The MOST "Important" Videos on Youtube

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action what's up everybody welcome back to a brand new lush life video I'm half of your host Leon lush this is the other half mrs. Luss joint here as well by Josh the slithery if you could give us some New Year's confetti please fantastic Happy New Year everyone this is our first post since the turn of the century as the vagina turn of the decade this is how a new decade and I've brought for you a gift if at any point over the next 10 years this decade you ever feel small you take this and you grow big so welcome back everybody we're very happy to have you here it is the turn of a new year and we're back at it we took a week off for the holidays had some lovely R&R some time with family and it was wonderful but it's nice to be back here in the kitchen with all of you guys yeah you know what I'm saying it can be a little bit of a slave driver we did a video a few weeks ago month two months ago maybe where we looked at some vintage viral videos right which where I like did a little research and looked up some old popular viral videos from the 2000s and the early tens people seem to like that one and and I got a bunch of you know comments on that video of like stuff that we left out obviously there's a million videos you could look at and we didn't get to all of them but there's one thing in particular that was recommended called the important videos playlist now I didn't know what this was at the time but apparently it's a YouTube playlist created by a user that had just a ton of like over 300 little meme videos funny internet videos just by like some dude like making the playlist videos he likes and over the course of a few years for some reason it like caught YouTube's algorithm and started getting recommended in the sidebar everywhere and this playlist accumulated hundreds of millions of views and became like a little piece of Internet YouTube lore you want to see what the first one is actually it's it's perfect because no it's perfect because of a previous video there it is [Applause] [Music] she's just as impressed this time around anyways to add to the lore of this particular playlist in December of 2017 after this playlist had received almost a billion views I think it was 885 million at the time of the last snapshot that you can find online the playlist mysteriously vanished people talked like the user said it was private 'add but then the actual owner of the playlist came out and said I don't know what happened to it and I don't know the exact details but it got deleted and it was no longer to be found so this piece this 311 video playlist on YouTube that it becomes such as it's 311 videos it's a long time it's like an hour or two hours because there are very short videos typically we don't know exactly what happened to the original this guy came up with the information and recreated the entire playlist was able to compile all the videos again so thanks to him we still have an important videos playlist we're gonna go through some of the videos and I'm just curious to see if you finding them funny or if I do I think there's don't get your hopes up what are you gonna think it's funny though that does we'll see I think I also haven't ever looked through this playlist so I'm excited to see there's probably a bunch of stuff in here I've never seen that's pretty much on par with what these videos are gonna be like just like stupid memes that I'm probably going to think are hilarious cuz it's like it's a certain style of comedy right like this is what people on the internet think is funny just stupid things the hairdresser is dealing with a flashlight saying and it was a pretty bad video what the crap those big incredible analysis thank you so much mrs. lush for that really just okay that yeah that's thought-provoking reaching poignant analysis of that video I was like a low-budget local that's what you see on like network like PBS or something like a local I wonder if that particular ad because of how many music does actually created more traffic for that mall because of how bad it was so piston herself orange oh I just brush it off for you real quick look at the top right here [Music] [Laughter] is beside herself right now oh god that was actually that was really that I'd never see I didn't even feel them Oh [Music] who's the cat it's okay yeah nice nice front nice front we know how you feel about kids is it set a tiered you're right this one I know you're not gonna like he already knew what yeah I mean I'm reading it yeah okay good I'm out of the doghouse boys go protest welcome to my channel dude nailed it absolute from behind the 15-foot line three points swish you think you can sing shape of you and hit homeruns yeah I love this video though Oh [Applause] you don't feel that viscerally like I do when you see that oh that was well-executed but boy I think we got too sterile young man after that it's in copyright claim that was Phil from ShamWow remember that guy yeah you know he died right you mean that guy didn't die no you're right that's the that's the that's the Flexsteel guy I'm an idiot right mr. flex right let's see Phil from [ __ ] cellphone flex seal I'll take that [Music] I didn't feel came home from work