The most influential Tricks of Rodney Mullen

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this is how skateboarding looked in its early stages complete surfing just getting a good feel of pushing around but when this guy showed up he would change skateboarding forever probably the most important skater for the evolution of modern Street skating Rodney we're gonna have a look at no plan B at the house and run they built which shows the most important tricks he invented we're gonna have a look at most tricks in a chronological order to find out which trick was invented when and that is going to help us to understand Street skating as a whole quick side note on this ad there is not every trick that molden invented otherwise they probably needed to fill an entire magazine so whether you like it or not the origin of doing skateboard tricks lies in freestyle there was this one kid being quite good at it at a young age in 1979 will came up with Godzilla rail flips around 13 years old already invented his first trick that is pretty special at this young age to have the creativity and also the ability to invent tricks rapne just added a body varial into a rail flip and Tada new trick we're now down with 79 yet before the ollie kickflip and all that kind of stuff we got 540 shop it now this might come as a surprise that you always have been around before Ollie's but it also kind of makes sense because you don't have to use the pop technique very technical move especially if you consider the time it was invented side note on the ad it is not mentioned in which stand also foundationally backside version but this is from the 80s okay we're making it to the 80s with the helipop in all the backside 360 Just invented by the beginning of the decade yeah that's interesting this streak was invented just one year before the ollie so when we have a closer look at this shot from 1980 we can see there is a little bit of air time but he managed to do that without the nose popping the floor so I can only guess the mindset was following a Nolly 360 shove with the body these days it's more likely to see the trick pop though and in mullen's case we can also see he developed a good amount of pop on that trade over the years these days it's very common trick almost like kind of a basic trick but not to forget back then this was the creme de la crap I wouldn't ever seen anything like what he did now let's continue with another streak from 9080 one the gazelle the one with yourself is Nolly backside it's just my assumption that this was the original way like there is no speak of front side backside regular knowledge switch fakie we're just gonna add a shove it into the Holly pop and there we go today this is decent technical treat back then I don't know it must have looked like magic one of Rodney's simpler Innovations a completely revolutionized skateboarding was the flack around Ollie even on vert when Ollies were first invented Alan gelfin didn't really hit his tail he just kind of scooped it and so when we would try to mimic that on the street we would just do it without hitting our tail and barely get anywhere in 1981 the Holy Grail of skateboarding was invented the Fleck round Ollie yeah you just heard this was probably the most important trick ever invented because it allows us to jump with the board without using the hands now skaters were able to have on sidewall curves latches rails and all that kind of stuff this technique made it possible pop it and build up that leverage rare footage of Rodney alien it doubles it let's go deflect around the early invention led him to the next Miracle the kickflip 1982. now you might notice there has been some sort of kick flip around before combining this idea with finale it just seems obvious but keep in mind this was 40 years ago and coming up with the idea of using a kick to get that flip like back in the days this was called Magic Flip because Gators were just kind of unable to comprehend the magic that they saw skateboarding would lose like so much potential and possibilities without that trick it might also be the most famous tree do a kickflip yay you hear some footage of Mulan doing it over a picnic table yeah that's what I'm doing a switch heel he invented the trick by the way regular in 1982 same year I could not find a heel flip of him we got this triple heel instead flip trick Champion for sure we get this heel flip in front of a huge mountain they look awesome it's hard to imagine how difficult they must have been to invent these it seems logical from kickflip to heelflip and having the skills to do that another story still in the year 9 1982 what a great year for flip tricks we are getting blessed with this beauty The Impossible let's go the name origins from his friends who believed it was impossible to spin around the board vertically but within a few weeks he figured it out and what's crazy about that is that you're actually not using the ollie technique on that one it's more like a pressure scoop kind of thing so it was disinvention we also got another way to get air time I think Rodney also said it's one of his favorite tricks and yeah like he knew how to Impossible 89 already doing the trick of a bench come on okay here we go if possibly the most beautiful flip trick ever the Trey flip favorite trick of many skaters back then like taking the Magic Flip combining it with shavitz there must have been crazy if you skate you know learning the trick was tough but actually inventing it trying to do that not really be sure if it was possible that takes a lot of willpower and skill a little bit later on we got the 360 pressure flip couldn't find some footage of him doing that here we see a regular pressure flip of him on this one the board is actually not going flip Direction he's going heel flip direction that makes more spin like a 360 inward heal no ollipop needed it's all done with the pressure of the back foot that's why the name makes a lot of sense okay more basic flips the health cap kickflip 1983 from back to back with it after that crazy finger flip a basic flip trick that a lot of skaters don't like me included because it is difficult with this one we have a body rotation added into a flip for the first time that's