Hinduism Explained Logically

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nice chanting in the end

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Accomplished_Sell581 📅︎︎ Feb 18 2023 🗫︎ replies
[Music] all right namaste this is a typical greeting you will find in India or amongst Hindus which is quite interesting it you have heard about namaste you know the meaning who knows the meaning this is Salam alaykum but but pretty close namaste means honor to you respect to you in Hinduism it is that you will not find something like this is the Hinduism like maybe in Christianity you have also many different traditions you have Catholic Church you have Protestant Church and so many other things G over witnesses and the Mormons and God who knows so in Hinduism it is even more widespread I have even met atheistic Hindus there are Hindus they believe only in the light we are all light and then I asked them so where is God and they say everywhere so for me that is kind of atheism because theism means there is a God but we can discuss this later so one thing what is very important to know is that the that Hinduism is a very old religion and just to give you one idea in India you have very big rivers one river you might know is the river Ganges maybe you have seen some documentary so there there is also another river mentioning in the old scriptures of Hinduism and that river is called Saraswathi the problem was when the Europeans came to India let's say 200 years ago 100 years ago they couldn't find that river sarasvati it was just mentioned in the scriptures so they thought this is just some mythology some you know fairytale river it was described as very huge river like the Mississippi may be very broad but they couldn't find it so they thought this is all fairy tale then a couple of years ago they made some geological photographs from India and they recognized a huge riverbed on the west side and they found out that this is actually the river so then they try to understand how long ago this river was dried up and there are some where some say maybe ten thousand years ago maybe even some say even longer so by this you can get an idea how all these scriptures are speaking of a river that has dried up ten thousand years ago or even longer so those scriptures are called the Vedas or the Vedic scriptures interestingly this is Sanskrit Veda is Sanskrit and Sanskrit is an old language some linguists those are the scientists of languages they claim that Sanskrit is the mother of all languages and so it is a very old language and the amazing thing is that most of European languages have some tight connection with Sanskrit however this old language is far more complicated or let's say we find even than Latin and old Greek so it is a very sophisticated language and that is also a problem because our understanding of history is that let's say ten thousand years ago people were more primitive and now we are more advanced yeah but you see you have know a language that is five thousand ten thousand years old or even older and it's a small refined just to give you an idea we in in German we have one word for love liebe so but we understand there are different kinds of love for instance the love between a child and a mother is different than the love between husband and wife just to give you an example so we have to explain the quality of the love with some additional sentences so that everyone gets the point in sanskrit you have more than twenty different words for love and just by hearing that one word you understand which kind of love so so this is just to give you an idea so as i said this is a problem for our historic worldview the vedic scriptures there are many different scriptures in hinduism and also one interesting thing is that the idea of hinduism is that everyone is picked up where he or she stands according to our consciousness there there are scriptures in hinduism lifting the person up so but as we know each of us we all have different levels of consciousness some people if you do not mind they are more grass and other people are more subtle they can understand subtle things very easily there are other persons you might know you have in your circles you have persons you consider them more grass more raff they cannot see the fine nuances and if you look in your circles of friends or relatives you see people they are more they see the finer notes so the Vedic scriptures they have scriptures for people who are more gross and scriptures for people who are more elevated the Hindus the people who call themselves Hindu they have more or less one thing in common they recognize that the origin of their religion called Hinduism are the Vedas and there's one very important book we have here a poster featuring this book it is the bhagavad-gita maybe you have heard about the bhagavad-gita this is the most recognized and popular books of Hinduism so this story it was spoken on a battlefield 5000 years ago and you see on this poster you see Krishna and Arjuna and in India every every child knows the story of Krishna and Arjuna is in Europe everyone knows the story of Jesus Christ how he was born he was high hided away from the king quite similar story so the bhagavad-gita is the most important book and if you quote something something from the bhagavad-gita in Hinduism then often the discussion is over if you quote the exact right verse from this book then people will agree most of the time so we thought that we give you a shot or yes a short idea about the most important teachings of the bhagavad-gita which you all might have