Ranking every nation in War Thunder!

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it can be tough deciding what nation to play in War Thunder when you first begin or even if you're a season veteran especially with how many there are nowadays when the game first launched way back when there were only five countries to play America Germany Russia Japan and Great Britain nowadays there are twice as many as that for some it is an easy decision you might be a patriot and pick your country of birth or whichever Nation has your favorite vehicle already in it or you might be hands the German man who picked Germany because the Tiger tank was the best machine ever made and they should have made more in order to win please don't be like hands but what if you can't decide well this video should help whether you are a new player baffled by the multitude of planes available in game or a season player nearing completion of their first or second Tech Tree and unsure what to play next this is the top 10 best planes no that's not it the top 10 uh I mean ranking every nation in War Thunder so here is our tier list and here are our countries now before we begin there are some fairly big disclaimers that I have to get out the way first of all this is purely based on the country's aircraft not tanks not ships and it will judge their overall performance in both air and ground battles second of all I have not played every single nation to its fullest but I am at least well versed in the vast majority of War Thunders aircraft finally this is obviously only my opinion so feel free to inevitably disagree in the comments now on with the video so our first country is the US of a straight away I don't think I'd be wrong in saying this is an easy s tier or at least the easiest s tier out of these nations America has the largest Air Tech Tree in the game if I'm not mistaken and dare I say it probably the least amount of terrible planes as well there are a couple Rocky areas such as their Reserve tier being somewhat lackluster with the peashooters and other planes at a super low batter rating but for the rest of the te tree crap on a crack of these planes are good a lot of americ planes are super versatile often packing the best speed of any fighter at their battle rating with each plane often also carrying enough ammunition to supply a small country of its own and almost every plane doubling as some form of ground attack aircraft America's greatest strength lies in its close air support capability controversial though some of my points in this video may end up being but I don't think anyone will deny that the US has has the best cast in the game almost every plane can carry bombs or Rockets or both and some of the fighters carry enough payload to make other nations dedicated bombers blush as I mentioned before American planes tend to carry a lot of ammo which can really make or break a plane in my opinion the US tech tree worships the almighty 50 caliber machine gun which some criticize for its lack of hitting power but honestly because it's a smaller gun than just average 20 mil for example it more than does the job in my eyes because more importantly if you miss then you still have a for KN Supply worth of bullets on hand spreading across a large number of guns even after you get access to 20 mm cannons later on in the American Tech Tree you'd assume that you have to adjust like every other nation and get used to the smaller ammo count but no the Americans found a way to cram as many bullets into those planes as possible and as you can see our Corsair is having no trouble at all with lots of ammo comes lots of chances and I think that is one of the things that players find frustrating about other nations aircraft a couple misses with your cannons and Bam your round of shots return to base America doesn't have this problem with regards to their heavyweight and high speed the muscle car nature of American planes does not necessarily limit their options to just boom and zoom a lot of American planes are quite versatile and can win dog fights against the right opponents or perhaps out climb their opposition and hunt down bombers like nobody's business speaking of bombers while none of them in game are currently in a particularly good position the American ones are certainly the most well defended if that's anything to say it's also worth mentioning that the US has the best starting jets in the game the f80 shooting star and f84 thunderjet are not just pretty to look at but are about as beginner friendly as it gets and always a pleasure to fly the good speed modest turning capability and bottomless supply of ammo make them a very appropriate choice to learn the basics of jet combat and of course they can carry multiple large bombs and a healthy side of rockets too just in case you want to play ground with such a huge variety of planes to play here you'd find it difficult to not find some favorites amidst the mix especially when some are so visually appealing should we say it is no wonder that this is my most played Tech tree for the last 2 years or so and that's why I'm putting it in s tier up next is another one of the more popular nations in the game and one of the larger ones when it comes to its Tech Tree Z Germans now a lot of people would also put this in s as well unfortunately I am not a lot of people and I will put this in a Germany like America has a lot of great aircraft it has good Fighters good bombers surprisingly and good ground attack aircraft it's really only personal preference preventing me from putting Germany any higher it is my list at the end of the day I just don't get on too well with their interceptors the wolf 190 family just simply isn't my jam I can pull off successful of them but their stiff handling really puts me off and definitely limits what you can do to almost strictly boom and zoom and boom