The Most Famous Lost Treasure Of The Middle Ages | Myth Hunters

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[Music] [Music] [Music] sh The Treasure of the mighty Aztec Emperor montazuma when Spanish conquistadors invaded the breathtaking Hall vanished Without a Trace Legend says the riches were taken far to the North to the fabled land of azalan the Quest for Aztec gold began with a Drifter who believed it was buried near a small town in America it's here I believe that monuma treasure is here someplace he was followed by others who came in search of the treasure they were seeing all kinds of ghostly figures have they awoken an army of Aztec warriors there's people who lost their lives and condemn this town to live under the curse of the Fearsome monuma there is a curse that's keeping people from finding this treasure the quest started almost 100 years ago one Summer's Day in 1914 a Dusty Old Prospector cycled along Johnson Canyon in Utah in the southwest of America his name was Freddy Crystal and he was in a hurry to get to a town called canab I am sure that the people of canab thought that Freddy sounded a bit mad and he looked a bit mad wild eyed and crazy hair unshaven not the typical person that comes into town and Freddy Crystal certainly had a wild tale to tell he told the people of canab that The Treasure of monuma was buried near their town if they'd help him find it they'd all get a cut it wasn't the sort of story these non-nonsense folk were used to hear the bulk of the people who lived in canab were members of uh the Latter-Day Saint religion um the Mormons and they they were small town folk they lived very ordinary lives they farmed they ranched they ran local stores canab would have been just a little farming Community people trying to scratch a life out of the the dirt they didn't want much to do with anything with him or his treasure at that [Music] time Freddy simply couldn't understand how they could turn their backs on one of the world's largest Halls of riches when the Spanish first saw the treasure they were all struck by the vast array of Jade turquoise silver and [Music] gold but when the Conquistadors ransacked the Aztec capital they discovered that the treasure had [Music] vanished when faced with an agonizing death the Aztecs still refused to reveal whether the treasure had been [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hidden Freddy Crystal was convinced that the Priceless horde had been Spirited Away to Southern Utah his belief was absolute the story of Aztec gold had come to him in a vision before Freddy ever even got to canab he was a prospector up in Idaho he was working in a mine and he got hit in the head with a crowbar which caused him to have what he called a panorama which for most intents and purposes we would call a vision in the vision Freddy said he had seen a large number of Aztec warriors leading a massive procession of slaves this large group headed north and crossed the Rio Grande into what is now [Music] Texas they then traveled across New Mexico into Arizona and finally reached the Colorado River the Aztecs and the long line of slaves moved into what is now Southern Utah but then suddenly Freddy Crystal's Vision started to fade the AZ and the slaves completely [Music] disappeared then one image slowly emerged from the haziness it was a type of ancient rock carving known as a [Music] Petroglyph Freddy was completely baffled why had he seen the Warriors driving a slave train thousands of miles north from the Aztec lands to what is now Southern Utah Freddy decided to find out all he could about the history of the long-lost Aztec Nation his reading led him to the events surrounding the downfall of the once Mighty Aztec empire [Music] although the Aztecs were renowned for ruthless cruelty and mass blood sacrifice they initially welcomed the Spanish conquistador hernand Cortez Cortez couldn't have timed his arrival [Music] better it had been prophesized a white God would appear in 1519 and here he was standing before them [Music] the Spaniard wanted to see gold and the obliging Aztecs showed their new God straight to their treasury the conquistadors were staggered and one of their numbers stated that all the riches of the world were to be found in that single room when the inevitable hostilities broke out the Spanish murdered montium and made straight for his treasure room but the vaults were empty the treasure was [Music] gone but the Spaniards hadn't traveled this far to Simply give up on the biggest cash of booty they'd ever laid their eyes [Music] on and when it came to Cruelty The Conquistadors Could Teach the Aztecs a trick or two they wanted that treasure and were prepared to do whatever it took to find out where it was it was said that not a single Aztec cracked Freddy then read later accounts stating that the treasure had been Spirited Away to the north to the fabled original homeland of the Aztecs azalan located in what is now the southwest of the USA Legend has it that the Aztec warriors were sealed up with the treasure in a cave their mission to protect their Emperor's treasure from