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you know when I was younger I always wanted there should be a Pro Gamer I think I am at that point now I have only a few days to look for a team and sign up there's also things like people compare me with others people saying how is it fit to be in igl being saying like I'm not a good Pro Player just pretty much doubting me everywhere I went you know people were constantly saying something about me like I'm too scared to do this or like what happens if you know this happens like [ __ ] that you know I mean like I think I'm just gonna really just go for it you know at least I know like myself I try to attempt it you know I mean like I try to go for it you know rather than being too scared to even start it you know for my community who has always supported me thank you I will not let you down this time [Music] versus Dojo oh my God there we go two and three [Music] we are going to land I'm telling you right now we are going to land they're to the right they're playing the right wall that whole team's up holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] got him name one all that all done I don't miss with this [ __ ] gun [Music] we're just gonna have to walk underneath okay holy [ __ ] [Music] hello chance good morning how are we doing how are we living we are big vibing we got the tournament in about an hour from now and uh we're ready we have 10 extra points from yesterday because we got first place so hopefully that point need will allow us to get for today in finals some and that's all I can offer it's a call for land for the first time or I guess the second time but I actually get to play for my first land so overall thank you guys for supporting us and hopefully we can you guys proud today so let's get it and here's how it will go we're playing at least six games today I want to point that out to you guys this format is pretty similar to the match point finals format you're accustomed to an Apex Legends competitive but it's got one big change we will play at least six games no matter what so even if a team happens to get on the match point quickly say after three games and wins in five or maybe even wins in four we will still play out the six that is in order to determine after six games who is rightfully in the second place position in terms of overall points or maybe even first in terms of points but just obviously didn't win our match point system all in all that will qualify the two top performing teams having a spot in our algs year three Championship all right should be sitting in one minute here an enemy is deafened hi boys just keep the [ __ ] Vibes up always and let's just [ __ ] drop a banger here yep all right we got no crafter we got Beacon Stadium they're gonna stay there for a long time okay Big Rock oh my name is Rock right here okay yep right here you can find this guy we can find this guy he doesn't even know I got him I kill him go for those uh we're gonna swing right if we get mirrored it's fine if we get mirrored it's fine okay thank you crack crack we have this we have this building team is looking at us again stop Horizon right here right here numbers up bro all right let's go all good we know our Stone points better anyways let's just get a let's get a solid and solid like 10 point game 10 15 point game here team team team we can wrap them we can wrap them they're coming towards us they're gonna go they're going the right they're gonna come up the right side get ready I'm gonna keep throwing [ __ ] on the crafter so they come I threw an outside on so they think I'm crafting purple armor yeah no again I'm taking purple foreign they have nothing to get up left side here left side here yep good [ __ ] Fisher design Nice kill good good way to see them too yeah we have a good spread here we need pressure to see we need pressure to see my hair knock one deep there's one oh wait yeah very deep very deep very deep sounds out for us we need to hold her back we need to hold her back here soon looking above ready they're playing our wall now practice two it's just two it's just two no it's three three four three four three three go back if I don't know I'm holding up I'm holding on they should fight each other play the dip play the dip yeah I'm gonna sit on here we need a wall for this rock we need to fight this rock here to the left there to the left yeah hey what they want for us each other this is good this is good right yes yes we can't let them climb up you cannot let them climb up or wrap you nice nice [ __ ] try oh [ __ ] I got creamer by the way yeah good second good second guys good [ __ ] yeah I mean we can get match point right now guys like a horse I mean this could easily be a [ __ ] 21 Point win I'm pretty sure there's an AC on the roof we can play too we want to get roof we want to get roof s keep smoking the Heights you can play this box if you need right here good wall good wall good luck that's gonna buy us enough time to seam right here once roof's not in we're good once roof is not in we're good we might be able to play this AC down here too listen listen our loose con is this team down here they're gonna queue up on us right here I can get free shots do not do not