and zoom only however I am a huge fan of the bf19 series of aircraft which are great all-rounders and again very beginner friendly much like a lot of the American aircraft I find it quite hard to perform poorly in the f4g models of BF 109 like you see in this footage for they are Jack of all trades and far less Niche with their play Styles the attacker line is full of Joys some comical and some competent with planes like the hor Nissa and the hs29 better known as the duck filling out some of the ranks and of course the legendary stooker an excellent choice for ground battles what I find lets Germany down however which is the reason I am preventing from putting them in a are the early Jets which are let's say unique ranging from questionable to downright dog this really isn't the best introduction to jets for a new player also down at the lower ranks their Reserve planes are in my opinion again among the worst in the game with poor speed and lack luster maneuverability to boot as well as this unfortunately a lot of their brilliant attack planes are not nearly as brilliant in air battles as they are in ground and are easy pickings for other Pilots it's really the BF 109 family and their strong heavy fighter line as well with icons such as the bf110 and m410 holding together for Germany a surprisingly potent medium bomber line also helps too which is why I am ranking them in the AER the next Nation on our list is probably the first of the smaller Nations now this was in the original five countries that were released to War Thunder but ever since then it has never been quite in the same Limelight as Britain America Germany or Russia Japan in my opinion is an easy beating here I think it's a very middleof the road Nation with some absolute standout favorites but also a lot of well lackluster aircraft at the same time now B doesn't necessarily mean bad like I said there's a lot of good there in the Tory but it's not what I would call consistent Japan is a bit of an odd ball and always has been within the game it would perhaps be what we'd call an acquired taste for the most part Japan's air tree definitely is one of the most fun in the game just not necessarily the best the legendary a6m z family provides unending Joy with their hilariously good turning capability able to successfully dog fight any aircraft at their respective battle ratings unfortunately for the zero as with a lot of Japanese Fighters well it's a bit of a one trick Wonder it's brilliant at dog fighting and if you can get into those situations when you can do this it's fantastic but at the same time it lacks protection speed roll rate and later on even its Firepower becomes quite lacking unfortunately a lot of Japanese planes follow this trend to one degree or another on the other hand there are several Japanese planes at rank four which are actually on the whole pretty good rank four is where Japan I would say has its sweet spot with its Air Tech Tre with brilliant planes like the Ki 84 hiot and the n1k shedon to name a few and the heavy Fighters kick so much ass all the same they also have some great dive bombers to play with which do help in ground realistic battles but again much like with the Germans they do somewhat suffer in the hands of air realistic battles with the exception of the B7 A2 now let's talk about the elephant in the room the Japanese bombers now this is definitely what is keeping me from ranking the Japanese any higher than b tier for the lack of a better term they're not very good now they may be fast they may be quite agile and some of them are even quite well defended but they seem to be lacking the main thing that makes a bomber important it's bombs they are all small payloads a lot of the American fighters actually carry larger payloads than these Japanese purpose-built bombers which is well it's ridiculous and it really leaves a fairly large part of the Tory somewhat useless however if you're looking to have more fun rather than success then look no further than the Japanese Tech Tree these planes are quite entertaining to play and they pull off some of the most satisfying wins because after all let's face it dog fighting is the most interesting part of air battles rather than boom and zoom gameplay up next is Great Britain this was actually the country I first started with mostly because I am a patriot and I do love to play Britain or at least I did at the time and well I'm not being biased but I'm going to put it in a tier now Britain in a tier some of you will be outraged that I didn't put this into s tier with the US and some of you will probably be outraged that I didn't lump it down into be with Japan but hear me out the only reason I am not ranking Britain as high as America is because I would argue there isn't quite as much Choice purely because America has a few more aircraft in the tree the British do have one of the larger air trees in game don't get me wrong but put simply America is bigger and in this case bigger is better the planes that Britain does have are however for the most part ranging from solid to excellent you have Spitfires hurricanes typhoons tempests just to name a few I personally prefer British planes to German as they suit my play style a little more think of them as midway between Japanese and American planes combining great agility with great power the Spitfire 9 for example one of the best planes tier for tier in the game has great speed for 4.3 while at the same time having excellent agility only beaten by the zero and still having decent guns at the same time not to mention a Godly clim thus the space fire meme was born being the nation I maned the most it's understandable that I have something of an attachment to this country's Tech Tre and by now I know a thing or two about what I'm talking about don't get me wrong they aren't all good with planes like the Firebrand seafire