heard of one is reincarnation who has not heard about reincarnation and the other topic very tightly connected is karma yes so both both topics I explained in bhagavad-gita before we go into this our idea was that because this is also a part of hinduist ik tradition we want to uplift the atmosphere a little bit by what we call mantra meditation so you have heard about mantra who has not who is not sure 100% sure what mantra means please don't be shy so mantra just to explain it very shortly is also a Sanskrit word so this word is derived from actually from two words the first one is Manas and the second one is triadic so as I said the Sanskrit language is connected to European language Manas means the mind so you can get a vac vac idea Manas is the mind and try ot is that delivers or frees the mind from bad or destructive or degrading thoughts so our mind I can see in your faces our mind is always active we are always thinking something with the sky telling us about Hinduism or why why she has a blue jacket today our mind is always active isn't it and sometimes our mind can make us crazy who of you has experienced that sometimes our mind is making us crazy so mantra is some resid recitation if that is correct English of some powerful sound that when we repeat it and we absorb absorbing it we become freed from degrading thoughts and become very uplifted so we brought one very powerful mantra to you and that is ohm namo bhagavate a Vasu Vasu Deva is another name in Indian Sanskrit in this Vedic scriptures it is there's one scripture called the vishnu sastra nama the thousand names of Vishnu or God so in Hinduism or in in the Vedas you have thousand names of God because God has so many qualities like the name Krishna is the most attractive or Vishnu is another name of God in sanskrit is the oil pervading and then there's anti yami or Paramatma the lord and everyone's heart also very interesting we will come to that later the vedas speak about that god is in everyone's heart not only human beings but also animals and also even plants and trees insects every everywhere where there is life god is also in the hard so she Fatma Prabhu has brought his symbols and if you like it is totally free and we will not charge you anything for participating you can join us the system is chief Atma will call the mantra and we can respond and then there is some exchange and yeah maybe you you will feel the magic to me [Music] [Music] [Music] so the topic we want to discuss a little bit is the topic of reincarnation so this is a very interesting topic in the bhagavad-gita reincarnation the idea of the bhagavad-gita is that we are all eternal spiritual souls living in a temporary physical or material body when the soul other other way when our body is falling apart like imagine you have a car you're driving I don't know 10 years 15 years 20 years and you have to do more and more repair reparations and at one point at one point it becomes ridiculous the car is just too old it is and in Germany especially you have all these these complicated laws you cannot drive this car without this more with this gas I don't know diesel so at one point it becomes ridiculous you have to buy yourself a new car so in the same way at one point this body now most of us we are young but be assured in 30 40 50 years or so you will get the point our bodies become more and more often sick and maybe some disease and we become weaker as you can see in this picture I guess you are somewhere in this stage now so the body gets older and weaker and at one point the body dies but the spiritual soul travels to the next body I have a nice picture for you one second so here you see the spiritual soul hi it travels from one body to the next so often we think that our body is just stretching but it is not so the bhagavad-gita and I will I will read one very famous verse for you it is the verse 13 in the second chapter please listen carefully and after the class I will ask you if you still can recognize this verse okay in sanskrit it goes like dehino smin yatha dehe kaumaram Yavin injera Tatari hunter Aurra appear dhiras tatra na muhyati as the embodied soul continuously passes in this body from boyhood to youth to old age the soul similarly passes into another body at the time of death a sober person is not bewildered by such a change so what krishna the speaker of the bhagavad-gita is saying here our modern medical science has investigated a couple of decades before namely that our body consists of I don't know millions or even billions of cells so the system is that one cell is dying and is replaced by another fresh one you you know that you have heard about this every cell our body consists of billions of cell I think just in the in the brain are millions of cells each of them will die and will be replaced by a fresh one and modern science has found out that after more or less 10 years our entire body is completely new all the cells are replaced by new ones so 10 years before there is no cell left that you have now you get the point so let's I don't know you are 16 17 18 years old let's say after 8 or 9 years all your cells have become replaced that means each of you has traveled through two entire bodies that's a fact it's not a made-up story it is confirmed by modern science and so the question is when I asked you were you the same person 10 years ago I try to remember some names Lavanya what have you been the same person ten years ago you had some other ideas yes another understanding or some other taste maybe you like now other music than 10 years ago right but you the