a 239-foot vessel that was hailed as the fastest and most fuel-efficient long-range cruising super yacht on the water and it looks the part too the dragonfly was built in australia by silver yachts and was put together by the combined efforts of espino new international who completed the naval architecture and daniello silvestron who designed the interiors that sounded pretty impressive didn't it well it's gotta they're charging you 73 million dollars for this boat after all she's powered by two mtu diesel engines giving her a top speed of 27 knots and a maximum cruising range of 4 500 nautical miles plenty impressive for a gal her size like any good yacht you can find a helipad on the front of this one it also features a dance floor and open air movie theater on board plus it can comfortably accommodate up to 18 guests with 16 crew members because why have a yacht if you can't party with your friends and family although posting parties isn't the only thing the dragonfly is good for the vessel was applauded for its contribution to the disaster relief effort in venatu after hurricane pam devastated the island in 2015 the crew reportedly moved 62 metric tons of fresh water ashore treated over 250 patients helped with medical evacuations and cleared numerous helicopter landing zones for ongoing support hold on i'm starting to think yachts aren't all just floating bars and helipads number 4. larry ellison musashi 160 million dollars next up we have the founder of software company oracle and avid yacht enthusiast larry ellison and his many yachts when you have a net worth of 122 billion dollars owning one super yacht is simply not enough is what i like to imagine larry ellison says at parties allison has owned several yachts over the years and they all have rather similar names like the beautiful 190 foot yacht ronin which was designed by norman foster there was also the 246-foot yacht katana now known as enigma which was built by master yacht building company blam and voss he also had the sublime 453-foot yacht rising sun and of course the 288-foot yacht musashi personally i think ellison needs to lay off the japanese anime a bit according to allison he sold the rising sun a frankly colossal ship and bought the comparatively smaller musashi so he could sail to every exotic location around the world stuff you simply can't do when your ship is too massive talk about first world problems am i right ellison's boat musashi is named after the 16th century samurai miyamoto musashi for some reason it's a 288-foot luxury yacht worth 160 million dollars and it's got plenty of space on board it can accommodate 18 guests and 23 crew members it was constructed by the dutch shipyard feed ship in collaboration with the naval architect devote and see no yacht design she is powered by four mtu diesel engines which bring her to an impressive top speed of 21 knots i don't know many samurai that can do that the musashi might not be the biggest yacht ellison has ever owned and don't worry we'll get to that beauty later what it is though is a yacht that's great for having a relaxing cruise across the seven seas with its earthy tones and strategic lighting to set the mood you might not want to sail on this boat with a partner let's just say you'll end up on shore with an extra passenger number three paul allen octopus 285 million dollars next up we have a yacht owned by the late billionaire and co-founder of microsoft paul allen and a pretty sick one at that it's a massive 414 foot eight decked mega yacht with a cruise speed of 12 and a half knots this baby can and will carry you 12 500 nautical miles in good time too hence its name probably unlike most billionaires paul allen didn't just party and go sailing on this thing he dedicated the octopus to several scientific initiatives when he was alive from rescue missions to exploring the deep blue he once loaned the octopus to the united kingdom's royal navy to retrieve a sunken relic from the second world war yeah now i'm gonna feel a little bit guilty the next time i fantasize about partying on a yacht the octopus is the kind of yacht that'll make you consider refunding that plane ticket who cares if maritime travel takes much longer if you're riding this thing it's worth it for one it's luxurious interiors were designed by award-winning super yacht designer jonathan quinn barnette the yacht also comes with 13 staterooms that can easily accommodate 26 passengers and 57 crew members plus you get access to plenty of amenities while on board this ship there are several bars and lounges a spa a gym and a theater to name a few whoever built this yacht must have placed a bet on how many features he could fit into this thing and won on top of having two helicopter pads on the main deck they managed to fit a basketball court a pool and a recording studio in this thing and just for good measure there's a 10 person submarine in this thing as well number 2 jeff bezos project y721 500 million dollars another billionaire with a passion for standing shirtless on a massive boat is jeff bezos when he's not partying on someone else's yacht he's partying on his own after all what better place to unwind than on the deck of a 500 million dollar yacht this isn't a rhetorical question by the way i dare you to tell me one of bezos alleged party boats is known as the flying fox the largest charter yacht in the entire world it has a length of 446 feet six majestic decks made of ornate wooden designs it has a cruise speed of 15 knots and can reach up to a top speed of 20. the yacht features open air bars a helipad pools and a spa simply put it's an incredibly fancy yacht there have been rumors that the flying fox was purchased by bezos after all you can't be the former richest person in the world and not own such a luxury machine well it turns out the rumors have since been