Shilin Night Market FOOD TOUR in Taipei, Taiwan! (Ft. STINKY TOFU)

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Shilin has three main areas. there's a  street with lots of street food stalls,   a bunch of winding Alleyways  with more formal businesses,   and then a large underground food court which is  actually where we're going to start now, let's go! so we've had the opportunity to try almost  every single one of these restaurants at   least twice and the best one, in my opinion,  is a place with a pink tables that we're going   to go to. and they have the best food at all  these places. and I love watching their chefs   cook. it is like magic. yeah this particular  lady right here is like amazing. she's like   a human cooking robot. she's so fast.  No wasted motions. nothin. all right we gotta go   hunt for a table. yeah it's just kind of like a free-for-all, find where you can sit type of deal they do this cool thing, it's very convenient where you  mark your table numbers and then   you just Mark what you want you want. give  it to them, and they bring it to you   yeah. you don't need to speak Chinese  as long as you got Google Translate a really famous dish in Taiwan is Braised pork rice. they take pork, fry it up in a pan, with lots of onions and assorted spices. soy sauce, cook until it's  all browned up and they boil it down to basically nothing until it's just fall  apart pork goo. and they put it on rice and uh you know I've had this a few times  and I'm just like salivating it looking at it it looks so good, Jesus that's even more  delicious than it normally is it's like Porky's soy Saucy fried onion lots of five spice. it's amazing, that's all I can say it's absolutely  amazing I gotta learn how to cook this for myself right it's so good but these are my favorite  dish in Taiwan these little dumplings are called Xiaolongbao if you have seen our other videos you probably know  that I've been on a hunt for a good xialongbao these ones have been my favorite so far nothing has beat it. so  what it is is a soup dumpling and it's prized for its very thin covering which some restaurants make thinner or thicker, around if this one might be on the thicker side but, a thin covering. and then  it's filled with pork and the pork turns into soup as they cook it so at the bottom you get this  nice soupy goodness so what you're supposed to do is break them open I like just biting off the  top because I uh I don't know it just seems   kind of messy to like dig your chopsticks in and  open it up so I just and then you can dip it in   soy sauce or you can just go straight for  it and you suck out all the soup before you eat it and the soup inside is so good it's like it's   almost like a gravy it's so thick  and fatty and it's just like lucious. I love it let's go to the next spot yeah so something I've been wanting to try here that  we haven't yet is called fried milk and I don't   really know how they make it. they chop these little cubes, and then I think they just puff   up into these balls after they fry them. I don't  know it's supposed to be pretty popular here I like that a lot. it tastes  like custard inside look at that   I wish we had gotten these sooner. you  want to try it? sure. smell like donuts it's really good right? holy crap no yeah that's   unexpectedly delicious. it's like  a custard donut absolutely wow in many Asian countries they make these  wonderful steamed buns that are some sort   of a... I think wheat or rice flour stuffed  with things, and then they steam them up   to cook everything inside. so this one's  filled with spicy pork. it is so hot I can   barely touch it. so I'm probably gonna burn the  heck out of myself. this is just take it slow that's really nice. it's almost like a  marinara sauce. it's a spicy tomato base   sort of marinating a pork meatball I love steamed buns. there's something  about the texture it's so like   it's spongey and light and fluffy.  it's like a little stuffed cloud okay I didn't really get any filling on that but oh wow. that's really good. A little on the bottom too. like all   the pork fats rendered out. you see that? cool you want to try something else? yeah oh okay gotta document everything you eat! hey  that looks good. you gotta get it under the light   we have seen these all over Asia and I've never  tried one, but it was calling tonight these are   strawberries if you couldn't tell. I'm not sure  what it's coated. sugar. I guess it is candy. they dip it in   boiling sugar to make it hard coated. I thought  it might have like a gelatin in it too, but yeah   you're right I think it's just sugar, not with  the front teeth, do it with your molars at least you know I don't really like chewing on hard candy so  I don't love that about it, the flavor of it   is so good it like brings out every little  bit of sweetness from the strawberry and I   think the strawberry because it gets dipped in  the hot candy gets cooked just a little bit so   it's really soft and I don't normally like cooked  fruit but in this really good it pairs well with   the crunchy shell, do you want to try it? yeah  I'm sure I'm making some dentists somewhere   you know get the dollar signs in their eyes.  as they think about buying their next Porsche. yeah you don't like it oh it's delicious   um that's really good. it's like an extra sweet  strawberry because it's dipped in sugar right   and Brandi is right. it's cooked and soft but  it's also reminiscent of like biting into a   light bulb, like I would imagine that's what  the sensations like it. it's Hollow and pops   and to shards and kind of cuts you up a little.  