Mark iiii and vampire bringing the team down a little but for the rest pretty good stuff the forgiving nature of a lot of planes make them quite approachable good agility means that you can usually get yourself out of trouble just as quickly as you got into it for something a bit more daring amidst some of the overall General good flavor of aircraft you find in the British tree you come across something downright scary for the enemy team The davand Hornet is quite frankly one of the best planes tier for tier in the game and the legendary Spitfire Mark 24 the highest battle rating prop driven aircraft excluding turbo props in the game wow it's hopelessly over teered it usually means it's piloted by a very very good player and it's a personal favorite of mine it is hilarious to dance all over the early Jets of its tier and even funnier when you get down tiered and you are basically Unstoppable the Spitfire 24 really is a God among men overall though the British Tory is quite verstile it has basically something for everybody if you want a dedicated turn fighter fly a spit f if you want something a bit more heavy and rugged then fly a tempest if you want a very heavy payload then fly a lanter it really does have something for everybody like I said plus I probably should have mentioned that on a whole while they are not overly effective in getting to the Target British bombers do have among the highest payloads tier Fortier in the game but up next is Italy now Italy is another one of those odd ball so where shall I put Italy I've decided to put this in SE and I am almost certain this will upset a lot of the Italy Mains but well in my opinion my list remember well there's just not a lot there it's not like this Tory has nothing at all there are planes here of course it's just not as big as other nations even so it's far from the smallest air Tory in the game so why exactly do I not like It Italy's main flavor of fighting aircraft is what I would consider something between the German and Japanese style imagine mixing a BF 109 and a zero you have the Germans Firepower and engine with some of the Japanese agility left over this does sound like quite a nice combination to have and it usually works out well it has resulted in my favorite Italian plane to play the c205 series 3 which you see here however this combo doesn't always work and sometimes being a jack of all trades does end up meaning that you're a bit too much of a master of none something is often sacrificed and towards the lower tiers It's usually the Armament some of the lower tiered Italian planes are almost unusable due to inadequate Firepower with potato cannons basically and higher up it's not like they're bad but in my opinion there are just better choices at nearly every battle rating my main problem is that neither of their two main fighter lines really do it for me lacking survivability substantial speed and having not quite enough agility to make it really feel worthwhile their bombers well the less said about them the better but the strike aircraft and heavy fighter line does seem very promising with some funky designs that often yield great results from what I've seen now I know the Italian Mains are probably quite upset by these harsh words I have said toward their beloved Nations aircraft it's not like I don't like them I think the G55 is really good and like I said the C 205s are also great fun but overall they're just not my overall flavor and I suppose flavor is an appropriate term when we're talking about Italy it's not all bad news they are pretty good all around aircraft and if you are playing the Italian Ground Forces tree then these are definitely good to supplement your life up and hey pesto rank C is not at the bottom of the tier it could be worse it could be D tier or it could be F tier it's not like I'm saying these are bad just the other nations I've mentioned are a little bit better up next we have the last of the very big Nations this is possibly the most popular nation in the game not necessarily sure whether it's for air or ground probably ground but their air teory is no SL slouch either this was of course one of the original five nations to come to the game and well what do I think of their air te Tre it might come as some surprise but I think it's pretty damn good actually I'm going to put it in a here the Russian air te tree as you'd expect leans fairly heavily into ground attack aircraft with Legends such as the Isle 2 stovic taking center stage and while those are fun it's not what sold me on Russian planes their fighters on the other hand and while they definitely take some getting used to are a lot of fun and some of the most satisfying to play they tend to favor on a whole low altitude dog fight really getting into the real meat and bones of what makes aerial combat epic and interesting they tend to be fast with powerful engines and mean Snappy Armament which can quickly dispatch enemy aircraft this goes for both the yakulev and lokin Fighters which take up a large portion of the tech tree the Russian do however have two major flaws shared by almost all the aircraft in the entire Tech tree before you reach the Jets anyway the first is the relatively low rip speed of the Wings I said these planes were fast they are but they're not so good in a dive most Russian planes will become rapidly uncontrollable hitting the 420 mph Mark and start to fall apart if you exceed the speed this can make having a significant altitude advantage over your opponent harder to take advantage of like your adversaries can the other is the Stark lack of ammo in the vast majority of planes you'd think from pop culture media and even memes that Russians have big guns lots of guns and lots of ammo well some of that is true but lots of ammo not so much they're basically the opposite of the American approach a lot of the time you'll find yourself