The Most Important Scene In The Founder

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hello I'm Ryan polrees I'm the founder and CEO of money act and I started this company to share with people about money how the money system works uh through the lens of movies I'm a former producer and executive at a few visual effects and Animation Studios and a little bit in gaming as well and this particular scene I wanted to bring up is the most important scene in the movie the founder which stars Michael Keaton as Ray Kroc who is the founder of McDonald's and just to set this scene up we've got a lawyer who is contacted Ray to say what is it about your business that brings in money and so Ray invites him back to his office to show him the books and this is where this scene opens up but again the point of this is to highlight something very important that you can use in your personal life or business life so to summarize do you have a minuscule Revenue stream no cash reserves and an albatross of a contract that requires you to go through a slow approval process to enact changes if they're approved at all which they never are am I missing anything I'm about sums it up so basically at this point in the movie Ray has built up an Empire of these two people who their last name is McDonald they started a burger business with this incredible system of creating Burgers super fast never been done before like this and he saw something amazing and worked with these guys to franchise them out but the bigger he got the smaller the revenue and ultimately his his business is bleeding and that's what this lawyer is highlighting okay about the land the land the land the buildings how that whole aspect of it works wow pretty simple really franchisee finds a piece of land he likes and gets at least usually 20 years and it takes hard construction loan throws up the building and off he goes so the operator selects the site yeah he picks the property right you provide the training the system the operational know-how and he is responsible for the rest is there a problem a big one you don't seem to realize what business you're in you're not in the burger business you're in the real estate business you don't build an Empire off of 1.4 percent cut of a 15 cent hamburger so this is a super important lesson to understand where the money actually is in a business and to this point yeah you're not going to make a whole lot of money off of a small fraction of a percent of a 15 burger at the time and so what is it that that generates that income you build it by owning the land upon which that burger is cooked what you ought to be doing is buying up plots of land then turning around and leasing said plots to franchisees Who as a condition of their deal should be permitted to lease from you and you alone this will provide you with two things one a steady upfront Revenue stream money flows in before the first stake is in the ground two greater capital for expansion which in turn fuels further land acquisition which in turn feels further expansion and so on and so on and this is what Robert Kiyosaki talks about in his book Rich Dad Poor Dad that you have to see what others don't see and that's how really great business people somebody like Elon Musk always sees what others don't see and they're the ones that can bring value to people value to the business and the shareholders land McDonald's that's where the money is largest real estate owner in the world control over the franchisee fail to uphold quality standards you canceled their lease control over dick and mac and so those two points in the movie control over the operators he was having a really hard time maintaining a the same type of business across all the franchises somewhere going I'm going to make chicken at this restaurant and or fried chicken or tacos or whatever whatever it was and he didn't have control over even how the burgers were made and uh so he's now gets that part by owning the land as well as the founders of the company the McDonald's and now he has control over them to essentially take over the company result you'll have the banks and the franchisees in the palm of your hand if I were to do this uh the brothers they uh effectively would be yes so what do you say Ray so obviously they go on to make the largest franchise restaurant in world history anyway I hope you enjoyed this again this is a new type of video I'm doing is a little commentary on a scene that is important in the money world and I hope you got something out of this please let me know in the comments below if this added value to you and please subscribe I've got a lot of other things going on on the YouTube channel some skits that I do as well podcasts so please subscribe and you'll get access to all of that the second they're released thank you so much and you can access my website in the description below as well at money Dash thank you [Music]
Channel: Money-Act
Views: 20,668
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: breaking bad money scene, founder mcdonald's scene, founder movie, founder scene, money scene, the founder, the founder mcdonald's scene, the founder movie, the founder scene
Id: zjONnC2gUrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 40sec (400 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 07 2023
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