anyone who broke in to steal it and now at last Freddy realized the meaning of his vision he was convinced he'd seen the army of slav slaves carrying the Treasure Trove as far north as the Colorado River at that point the vision had blurred but then one tantalizing clue was revealed and Freddy believed this was the marker pointing to the location of monuma treasure he did have one clue and the clue he had was a Petroglyph that had been carved onto a red wall but the southwestern States of America are full of red Canyons covered with thousands of petroglyphs for Freddy to find one particular Petroglyph somewhere out in the vast Wilderness seemed an impossible task Freddy Crystal had hit a brick wall months later Freddy had pretty much given up on ever Finding the Treasure then one evening after A Hard Day's prospecting Freddy decided to catch up on the local news his eye was drawn to one article it was all about a Mormon Elder a Mr Levi e young and he had gone down to canab to conduct some church business and then had for fun taken some pictures and done just some sightseeing of The Gorgeous country down there but it was the photograph that really made Freddy sit up there was no doubt about it it was the very same image he had seen in his panoramic [Music] vision and Levi young had now told him where it was it was somewhere on a canyon wall somewhere near a town called canab Freddy jumped on his bike and headed 300 miles to the South he was convinced he was finally honing in on the long lost [Music] treasure but Freddy's Blind Faith in his cause wasn't shared by The Devout Mormons down in canab most of the people in canab did not give him the time of day but one gentleman was willing to take a chance on Freddy and his name was Oscar Robinson he owned a ranch and he agreed to let Freddy come stay at his Ranch Oscar Robinson took Freddy in and gave him free board and lodging this was a cowboy Ranch Oscar Robinson had a bunch of livestock some sheep and some cows and so he helped subsidize and give Freddy a steak a lot of the other ranchers didn't like Freddy he was a a bit of a freeloader and his one purpose to be in canab was to find the Gold Freddy had landed on his feet the Robinson Ranch was right in the heart of the canyon surrounding canab it was Prime Petroglyph hunting territory every morning Freddy would set out early from the ranch he needed to check every single yard of the vast canyons and cliffs radiating out for Miles all around canab canab is a town that is surrounded by beautiful Red Cliffs it's rugged country it's huge I mean we're almost next to the Grand Canyon many of the canyon walls are covered with petroglyphs Freddy had to check out every single one and so for one person to try and pinpoint uh the exact location was an overwhelming task but not for Freddy he was a man on a mission a mission dictated by a vision he searched the hills for about 2 years all the while the ranchers at Oscar Robinson's Ranch making fun of him nightly telling him he was crazy Freddy would also show the photograph to anyone who would still give him the time of day and then in 1916 he finally got some fantastic news one man had seen the Petroglyph that Freddy thought would Point him to the location of the treasure Crystal couldn't believe how he could have overlooked it it was just 2 miles up the road from the Robinson Ranch and then he found out how some told him that the petric had been blasted off the wall it seems a farmer had wanted to create a shelter under the rock to store hay and he had unwittingly reduced Freddy's vital marker to Monte Zuma's treasure to a sad heap of sand in an instant Freddy Crystal seemed to have taken the news badly and vanished just as suddenly as he had appeared and the people of canab assumed it was the last they would ever see of the wild eyed man and his Tall Tales of lost [Music] treasure then in early 1922 a familiar figure was seen cycling along Johnson Canyon they were very surprised 6 years later when Freddy showed up back in town Freddy made a beine for the Robinson Ranch he had some great news for his old partner Oscar and he said he had spent the last 6 years in Mexico finding a [Music] map after the sudden destruction of the Petroglyph A desperate Freddy had recalled his fevered vision he had seen the vast procession of slaves leave what he now knew was the capital of the Aztec empire T notan in their rage at not finding the treasure the Spanish raised the ancient Aztec city to the ground and rebuilt it as Mexico City Freddy traveled to the city and once there heard an intriguing rumor it was said that one Aztec had been caught by the Spanish and he had a m map furthermore the map revealed the location of Mont Zuma's [Music] treasure in the Mayhem during the bloody Spanish Conquest the precious map had been lost Freddy learned that the Old Colonial records were stored in the basement of a monastery so in the dead of Night Freddy Crystal jumped the wall and broke [Music] in and finally he found exactly what he was looking [Music] for the map described a an area it had a cliff below the cliff there was supposed to