The Most Heavily Guarded Man on The Planet

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between the 93 000 an hour visit one hundred and twenty thousand men personal guard and two thousand six hundred and fourteen dollar a minute travels these are the six most heavily guarded world leaders in 2023 the Pope seeing the ruler of the world's smallest country on a list like this is weird but security can never be too tight when discussing the Pope after all being head of the Catholic church is bound to create some enemies in the long run especially from other religions and those who fear faith can threaten their despotic rule Pope John Paul II learned that the hard way after receiving four gunshot wounds in 1981 since then security measures wherever the pope visits have been in the Millions for example in 1987 when the pope visited the US for nine days the security cost exceeded 93 000 an hour of course the prices haven't gone down with time as Portugal will pay around 36.5 million dollars this year for the Pope's five-day visit to Lisbon in August ever since the accident in 1981 the pope is always surrounded by guards and is moving with his custom designed Pope mobile over the years the Holy See received several highly expensive models ranging between 85 000 and 750 000 however the Cornerstone behind the Pope's security is the highly trained Swiss guards seeing something 20-something-year-old boys dressed in Greek costumes for Comic-Con might not be too intimidating however neither the uniform nor the ferocity of those who wear it has changed since 1506. today the Swiss guard is one of the most ferocious units in the entire world it is regarded as a high honor among Swiss army men to be selected for this role to be eligible you need to be an active conscript aged 19 to 30. and unfortunately for you young ladies who want to get a piece of the action you need to be a man for the role it seems the Catholic church is not that into the whole gender equality while you definitely wouldn't want to mess up with the Pope and find out firsthand what the Swiss guard is capable of you'd probably still end up alive that's more than what could be said about interactions with Saudi Crown Prince's bodyguards as Jamal khashoggi would undoubtedly agree [Music] Mohammed bin Salman security should always be your top priority when you're in charge of two trillion dollars the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman takes that lesson to Heart fortunately with an ever-growing personal wealth currently estimated at around 25 billion dollars the Saudi king-to-be can afford one of the top security details in the entire world being in charge of the Saudi Arabian defense Ministry MBS has appointed two entire battalions to the elite Royal Guard whose primary Duties are to protect the king and the Crown Prince as he came into power in 2017 Muhammad bin Salman persuaded his father to change the guard's leadership as he suspected their loyalty was to the former Crown Prince Mohammed bin naif the royal guard is heavily equipped with top of the line firearms armored vehicles mraps U.S built helicopters and drones this might seem a bit excessive but MBS knows what happens if you snooze when you're in charge of two trillion dollars moreover MBS immediately began modernizing the Saudi Army once he came into Power today it counts more than 450 000 soldiers and is the sixth most well-funded army in the world its budget for 2023 exceeds 61 billion dollars when it comes to his personal bodyguards however there is little information some sources claim that over 100 guards are tasked personally with mbs's safety they are all paid exceptionally well and can enjoy some privileges not many in conservative of Muslim countries can however we know only about seven of them those involved in Jamal khashoggi's decapitation do you think that's going a bit overboard well MBs is security detail and spending are laughable compared to what Kim Jong-un spends on his security Kim Jong-un Ahmed cars trains and decoy Jets it sounds negligible but when you add the 120 000 Personnel private Army to the equation Kim Jong-un security detail becomes a bit more formidable that's the least the dear leader can do when he's on top of every Western intelligence agency's Hit List naturally Kim's so-called praetorian guard is officially doing their Duty and they are not compensated more than anyone else some deserters however claim that this private Army costs the dear leader more than 250 million dollars a year the truth must be somewhere in between the most threatening part of his security detail however is the personal bodyguards who can always be seen jogging next to the dear Leader's car I'm not quite sure what they're protecting while running as currently Kim uses the 1.6 million dollar Mercedes-Benz Maybach S6000 which can withstand any caliber ammunition rocket launchers grenades and landmines probably a ballistic missile would do the trick Jokes Aside his personal guards are extremely tough combatants one of the best in the world I wouldn't be surprised if they themselves could withstand firearms and grenades this is the highest honor for a North Korean though only those shorter than five foot seven can have it unfortunately Kim doesn't like to to look weak and in his mind being short is a sign of weakness so naturally his bodyguards can't stand taller than him his multi-million dollar personal train and private planes are also one pretty significant expense whenever he travels all three of his trains are on the rails he usually resides in the second train which has 20 identical cars each with blackened windows and usually positioned randomly so no one would know where Kim's Ultra luxurious bedroom car is on board among meeting rooms banquet halls and many other luxuries there is an escape helicopter now tell me again how Kim is not a bond villain while flying the dear leader has the same idea all three of his highly luxurious identical ill-62s are in Flight just in case anyone decides to start World War III by Downing the dear Leader's plane it's hard not to have many allies it's even harder when most of your actual friends spend even more on security than you do Xi Jinping who would have thought that Winnie