THE MOST FAMOUS NIGHT MARKET in Taiwan!! RaoHe Night Market #RainaisCrazy

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everybody tonight I have arrived at the Rover Night Market this is a very very popular destination here in Taiwan one of the most popular night markets ever there are so many vendors here as well it is endless so I'm super excited to show my experience with you guys so let's go check it out [Music] a lot of people waiting on this one kind of wrap oh that looks good you got to like pick out your ingredients and stuff what's this one let's see what that is oh yeah like I say you see the clogging I told you the cloggings are so popular here oh he's so cute more soupies oh I love the vibe there's so much people more clothes I think all the food is on the other side it's kind of like just scattered I don't know where is where I'm just walking through everything it exactly popped out to me it like I have to try it like everything looks cool but I don't I don't see one that like oh my God I have to try it also I think I'm in the wrong side like you see this side everybody's going this way that side everybody's going the other way yeah I think I went on the wrong side so it's making it like really awkward for everybody so I'm just gonna go ahead and sneak on over there so I can follow the crowd because this one is going off I was in the wrong side oh but I feel like that's I didn't know that was a one-way Lane in a pedestrian walking Zone okay but yeah notes I'm still looking at more food I really want something fried I really want some fried chicken Taiwanese has really good fried chicken they call you guys Sushi they fry it with fried basil and garlic and um I don't know it's marinated really well but I love it I can't find some of those I'm definitely going to get that chicken but it is smooth spare rib that looks really good are you gonna choose like the spice level we're going to get a little extra large of course and we're gonna get spicy looks really good look at all that there's so many pieces going in there oh my God I'm so excited it smells so good oh would you cook met some fans here for Riverside California right awesome really cool actually I've actually met quite a few fans here in Taiwan who recognize me and you know somehow you just kind of get coincidence oh we're all visiting Taiwan at the same time so that's super awesome always makes my night I love you guys so much but oh my god dude that respiratory the smell is starting snowing looking so good let me show you them he's frying so much right now I don't know how big the extra large is but it looks like a lot of pizza it's starting to get ready oh that is a lot a lot of pieces look at that it's gonna season it up right now so many pieces it's so beautiful he's piling it up I don't know how how much pieces but it's a lot [Music] all right there you go what do you want has some season s to it spicy yes please oh yeah that was so good [Music] awesome beautiful it's hot [Music] dog yeah [Music] oh [Music] all right let me do that again it was hard to buy in a half because it was so hot okay but it tastes freaking good the spice on it is salty it's peppery it's spicy oh there we go our meat is so juicy come on if you're seasoning up I found these like stuffed chicken wings right now I ordered the spicy ones [Music] Fried Chicken or the stuffed chicken so fast I'm still eating the spare rib by the way oh my God I need two keys um but yeah I got it because I was passing through and I was like oh my God I have to get that oh these are the massive Fried Chickens we got that another night market already so and we have fried food right here what I really want at the Rojo Market is they're really well known for the black pepper buns and that's what I'm going for I'm actually so happy I found these spare ribs to eat it's kind of like popcorn like I'm walking and it's like popcorn and I'm just like munching on it as I'm looking through everything and seriously like I I've been walking for like a good 20 minutes by the way also it is very crowded so I'm not moving very fast but my point is there's so much freaking vendors here like it seems endless um the area so I've ordered some stinky tofu here I love stinky tofu I got it plenty of times but they also have the stew top here I actually can't handle this one but the stinky tofu we're gonna get some of the fights this thing about media night markets it's always hard to find a place to sit and Vlog but this is the stuffed chicken wing looks like a stuffy like meat and rice get rice in there you need a little bit of sauce I'm gonna take some of the vegetables I got here at the sticky Toca place you can put it on there [Music] um I know this isn't a favorite but like not many people like this but it's an acquired taste I love it [Music] dipping that sauce two to me it just tastes like regular fried tofu but for some people the punch of smell is really strong and honestly I really like the vegetable with the chicken these vegetables are like lightly pickled it's sweet and tangy [Music] I love it I love that like container stages it's so cute [Music] sauce they have in here is like Lively's food and I also have some chili oil on there so just so much flavor combinations at once [Music] I had a large order there's so many of these pieces so I'm going to still take these around to like munch on them but finish it for the black pepper buns that's what I'm really here for eign thank you so far I think all the food is only like less than ten dollars so far really good price some bad news I found the black pepper bun like the specialty I'm talking about but the line is massive let me show you it's really beautiful see this is right here I was actually at the end of it this is the beginning of it but you see this line right there it also swirls around I'll show you more as we get