be a marsh and then it was surrounded by seven mountains history hit is an award-winning streaming platform built by history fans for history fans enjoy our Rich library of documentaries covering key events and locations of the medieval period history hits medieval offering features leading historians such as Dan Jones Elena yega and Kat jarm not only that but we have a rich library of audio documentaries covering every period of History through our network of podcasts sign up now for a free trial and Chronicle fans get 50% off their first 3 months just be sure to use the code Chronicle at checkout The Cliffs and marshes reminded Freddy of the landscape in Johnson Canyon but included something he had never seen on his many trips through the hills a set of steps leading upwards Freddy was convinced the treasure had to be hidden at the top behind the [Music] entrance when Freddy returned it was almost like a rewind once again he started searching the hills he would um hike to the top of mountains with his map in hand Freddy was looking for a spot where he could see seven mountains lined up as on the map once he got to the top of of different Cliffs and mountains he would pull out his map and he would try to match the different um geographical landmarks and now he had a map some of the younger Cowboys started to show more interest in Freddy's story Alvin Jud Oscar Robinson's 16-year-old son-in-law was particularly Keen in his spare time Alvin and his pal cwh hiid Adams would join Freddy on his search Freddy told them when they found the steps they would lead to a cave sealed up with a layer of mortar behind this wall would be an army of ghostly Aztec warriors standing guard over the treasure but most of the time Freddy was out on his own scouring the Canyons to try and find the spot where the Seven Mountains all lined up and then on Thanksgiving in 1922 Freddy scanned The Horizon and suddenly stopped dead in his tracks he pulled out his map and that was the day that he found uh the perfect match Picture Perfect everything was there the the Seven Mountains the cliff the the marsh beneath it all it all fit foota Freddy couldn't believe his luck he had finally done it he round rounded up the young Cowboys Alvin Jud and cowhide Adams and they raced off to what they hoped was the cliff containing the treasure cave Crystal scanned the canyon he was looking for a set of steps cut into the rock face they found the cliff they were at the bottom and they saw that there were Stone steps going up Freddy scrambled ahead leaving the youngsters for dust and all the excitement and all the blood pressure went up and here's going to be the Gold Freddy was looking for something out of the ordinary in the rock face some feature that didn't quite fit in when they got up to the mountain where the steps were um they were looking around trying to find an opening which there wasn't but there was a little indention it was though Crystal had a SI sense somehow he just knew there was something special about this spot he actually pulled out a pocket knife right then and there immediately they started digging with their pocket knives with their hands anything that they could open up that face with and beneath the soft Sandy face there was something harder it was like mortar in between rocks the mortar was made from limestone a mineral not found in Johnson Canyon the closest is found 20 mi from here so obviously um somebody had brought that here to close up that wall and it had to be the azex Freddy believed he was now just feet away from the riches that had been snatched away from Cortez and his conquistadors any moment he knew Freddy knew he was going to break through that wall and find a mass Cavern of riches that the Aztecs had stored there and then suddenly they were through and they figured oh my goodness here it is Freddy told the youngsters to hold back while he went in to scout out the cave he knew the cave was reputed to be guarded by a long dead army of Aztec warriors Freddy edged nervously along the Sandy Cavern and then there was actually a booby trap and a boulder had rolled onto one of his legs and it actually pinned him there was this the curse of monuma Freddy desperately shouted for help and Alvin Jud rushed to his Aid if he had been alone it could have been fatal he could have died there in the caves there was no sign of Aztec warriors but now they were worried there could be more dangerous booby traps lying just up ahead the excitement withdrew the brush with death quickly sobered the mood amongst the trio of treasure Hunters it was dangerous it was more than they could handle and that's when they went to town and says we've got to get the word out we've got to get more people up here Freddy rushed back to canab he was anxious to tell everyone he was on the verge of finding Mona's treasure but he needed help and lots of it I once word had got out that he had found the treasure cave the whole town loved Freddy it wasn't Freddy the freak or Freddy the weirdo anymore finally convinced that Freddy may be on to something the whole Community decided to help dig out the