bit is that why you made that face? yeah I don't   I don't really like it. like it tastes good  but the sensation of eating it is horrible I'm glad we're on the same page  with this. They also had tomatoes covered in Sugar. I don't  know how that would be. I can't think of any   like sweet tomato dish except for like mildly  sweet soup... I don't know, I don't know what now? I don't know let's uh wander around until we  find something that catches our imagination are you really ready for this? I guess. everybody  says you know it's so delicious you gotta try it! we finally got it! this is stinky tofu.  yeah they take tofu and ferment it in a   brine of like shrimp and God knows what else um  and it smells terrible. it's like the worst thing   ever you smelled. walking down the street and it's  like [swings head back] like you're literally like punched in the   face with scent. to me... I've described it before as it  kind of smells like you took a towel dipped it in   vinegar, let it sit and mildew for a few days, and  then let like a boys locker room use it... yeah and   for me it's more like a livestock pen. it smells  terrible. I don't think it smells like animals but   you know different sniffers. either way it's  just it's so bad. anyways this one, they cube   it, they deep fry it, they fry it some more they  fry it again, and then they put barbecue sauce   garlic sauce some fermented cabbage yeah and  spicy sauce and and then you uh you eat it so   yeah... and if you're wondering why we're trying  it, everyone says it smells terrible, tastes   amazing. you have to try it. it's super popular in  Taiwan. it's one of their their national foods so   so no trip would be complete without it. all  right. why don't you uh do me a favor and just   open up the bag stick your nose right in it? just  do it. just do it. just a little torture first? well   no we want to see we want to see your natural  reaction. I've been like holding my nose I know   but stick just stick your face in the bag I want  to see it kind of like collapse a little pretend   you're like one of those kids breathing into a  paper bag, but like with tofu... is it not as bad   as when they're cooking it I feel like the steam  that comes off the fryer is like way worse but just it's really strong it  almost like Burns To Breathe It   oh it's.... upon poking it it's a lot harder than  I thought it was going to be. wow here it is let's   uh let's get a close-up of that. all right Randy. I'm nervous.... should I just do the whole thing? whole thing [inaudible] you think it's going to get better and it doesn't. it's just kind  of like taking you through it man [laughs] oh I don't like this  I don't think stinky tofu is for me every time you bite... you know how fried food gets kind of  like holy every time you bite, it releases   like stinky tofu scented liquid into your  mouth and it just it's so bad. [laughs] I hope   this isn't like I don't know where it's gonna  like stick on your stay on y our breath while   I'll still kiss you later. it tastes like an  animal pen.... I'm getting an animal pen now you said you'd kiss me later right? yeah we'll  put a brick between our mouths and   we'll do it like "lady and the tramp" style oh that'd be cute you know like is this just an  elaborate joke everybody here   is committed to? I don't know. I see  locals eating it every night like   there's lines out the door. I know. and  I've seen see people at restaurants oh okay okay if you actually need  to like vomit and not finish it there's a drain... I'm gonna do it im gonna do it and the fryer oil is old too it's so old oh my God. I'm gonna do do another one  though. because uh you know maybe it's   like one of those things where you  just have to like get get used to it something tells me we're not gonna finish  this. oh God, it was better the second time what you think third time's a charm?  