The Most Expensive Royal Divorce In The World (2024)

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divorce is a complex and emotionally charged issue that affects couples worldwide however when it comes to royal families the consequences of a marital breakdown can be extremely complex and financially devastating these high-profile divorces are often marked by lavish Financial settlements bitter disputes over titles and a constant stream of Sensational news stories that capture the Public's attention therefore in today's video we're going to talk about 12 the most expensive divorce settlements in the world so without further Ado let's start at number 12 we've got princess Louie and Princess Tessie of luxembourg's divorce settlement born the 3rd of August 1986 Lou the third son of Henry Grand Duke of Luxembourg and Maria Teresa Grand Duchess of Luxembourg he married Tessy Anthony the 29th of September 2006 however Prince Louie and Princess Tessie of luxembourg's marriage ended due to a breakdown during the summer of 2016 with Tessy filing divorce citing Lou unreasonable behavior as the grounds for their separation the couple was granted a quickie divorce at the Central Family Court in London February 2017 in terms of a divorce settlement Prince Louie was ordered to pay around $95 per week to each of his two sons with the judge ruling that the vast wealth of Prince Lou family could not be factored into the divorce battle Additionally the judge ordered that the princess and children should be given a license to occupy the former family home in London until the youngest child finishes his first degree Prince Louie initially offered to pay $350,000 in child maintenance for each child but was ordered to pay around 5,000 per year as part of the settlement Tessy was allowed to retain her title until September 2019 following the divorce to get her Affairs in order after which she's known as Tessy Anthony Den Nassau next we've got the divorce settlement Saga of Prince Yim of Denmark and Princess Alexandra manlay born the 7th of June 1969 Prince Yim is the member of the Danish row family and the younger son of Queen Margaret II he married Alexander Christina Manley on the 18th of November 1995 they announced their intention to divorce in 2004 Danish media speculated that the couple divorced because the prince's increasing fondness for parties and fast cars the Danish Parliament decided to grant princess Alexander an annual allowance from the Civil list amounting to approximately $330,000 starting from October 1st 2004 this allowance was independent of any future remarriage ensuring her financial Independence however in 2017 princess Alexandra chose to renounce her entitlement to the civilist effective July 2020 coinciding with her son Prince Felix's 18th birthday despite this she continued to receive a smaller sum similar to a civil service pension the couple agreed to share custody of their two sons with Danish law stipulating that the prince could not leave the country due to his succession rules princess alexandraa remarried in 2007 and that led to the loss of her title as the princess of Denmark and her status as a member of the Danish royal family on the other hand on October 3rd 2007 a Danish Court announced that Prince yoim had become engaged to French native Marie Cavalier their wedding took place the 24th of May 2008 at number 10 we've got an Princess Royal and Mark Phillips divorce settlement story born the 15th of August 1950 she's the second child and only daughter of the late Queen Elizabeth II and the late Prince philli Duke of Edinburgh she married Mark Phillips on the 14th of November 1973 however she and Captain Mark Phillips had a marriage that faced significant challenge over the years the relationship was described as Loveless Union just drifting along both parties reportedly engaged in extramarital affairs with Captain Mark Phillips having affairs with several women and an having close relationships with others including her now husband sir Timothy Lawrence the marriage broke when it was revealed that Captain Mark Phillips had fathered a child with another woman in 1985 and had been secretly paying child support the divorce between Princess Anne and Captain Mark Phillips was finalized April 1992 after they had separated for more than 2 years which allowed for an uncontested divorce under British law despite the high-profile nature of their separation no Financial settlement was publicly announced however it was reported that Phillips was required to pay a settlement of approximately 415,000 finally following the divorce princess an and Captain Mark Phillips agreed that their two children Peter and Zarah Phillips would live with Anne at her home in gatcomb park currently Anne the Princess Royal is married to Sir Timothy Lauren Lawrence next we've got the divorce settlement of Princess Martha Lise of Norway in AR Ben born the 22nd of September 1971 Martha is a member of the Norwegian royal family a businesswoman and a self-described fortune teller she is the only daughter of King Herod V and queen Sanja on the 24th May 2022 princess Martha Louise married author Ary Ben in Tron time however the couple divorced in 2017 with both parties acknowledging that they had Grown Apart despite their efforts to make their relationship work AR Ben had previously hinted at personal struggles including depression and alcoholism which may have contributed to the marital issues the details of the divorce settlement between princess Martha Lise and Ary Ben were not publicly disclosed however it is known that princess Martha Luis received 2.9 Million and also retained ownership of the family home in LOM Dalin west of Oslo and the holiday home called bloxer in the island of Hano which she inherited from her grandfather Ari Ben was expected to settle near the family home to remain an active part of the children's lives the couple agreed to share joint custody of their three daughters ma Angelica Leah Isidor and Emma tulula this Arrangement was emphasized in their statement quote we are ending the marriage