the Pooh would have so many enemies look at that smile that warm gaze that oh wait that's actually chairman Xi Jinping yes holding the power of the second biggest economy and the second best army in the world certainly takes its toll on your freedoms not as much as XI takes from his subjects but still at least he can afford one truly spectacular security detail with a military budget of nearly 300 billion dollars China is certainly answering today's challenges especially those concerning the Chairman's security just like any communist country the ruling party would swear that their leader is actually living a modest and secluded Life Giving his all to the public and with an official salary of twenty two thousand dollars a year she is probably struggling to make ends meet his bank account of 1.2 billion dollars however tells a different story still his protection is entrusted to the taxpayer and oh boy to the taxpayers pay tasked with G's protection is the Central Security Bureau under their command is the deadliest unit in the entire world the central guard regiment this highly trained unit consists of approximately 8 000 troops all divided into 36 squadrons with different tasks regarding the leader's security unlike other dictators G does not usually travel with utmost luxury instead he uses a regular plane from Chinese Airlines naturally the whole plane is just for him and his administration but there are no golden fixtures no diamond cups and no Ivory Thrones inside the only difference between his travels and any other Chinese citizen is the Squadron of fighter jets accompanying the chairman during his flight when she travels on land however the story is a bit different usually the entire city is blocked and a 50 car long motorcade parades through the city filled with heavy weapons snipers and helicopter support ready to open fire against any attacks ji's motorcade might be impressive but no one can beat the U.S president when it comes to Security on the road Joe Biden having two Dead Presidents under their watches not an excellent score for the American Secret Service so naturally they upped their game after JFK's demise and today the president of the United States is the safest job in the world naturally that comes at a cost usually a minute outside the Oval Office costs the American taxpayers roughly around 2614 the Steep price doesn't include the initial investments in top of the line security measures like the Beast this armored truck transformed into a luxurious limousine costs over 1.5 million dollars without the top security offensive and defensive capabilities alongside the limousine there are at least 50 cars at all times as they meticulously follow protocol to ensure the president's safety the most astounding thing about this motorcade however is that all 50 cars are flown all across the world along with the president they use a much more modest plane than the president but still it's not cheap to transfer all that personnel and Equipment the president's plane is a whole other thing I would love to talk in detail about the state-of-the-art defensive capabilities of this mesmerizing bird but as you might have guessed they are kept top secret when you're down two presidents you're not too liberal with the information you give away still the president's Air Force One is one of the most expensive planes in the entire world costing anywhere between 600 and 800 million dollars last but not least there is the White House though it looks like the best home office in Washington DC this is actually a bunker disguised as a museum the annual budget of the White House is 1.4 billion dollars and it certainly doesn't go for Biden's PB and J sandwiches while the details are not disclosed there are some pretty intimidating defensive and offensive capabilities including anti-missile systems a cyber security detail several hundred guards and several dozens of dogs not the best place to sneak in if that sounds impressive or expensive just wait until you hear how much the Russians pay for Vladimir Putin's safety Vladimir Putin over the last year Vladimir Putin's security detail has largely increased it's not easy being the most hated man in the world and constantly under attack from external and internal threats it also doesn't come cheap however when you have 200 billion dollars and an entire country under your boot you can enjoy some peace and quiet in your own personal luxurious bunker somewhere in the Ural Mountains unfortunately for Putin most of his private Wagner Army is already dead and the new conscripts are less than ideal as they mainly come from prisons in Serbia still Putin keeps his 3 000 strong personal guard detail close these men and women are combat experts hackers and other Specialists dedicated to keeping their leader safe the private road Putin has from his home at Novo agariovo to the Kremlin also helps a bit mainly by skipping the Dreadful Moscow traffic jams to ensure his safety Putin also has a private cook and gets all his products from the head of the Russian Church patriarch kiril Farms whenever on the road the Russian president is constantly surrounded by a police escort that cuts through the traffic moreover he relies on his three hundred thousand dollar highly modified 2018 Aura Senate the car has not only an ultra luxurious setting but also some pretty impressive offensive and defensive capabilities although Putin's annual budget for security is classified some estimates can easily put it in the billions as the total military spending of the country exceeds 84 billion dollars and we can all see that this money is definitely not spent on the bloody Ukrainian War yes Vladimir Putin knows that security is priceless but how does he spend the rest of his 200 billion 40 soon find out in this video
Channel: Luxury Zone
Views: 224,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: most protected people in the world, most protected presidents, the most protected, heavily guarded, protected people, most protected, most protected person in the world, top 10 secured, top most secured persons in the world, most secured world, security
Id: nX30uGxDvpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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