closer we'll see if it's going to be worth it it's going to be like I feel like it's gonna be like in at least an hour away we'll see yeah this is actually not too bad we're already here at the front already but you see that that's them making the specialty buns right there oh my goodness I'm so excited for this from the thing over there that's so cool they're selling it in batches so that's why we got it this thing is freaking hot oh my God I don't even know I can break it in half it's oh it's so hard that looks good it's really crispy on the outside nice I'm actually very surprised how fast they were moving though but I guess like they have a lot of people like organizing it and like cooking it I'm trying to break it it's so hard so the line was actually moving pretty decently okay I don't taste any of the meat yet the bread is somewhat flaky [Music] the bread is very plain it tastes like naan so far [Music] we're starting getting towards the meat okay got the juicy stuff right there oh you actually got it pretty fast all right I'll be honest I'm a little bit disappointed are you paying for Cycles on it at least two oh I'll pay for you okay now piece of me right there please pretty good me [Music] it's very peppery spicy but I feel like it really lacks favor flavor for how popular it is I feel like the quality has gone down a little bit because this food is actually very popular in Asia and I've had it at other places before that's better than this but I think this specific area made it very popular so like you see like the how fast is moving I think they um started to focus more now on quality quantity rather than quality that's my opinion but okay it is still good though but I think overall in like the street food of Taiwan I would give this a 7.5 out of 10 at most in my opinion yeah oh well we tried it we tried the famous roll her streak black pepper butter at least the line wasn't an hour long that a dog beat it was actually pretty fast so I'm glad I tried it nevertheless people prepping the black pepper buns so they can start cooking it faster but lots of meat lots of green onions going in there this is all the dough being prepared the final cooking process is in those containers they're inside yeah this looks good yes I actually met some friends here from Cali so they're showing me around showing me the good food they actually gave me a lesson about you know the other place that I went to the other day I kept calling a key long Market a Paris about key long Market it was supposed to be like yes I don't know Chinese is hard Chinese is hard so excuse me I will make the name right in the title but apparently it's the low Market instead of key long Market but anyway we're gonna get some more food um so wait they have the black pepper bun what'd you guys think okay okay honestly you have to try it for yourself because don't just trust me but I think it's like I don't know it just tastes more like perfect yeah yeah yeah honestly I I don't look down and she's been here like all her childhood and then you agree that the quality gone down right a little bit so I think it's a little dry okay okay yeah so yeah the meat's good but the bread was I I was kind of a huge disappointment especially for how much I do yeah yeah but but definitely try it because it's such a tourist destination but it was a little bit let down but the other stuff I had was good though the sticky tofu the boneless spare ribs and um the stuffed Wings was pretty good so we're gonna check out more stuff let's take these mushrooms are oh my God going back to explore a little bit we were on that side early now we're on this side there's more stuff to look at he cuts up the mushrooms like that to cook for you oh these are so good I'm not feeling mushroom right now which is kind of weird because I love it but they have different flavors for it too if you're a mushroom lover oh it's even cute little mushroom plushie right there this is so adorable yeah fried Pig blood right no it's pork blood but uh rice in it peanut powder all right I don't I don't like blood but let me know how it tastes chocolate it tastes like chocolate chocolate I want a bite I'm scared I'm too scared to eat blood but good for her I know pork blood and stuff is like really popular in UK too they call it a blood pudding they also have a form in Korea and honestly it's very popular I just I can't handle eating blood I had a challenge that included blood one time and it just it did not make me feel good so no blood for me um the child I had the other day had liver and I was I was already like oh my god dude I can't eat liver yeah I like intestines intestines are very good yeah you needed you needed to try though yeah yeah I have it yeah yeah I had a challenge with it actually yeah I had a challenge in Singapore it was a sandwich yeah yeah it was nine balls it was very very intense um it was how much it was like nine pounds of food yeah because each Bowl was about a pound yeah it was crazy it's like Curry balls or something you got so much different flavors the walking oh more of these sausages like these Taiwan sausages are everywhere I love them so much [Music] wait is this the ice cream with the cilantro yes okay okay all right she okay I have to try this this is uh this is very easy right now so it looks like there's some sort of crepe tortilla thing uh peanuts going in different ice cream I told her that yeah and now they're putting cilantro they're putting cilantro so I don't know what to expect from this but we're gonna try it out Bray didn't want the um cilantro no because cilantro tastes like soap so if you were team cilantro soap leave a comment let me know if you want to try this I'm really it smells good yeah it's good I'll wait for you and we'll try it together she's also vlogging too by the way so check out her Channel yes okay ready to try it yeah do