returning to base early due to running dry with bullets to shoot missing out on some prolonged engagement this is a fairly frustrating feature shared by almost all the Russian planes frustrating though it may be it does kind of force you to play more intelligently in a way and I actually kind of like that to an extent it forces you to be super conservative with your ammo teaching you a lot about triggered discipline extreme Trigger Discipline making planes like the yak 1B for example which I had previously ignored such a pleasant surprise when I gave it a go if you can handle the trigger discipline hurdle and keep an eye on your speedometer these Russian Fighters will do you wonders the attacker line really needs no introduction on the other hand heavily armed and armored behemoths through and through and to be honest while you are far from Invincible I swear those 23 mm cannons rip through anything to shreds like it's nobody's business up next is France Now France is again one of those odd balls and you know what that means it's not going to be ranked too high on the tier list I would either rank France just above or even just below Italy in the sea tier France's teory is not necessarily that bad I remember playing it quite a lot when it first came out and I got pretty far and I had a lot of fun there are definitely some gems to find among the Tory for example the low tiers like the d501 where I can just find it here is hilariously good fun because you have access to a 20 mm cannon at Battle rating of 1.3 that's brilliant you also have some quite welcome Lend Lease editions like the hell diver for example and one of my favorite planes to play in the game maybe my favorite of all time the f6f hellc count which is fantastic as for the domestically produced French planes though they are not necessarily all that good the vb10 aren't bad but some of these low tier ones are awful for example the CR 714 the MS 405 and 406 pretty poor the BR lots of numbers also not exactly a highlight of the tech tree the h75 are fantastic but they're not really French planes at the end of the day but because we're not here to nitpick yes the H 75s really do sell rank one for me the rest of the tech tree though just kind of lacking and it's probably less interesting than the Italian one which is why I'm ranking it slightly Below in the C tier overall not bad stuff there are some highlights but you kind of have to dig a bit before you actually come across them up next is Sweden now this is by far the nation in game that I played least especially when it comes to aircraft so I'm going to have to go off of what I've seen and I've seen quite a lot and from what people who play Sweden have told me so as you can see very little progress on this Tory whatsoever but it seems to be an overall positive experience there are some decent picks here most notably the a21 uh twin boom fighter aircraft are pretty funky I have also been told that their 50 caliber machine guns and 20 mm cannons are very very potent some of the best in game and from what I've seen the strike bomber line such as the b8s and the t18s are a force to be reckoned with they are very fast very deadly pack a decent punch in fact one of them pretty sure has a 57 mm gun yes it does and yeah just highlights of detect Tre through and through these are funky planes and well it'd be a shame if you ignore them these are probably in fact if I'm being honest the highlight of the tech Tree in its entirety this strike aircraft line and since Finland was added that's only added some great aircraft from other nations such as the ju88 from Germany the hurricane from Britain and the BF 109g from Germany once again so some pretty good stuff however what makes it or what prevents it from being in rank a well they're early Jets I'm constantly told talk about the J 21 or the a21 they suck okay fine I'll talk about the a21 and j21 from what I've been told they suck so there you go um that's really kind of the exception though with the exception of the vampires which are hopelessly over tiered uh the Swedish jet era seems to be largely very successful the j29 and the a29 I know these names kind of overlap a bit when you keep saying them but those seem to be very effective aircraft the sa 105 is a menace and so is the sk60 honestly those things are such a pain to fight on the battlefield so that must mean they are pretty good because it is overall a mixed bag when it comes to Sweden I can't really put higher than b especially when I haven't played them myself so I can't really verify whether they are any better than Japan so B tier is where they should go China is another one of those Nations that I played a lot when I first came out I haven't really touched it since then because I've moved on to more interesting Nations and if you want interesting then this probably is not the place to come there are the odd exception but almost every aircraft in this teory is already in another nation's teory somewhere in the game and that might be quite off-putting to some people that's something new on the other hand however it does kind of provide China with a Best of Both World kind of situation where you have for example planes from both America Britain and Russia all in the same lineups so you can kind of mix and match if you will this is all very good but again it's not necessarily the most interesting especially when you've already played America Britain and Russia at the same time and yeah there are some significant gaps as well which uh kind of means you'll be crossing over through different lines which if you are the type that kind of beines a single Tory uh yeah this probably isn't the one for you I also wouldn't recommend starting with China either because well I've always seen it as China is the nation that someone comes back to later on in the game it's not necessarily something you