The MOST HATED Tank In War Thunder!

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this tank will make you mad it doesn't take much to destroy but if you're not careful it will tear you to shreds its dual Cannon setup is deadly its lightweight and huge engines makes it incredibly fast its thin armor is best armor and that's why the term 3 is one of the best premium tanks you can buy in the German Tech tree right [Music] now the ter 3 is equipped with a threatening 105 mm Cannon and its unique yet equally terrifying 30 mm Auto Cannon placed right alongside it this is the main force behind the fear the term 3 elicits with its 5-second reload and 30 mm coax nothing can ever truly be safe around the term 3 for the sake of the video I decided to use heatfs for a few games just to see how it would do I have a 30 mm Cannon to obliterate light tanks what other reason do I need to use heatfs so up until this point I have only ever used apds in the term three choosing ammunition is really a whole metag game unto itself there's so many different types to choose from how much should I bring do I not have enough which ammo should I avoid but please please don't do this 70 shots of ammunition here just in case he runs out we got 38 B 10 heat rounds 10 smoke rounds and 20 apcr that apcr is going to be very important I don't think he will ever swap to that ammunition neither will I think he'll be switching to uh heat anyways yeah so the heat FS isn't that great it's high explosive so it should be better against light tanks for the over pressure in theory the heat is more directional to get that higher pen so you can't just swag a shot anywhere in a light tank and over pressure it bring Hesh it does that the mobility is fantastic good acceleration good reverse gear fast neutral steering and a great top speed the mobility allows for a very commanding ability to go wherever you'd like to with very responsive controls and its fantastic acceleration it can really do whatever you want it to the term three has the mobility of a light tank and unfortunately the armor of one as [Music] well the term 3 has either 30 mm of armor around the tank or 20 so pretty much anything can kill it including sbaa and how can I forget that ammo rack if you haven't seen this thing already Bop the whole turret is filled with ammo this is because the autol loader only has one stage of ammunition it doesn't have to be refilled by a crew member unfortunately that luxury comes with a hefty price now if you've really been paying attention the armor is actually really funny because of the first thing I said the term three has no armor darts and solid shot will just go straight through and usually do nothing sometimes apcbc doesn't even fuse and this monster can survive some really funny stuff no armor really can be best armor and sometimes the Amor doesn't even go off this makes people mad some players really hate this thing I mean they despise this tank they have a good gun and are very fast but they're also used a lot by hackers to an extent to where it's hard to tell how much of the performance is the vehicle being good and how much of the performance is because there's a robot at the [Music] controls no the average term 3 use user is not able to consistently make 1.2 km shots through heavy plant cover on the first shot every time as far as tips go if you get one tapped Center Mass at one plug T from a vehicle with no thermals and no Laser Rangefinder press the report button and don't worry about it yeah I don't think selling my car house and kidney for a 2-month metat tank before it gets either nerfed or uptiered into Oblivion is my thing so I'll pass and I think it's mostly because of the autoc cannon this 30 m can save you from quite a lot if you miss just shoot the cannon Barrel if you're reloading just shoot the cannon barrel and sometimes you don't shoot the cannon Barrel you just kill him the 5-second autoloader means that you will win any head-to-head reload match if you miss and they miss you win every time the Firepower present on the term three is severely potent and this is where the deniers have a problem with the term three the term is well equipped to get to and engage you first it's fast has a stabilizer and a short reload it almost feels perfectly designed to hold W and get big ups but once you get shot it's all over any sort of push back or resistance to the term three will end the conflict and this is honestly a familiar sounding concept for top tier wheel vehicles have amazing Weaponry in Fire Control fantastic mobility and horrible armor all you have to do is spot them and shoot them first but this isn't top tier and that really frustrates people they don't yet understand how to counter the term three it looks scary it looks like he'll get you at any moment but all you have to do is be patient and let the term make a mistake vehicles are not placed into random battle ratings there are very very few tanks placed into BRS where they don't belong War Thunder is taking into account information that we do and do not have access to in order to balance their vehicles but I'll talk more about that in a future videos the term three is an excellent tank but the 105 apds starts to crack under pressure at higher battle ratings the 30 mil is great but it's a coax seal and can't look up that high the armor is bad as soon as I saw the term 3 I knew it would be a go to tank 105 mm 5sec autoloader and a 30 mm Auto Cannon this thing practically plays itself if you're new to the German Tech Tree this is better than getting the Panzer Battalion in my opinion it's not top tier but interacting with chemical ammunition and Laser rang finders for the first time will be a challenging new experience for any player the main selling point is that this thing feels like it works everywhere long range perfect Urban combat exceptional it can hold W it can flank around the map it can even support your teammates if you feel like it it just really makes you feel like you're playing War Thunder oh it only costs $50 you get 2,000 golden eagles 15 days of Premium Time and a tank with more than enough sauce to piss off any irrational player that comes across it spend that GE on crew points no this is not a bit crew points are exceptionally important players have been confused by this in the past but it's really simple the main most tangible crew skill is the loader it literally just shortens reload time amazing now obviously the term three has an autoloader so this won't affect the reload on this tank any other tank crewed in the slot will have the faster reload time along with the other skills turning the turret faster accelerating the tank faster breaking faster repairing damage faster change crew members faster and make your crew stronger when you shoot a tank and the crew turns to gummy bears instead of dying they have upgraded Crews you may not like it but this is what Peak Physical strength looks like [Music] now that you have the term three and a high level crew you can finally begin grinding the pack also comes with 20 backups so you can keep spawning in your matches your goal should be to build a lineup around the term get those 8.3 tanks and my opinion get the Gard as fast as possible but more realistically go for something else the Gard will take you a while to get at rank six try to pick up the rackets ush goated maybe thinking about getting the leopard one I don't know how to feel about that one that one's kind of mid maybe get the Martyr that one's kind of mid too but you know get something build those lineups the more tanks you have in your lineup the more fun you can hope to have keep in mind you're playing Germany you're not going to be winning matches so get out there play with your new toy instill fear into the hearts of your opponents be the enemy the Reddit wants you to be but also have some fun too I mean it's just a game bye-bye [Music] I'm out here gee yking it literally Str I in my
Channel: CrabbyPattyMoox
Views: 5,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Turm III, Premium, Pack Vehicle, German
Id: ifgKKheIE58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 48sec (528 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2023
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