self has not changed it is still the same you you might have other ideas but still you can remember 10 years ago so that is what krishna says here in the bhagavad-gita the self or the soul or the ACMA travels through these bodies and at the time of death it is just we are just the soul just goes out we are the soul and we are going to another body and who knows what is the what is the reason which body we will get yes ether Karma another idea okay yes very I have a very educated group here yes the bhagavad-gita says that karma is the what it is called the the crucial point in which next body we will what next body we will get now so any one of you can explain and two three sentences what is the idea of karma [Music] Puritans at the end of life here and reincarnate this yeah yes that is that is true to explain it that was very good but we to explain it more precisely is karma the exact translation of that word is action and reaction so we also have this in in the physics you have in your physic causes there is this law of action and reaction for instance if i push this alarm clock with some certain force it will fall 30 centimeters if I use small force it will fly 3 meters so you can calculate everything according to the action you will get a respective reaction so this is all on the physical level we can make our calculations but how about our moral behavior you have thought about this in your life also our moral behavior will create reactions if you to give you one example suppose there is a murder in the court yes and he has killed someone with her gun so the the judge will ask him so why do you have killed this poor lady and he was said well I pushed that I don't know what the name is I pushed that that little thing and trader trigger trigger yeah trigger I pushed or proved this trigger and then some you know some bullet came out and then that this thing happened so I I'm not guilty I just thought that trigger yeah so still the judge will say no that is not what what the question is we don't our interest is not how you how you did it more is the question why you did it so maybe in in on the battlefield sometimes we shoot someone and we got a get a gold medal for it for for for being very brave in the war the same action can bring us to prison life long or even we get hanged in some countries so you see the the moral intention is also in our daily life is full of meaning the same goes in regards of reincarnation that means if you live alive where you give pleasure and happiness to others yeah then the result will be in your next life you can have a nice birth maybe in Lithuania or in Czech Republic and not maybe in in a very horrible place or you you will get a very healthy beautiful body or you become very intelligent but if if you to harm to other creatures human beings the Vedas even speak of animals and nature in general then in our next life we will suffer the reactions so we will experience the same suffering we have created to other living beings so this is also I think quite interesting in regard of environnement and this is the word I will not in this lifetime I will not learn probably and Ryan mental and wire okay so I think most people they are not aware of this law of karma and they think they can do with other human beings but also with animals or with nature they can do whatever they like and nothing will happen do you agree that many people think like that so there is no awareness that we have to take responsibility so sometimes I don't know who who of you is going to those to those Fridays for future gatherings some sometimes I I was there once so I want to present you a little provoking thought you see those teenagers they are accusing the diets you have left this poisoned word for us yeah we have to take over the mess you have left because you were so irresponsible now we our our fate is now we have to deal with all this and why ruin mental problem so my provoking thought is if there is reincarnation for instance I was born in in the year 1972 in Hamburg this is a North Germany and we have a beautiful river there river Elbe and I was not allowed when I was a child I was not allowed to swim in the in that river and I was so frustrated and my parents told me no the river is so poisoned there is so much toxic poison in that river you should not bath take a bath there now it has become better but I was very upset but now today I think maybe in my last life I did something against mother nature that I was not allowed to swim in that beautiful river in my childhood what do you think about this thought maybe a little bit provoking so my thought sometimes this who knows who knows what you have done in what you ask the soul what you have done in your last life to take birth in the year I don't know 2010 or 2001 I don't know what is your your year of birth 2002 3 or in my case in my case 1972 if I was born in 2003 like you I could happily swim in the river ever but no I was born 30 years before and so you get my point that is my question sometimes because no one of us according to the law of karma is getting reactions that we don't do not deserve so that should not be a reason for excuses that we don't try to change the problem of course we have to do that however we cannot fade this out according to the Vedic understanding of the Bhagavad Gita yes I think we can make a cut here and our idea is that you might have some questions we can discuss maybe something burning in your heart I mean how how many times one has to take birth okay very interesting question mm-hmm yes this is also discussed in in the bhagavad-gita