but we are remaining together in Parenthood in May 2019 the princess announced that she was in a relationship with a self-styled priest named direct verett next at number eight we have the divorce settlement story of prince Andrew Duke of York and Sarah Ferguson born the 19th of February 1960 Andrew is is the third child and Second Son of the late Queen Elizabeth II and the late Prince Philip Duke of urgh Andrew married Sarah Ferguson at Westminster ABY on the 23rd of July 1986 however the marriage was spoiled by controversy and drama leading to their divorce accusations of infidelity surfaced when Sarah was photographed on holiday with her financial adviser in a compromising situation Sarah's Behavior and the public scandals contributed to the collapse of their marriage and they announced their separation in 1992 the divorce settlement between prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson was finalized in 1996 with Sarah receiving a total of around $3 million the queen contributed around 630,000 to this account enabling Sarah to purchase her own home additionally 1.7 million was allocated to trust funds for their daughters princess beatric and princess Eugene while Sarah kept the remaining 440,000 in cash prince Andrew also agreed to cover his daughter's educational expenses and provide them with a monthly allowance despite the divorce prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson have maintained a close and supportive relationship they've lived together at the Royal Lodge in Windsor and have been seen attending events and holidays together Sarah is publicly supported prince Andrew and emphasized their successful co-parenting and mutual support next we've got the unnamed Middle Eastern Royal dis divorce settlement Story the unnamed Middle Eastern Royal who is the husband is a nonworking Royal and his title is honorific he and his wife's names haven't been revealed because English courts allow individuals to keep their names hidden in divorce cases at early stages the husband and wife have shared a love for horses and they met in 2017 at the US sequestering event they married in 2018 and moved into a property of modest value in the southeast of England worth around $2.9 million they eventually divorced in 2024 so multi-million dollar homes private jets and lavish vacations were at the heart of a London money fight where a judge ordered the unnamed members of the Middle Eastern royal family to pay $6 million to the estranged wife the significant pay out order came after an anonymous 34-year-old Royal initially argued he had quote limited resources to pay the UK after the breakdown of the short marriage he was in fact worth around 111 million he later said giving evidence the London judge concluded that the son of the ex senior minister in an undisclosed Middle Eastern nation was enormously wealthy the judge ordered the husband to pay 5 million to his ex-wife to pay for a house in the US over 1.2 million to cover other expenses and recurring payments that include a $50,000 car for their two children's Nanny every 5 years next we've got the divorce settlement story of David Armstrong Jones second Earl of Snowden and Serena Armstrong Jones born 3rd of November 1961 he's the only son of Prince Margaret man Anthony Armstrong Jones first Earl of Snowden on the 8th of August 1993 he married Serena Eileen stanh hope at St Margaret's Church in Westminster however in February 2020 they mutually decided to end their marriage and proceeded with a divorce this decision was reached in a friendly way and both parties requested that their privacy as well as that of their family be respected during this time the divorce would involve a substantial Financial siment the Earl has accumulated a significant Fortune over the years which includes multiple companies and properties the couple has huge wealth in their possession that includes a 4.75 million Kensington flat a cottage in Glouchester Shire and a $3.7 million Chateau in Province additionally the Earl inherited half of the prince Margaret's $25 million Fortune experts are saying that this may get distributed among them however the main contention in divorce is the division of the Earl's $12 million Kensington townhouse which was originally purchased by the late Queen for him and is held in a trust for the children it shows that divorce is a significant event that involves complex Financial settlements despite all these the couple has emphasized the importance of privacy for themselves and their family they will share custody of their children with the family's well-being being a priority next we've got King Charles III in Princess Diana's divorce settlement story born on the 14th of November 1948 Charles III is the king of the United Kingdom in the 14 other Commonwealth Realms he proposed to Diana in February 1981 and the wedding took place in St Paul's Cathedral the 29th of July 1981 the marriage of King Charles III and Princess Diana was marked by the public and private turmoil that we know around the story leading to their separation in 1992 and eventually their divorce in 1996 the couple's marital troubles were widely publicized including infidelity and incompatibility Diana's Candon interview and tell all book further illuminated the reasons behind their divorce after an arduous legal battle the divorce settlement was finalized in August 1996 Princess Diana received a lump sum of 21 million along with an annual stien of 500,000 to Runner office this settlement was one of the largest in history at the time and was intended to cover Diana's future financial needs without any claim to the Royal Family's Throne as part of the divorce agreement Diana was allowed to retain her title as Princess of Wales but had to give up the style of her royal which would have entitled her to certain Royal Privileges and formalities despite this she was permitted to keep her apartments in Kensington Palace and was given access to the Royal Family's jets for travel at number four we've got the divorce story of King fed bin Abdul aiz alad of Saudi Arabia