treasure and then they would all share out the spoils if you go back to the design of the community and how the western part of this country worked was communitybased so it worked the same way with this adventure on fighing Mona's treasure everybody worked together within days canab effectively shut up shop the town's folk jumped in their buggies and rode to Johnson Canyon to dig out the treasure for a town like canab to completely shut down it's it's really quite remarkable all of a sudden a little Community blossomed up down the bottom of the canyon and they began to dig they had jobs just like as if they were in town some people were in charge of the water they had people that were in charge of the cooking the cleaning the digging in the 1920s what they used to dig with was shovels picks rakes buckets anything that they could find everything had to be done by hand they' have a bunch of buckets and and a line Brigade so one want to take a bucket hand it to the next like you're putting out a fire everybody had a part and it ran like oil Clockwork because everybody wanted that treasure these are ranchers and farmers and working is their living and so they kind of put their lives on hold for Freddy crystal in the 1920s canab was one of the most isolated communities in the USA but they knew completely closing down the town could attract unwanted attention it was like a tent city here in Johnson Canyon and certain people were left in town to make it look like the town was still busy and that it was thriving the people of canab were used to thinking independently in 1912 they had appointed the world's first all-woman Council the all-woman Town Council levied a fine on anyone who spoke the word treasure out loud they wanted to take all precautions to make sure that no Outsiders would hear of the treasure and try to come and claim some of the gold for themselves the women Council they put a lid on it and that information didn't get out very far at the time but despite the peticote council's best efforts pretty soon rumors began to spread strange things were a foot down in Kane County there's a story of two gentleman from Salt Lake City who managed to hear something that was going on down in canab got excited about it rode down when they got to canab everything was closed the businesses no one was home apparently a stable lad led the cat out of the bag and pointed The Strangers towards Johnson's Canyon when they got there they didn't get very close to where the people were working and before someone pulled a gun on them and said you need to leave and they did untroubled by Intruders The Big Dig continued a pace when they got to the end of the first cave they broke through a wall but found yet another series of caverns stretching back into the mountain there was no sign of gold just tons of dirt people were starting to doubt that there was actually even any treasure to be found uh that next shovel full because that's what kept everybody going it's just going to be the next shovel full but when when is that next shovel full stop one by one people were beginning to lose faith in Freddy Crystal slowly you know people started to give up the search and would you know gradually head back to their farms and their families and their way of life again but a hardcore of diggers carried on driven on by thoughts of treasure I'm sure that there was a lot of people felt you know just one more shovel f and after two long years the remaining gold diggers were finally on the verge of breaking through to the last Cavern everybody was seeing gold in their eyes any moment the next shovel full they're going to get it they finally broke through the cave wall but were faced with a heartbreaking sight somebody told me they found an old Spaniard helmet I think a half of aason they found back in there there wasn't much for as much much time as they spent there wasn't any gold they certainly didn't find any gold I can't imagine what what their hearts might have felt but Freddy Crystal had spent well over 10 years looking for the treasure and he wasn't about to quit now Freddy himself was discouraged so he took another look at the map and it hit him that the tunnels were probably just a temporary holding of the TRU treasure and that the place they really needed to look was underneath all of the material they had just removed from the cave so Freddy said you know what we have got to dig here where we have been throwing all this stuff for 2 years Freddy's sudden change of plan went down like a lead balloon the town's people were not happy with this they had just spent I don't know quite a long time emptying the tunnels to then be told they needed to move the very same material once again and they lost interest in 1924 the empty-handed towns folk finally abandoned the Dig and turned their backs on the man who had filled their heads full of treasure Freddy just disappeared one day and nobody really knew what happened to Freddy um some speculated that Town's people got angry at him and someone murdered him it was said he was murdered in Fury Fury for all the wasted time some thought he was killed