I will read one verse for you this is in the eighth chapter verse number five and six two verses actually an tackle eh imam eva smaran Mukhtiar kalevaram yah prayati sa mad-bhavam yati nasty atra samsayah ha and whoever at the end of his or her life or the soul soul is not necessarily male or female and whoever at the end of his life here's the general male and gender quits his body remembering me or god alone at once attains my nature of this there is no doubt and the second one is whatever state of being one remembers when he quits his body o son of kunti is another name of Arjuna that state he will attain without fail so another in other words our consciousness at the time of death determines where we where we will go and when our consciousness is totally absorbed in God consciousness then we can go to the place where Goddess and Krishna promises if you go to that place you will not take birth again here in this material world you will get your original spiritual body that is such cheat ananda that is full of knowledge or wisdom full of bliss and happiness and full of eternity it will never die it never will get o it or diseased so our consciousness at the time of death determines our next destination so you might think oh that's very easy I we can do anything and everything during our lives think about everything and anything and that then at the time of death I will think of nice flowers or of God or I don't know and then I will go there is this is this the system what the procedure will it will this work it's like I don't know you is it called exam a beat or exam final exams I think in a in a few months or years you will head for the final exams and your secondary school isn't it so in in one in one sense the final exam is a it's a it's a complete packet package of all what you have learned I don't know 12 in 12 years so if you failed or if you missed very crucial or important lessons let's say in your fifth school class and another one in the seventh and in the ninth then at the at the time of your final exam it can happen that you are failing the whole thing because you you were not that serious so in the same way the time the time of death is like our final exam and many people who have so-called near-death experiences they were clinical death but they came back and some of them or many actually many at this document documented they tell that their whole life was rushing in a few seconds or in a very short time the whole life was rushing by they could see their whole life when they were child and very crucial experiences so and that together created that consciousness at the time of death yeah it's like like if you failing the test you have to come back and try again which is in some sense it's fair maybe that is something that distinguishes Hinduism from other religions in other religions there are often you know two options after death you go down it for eternal eternal into hell or you go eternally to heaven no the bhagavad-gita says you just have to take the reactions for your for your behavior now I I personally for me that is way more comfortable and also very more logical I can see this in in my daily life this principle so why not beyond [Music] anything else [Music] human beings from where where they are created yes okay yes the Vedas say that God has created the material world and it is not in India or in Hinduism you have what we call it is monotheism there is one God supreme god but below the supreme god there are so called demigods like you have it in in the old Greece and in in Rome and also in in the Germanic religions and I think in Slovak and Lithuania you have all this idea that there is a God for the weather and there there is a God for the for the for the rain and so you have this in Hinduism but there is one supreme one and interestingly the the word deals this is Latin or do this means God comes from Sanskrit Deva so often v is turned into a you so Deva means God there's a Sanskrit a name for Krishna or Vishnu is Deva Deva so with some logic who can who of you can tell me what us what this means yes yes and another word is Maheshwara maja maybe you have heard Mahatma Gandhi Maha means big or great great the Latin word Magna comes from Maha and then we have Ishwara Ishwara means the Lord so God is called Maheshwara who can explain what this word means great lord some one of you has an idea Ishwara means the Lord and Mohammed's the Great Lord so in some sense we are all to some degrees we ask a lot or what is the female version lady I don't know we have some power we came here to marry in Thai we can make some decisions what we want to wear or who should be our friends and who not we have some control we all have some issue our capacity and God is called Maheshwara the greatest of all the lords so coming back to your question is that God has not according to Hinduism God has not created the word alone but he has he has ordered many demigods to create the world different departments so it took a long time and at one point the human beings were also came into existence we could have a one week seminar about this topic I have one question we have we have spiritual practitioners like I think we we can call us spiritual practitioners we practice a religion then we have then we have persons they like religion but don't practice it then we have people who are agnostic do you know what an agnostic is it is a person who is not sure if he believes in God or not he has not made his decision then we have an atheist who I make two [Music] differentiations there is for the atheist and then there is