The MOST Important Musical Skill

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hi everybody I'm rapido the idea for this video is something I've been thinking about for the past two days it came from a car ride that I had with my family and I'm gonna tell the story with Dylan right now everybody I'm Rick this is my son Dylan so we're driving around the other day in the car and my daughter Leila who's five I said hey lately remember that song and I couldn't remember the name of it about the Lion King so I said Villa what is that song and then Dylan you sang it don't sing it so I said does it just pop into your head what notes they are well doesn't really pop into my head it's like it's on a book on a bookshelf and I bought the book and I just open it and start reading it's like I have a script basically or a tape like I have a tape recorder what's up Leila come on down okay so Leila is here right now or she's about to be here so then I thought okay well Dylan sing sing Star Wars [Music] saying the Superman okay sing let's say iDEN song deep what about baby shark hold on Layla come here come over here we're making a video you sing baby shark [Music] okay when you think of that Layla what do you thinking of when I ask you to sing it does the song just pop in your head this ability to Oddie eight or hear in your mind's ear to hear buh buh buh buh buh buh that's all things you are or babba giant steps or dad that uh Stella by starlight you'll notice that there's a split second from when I think of the song to when the sound comes out when I start to sing it because it takes me a second and what I'm doing in that second is I'm imagining those recordings that I've listened to a thousand times I'm imagining what they sound like and I'm going with my first instinct what you need to do is take what your inner ear is telling you and translate it the easiest way to do it is through your voice now many times that sound is very quiet or doesn't exist at all but through repetition of listening to things and focusing on it you can focus that energy into hearing these sounds if sometimes it you would think of a song or I'll think of a song buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh bah bah bah dah dah dah that's my romance I couldn't think of the beginning part [Music] I thought okay I can hear the second phrase but I can't hear the first phrase so I'm gonna sing it until my ear catches up and I can grab the first part of the phrase it's in b-flat major that's all I learned it but my ear couldn't grab on to the beginning part of it I'll give you another example when my son Dylan was three years old we drive around in the car and I remember specifically saying to him we'd listen to things listen to music and every time that we'd get in the car and go somewhere I'd say Dylan I want you to imagine I want you to sing the beginning of the Brandenburg Concerto number three he said what do you mean he's a three year old kid I said think of what it sounds like in your head and just sing what your first impression of the melody is and he would think so I just did what I told Dylan to do now when he first did it I didn't realize that he was actually singing the correct notes it didn't occur to me like I said I don't have perfect pitch I'm not using relative pitch to connect these two things like my romance in this I'm not thinking about that as I'm filming this I'm just hearing and translating what my first instinct is for what these melodies sound like it takes really focused listening and practice to be able to hear and translate anyone can really do this anyone can sing their favorite songs they may not be in the right key but they can sing the right intervals without thinking of the intervals this does not involve relative pitch or perfect pitch it simply involves your imagination and being able to take a quiet sound and make it loud make it loud enough to be able to just sing it out instantly that's all for now please subscribe here to my everything music YouTube channel if you're interested in the Beato book go to my website at and if you want to support the chan become a member of the Beato club thanks for watching
Channel: Rick Beato
Views: 513,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rick beato, everthing music, ear training, music theory, rick beato perfect pitch, ear training intervals, perfect Pitch, absolute pitch, audiation the foundation of music, musicianship, Improvisation, Sight Singing, How To Develop Perfect Pitch, how to develop relative pitch, musical composition, musical composition tutorial, relative pitch ear training, how to, world's greatest ear, Musical Memory, Inner Hearing, perfect pitch training, relative pitch training
Id: 6fSsO7-4lLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 35sec (335 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 24 2018
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