in jar he was King and prime minister of Saudi Arabia from 1982 to 2005 prior to his Ascension he was the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia from from 1975 to 1982 he was the eighth son of King Abdul aiz the founder of modern Saudi Arabia he married 13 times and his last wife was J ARB J ARB who is a Christian married the then Prince fed bin abdulaziz alad in 1968 however their marriage faced significant challenges including arbs conversion to Islam and subsequent rejection by F's family leading to her fleeing Saudi Arabia in 1970 ARB initially claimed that she was entitled to more than 23 millionar in the Deeds to two plush London Flats based on an agreement with Prince abdulaziz B fod who who allegedly promised to honor her father's commitment to provide for her for the rest of her life a high court judge found her claim credible and awarded her the equivalent of more than 23 million plus the Deeds to the two expensive London Flats despite the initial ruling in her favor the London Court later overturned the decision stripping ARB of the $17 million payout the case Drew significant public interest due to the secretive nature of the Saudi royal family and the potential insights our story could provide next we've got Prince fil Abdullah Bin abdulaziz alad's divorce settlement story born the 23rd of July 1978 he's a member of the House of sad and was the head of the Saudi Arabian red crescent Society the specific reasons behind the divorce of Prince FAL bin Abdullah Bin abdulaziz alad and his former wife princess Fahad Hussein Abdul Raha Al ath have not been publicly disclosed the couple married in 2001 and finalized their divorce in Saudi Arabia in 2016 the divorce settlement has led to Legal battles in the United States where the prince filed a lawsuit against his ex-wife to prevent her from selling a property without his consent he claims that he's owed about 42 million which he is loaned for the renovation of the property the property in question was purchased for around 17 million and includes a substantial estate with at least 19 bedrooms and 21 bathrooms the Cayman Islands judge has valued the property between 31 million and $40.5 million princess fa argues that she was never a manager of a Delaware LLC formed to buy the property and that the Delaware Court had no jurisdiction over her the allegations are that the prince used the property as a weapon against his ex wife with claims that he will neither agree to sell it fund it use it or buy it the prince has been in detention since March 20120 next we've got Prince erst August of Hanover in Princess Caroline of Monaco's divorce settlement story born the 26th of February 1954 erns the gust is the head of the House of Hanover he married Princess Caroline of Monaco in 199 9 Prince Ur of Hanover and Princess Caroline of Monaco had a notably troubled relationship marked by various scandals and legal disputes the couple's marriage began to unravel publicly when Princess Caroline moved out in 2009 after discovering Prince Ur with a French socialite this was not the first time infidelity had been an issue in their relationship as rumors of Affairs circulated for months however they were consistently denied by the Palace of Monaco the prince's absence from official engagements and his past alcohol rated problems also contributed to the strain of their marriage while the couple has not pursued a formal divorce their separation has been speculated to potentially result in one of the most expensive divorces in history Prince erns wealth estimated at over 6.3 billion could have meant that Princess Caroline was entitled to half under German and French law it's been estimated that she could have received 85 million if they had divorced after 5 years as a prenuptual agreement despite the separation Princess Caroline retains her title as her Royal Highness princess of Handover currently he is Pretender to the Thrones of the kingdom of Hanover and the duche of Brunswick at number one we've got shik Muhammad bin rashed al- mum and Princess haa bin Hussein's divorce story born the 15th July 1949 Muhammad bin rashed is an Amir politician and Royal who is current ruler of Dubai and serves as the vice president prime minister and minister of defense of the UAE he's been married multiple times he married Princess haa in 2004 between shik Muhammad bin rashed al- maktum and Princess haa bin Hussein was marked by serious allegations and concerns for safety in May 2019 the marriage fell apart when Princess haa fled Dubai to stay away from the Sheik thus the world saw one of the most widely covered Royal divorce cases of all time after hearing both of them the high court gave the Judgment in favor of the princess however the court also heard about Princess haya's affair with her British bodyguard which became public and added to the marital Strife the divorce settlement ordered by the UK high court is the largest in Royal history shik Muhammad had to pay princess haa and upfront payment of over 300 million within 3 months ongoing payments are to be made for the children with a bank guarantee of over 360 million underpinning these payments the princess is now said to be living in rural Wales and with this we wrap up this video we hope you enjoyed the video if you found our Channel interesting then subscribe to it thank you see you in the next video
Channel: Luxlogy
Views: 50,488
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Keywords: most expensive royal divorce settlements, most expensive royal divorce settlement 2024, most expensive royal divorce, most expensive royal divorce 2024, expensive royal divorce, expensive divorce claim, Princess Tessy, Prince Joachim, Princess Alexandra Manely, princess martha louise, Ari Behn, Prince Andrew, Sarah Ferguson, david armstrong jones, serena armstrong, Princess Haya bint Hussein, Prince Ernst August, Princess Caroline
Id: 6j95_s11yZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 18sec (978 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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