refuted bezos doesn't own the flying fox frankly he doesn't even need it not when he already owns a pretty insane yacht nicknamed project y721 what we have here is a 417-foot long monstrosity it was purchased a couple of years ago by bezos for 500 million dollars and it's taken years to build this bad boy which is a little expected when you're building a yacht as decked out as this one so what sort of amenities would a yacht this expensive even come with you ask honestly it'll be easier to tell you what isn't featured on this thing but i'll try anyway don't say i don't do anything for you it of course features several decks it will boast three enormous masts and across its decks you can expect beautiful lounges snazzy bars and huge swimming pools you know the kind of stuff that'll make you not want to give up your sea legs the operating cost of this behemoth alone is about 60 million dollars a year which might be a pittance for a man worth 192 billion dollars but it gets even crazier this big old yacht also comes with another yacht that's right it's so big it uses another smaller yacht as a support vessel which is exactly the kind of rich person shenanigans that makes you wonder if life really is a simulation number one david geffen the rising sun 650 million dollars at the top of our list we have american billionaire philanthropist and yacht party enthusiast david geffen known for being the founder of asylum records and geffen records he's responsible for launching the careers of rock legends like guns n roses and aerosmith being a kingpin in the record industry and a co-founder of dreamworks skg geffen has found himself with a pretty significant net worth of 6.8 billion dollars a substantial amount of that he's happy to spend on his estimated 800 million dollars worth of luxury yachts the first and most expensive of his yachts is known as the rising sun it was designed by the late legendary john bannenberg and built by german master shipbuilding company lersen the company responsible for sheikh khalifa bin zayed al-nayan president of the united arab emirates and amir of abu dhabi's 650 million dollar yacht the rising sun is a whopping 453 foot super yacht making it one of the largest yachts in the world it was originally bought by other yacht party enthusiast larry ellison before geffen got his hands on it a few years later and oh boy has he made good use of it ever since the rising sun is routinely frequented by celebrities like oprah winfrey royalty like beatrice the princess of york and everything in between like jeff bezos and his girlfriend lauren sanchez remember when i said this yacht costs over half a billion dollars well here's a couple reasons why the rising sun offers 86 000 square feet of living space and 35 000 square feet of lavishly designed deck space it features luxury touches like jacuzzis bathrooms and countertops fashioned out of onyx a full gymnasium a sauna a spa and a basketball court trust me you haven't lived until you've bawled over the deep blue david geffen's other yacht might be smaller but it's anything but small it's called the polaris and it's 377 feet long they always say to get one and a spare after all in this case though this spare costs 200 million dollars number zero bill gates aqua 600 million dollars as a bonus we have one of the most popular and richest people around people know gates for being a lot of things a business magnet software developer and investor but not enough people know just how much this man loves to chill billionaire style gates allegedly used to work 80 to 120 hour weeks including weekends and you know what they say work hard play hard let's just say gates is pretty good at both so what sort of yacht would gates have well multiple media outlets have reported in the past the bill gates pledged well over 600 million dollars to build a 376 foot long hydrogen-powered super yacht a truly insane concept for a yacht that would change the very face of luxury boating it's designed to mitigate the harmful effect yachts typically have on the environment on top of being spacious and filled with amenities perfect for the billionaire who just loves the environment so much right nope turns out the media once again jumped the gun bill gates is simply not connected to the project at all it turns out despite his penchant for life at sea gates technically doesn't even own a yacht instead preferring to rent super yachts for example he rented a 333 million dollar super yacht to vacation on with his family the only seafaring vehicle gates does own is a comparatively smaller support vessel known as the wayfinder it was launched by stilleros armand in 2020 and serves to carry tenders and toys for whatever mega yacht gates we'll be cruising on don't let the term support vessel fool you though this isn't some third-rate dinghy this boat costs 25 million dollars it's big enough to hold a total of 32 people and it features a hangar for a helicopter tenders and a rescue boat i would live on this thing if they let me and since this is good old environmentally aware bill we're talking about you know he had to get the support vessel specifically designed to reduce its impact on the environment the wayfinder stores and cleans its waste water before discharging it into the ocean you know while it follows around a massive yacht many times its size so what do you think about these yachts too big or does size really not matter if you enjoyed this video you clearly care about how billionaires like to travel click the video on the screen and check out how the richest ceos love to travel see you there
Channel: King Luxury
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Id: ZWSdP8x8-_U
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Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 16 2022
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