The Most Expensive NEW Car In The World! £20 Million Rolls Royce Boat Tail

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Aug 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

If I could afford that car, I could afford a chase van full of servants to set up a proper table - including a chef and sommelier.

Rich people are running out of ways to spend their money.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/yusrandpasswdisbad 📅︎︎ Aug 21 2021 🗫︎ replies
so this this articulates by itself it does yes yeah yeah so if i just press this okay oh okay here we are now the unique thing about this good morning is that uh this is unfolding in actual real time and i am yet to oh my god see this car crikey it's huge where do you begin with this you can kindly meet the rolls-royce boat tail so it's called the boat tail it is yes and all will become clear um as we go through the car but a a modern interpretation of the historic boat tail uh body style i mean it's quite literally a road yacht isn't it it's certainly a sort of article it's unbelievable how long have you been working on this for um it's been sort of four years since the first client discussions let's say okay i mean you know the brand very very well and and we we proudly stand behind a commission model that is to say that the the end result is very much guided by the client in terms of of definition and we don't necessarily always know where that's going to take us and in this instance we have arrived at yeah this as the as the conclusion of four years of work and four years of i have to say fantastic curation with with some you know marvelous clients of ours did this start at a similar time to sweat tail or did it come off the back of that that project um it was let's say sweptale somehow i think worked almost as a catalyst in the sense that um sweptail also equally born out of this notion that we work to a commission model um but i think on on revealing sweptail everybody almost understood a new watermark in terms of where you get possible progress too and that i think it's it's fair to say stimulated a level of of imagination um within our client base and we like to think that all of our clients are extraordinary but somehow within that group exists individuals who seek so much more than than just the the motor cars that we produce and they seek that opportunity to curate and to commission um and that was really the the start point for the preliminary discussions and the preliminary designs that led us in the direction of this wonderful motor car how long is this thing um it's just over 5.7 meters so as i mentioned sort of generous but hopefully as you can recognize and it's something we we really did uh labor over is that it's really the proportion and the scale that does the talking you know that's where this sort of sense of impact and almost demonstration of the kind of presence of the of the concept comes across but the detailing particularly the surface treatment it's very reduced it's paired back it's it's simplified and we're very conscious especially in this space that you know cars are almost sort of defined by this metric of more is more you know it's more differentiation it's kind of hyper characterization whereas we really wanted to exercise almost a newfound level of restraint and you can see just the cleanliness of the surfaces the purity of the lines and also the fidelity of the form i mean remarkably the car is all fashioned from sheet aluminium it's hammer formed that allows us to do amazing things you know things that we would never normally be allowed to achieve through industrialized techniques so you can just see the the general clarity of of line and surface and and precision it's incredibly smooth isn't it it's really incredibly sad it really is unfortunately a lot of modern design is littered with almost superfluous detail and we really wanted to to to break away from that and actually i think you you sit in front of the most progressive element to the overall concept and that's of course the treatment of our iconic pantheon grill um the first time ever it's not this sort of applicate trophy applied to the front of the car it's really deconstructed into its component elements to inform the not just the structure but the visual representation at the front of the car and the contrast color water falling over beautifully into the the grill space itself and even the atrium of our pantheon grill is sort of softened to kind of lessen the the formality we very much want the car to be a an owner drivers concept and i think it's the grill especially the treatment of the grill that really demonstrates that in a very clear way when a client comes to you with that why why do you start with this because it seems like so am i right and think is everything about this bespoke from ground up absolutely so this isn't the shared chassis or anything like that the the chassis is derived from our aluminium architecture and of course as you can tell by way of the scale it has a lot of similarities with the the phantom lineage um and there are some componentry particularly on the interior that is very obviously recognizable for good reason from the main portfolio but the exterior form as you can see it here is is completely unique and every single body panel and a lot of the complexity that we'll get into especially at the rear end has all been designed and developed uniquely for this concept for only three cars which is you know wow really really astounding i guess other than on black badge i don't necessarily associate carbon fiber heavily with rolls-royce to see this massive section here that's basically forged out of carbon it's stunning but for for very good reasons you know it's actually for its structural um rigidity particularly in this rear area it actually defines this whole upper structure of the rear of the car um and also then provides the basis for some of this complex movements um the pannier we describe this area as almost the rear hosting area and there's a lovely link also back to the personality of the of the clients in the sense that we were very fortunate through the development process to spend quite a lot of time in their company and they were just the most generous hosts you know they were just wonderful wonderful people to spend time with and we really felt that that spirits would somehow live in the car and almost that we always think for me at least rolls royce in terms of its sensibility and i think it's a typically british quality that it that it's almost it's there to serve you know it's there to very very respectfully and very dutifully um fulfill the the requirements of its of its owner and we wanted the car to almost host you here at the rear so subtle touches and again credit to the phenomenal engineers that we worked with where it's not simply kind of utilitarian provisioning this really offers itself to you so the butterfly mechanism the lids that rotate towards center line the