start with if you're looking for a nice beginner friendly experience then maybe go for Russia America or Britain China not so so much it's kind of been forgotten in the game just kind of tucked away at the side and while it's still getting content it is just not interesting unless you really do want a Russian reskinned plane and I say reskinned I mean different roundles because half the time the reskins are not too exciting because it's actually not too bad of a pick I'm going to put China in C tier but at the same time because it's not all that interesting and we are rating these Tech trees as a whole I'm not going to put it any higher we are talking not just about how good the vehicles in these Tories are but how fun they might be and how interested someone might be in playing this Tory for the first time and well China's going to lose a lot of points there there's not much they can do about it history is history but it doesn't necessarily make for the most interesting Edition or teory to the game and I'm actually going to rank it below France and Italy if you wanted something new Israel being our last Nation on the tier list is also probably not the place to go now let's take a look at this Tech Tre and you might be seeing an awful lot of planes that look very familiar and well most of them are very familiar yes that's right I can't even remember how it works because I was in like the beta test of something when Israel came to the game so I did it differently but I think is when you reach either rank four or five in another Nation you get access to Israel which makes sense because Israel starts at rank four this is obviously because there simply aren't that many Israeli aircraft in fact they made hardly any domestic designs and you don't start seeing those until the higher tiers like with the Nesha which at the end of the day is just a repurposed rebranded Mirage so you can't get too excited especially if you played the game significantly before however if you are interested in the unique history of Israel's uh Air Force then this is good but you're going to need more than a historical opinion to want to play Israel otherwise well what's the point in playing Israel because yeah what more can I say other than you've probably experienced these planes before it I guess it is a shortcut if you want to play for example Spitfire Mark 9 but you can't be bothered to play England for some reason then I guess this is a shortcut to do so but if you want to play a Spitfire Mark 9 then and just play an English Spitfire Mark 9 or buy the American Premium buy the Russian premium whatever it doesn't make for the best pick and it makes for an even harder grind because look at the size of some of these BR gaps again not something gajin can really do anything about if it if Israel didn't have any planes there then they didn't have any planes there there's no point making stuff up just for the sake of it however at the same time it doesn't necess necessarily make for a very good Tex and it's a bit poorly organized at the very least a lot of these planes are actually quite good from what I've experienced and that's not too much because it does hit quite a steep climb in terms of research when you're starting at rank four and five the meteor night fighter 13 which is actually a unique meteor to Israel for some reason despite being a British plane um it is actually a lot of fun Wing mounted meteors or meteor with wing mounted guns is a lot of fun and uh from what I've seen the IAT is apparently the best version of the Skyhawk in the game or at least that or one of the Israeli Skyhawks I'm not sure which one it might be the IAT um and so on and so on there's all sorts of interesting stuff here well vaguely interesting anyways it's these are already in game in one form or another and with that being said I am going to place the last Nation on our tier list also in the sea tier so it looks like there are truly no terrible Tech trees in War Thunder at least with regards to their planes maybe we'll get an F tier in the near future who knows but that is my ranking for all the war Thunders Air Tech trees I'm sure some of you will disagree with this ranking but it's my opinion so feel free to point out where I went wrong or at least be nice and point out where I went right in the comments down below now this took a lot of effort it's and unsociable hours for me to make this but that's okay I enjoy it and our channel is finally on the rise so we may as well strike while the iron is hot but I must make some announcements obviously it is Thursday today so Friday games will be coming tomorrow this is going to be the first episode of season 3 of Friday games it's going to be episode 21 so do tune in at the usual time of course I will post an announcement so stay tuned for that but at the same time I also want to mention that uh we'll be doing a Saturday stream as well at a similar time to when we normally do Friday games so come along and watch me fail at War Thunder and you never know you might get to see an epic game live that will inevitably be turned into a video in the near future so anyways thank you so much for everybody watching this video if you liked it give it a like and of course subscribe for more check out the other content on the channel and I'll catch you in the next one [Music]
Channel: TheSnazzyComet
Views: 4,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: war thunder, war thunder tierlist, best war thunder, war thunder best nation, best country in war thunder, war thunder tanks, war thunder planes, tierlist, war thunder rating, war thunder review, gaming, history, aircraft, planes, war thunder aviation, best planes war thunder
Id: TzB5iDkW1vY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 50sec (1970 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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