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okay he's got the enemy here Jesus what is happening no way he's going to no way he came back though so hey look I'm a bit embarrassed to say this but I've been playing this game a lot and I have just now figured out you can trickshot damn near sup chaos here but I really want to try and master this new technique of juggling characters in game but all these clips that you've seen are from this guy named Menace so I reached out got into contact with him and today he'll be teaching me what it takes to do all this stuff in game and most importantly near the end how to make the finishing move spectacular okay let's see these Maneuvers here dude just even that's magic and then he flips him around bounces him it's like I I I just want to call this juggling you know what I mean but then he goes all the way over here and he's still floating which maybe I'm not um a Spider-Man pro at all cuz like I did not know if this was a thing D I don't know why but this is always just so satisfying to watch just the the Dodges behind the the back I just don't understand the hang time you know what I mean o okay see that's clever using the gadget to bring him back up her it's I know it's a her but I mean what more can you do here I feel like he's got a strategy oh bring him closer with the special oh my God across the map yo no wait where's he going but hey before I invite him to a call I'm going to like try this on my own because I can definitely pull this up D I can't even swing properly and it seems like every clip that I've seen so far he's been doing it on Hunter enemies so I don't know if if that's like a requirement or not we we'll be finding out from him but okay all I got to do is is leave one guy alive right two I can't even I can't even get I'm so bad at this game there's no way I'm going to be able to like get one I swear oh yeah now that explains a lot that that okay put that over here but I really want to try out a video like this just because it'd be like Pro teaches Noob which is me hi I'm Noob okay this is the last person all I got to do is just try this out we're going to yank pull them hit them upward do one of these okay keep them aoat one of those and then um what do I do from here it is harder that it looks no yeah that guy's definitely dead not going to lie I might just end up staying a noob the only thing I'll be struggling are the NPCs in this game I'm I was literally just looking over some of the clips that you got and I'm I don't know what the hell I'm doing it is like a little confusing at first yeah it's just getting used to the the combat I guess one main question though how do you keep the enemy alive just have the difficulty on Ultimate you know how like the add is suit Tech yeah for your damage just don't upgrade any of it wow okay probably like one more other thing is like in this game you could push enemies say to get in midair you just press X and you push them away from you yeah that's probably like another way to keep him alive too it's usually The Last Enemy alive right yeah oh yeah it's always The Last Enemy okay so this is your game play right this is the I don't even know how to pronounce this the triple gallanis combo oh yeah gin yeah you You Yank pull twice three times I Y pull like twice cuz it's like one two three oh wait a minute you webbed launched to this ledge over here but you also jumped wait what yeah it's like it's it's kind of it's like you're breaking the physics to the game yeah web Point launcher you just click Circle and it'll cancel out and you just do like a front flip okay another confusing part was this you use the special you hit him up but you jump off and you swing away that special keeps him afloat pretty much yeah that's like the galvaniz ability it's like prettying op cuz like you could keep spamming it and they won't die yeah cuz I was confused like I I thought just any sort of special would kill him by this point but I kind of learned this from like this community I'm into that this there's a whole bunch of you guys yeah it's like called the spider gang they they're the ones who figured it out this probably one of the most broken abilities in the game cuz the fact that you could keep them up in the air for like nearly 10 seconds and then you could spam that ability again like it's super op I think the coolest thing that I've seen so far is when you like do stuff like this you're like going across the map I feel like that's what kind of makes this combat a little better than the first game just cuz like you could go in way out of Bounce and it doesn't tell you like oh hey you're leaving Miss are you sure you want to abandon it do you pull off cool moves pretty much 100% of the time or do you like mess up sometime a lot of it it's like trying to plan stuff out in a way maybe I do a cool thing in the beginning and then I try to figure out like oh instead of just spamming maybe try to get them up a building or something like that okay so yeah there's definitely some thought behind it I'm I'm going to watch this last bit of it this slow-mo here where you pretty much go across the map so I see what you do you you cancel the the ground smash you swing across you you fly back oh yeah this was a little kind of new for me oh right here yeah I've never done this before oh I mean that's fuing sick cuz yeah you you Skydive down come back up with that charge and then the body just ragged off like say if you're trying to use your traversal abilities while in combat like the thing that sucks is that you have to like gain a certain distance if you see my abilities it changes to my traversal oh I see holy crap I didn't even notice that are you able to like share your screen and and just try some combos I could teach you like probably just like the basics