commit too hard do not commit too hard we keep this roof we win for three people for free you're a bad this is wild card underneath us it's just racist yeah so we can't let anybody take the head the heady on us give cells yourselves anybody this guy cheers one on the left dog's dead kill's right here kills right here we have so many kills around us yes we need to get kills guys we need to get kills all right how many kills how many kills how many kills I have two I have one I'm not Emma um needy bats completely and that's oh okay enemy you're gonna have to [ __ ] go from here drop down and wall to this box right here the seam has to climb up this is 3kp dude they're all on roof every single person no they're not no they're not they're still inside okay it's okay it's all good I did tell you guys but that's so at least con so we have to be watching that yes I I won 60 of them when they were queuing out bro yeah I fried the [ __ ] out of them in the queue just came behind us came up yeah oh yeah right now yeah we're at the far side we're gonna [ __ ] nuke this team we're gonna nuke this team on Zone clothes when they play this corner right here Horizon all everything Trio flute drastic they're getting shot they're getting formed by height no I don't I don't no shot I'm here now we're safe yeah they mirrored them the mirrored here what the [ __ ] are you walking for free but you might be here over here it's right here I see that can I extend up for kills or no I mean this guy's kind of white out but you could we're going for a thirst Jimmy that one's playing that's hot right uh me and that's me now she's shooting Jurassic because he came underneath us there's a team underneath us too down to our right fighting Jurassic playing Jurassic right now tell us the Jurassic Horizon yeah we might get started from height though yeah you should guys play you guys should play uh there's a team in front of us the team in front of us on here you should play me we hold our high team High team in this game there's a team that's going to swing us yes okay look at me all right I'm just dead we can't move there early on us ing my mind but they're fighting enough on the back on the back on the back there's that and turn around turn around turn around hold this in behind you if you can they're getting shot from a pipe they're all gonna fight it right here they're going left they're going left they're going left hold this spot hold this spot hold this spot it's one guy is one guy I'm pretty sure it does not end you can take as much space as you want these boxes third party well he checks his boxes the movie they knocked people they knocked people now cracks my mom [Music] he's so he's sitting in the corner just play the problem he's playing on that mountain you're chilling on the truck I may want to move forward baby nice if they drop they throw all right give me a sec what's happening take me baby there's no boxes finding paper in this game I suck your [ __ ] salon for hours oh yeah down to your left down to your left down to your left that's okay there's two let me know no no no I should have just punched them all off we need a second to get the point oh my gosh oh good [ __ ] recovery it's okay you're on Match Point now number 2.5 error two points off it's you got third no yes we need a second Bro [ __ ] look at the overall standings as well so that we can see who is on Match Point it's just Stallions at the moment 54 points they have Match Point active Fury and the dojo so close but close is not good enough Vicky As We Know listen listen if you if you throw your old at the top of the stairs I can throw a knees to this window I'm doing I'm doing now doing now I I need this [ __ ] attack I saw I saw I saw my needs okay iPads [Applause] big arcs so good keep the house keep the house huge cues no I can't I'm done I'm doing my name is lemonade coming up okay we're good we're gonna get third and they're gonna get started they're gonna get started no I got pushed out I got pushed stabilizing nib I'm getting them out of need they're out of nades they're gonna get thirded keep that door keep that top door can dance you can always get rides later we can get rest later well more points and more points is better we need more points if we if we [ __ ] die here if we die here this will be [ __ ] bad I mean it might be worth it to you have to wait until they use yourself depressing oh my God bro we need to go for it yeah that's what I'm saying here and then the team gets to play top height it should be fine it should be fine yeah oh yes one all right it's close it's close first place is Five Point difference three point to stallions you guys are fine this is [ __ ] ridiculous throughout glasses at all you're fine you're it's all good enemy enemies it's [ __ ] annoying you already know Hideout is [ __ ] laughing his ass off and changing the [ __ ] back and forth you know what I mean all right get a nice little yellow everybody just get the [ __ ] nerves let's go like if you take a look at our three teams on Match Point one of these teams will not be going to championships that is a scary and crazy thought Vicky because at this point they have all played so well dubbed this one it was [ __ ] end this [ __ ] baby let's just end it let's just let's get Timmy to land come on yeah they're looking if we can get 35. he's not looking he's not looking he's not looking he's not looking inside and we should pop him yeah mark it up no no no no no no no 57 gold things running they're running they're running we're good we're good we're good teammates off watch our back now watch our back now I'm good he's got a vault and everything they're looking to come towards us we have to hold her back to the last second and then hold tracks it pulled for us we haven't seen [ __ ] here we have all of our time we know it's a Duo to our left I mean we have a lot of space here boys we gotta clear out right everyone on the right's gonna fight here I'm watching our left though can't get mirrored everything is like we don't need these headies we don't need this rock this rock is as far as we go look right here you can keep them we can get them yep I love this stuff honestly Let Them Fight watch our back what's that duo doing I'm gonna walk up a little bit down here they're down here walking up a little bit for KP all right good you can probably actually they went through they went through wall if you keep me on the right they're fighting they're hard fighting Horizon we should start wiping this [ __ ] we have Zone we have Zone design don't die here we're back I'll put it back I'll play back I'll put it back got the position back up this way everyone's gonna wrap these guys everyone's gonna wrap these yes no we should we don't want to give let people know that it's us we should just place twice don't don't thirst don't try to First You're gonna watch our left I'm gonna watch her yeah people are gonna come try to play over here [ __ ] dude if we kill that team up top though yeah I know here oh you saw a cat too [ __ ] yeah they clean wiped it then they just started 132 I'm watching her left I'm playing right here I'm not gonna go up to that rock if you go up to that rock the monument yep [Applause] that team is gonna probably start to try to come to us that's how we do I'm trying not to show them I'm here like I'm bang so they don't know what's up right here not letting anybody come across um maybe behind that rock no this Rock This Rock right here is ultra safe if we have to back up a layer we do all ourselves back there trying to come across tracks yep I got done you might need a bangle with it the other team's Horizon queuing looking keep looking at them I'll let you know underneath the funny left on Horizon 90. one shot go ahead yeah I can't I can't try to get picks to a right there's two is low cheers [Applause] buddy guys [Music] I can feel watching watching watching coming down wait for them foreign just like we do it's like we always do baby we the best holy [ __ ] you guys are insane holy [ __ ] [ __ ] God we did it man wow look look Diego took second too yeah second over everybody we [ __ ] did it holy [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm shaking I'm shaking yeah holy [ __ ] the first game on Match Point I'm so proud oh my God oh my gosh all right let's go um I mean it is you know actually just very unreal um feeling I mean I'm super emotion right now so I mean uh with the amount of like history I have in in competitive Apex and not only that like the matter of uh hate that our team you know like we you know obviously we have our fans but like a lot of hate a lot of doubt that we had uh on our team a lot of people just thought we weren't going to do well um they just they always just like thought that we were you know okay just not the greatest team out there but uh being able to prove that you know we can do it and then we deserve this spot it's just an incredible feeling I really I really think those two are just amazing and they they really deserve this as well oh my God such an unreal feeling actually I don't know what to say Chad like actually no this is the lucky jersey though like a cab [ __ ] went crazy I never done this [ __ ] before in my life this is fire rip just like that boys like [ __ ] man with the jobs not done yet we gotta win I'll see you guys at land holy [ __ ] Youtube it'll be all on YouTube If you ever missed anything and uh today's Vlogs and yesterday's Vlogs will be up again uh be unpublish them but they'll be up some have a great night peace out we're [ __ ] back we never left actually the [ __ ] doubters they're in Shambo Timmy daughters rip bozo [ __ ] all of them I'll see you guys at land holy [ __ ]
Channel: iiTzTimmy
Views: 1,230,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apex, apex legends, iitztimmy, iitztimmy gaming, apex legends clips, apex clips, apex funny, apex legends funny, algs, algs apex, apex algs, apex legends algs, apex pro, apex legends pro, apex best, apex legends best, apex hal, apex legends hal, tsm hal, nrg sweet, lululuvely, nrg aceu, sen aceu, aceu, 100t iitztimmy, 100t, apex content, apex legends content, apex trailer, apex legends trailer, apex reveal, apex legends reveal, apex new, apex legends new, playapex, lcq
Id: xeNdZqdK0hw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 40sec (1840 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2023
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