for his map but others believed he had incurred the wroth of monuma and thought he may not be the last to die searching for the treasure but Alvin Jud kept his faith in Freddy and his tales of Aztec gold and when he had any spare time he was up there digging my grandfather and with his brothers he spent 30 years or more up there Alvin found no trace of the legendary gold but it wasn't to be the last the Jud family were to hear about montazuma and missing Aztec treasure Freddy Crystal had arrived at Oscar Robinson's Ranch in 1914 almost 70 years later another stranger showed up talking about monuma and his long lost treasure his name was Raymond dilman the dilans uh showed up and my mother was there alone this particular day and this old green van drill up and it was full of these Spanish looking people and they were big people my mother was kind of scared because they was you know she's out there alone and they didn't dare get out of the van my mom tells this story lots better than I do when I saw the occupants in there I really quite frightened me for a minute you know and I thought oh no what would I do you know well the dogs took care of it and those old dogs probably would have licked you to death other than that they would have done a thing to you but they had a big bark Orel Jud eventually summoned up all her courage I went over there and he asked me if there were any uh hiero gics on the walls and she says yeah there's some right there by the house and he says well can I see them he says sure so she walked over there and showed him Raymond dilman was looking for petroglyphs of three animals all in a line below them three circles and it was the the exact pictures that he was looking for but there was one final image dilman needed to account for well do you have this big Bullseye yeah there's one down the canyon the bullseye Petroglyph a nine spiral circle confirmed Ray dillman's [Music] Theory and he says the mon Zuma treasure is buried on your [Music] property I said oh really turn your hair away yes all of a sudden any other family would probably have politely asked Ray dilman to leave but not the Juds it's unusual and I it pricked our interests because naturally it was in our family or we' been part of Fred crystal in the whole nine yards and then to have somebody else come out of the blue and come right to there and and for us to be able to take him right to the picture because we knew they were there it's been in my family a long time and this dilman story of coming to our doorstep and continuing The Saga in the 70s early 80s was amazing to [Music] us Raymond dilman told the Juds he had spent the previous 16 years studying a curious set of tablets called the paralta stones the stones were found in the 1950s buried by a highway in Arizona the Peralta stones are thought by some to be a map to the legendary Dutchman's Mine in Arizona but Ray dilman believed the stones had led him directly to the petroglyphs on the Jud Ranch what he claimed was the sight of monuma treasure the picture of the horse's head and so forth is what was on the ranch the rest of the tablets actually had the map the etchings of the map to how that that's how they got there that's how they got got to Johnson Canyon dilman claimed both Aztec and Native American ancestry and this had enabled him to decipher the symbols on the [Music] stones and if the stone map was good enough for Ray dilman it was sure good enough for Bruce and Brent Jud the brothers got themselves an excavator and headed down the canyon aiming straight for the bullseye and we started digging this place out in the 1920s the whole town of canab had turned out with buckets and Spades 60 years later it was just two men but they had their heavyweight excavator the amount of dirt that we moved was 30 or 40 or 50 times more than what they did when you think that they didn't have any equipment everything was handmade after a few days of digging there was a huge pile of dirt and rock at the base of the cliff the ground under the nine spiral Bullseye was now exposed and they soon made a Grizzly find bones lots of Bones half their bodies had been burned we're going oh my gosh he told us they were going to be here but it wasn't just bones they hit a ledge and suddenly a small object tumbled down towards and it came running down towards us and we all backed up and thought Oh My heck this is a skull coming out after us and uh come to find out it was just a pot had uh Clay on the top of it and inside was 213 Turquoise Beats it wasn't yet Mont Zuma's treasure but it seemed a very good sign of the riches to come so you can imagine how our hearts were pumping you can imagine the gold in our eyes just above the site was a Strang looking rock that further encouraged the brothers that they were on the right track we call it the sacrificial Stone it was big enough that a a man six or 7 foot tall could be laid out on this Stone and it had a a drain line where it would actually drain off the face of the cliff down off this face the find had the brothers reaching for their history books they quickly learned all about the Aztec's