the anti theist I think we should differentiate between an atheist and an anti theist I myself sometimes miss Atman aversion as I stay version of English buscemi I find thank you my I find myself sometimes in a situation where I recognize I I behave like an atheist I have totally forgotten that there is God some sometimes we miss the train yesterday and I was just oh the Train the Train and I was just checking out all the the tables and at one point I thought maybe there's God he can help you so I find myself in that situation where I became atheistic I forgot God then we have the anti theist he he he or she does not just for God for God sometimes anti theist they think the whole day and night about God but in a in a inimical attitude you get my point so you don't have to answer that question but maybe you we can all ask ourselves to what kind of group we belong and even in between there are some their space okay so my b4 we start with our mantra meditation who can remember that first verse I have directly quoted from bhagavad-gita this picture might help you give it a try if you can do it word-for-word okay we agree yeah okay yeah thank you so these are all were names of God we have three names hurry this is the vocative in sanskrit there are many like in German nominative accusative yeah so in sanskrit we have eight cases can you can you believe that yes I have heard that polish is a very sophisticated language very difficult so in Sanskrit we have even eight cases when we when we address a female often the a turns into an e so this is derived from Hara and interestingly in Hinduism where in the Vedic scriptures God is not only masculine it has also a feminine feature so like you see in this word there's an attraction and eternal attraction between the male and the female isn't it since time immemorial we listen to those pop songs she loves you yeah and other were so many novels so this male and female story is coming from the absolute spiritual word so there's also an eternal love story sohara is the female part Krishna's is a name of God the all-attractive and Rama are so very interesting the translation is the source of all happiness so in God we have the source of everything that makes us happy [Music] see Fatma makes a very interesting point that in our tradition we believe that we cannot come to God without addressing the female part of God and get her mercy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] was attempted and shaken was fallenness users austenite salient what if you could follow we we just we just have been to India three weeks ago we came back and there was a gathering there were thousands of devotees we call themselves ourselves devotees from all different countries and we played or we sang the song and we danced and that is that is also explained in the Vedic scriptures that for our age we are living in a very problematic age we call it the Kali Yuga the most powerful way to have happy thoughts being kind to others and to connect with God is by by gathering together and sing the names of God it not it does not have to be a Hindu name we are not you know we are not those people who say this is the only religion and everything else's is demoniac and from the Satan no we are not those persons we say there are so many ways to God he has so many names why should we fight let's take this nice beautiful place Marin tile some of us we came with the car some of us we came with the train and some of you came with with the aeroplane later tuned back working with the sales boat so we can take the way we like maybe we want to come very fast here we take the plane but maybe we want to see the nature we can go with the bicycle so in the same way we can approach God in many ways or address them and with many names so that is our final message this whole presentation is not to you know make an advertisement join our religion give up your religion that is from the Satan this is so foolish know our final message is if you like your religion if you feel some you know inspiration stick to your religion sing the names of God and whatever language and whatever name you have for him and this will bring your consciousness to the highest level thank you [Applause] [Music] no we also in the Vedas also helps actually described we can go there the difference is that hell and Hinduism is not eternal that means if you really if you really did hellish things I know there are people torturing you you stay there until your bad karma is burnt up and then you come back again here to earth and then you have another chance so but there is not that idea that you have to burn in hell forever that is just you know from the you have children yes imagine you are tried did something wrong and you punish sometimes you have to punish your child so that some important lesson will take place some understanding which parent will punish the child forever what chance is there for a child to understand the message and and then okay I have understood I should change my behavior or my attitude but when you punish a child forever then the child will never get the chance to learn something by this [Music]
Channel: Krishna in West Germany
Views: 819,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hinduism, Veda, Krishna, Prabhupada, Bhagavad-gita, Mantra, meditation, Bhakti, Yoga, Phillip Trier Rabe, Paramshreya Dasa, Krishna West, Shivatma dasa
Id: IlBytzpLiu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 59sec (4139 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 29 2019
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