yeah the time's a charm you know okay I think I think we have had enough stinky tofu for one lifetime I I got this thing it was too hot to eat  before um yeah that was like literally a   few seconds yeah a few minutes ago so you may  have seen one of these in our other videos it's   a favorite snack of mine it's a roll that is  stuffed with minced pork and chives and usually   heavily peppered and then cooked inside of a Clay  Oven this one has a generous smattering of sesame   seeds on top and it's from a Bib Gourmand  recommended stall, Michelin Bib Gourmand . Holy.... are you okay? that's so hot. a couple more  bites really rub it around your tongue oh yeah it was just like so puke inducing like  I don't know whatever that flavor is but this is delicious okay yeah out of all the like organ Meats intestine  is okay. I don't love it I don't hate it   by comparison to the stinky tofu this  is for sure like way better I don't   know if I've had anything like kind of  like durian fruit I really don't like   that gave me like kind of what Alan had to  like vomit inducing... that wretching   like the stinky tofu didn't do that to  me, but it tastes so bad! I don't know we went back to try more of the stinky tofu so  that we would have a thumbnail picture you want   a set of photos? and we discovered that if you want  like the most amazing photo set of your life just   do pictures of yourself while eating stinky tofu  if you don't like it, it was so funny we were dying it's like literally throwing up cool hey i look like Mitch McConnell I got another Taiwanese specialty here that they  do they take a sausage casing and they stuff a   full of rice that's been cooked with pork lard  and mushrooms to make this rice hot dog bun and   then they have a regular sausage that's of course  Chinese flavor so it's got like five spice and   stuff in it so it kind of tastes like star anise  and on this one what I wasn't expecting she put   some random chunks on it uh and a mystery brown  sauce and then what looks like pickled mustard   greens which is like a pretty classic uh you know  sort of acid to cut fats here in this cuisine   oh really getting in there that's really good  actually um you know the hot dog itself doesn't   have much flavor to it but they the rice is really  delicious it's like risotto with a sausage on top the sausage almost tastes like it's a little sweet  but it has like kind of a fermented flavor like a   little Beer-y, just a little bit. I'll take it  any day over stinky tofu. Would you recommend it?. I would say out of everything I've tried it's not  my favorite but I don't really love sausage so I don't think it's the sausage it's just I  don't I don't like meat that's a meat problem   then why are you married to me? I cannot put that in my video so at a lot of the night markets we've  noticed they have tons of games they like   dart games, these little pinball machines,  there's all sorts of stuff... prizes for   kids they're really popular with kids usually,  but adults play them too depending on the game   and Alan thinks I should play one... I'm gonna  play darts I guess are you gonna do it yeah hey thank you I collect magnets everywhere we go  and since it's near the end of our   stay here in Taipei, I need to get a Taipei  magnet and look there's tourist shops here   this one's pretty cute I don't have one like  this. I broke my normal scheme I usually try to   get at least the city name on it and if not, the the city and the country but this one was too good so the Shilin Night Market has a lot more to  it than just the main street with the food a   few of those little branches that shoot  off there are tons of alleys with shops   and this one has all these cute lights  and photo spots so definitely make sure   you explore it because it's like a whole  section of neighborhood it's pretty cool we were going to show you some really delicious  My Neighbor Totoro pancakes but the place is   already closed because it's like 11 already but  there was a place making rolled pancakes and it   looks pretty good chocolate marshmallow she even  blowtorched the marshmallow to make it sort of   S'more-like. yeah I wasn't expecting that! no. and they  had a cute cat back there which was pretty neat what's wrong? I ate a whole marshmallow  oh man! was it good at least?   yeah it's pretty good it's like a regular  breakfast Pancake with chocolate frosting   and a marshmallow oh there's a  little marshmallow goo left in there   I'll understand if the chocolate is frosting  and I don't really like frosting so we'll see we'll see smells really good it's kind of  like a frosting mousse hybrid I like it   that's really good I actually like this  a lot everything is closing up and it   is time for us to go home and if you  liked our video, click on another one   do it right now! do it! watch it all the way  through! it really helps us! yes thank you   do it because Alan ate the stinky tofu not once  but three times. four times! four times! four times!
Channel: IfWeGoTo
Views: 20,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: taipei, taipei taiwan, stinky tofu, stinky tofu vlog, americans try stinky tofy, try stinky tofu, trying stinky tofu, taiwan stinky tofu, taipei stinky tofu, shilin night market, shillin night market, taipei night market, taiwan food tour, taiwan street food, taiwanese street food, stinky tofu taiwan, stinky tofu reaction, foreigners stinky tofu, stinky tofu taiwan night market
Id: -6u8Aw-Pz-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2023
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