fondness for blood [Music] sacrifice so had they found the execution site of the slaves who had carried the treasure from the a te capital in the early 1500s my thought was dang this is a place where they sacrific cuz the blood could naturally go off the edge of the cliff we figured it was uh that they were probably the Aztecs and uh that they'd been they beaten the people and when they excavated further under the cliff they found a set of flat Stones we' take that coverstone off and the hole was completely full of sand we'd go in and dig out out that hole go down about 8 ft and then we thought we had a tunnel here's the entrance to the cave monz zumas is just the next shovel full 2 ft in diameter just enough for one person to get down in there and guess what we found bodies there were Stones placed over the the openings and the first one that we opened up was just chucker boock full of Bones human bones the bones had been canw they'd been eaten the Jud Brothers had clearly uncovered a burial ground but could the bones be the remains of Aztec slaves that had carried the treasure far from the south the answer turned out to be no carbon dating revealed the skeletons were from around 200000 BC predating the fall of Monte Zuma by three and a half thousand years these were not the bones of the Aztec slaves it was a body blow for Brent and Bruce and they called a halt to their hunt however the brothers remained convinced that Mont Zuma's treasure exists and it is out here in the wild country surrounding canab it's here it's definitely here it's here I believe that monz Zuma's treasure is here someplace and Bruce now claims he knows where some of the treasure is actually hidden I can probably say that I know where part of it is but I'm not uh I'll never go to it I'll never go after it Bruce now believes it is far too dangerous to hunt the treasure yeah yeah there's people who lost their lives the one took his boy back to see it and uh a rattlesnake actually killed his son and so uh there's some there's some wild stories back in there they've uh actually had some some of the old Indians come back and say it's not time leave it alone the fact that the treasure may be cursed was whispered around canab but it didn't deter everyone in Town Branch child was a good friend of the Juds but he was convinced the treasure wasn't at their Ranch he thought it was hidden under this Lake just north of canab he too believed the Aztecs finally halted here after fleeing the Spanish and that this was part of their legendary Homeland azalan these these Aztec these Ed they had to leave and take their treasure elsewhere so they came back to their Homeland back to this country and they knew they had to put us someplace where Cortez wouldn't get it granchild said that when the Aztecs arrived here the lake didn't exist the slaves had dug a tunnel into the cliff walled up the treasure then flooded the valley his son Lon explains there was probably around 4 to 6,000 Warriors the theory is is that they actually killed the the Warriors that brought the gold here and the Aztecs believed in the afterlife and so their assignment was to protect this area but thousands of dead Aztec warriors were not going to deter a man like bran child when he wanted to go after something he really went after it brand brought in dive teams to explore the underwater cave but the divers quickly swam into trouble we had a professional group of divers out of San Francisco that came down uh they came down with $100,000 worth of equipment what happened with them is their equipment kept breaking down and they just had all kinds of trouble Linda lost her air and uh when we got back out Linda's air tank had been turned completely off nothing wrong with the tank itself she had plenty of air in the tank but it had just been turned off the divers could offer no rational explanation for the constant equipment malfunctions but they all agreed that there was something strange happening in the underwater Cavern they were seeing all kinds of ghostly figures a lot of crazy things he says I'm being choked I'm being choked I can see ghostly figures all around me and they're choking me I can't breathe I can't breathe get me out get me out Tony Thurber had been a professional diver for over 20 years I've been diving all over the world and and I've never had a terrifying experience as scary as this one was and it wasn't just the diver who had a close brush with death that day we woke up late that night and the room was full of propane gas and and propane is very dentl and so we we had to leave the room and and I have no idea why it leaked it never leaked before and never leaked after although strange inexplicable things were happening in the cave there was no shortage of fresh divers ready to take up the challenge there was many different divers um that came down and had pretty much the same experience almost every time every single dive ended in Failure Branch child now decided on a radical solution the easiest way would have been to access the U treasure would have been just to drain the lake and and what dad wanted to do to drain it