and I just slapped you with a big plate of leftover spaghetti in sauce country that was not kimchi it was spaghetti say it in the title someone lost an eyebrow tell you that much helium is helium big night stop putting memes in media I remember this commercial that's that's exactly how I responded when I saw that commercial for the first time no but it's huge it's like it's a big thing in the last couple years has been social media accounts for like fast food restaurants trying to be relatable and funny in some time like Wendy's has been you know the savage so they'll like call people out and like make jokes and like bully people and it like it's retweets people think it's funny so it's like raising brand awareness some of the some of the fast food chains pull it off Wendy's has some pretty funny ones but like nine out of ten are it's just like cringy cuz it looks like they're trying too hard yeah take 16 action oh that was literally less than two seconds and probably one of the funniest ones over hello Jesus people they got dough what wait do we have a cute cat moment for you ute that cat was cute you can say it it's okay you're not gonna light on fire yeah I am it is important to me to carry myself in a manner where people are going to say you know what he knows what he's doing [Music] this goes right into the dikko nyan clearly he does on a scale of zero to ten how bad do you want to smash that guy like with a hammer don't get it twisted all right like no okay yeah geez I can't believe you weren't thinking though oh oh come on I would never how dare you make that assumption come on [Music] stop it this is my outside oh that's really impressive you gotta love it just a couple of frat boys with 300 empty beer bottles around the fraternity no obvious obviously not they're probably like mechanical engineering majors at college that had like a party with four of their close friends and each had two beers and we're like this is gross do you want to instead just make like a huge well I don't even remember the name of the song or what you'd call that but you know what the song is yeah you said it oh oh flight of the bumblebee yeah hunts for this my name's Scott Bradford I'm 19 I'm gonna be 20 like December I just I know right now that there's no way you're gonna enjoy a Microsoft Windows me nope but let's watch it just to find out 19 seconds the stage dude that dude you know yet it understood on to obviously add to it that was awesome that I can relate to that because I have way too many sweat glands like my whole body is just a big sweat gland fortunately right now I haven't done anything strenuous like breathe heavy or get out of the chair more than once in 45 minutes so not I'm only sweating in the normal places but if I have to like brush my teeth peel an orange put socks on yeah well I don't yeah what did I ask you thank you for putting lettuce back in like the happy baby position trying to get I had to literally I had to lie on a bed on my back and bring my foot up to me just to reach me at my sock and now thank you for giving you disclaimer I had thrown my back out doing trap bar deadlifts a few days prior so it's not slash taking a shower yeah I also threw my neck out a few days later showering it's tough getting old in your thirties I'll tell you inside your house a bear just cruises oh no the best part is the dude like the Bears is equally as scared as the dude hun this is number 69 in the players I think what we're gonna do is we're gonna watch this one we're gonna stop here I just kind of want to plow through this and this still gives a couple weeks down the road we can do it again till we event so you through it I can't wait there's no more you stone yeah well that's how we end it Placid no see this that's it okay hates cats loves kids we get terrified yeah I'll tell you I know obviously it's funny but the poor kid that that was kind of like man when Jackson was running down the hall and the dog came around yeah so girly and loud yeah that was kind of like a little bit of a you know it's a month to at Jackson screamed she sounded like a tiny little baby girl I think I mean I think that's gonna do it probably that's yeah we've only got through about 220 a quarter the way through this playlist so there's a lot of videos the honestly that was more successful I thought it was gonna be you had a couple good ones out of you let's see we were like fought we were like seven for 70 like 10% take it that's not bad for someone that has a hurt yeah yeah a heart made out of granite thank you all so much for joining us I hope you're enjoying your new year so far or are only a few days in and I already World War three is around the corner so off to a good start this decade what you said you while you had something you wanted to say I don't have a oh that's right I just put you on the spot like I always like to do we appreciate you will see in the next video there you go bye bye
Channel: Lush Life
Views: 242,426
Rating: 4.9667435 out of 5
Keywords: leon, lush, vlog, family, fatherhood, comedy, funny, reaction, important videos, playlist, important videos playlist, important videos reation
Id: HeN2N-kDve8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 05 2020
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