crazy yo the full potential is getting unfolded slowly not a trick credited to him give one foot of Ollie I think of one saw a clip of him doing that she just couldn't find one for this video with this one some variety is added to the olive by lifting the front leg and extend it making the trickle look a lot different cool okay same here backside kickflip this might be a little hint for beginners to learn that trick that the fake version is easier to learn but yeah a well executed regular backside flip just always looks beautiful and of course it does feel good trust me now we have a little break for two years and we continue with the ollie nose bone yeah did you know Rodney has some crazy ollie now as well like I don't know if I can even jump that up this added a lot of spies to the trick made it super stylish yeah I'm not really good at that one watch out when you try the trick don't bone it too much you don't want to lose your future children now the next trick is also one originated in freestyle skating the Ali finger flip we'll figure out a way to pop the tree grab it on the nose and flip it mid-air I love doing finger flips they are so much fun Rodney must have preferred to do the trick finger heel flu away couldn't find the kickflippers so my finger flips right here would be kind of incorrect as a reference to the streak that he embedded intriguing we got the air walk after the finger flip in my opinion the coolest grab ever and it's funny it was invented I have to be finger food like I don't know does that make sense we got this footage of him doing it in a TV show first try combining the final form and the Airwolf it's a good example for the many tricks that are not on this list the invention of basic flip tricks continues with the front side heel flip pop shopping AKA burial heel flip in the year 1988. the trick that you can encounter a lot in his part this time we have a flip variation going behind the back how can you invent something like that it's so hard thinking of that and we should not be forgetting about what a beauty Primo now as we learned Rodney is the inventor of the trade flip with District we entered the 90s took seven years to do the trick in a more difficult stance you can find a switch tray of him where he'll be have it into switching out as many that might be the first ever done as well we can only guess same here we're gonna take that helipop from 11 years ago and we're gonna add a heel flip into it I've never done that before so I decided to make a little challenge for this video okay before we gonna have a look at the final trick of this video we're gonna do something we haven't done before I don't know why but I've never done a holly pop heal flute I remember trying it a few years ago that didn't go well in fact I had the worst Primo fall ever and we want to make up on that have Redemption yes [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] perfect but it's good enough for the first land I take what I can get and I'm gonna do two additional ones at least I try [Music] foreign [Music] okay from here the technical level just started to explode we get dark sides in the 90s that idea was taken from the Legend Mark Gonzalez Rodney figured out how to flip into the tree in this decade the amount of creativity and ability is getting insane along with that he came out with flip on the flip variations the regular version is one of the hardest streaks I've ever done if it wasn't for him to show it was possible I'd be claiming that this what you see right here is not doable it's a fake trick deep fake all animated yeah and of course he did multiple variations with that trick it just takes so much time to learn each one of them in 92 we get one of the craziest freestyle Street crossovers the Casper Slide it's so hard Casper slides have been one of the craziest battles I've ever thought but for him coming with that freestyle background he could like balance them like crazy and it's like that some of these variations will remain undone forever we are making it to the end with Primo's lights important to mention right here here to flip in park you gotta hold that balance and manage to log out like he also came up with so many different variations showing what is possible like each of these tricks should be on that list because I strongly doubt there has been another person Landing it before and last I want to mention a few more things we got the half Gap impossible which was one of his favorite tricks what a beauty he also invented multiple variations of that one on the list we also got 50 50s but we're actually not talking of a 50 50 grind I think that's how track stands are called In freestyle skating and of course the 360 cast were flipped always cool to see that one but also like really tough to learn yeah that was it the most influential streaks are running only invented honestly I've won their house gay party would look without him I hope you've been liking this video I spent a lot of time on it doing all the research and the editing and also some of the provided information is not 100 correct feel free to mention that in the comment section and correct me kindly asking you right here to become one of my patreons as a support to keep my channel going it's been rough lately with YouTube that's why I started to create exclusive content on my patreon and you can subscribe to that for like a dollar a month it's not much but it would really be helping me out thank you guys so much have a great day hopefully see you soon [Music] thank you
Channel: Jonny Giger
Views: 563,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jonny giger, primoslide, primo, casperslide, rodney mullen, darkslide 2022, globe opinion, almost round 3, daewon song, skateboarding, best of, skate, skateboard, skateboarder, full part, kickflip, heelflip, ollie, tre flip, how to, crazy tricks, flatground, manual, new footage, pro skater, tony hawk, semiflip, underflip, skate 3, anti casper, butter flip, andy anderson, extreme, street, nine club, dumb data, 360, new, batb, jamie griffin, anything on flatground counts, thrasher, truckstand
Id: 5W3wtukeaoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 17 2022
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