actually is just dig a big trench and drain it out into a field but there was a problem the federal government got wind of that and they went to Dad and they threatened him they said you don't touch that Lake the US fish and wildlife department informed brand his Lake was home to a critically endangered subspecies the canab Amber snail killing just one Snail would leave brand picking up a bill for $50,000 L believes it's no coincidence that the rare snails live in the lake he believes they were put there to guard the treasure the Aztecs used a golden snail in the religious rituals so the the theory is is that the Aztecs brought their golden snal from Mexico and planted where they planted the gold the Amber snail is a means of protecting access to the treasure with the Amber snails successfully blocking the lake route brand now hatched a new plan he brought in a crew to drill down into the cave but then one of the crew had an unusual experience he said it's the strangest thing because I looked over on this null and there was an Indian standing there in full Indian Garb and he was holding a spear and I said oh come on and he said well I started going about my B business again and then I looked back to see if he was still there and he was gone if this was a warning the Drillers chose to ignore it and it wasn't long before they broke through to a cavern and when they brought the drill bit up they were staggered when they pulled the drill bit out it was flakes of gold on the on the drill bit tip it was an amazing development and they needed to see just what was down in the cave they decided that they'd put a little camera down there and the story is is that when they got the camera in the cavern they could see a statue and a pile of something he said he could see something in the middle of the of the uh of the room that was piled up in the middle of the room and then he could say he said he seen an image over to the side of the door where where he figured the door was at that there was something somebody standing there some say it wasn't a statue was a figure of a man um and then this pile that they couldn't make out because they didn't have enough lighting yeah they were very excited but the excitement of the find was to be overshadowed by tragedy and and that well driller went home that night and he had a heart attack and died and um and then what I understand is a few weeks later his wife died too his own brother won't come to this very day and get the drilling rig that's still parked right up there up on top and then Brandt got a visit from a mysterious Native American Dad said well that was the strangest thing this Indian just came out and he told me that the treasure was here but it's it is to be used for the Indians to unite the Indian tribes and that bad things would happen to you if you continue to go after it so you need to quit trying to go after it and this wasn't the end of the strange incident they both started walking back following his tracks in the sand and after a while his his tracks just disappeared my dad got to the point where he truly believed that it was probably just protected and it wasn't meant to come out and so he he gave up trying we can't disturb it it's designed it's it's hit up and it's protected by these Warriors that were left here brand finally decided to give up his pursuit of monuma treasure in September 2002 he died in a traffic accident some consider the circumstances surrounding his death are somewhat mysterious brat child's was killed um in Marysville Canyon when he hit a horse in the canyon a lot of people think it could have been because he Disturbed the treasure some people believe it's cursed it's been cursed with a curse to protect it some now believe that the treasure belongs to the descendants of the Aztec the native American people the legend says that there's a chosen one and that he will be able to come and access the treasure and then it will be used for the Indians like I say when the time's right then it'll come out lach child has brought a halt to any attempts to get hold of the treasure at the lake we're going to let the Aztec sleep yeah they can have their treasure today many in canab are convinced that the 6,000 Aztec warriors continue their silent vigil they believe the Warriors await anyone Reckless enough to disturb The Treasure of their long dead Emperor the mighty [Music] monuma [Music]
Channel: Chronicle - Medieval History Documentaries
Views: 331,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aztec culture, Aztec treasure, Chronicle - Medieval History Documentaries, Hastings battle, Renaissance beginnings, ancient civilizations, archaeology mysteries, buried gold, buried secrets, educational documentaries, forgotten history, history enthusiasts, history exploration, lost civilizations, lost empires, medieval era, mysterious events, treasure excavation, treasure hunters quest, treasure map, treasure seekers
Id: ahW-lU4Yop4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 1sec (3001 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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