for right now oh for sure yeah I'm just going to go to like a base wait could you see my camera or yeah I mean even just you killing these enemies the way you're killing them is way cleaner than what how I would do it to be honest yeah it's pretty much this base right here yeah cuz I noticed every time you you're doing some of the trick shots you're fighting Hunters usually right yeah instead of trying to fight all these dudes kill them all one by one or like you just disarm these dudes like the gunman and then I come over here at this corner so that they kind of like group up a little and then after that like I could just drag them outside oh I didn't even know you can yanking them that far what the heck I'm noticing the enemy isn't are they broken yeah oh my God that's perfect so important question would you prefer to do it with miles or Peter honestly I prefer Peter but miles I feel like he's the most broken one for sure yeah especially with the galvanized thing you said also people are doing this on the first game like trickshotting and stuff yeah like in the first game it was just a lot more different just cuz like you had a variety of gadgets the whole Gadget wheel I would feel like the wheel would mess you up no like if you get used to it not really just cuz say if you do click that wheel like time slows down so you kind of have like a lot of time to figure out which you want to do what you want to press yeah I can uh I can share my screen now okay so I'm going to go over here like you said I'm going to take some of the weapons away from them but you know how to take away the weapons right it's just triangle hold triangle right yeah you just hold triangle and then R R1 oh no I pressed okay I pressed no oh there we go there we go there we go like say when you take away their weapons too click Circle to cancel out oh okay nope wrong guy wrong guy give me the gun give me the can't okay okay no I don't want to kill him okay grab their weapon try to cancel it out by pressing CC yeah there we go okay so I just Jank him over here with triangle uhoh there we go oh perfect yeah they're broken yeah okay we got wait where she going let's not panic here let's not I got to think a little bit so A Yank pole is probably good to do like one of these and then Dodge under do one of these oh [ __ ] oops oh no but like to form that like the Dodge underneath or whatever just make sure you click circle like right after you click square if that makes sense cuz that's kind of how to trigger it oh yeah you see how even hit him yeah you can do that midair too I don't want to say I'm getting a hang of it or anything so I do one of these get closer oh uh the [ __ ] I broke his arms dude I'm going to do this cancel Dodge oh he's attacking back oh my god oh yeah I forgot the bladed dudes they could block attacks and they'll follow up okay so once I have him in midair for example how can I keep them afloat still say if they're already real high in the air you can just Spam a couple webs okay keep them up you know and then right after that what can I do after I spam the webs because I'm I got to that point it feels like yeah just watch just watch just watch pull them towards me do this web them web them web them do one of these like that oh oh he fell that was good okay okay like you said yeah it's like a lot of planning that's that is difficult yeah right there you already had him good like uh oh [ __ ] oh oh I canceled the swing for some reason like I'm pressing too fast this again up boom boom boom Oh okay going be up again oh no I've noticed there is like that weird time delay cuz like if he's struggling too much and then you hit him up again he dies wait is your damage uh upgraded or not oh yeah wow it's not anything too crazy but it it will like probably kill the enemy just a little bit faster yeah honestly this this is me after I hit a trick shot please caption this image and best caption gets pinned comment how did You Yank bounce them up this one is also kind of tricky to web yank up obviously you just hold triangle and then click both of the triggers oh I killed her okay what is going on she sinking yo the leg the flexibility wait triangle first and then the triggers or all at the same time uh yeah it's all at the same time okay triangle triggers do you have that skill unlocked or oh okay yeah that's another requirement right skills oh okay like yeah the the skill set is called directional yank okay yeah I I I know what yeah I know what it is I just never really I feel like tried it so if anything am I supposed to be moving the uh analog stick in the direction no you you don't have to do anything with analog honestly so it's like he just performed the the web yank so just hold triangle and then click both triggers the game is kind of weird oh [ __ ] oh no oh we lost lost her we lost a good one oh oh this one this is the one I don't have this one unlocked but I do now oh there we go wait this this is a devastating move my guy we just murdered this lady I mean normally it doesn't kill him right well it does do damage but it's like the thing I want to teach you is to cancel that out so oh gotcha gotcha I'm just going to make it real easy cuz I know it sounds like a lot of buttons I'm pressing pretty much what I do is I pull triangle I web yank them up I keep holding on both of the triggers I click X from there I let go of R2 that sounds like a lot yeah it it kind of is like that's why I'm like I don't know if I should teach you this yet just because it is a dead fance you know I mean honestly it's like you said this is difficult like how long do you say it takes someone to like pull this off if I'm doing something I haven't really done or it's just hard to me it'll probably take me like 3 or 4 days okay being real and when it comes to like some of the craziest