fact that the panniers then create this inclination so they rotate up to a 15 degree angle that subtle difference just as if it's sort of offering itself to you and and even these beautiful picnic tables you know they rotate round so they move from this sort of flush fitted again that is absolutely gorgeous isn't that it really is and it's a beautiful thing to use you know it's lovely waiting and again just a real demonstration of ingenuity what is quite amazing is its overall profile super simple and as soon as you start to look at it the amount of detail in it it's crazy am i seeing a blue weave in this you are yes yes it's a technical weave so it's got a contrasting blue fiber running through the actual carbon weave itself indeed yes and moreover we actually also extend it to these beautiful stools um which we again created from the ground up i've just noticed that these are carbon stools if i'd have known that i would have taken a few steps back before i wandered around the car yes yeah no i mean training as an automotive designer i never thought i'd find myself penning a stool um but it's amazing and here we worked with a italian furniture maker um to create this unique interlocking clamshell design um to create this slimline package that allows you to stow it on the side and underneath it this twist in it that twist in the carbon is stunning and small details i'm not sure if the camera can see it but just little i mean everything feels billet and beautiful you know it's really really gorgeous gorgeous thing the most astounding thing for me with this project really is that it exists you know in this day and age with with the general consumption trends that we experience you know for for not just a mark but also for for customers to impart with so much patience so much trust and so much encouragement for us to to create something extraordinary but for us to have the latitude to pen the car that we believe projects the modernity of the brand you know and really and really moves it on it's not a retrospective fulfillment of creating something unique it's it's really about progress and you could describe it almost as modern patronage you know it's it's really about commissioning the next chapter for this great brand and then yeah as your eye wanders onto the interior you can see again with the exterior this sort of reduced pad back feeling really allowing the beauty of the materials to do the storytelling even the the cockpit fascia is relatively simplified all the technology that we could disguise and and remove distraction from have been placed behind you know lovely surfaces and then as a centerpiece is a bespoke um timepiece as soon as they run me through that watch yes yes the detail behind that is almost as extraordinary as the car itself but um the client is of course a you know a great aficionado of timepieces and you know individually commissioned timepieces and wanted to create something unique for this car to bring together in his mind his two passions rolls royce and and timekeeping you know horology as a discipline um and we worked with bouvez uh the swiss watch manufacturer um to complete to our mind the first ever um to be on movement applied directly into a car um so that's embedded into it as opposed to a removable it is actually removable there's three examples of this being produced how individual is each one does each one have as much of a unique story very much so yeah so the only similarity between the three cars is the body style um so we wanted to create almost you could describe it as a sort of critical mass of more than a one-off in the boat tail body style to really you know almost qualify it as a as a modern interpretation and that's really where the similarity ends so all of the detailing the materiality the colors the appointment in the rear varies considerably from from one car to the next okay but as you see here standing at the rear there's this wonderful symmetry so on this side is provision for for eating even things like as i open here you can see the um christopher cutlery so we work with christoph in paris to create a unique cutlery set it's inscribed with the car's name in here and also the crockery itself and then you can see the chilled food containers inside here the non-chilled food containers here salt and pepper grinders not shakers as we were reminded when we absolutely i made that blunder with one of one of the clients and they described when have you ever been to a michelin star restaurant and use the shakers yes noted and i think this is the the marvel really for me because the ingenuity the fascination and the engineering that has gone into this purely informed by the notion of hosting you know right yes nothing more it's not about performance it's not about you know any of these other typical qualifications of engineering achievement it's really just a beautiful beautiful thing to use and this the talking about the viability of the car this has all been high speed tested so believe it or not this with all of its provisions has has been around millbrook several several times really yeah so you've sent this around mel brook full set up in the back yeah just to make sure there was no noise vibrations and they even had to to make some subtle adjustments to some of this configuration and then yes talking about sort of accomplishment the the paris and not just any parasol um one that we designed and developed from the ground upwards um specifically for this application so it deploys out of this sleeve in the center here has that cap again you can see just the quality of execution so has there been any enhancements to engine or is that taken from existing family translated into this absolutely yeah so it's from the phantom that's the only ingredient that's unchanged um because you know it's not what characterizes the car and let's also face it the client was extremely happy with the way it's going to say it's really when you build a car like this with rolls-royce the client is becoming part of the company's history that is such a significant car absolutely to add to you know it's amazing absolutely no i mean i think in commissioning a coach build rolls royce you really you mark your place almost in the legacy of the brand and it's it's interesting we often reflect in the studio that when we talk about historic rolls royces we often talk more so about the personalities of the owners and you know the the the choices of their commissions more so than we do the cars and you compare that to and maybe unbiased if it's a sports car manufacturer so forth it's more about the accomplishments of the car yes um and i think that's an interesting part of the rolls royce story that somehow makes us unique [Music] you
Channel: Mr JWW
Views: 4,496,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MrJWW, Mr, JWW, cars, supercars, supercar
Id: tcysyKw1kIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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