you know what flavors are the ice cream I have no clue but that's the beauty of it it's a surprise okay ready three I don't know you guys know what I'm sorry three two one here we go [Music] looks like peanutty crunchy the um outside is like a crepe I don't taste the cilantro I didn't eat any of it yet I think there's a lot was in the middle okay the way she was making it [Music] we got a little bit of cilantro coming up I'm gonna try this I cannot I cannot see it it tastes pretty good yeah it actually tastes pretty good you know it really doesn't give it too much flavor it's just it's just cilantro right now yeah ice cream I don't know I like it it does taste good it just tastes like a very light dessert I'll give it like a 7 out of ten after that the more I start to notice it I honestly don't mind the cilantro that much but I feel like it's really not needed like it's totally find out the way it is it is a very good dessert because I love the peanut toppings nope I feel like I feel like the cilantro is really not needed like it's really good as it is already like it's just very light icy and I don't know it's good just very interesting that they would put a cilantro in here with the python around his neck just chilling and walking down the night market that's too funny I found a fried towel stand so they're making fried Taro balls and we're getting the ones with the Salted egg yolin stand looks good it smells amazing oh okay that was fast wow he got us these thank you let's try this oh my God okay I'll just take a picture real quick back to the Tara wall so we didn't try the one with the uh egg yolk again oh I try to film dude it's so crowded so I'm trying to film with one hand sorry [Music] okay here we go got the pork floss oh that salted egg is a very very nice touch oh my God wow I love this so much it's so soft it tastes like a mashed potato ball it tastes like a mashed potato ball with eggs inside I love it I don't know what this is I guess it's like some sort of Mochi but this is a Michelin star rated uh okay it's just like Mochi I don't know and they got this cool little Hello Kitty thing in the front he like tosses the Mochi in some sort of like powder um okay that looks cool right now I'm like filling it up like that okay so you put okay so this is harder he puts some sort of like powdered sugar inside and he coats them in that peanut powder okay right now what do you guys think you tried it it's really good awesome yeah it has a really nice like peanut coating makes it a little bit crunchy and very light and sweeter like the Mochi is very very fresh I think that's why it gives it it a God that's like potential for being a Michigan star I've honestly had very similar stuff to this it's good don't get me wrong it's good but I just feel like it's a very common in Asia I just don't know how like one stand here got initially three years in a row very impressive from them though so I actually would recommend trying this more than the black pepper bundle this one was way better than the black pepper I want to play this it's basically gambling um and then you're gonna pick out a red envelopes 22. okay all right we're gonna grab one sure why not okay what's in here let's see that's all good okay what is this what's six one bottle of drink oh my God I got some drink oh that's actually not too bad black tea you know what I want to play another time because we got lucky yeah it's not good I don't gamble I don't gamble though I've been to Vegas so many times yeah all right let's see what this is oh okay all right let's let's see 13 what's 13. oh no it's a constellation probably I got some gum okay all right we're done as this is a 40 red tea which is still not bad this is uh this is about a dollar fifty which is still pretty cheap and considering American money copium for not winning I mean we did win we're all winners so that was actually really nice because no matter what you got you still got a constellation prize so I got a tea and some gum we win having this fried milk for dessert oh my God this looks amazing so he puts it up like that puts it in a batter and a deep fryer of the other side so this is going to be my last stop let's try this oh my God the inside is so creamy it tastes like a deep fried cream puff oh oh my God it tastes like condensed milk oh I love this so much got to hang out with some friends got to meet some fans and of course eat delicious food so this is definitely quite an amazing place for you guys you must check out if you ever come to Taiwan Roja Night Market um yeah it's endless endless amounts of like stuff and you will get full honestly just like walk around get a pool and you'll just still have fun you know there's games there's stuff to buy you know it's so fun so 1010 would recommend even though the black pepper Buzz were kind of let down but everything else was great so hopefully you guys enjoyed this video and that you are enjoying my Taiwanese video so far and if you are please like And subscribe and I'll see you next time bye guys thank you so much for watching like And subscribe if you enjoyed it and make sure to check out my website for all my merchandise I got clothing prints and stickers all up on there and make sure to check out my social media my Facebook page um I do a lot of live streaming and on my Instagram page I do a lot of giveaways and on my Twitter page I also give a shout out to where I might be so you guys can kind of follow me on my journey okay and then check out my other videos and again make sure you subscribe thank you so much for watching guys see you next time bye
Channel: Raina Huang
Views: 61,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dP4W9pkOb9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 9sec (1509 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 17 2023
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