clips that I've seen you do how long it take you to get to this point where you are now I have been playing for a minute you know like even my hours I have crazy hours on this game oh for sure I have 1,300 hours it's kind of [ __ ] insane yeah it's like yeah I practice a lot cuz like you know I was trying to make this my content trying to build my platform off this so it's like yeah have to go all in oh yeah I mean if anything everyone should just subscribe to you if they want to see the crazy trick shots because a noob like me would be like any other viewer who just don't know how to do this cuz I don't know how to do this dude I was there too you know I was there at one point oh trust me though like I I think I can learn it just might take me some time for sure we we want to maybe swap back over to you I'll go into your channel you point out like one of your craziest Clips which would you say is like the craziest one that you've got I think it' be like the Spider-Man doesn't kill and this is one of the ones I haven't watched yet either so let's check this out oh okay A little web arm cancel yeah abity cancel oh wait no I did see this one on Twitter this this is the one wait a minute yeah yo uh see look I at this point I would be panicking trying to figure out like what else I would like try and do cuz I'm I'm noticing here you're not using miles so he's currently falling and you're really really keeping in the float yeah yeah this is like the first one I saw I'm like what the how I'm actually surprised that [ __ ] kind of blew up on Twitter I was like what so prise I mean I don't know I haven't seen anything like you mentioned the spider gang I just didn't know there was a whole group of you guys yeah this that part was like how are you how did you go that far and then come back I got so lucky with that one and you know and when I first saw to in my head I'm just like okay so all I have to do is press triangle to kind of like launch myself back to the enemy which like sure but there's so much more that it takes yeah cuz I see people do that like they'll keep the enemy up just by pressing triangle like you could like web it towards the enemy like that does help but for me I just try to do like stuff that's kind of a little bit different that makes sense oh of course course what's uh you said there was another one yeah with this one like this was probably one of my first crazy combos I got honestly oh you're doing on the the symbiot enemy yeah like you see right here uh yeah this is like the symbiot city so I could like pretty much fight any Symbio I want anywhere I want yeah I mean just the arm grab is that was clean yanking and pulling yeah see I noticed that that one where you're like you pretty much Dodge and kick upward into their stomach yeah what the heck yo oh my God what the hell yeah that one took a [ __ ] minute too yeah cuz like it it looks timed it's it's like you you had to make sure you got the right timing down yeah even this move was clean cuz like I would think this would just kill him instantly but you canceled it right oh yeah this is dashboard yeah it's usually always to cancel you could just press Circle if you're not not close to the enemy but if you are close to the enemy like you could just press X cuz that'll like do a push off kind I was saying earlier like yeah it's not really a punch or anything like sometimes you'll see that I do that a lot I'll use my ability and I cancel it out just by pressing X it's not that like crazy or anything it reminds me of like the trick shot Call of Duty days like a lot there's always like a cancel animation and it seems to work I just didn't think it was possible in Spiderman if I were to hit like I don't know like K likes I will dedicate learning how to do these like trick shots in this game seeing those clips from you on Twitter kind of like inspired me I'm like it feels like the Cod days again I mean do you have a YouTube subscriber goal right now no honestly I'm just kind of kinding of see where it goes getting you to like a thousand Subs seems possible you know I hope so honestly cuz like kind how I said the community is small and like a lot of the people are trying to just somewhat expand it like if people just see a couple of my videos they going to see the combat going be like oh [ __ ] there's all this other stuff you could do yeah no I mean I appreciate it I'm I'm glad we got into a call and like dived into this of course appreciate you for calling me too like trying to get this video done yeah it means a lot all right my guy I appreciate it thanks so much for hopping in yeah dude no problem appreciate you too yeah for sure dude I have gotten knowledge I'll be learning how to juggle in Spider-Man 2 I I swear okay if this video gets 10K likes I would literally just dedicate my entire time to becoming a pro juggler not like some circus and I do want to know if any of you guys know how to do any of this let me know in the comments or just tag me on Twitter some of your Clips as well because remember again doing something like this is the goal that is insane [Music]
Channel: Whos‎ Chaos
Views: 26,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Marvel Spider Man 2 Expanded New York, Marvel Spider Man 2 Gameplay, Marvel Spider Man 2 Review, Marvel Spider Man is Hard, Spider Man 2 Black Suit Gameplay, Spider Man 2 Lizard Fight, Spider Man 2 Part, Spider Man 2 Ps5 Gameplay, Spider Man 2 Reaction, Spider Man 2 Trailer Reaction, ps5, spider man 2, spider man 2 ps5, spider man mods, spider man pc mods, spider-man 2, spider-man 2 gameplay, spiderman, spiderman 2, spiderman 2 suits, spiderman pc, whos chaos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 53sec (1013 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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