The Most Expensive Koi Fish In The World!

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hi my name is George and in today's video we're going to be seeing some of the best ponds in the world we're here at our first Pond today with Anthony from Koi Enterprise this is a private residence that essentially has an Atrium inside it is Georgia so we're in an Atrium and just behind us we have this gorgeous Pond [Music] how big is this Pond 7 200 gallons total beautiful collection of fish I'll let you do some honor George here you go they're hungry look at they are all right guys Uncle George all right so the first thing I'm noticing about all the fish in here is that they are toncho koi they are the majority of them are tancho koi which is the koi with the red circle on the top just a perfect circular red dot on the head one of the biggest things is they say it resembles a Japanese flag a lot of symbolism that happens with that round circle I mean it's one of the first koi that was developed that had a significant pattern why did they decide to go with all tancho why did you go with one style ART versus another I think this fish just appeals to her and she likes the fact that it's in so many different varieties you just don't have a tantra kohaku you also have a toncho sanke toncho ginrin sake tancho ginrin butterfly sanke so you can go on and on and you can try to do all this collection we have these Stepping Stones here very modern Zen aesthetic to it and if the shape is very unique it's got Yuba blue Boulder mixed with some slate and then tie them with some beautiful tile so it really just encompasses a true contemporary Koi pond it feels like the pond itself is also an art piece the decorations throughout the landscape of this area really enhances the area it complements it it doesn't take it over because everything kind of Blends and flows in even the plants you have aquatic plants mixed with some plants outside I just think it's a really nice balance how many of these plants are real are all the plants in here little plants are real all these plants are real all the plants are real now some of these plants look like they could be like out of Willy Wonka or something that one's spiky watch out okay how do these big massive window panels above us affect the fish well you know having these windows allows that beautiful natural sunlight you need it for all these plants that are all living around us but definitely it enhances and it helps the colors develop in the koi fish I'm not too worried about being sunburned or overexposure of the sun because it does move remember depth is our friend here so the pond is about four to five feet deep indoors it's nice because we don't have to worry about Predators when you come to the water's edge and you see these beautiful living Jewels you don't want them to hide in any cave or tunnel we want them to be exposed it's safe to be exposed you can also see that the pond and the property are all built up onto the side of this huge river right here it's kind of basically a partition between the windows so we have the indoor Pond and we have a little bit of outdoor and that outdoor kind of leads toward a waterfall that goes throughout the landscape on the back of the house so they're not actually connected but it's made to look as if this Pond is the beginning or spilling over and correct it's two different bodies of water one because this is warmer than what's exposed outside to the elements all right so the same owner of the koi pond that we just saw has a backyard pond that is so much larger full of koi and this is beautiful this home is actually floating over the pond the floor has a glass window where you can see directly below you into the pond this is a 120 000 gallon pond there's these massive art structures All Around the Pond the homeowners the artists and loves collecting art okay Cecilia nice to meet you you take care of all the plants and even the ponds on this property what is the maintenance like for you you come here once a week twice a week and how long does it take to take care of everything all day long eight hours wow that's a lot of work it is it's a team effort since he's here way more often than I am he's the first sign of Defense he looks at the fish make sure they look good they're eating well there's any signs of behavior he brings up to the owner's attention so we're all very much well in communication right interesting cool so I want to walk first because I want to see your impression economy coming up on the back side of it okay wow [Music] look at that look at the waiting for me they're waiting for us this is cool dude it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay that one's scarier I thought we were dealing with a cute little dog and now there's a big one all right so Anthony this has got to be one of the most unique White ponds I've seen so far uh Pawn's just under 3 000 gallons and it's filled with some beautiful gorgeous koi yeah they're coming right up to this window here this is one of two acrylic Windows you said one of two acrylics yeah wow it's like a lot of coin it's a nice rustic look it's really try to get the feel of a cabin of being in the mountains and then we step Upon Our second window which is right across from our first window wow you got a bunch of live plants right here in the middle are these live we do they are real live plants so the waterfall is pretty unique it's got these really Flat Rocks in the front it actually floats so the fish can swim clearly around there wow this is a gravel list Pond this is a gravelas pond with the texture of gravel because it is Pebble Tech interesting so it still gives you that look that there's a little bit of sand or gravel at the bottom um but you don't have all the loose stuff to deal with especially if you're trying to clean or drain it's a seamless process do you build all your ponds with this material do you use cement or what do you what do you typically use in the majority of your projects I use primarily what the project calls for so whether it's what the customer wants whether it's the type of soil I take into zones the climate I take into the lifestyle of the client so I can try to incorporate all that it's best to gather as much information as you can onto what the client actually ultimately wants and try to pair it with the right products there is a lot of koi in here I'd say maybe like 20 to 30 koi fish in here different sizes even some medium like this one coming up here is pretty big do you prefer to go maybe gravel this on a pond like this just because it makes it a little easier to clean or it can be so more fish more food more food more waste more processing of the waste however you want to account for that my biggest thing when you're dealing with koi of value is They Don't Really injure themselves on too many substrates this is an interesting blend between obviously you got some plants you got a waterfall I do really like that texture it makes it feel like there is maybe some sort of gravel little Stone gravel in there but there isn't it's like a whole little town back here it is it's kind of created like their own little it's very cool they got their own personal home theater back here sunbathing beds right over there sort of like a tool shed and then over there it's actually like a personalized tree house for the kids so it's got a gaming center entertainment center in there and just a cool fun place to hang out I also really love all of these really cool decorative features sure that they added around the pond right in the middle it sort of brings together and connects all these different communal spaces okay so this is the filtration for the pond this is so I like to call it our life support system and this is a wall that we constructed so from the pond you wouldn't actually be able to see the equipment but you're still easily accessible to it this is called an rdf a rotary drum filter remove it and show you what that looks like looks complicated but the concept is really simple so this is what you would consider like a high-end filtration I would say a higher end filtration for a homeowner got it all right guys get an extra little snack today because Uncle George is in town make sure I'm on their good side all right all right that's it we gotta go we gotta go well this Pawn's pretty unique it houses some very large koi and a total of three waterfalls you can see the size of them they're very well fed I can tell you that one of the secrets is every time it rains the homeowner comes out and picks earthworms out of the garden there's no pesticides used here but these guys actually get fed earthworms so how big is this box this Pond is just shy of 3 200 gallons wow I mean there's some monsters in here and these all started out as toe size so under a year old so you're talking about six eight inch fish so how old are these Lee the oldest one is going to be 13 if I'm not mistaken 13. so the one of the very first ones we got is the first place winner at the nogio site koi show in Japan and that's that kojaku down there that came in as a Nissan at 13 inches the white one with the orange yep and that fish the representation is right here in Japanese oh wow so these are like so this is the mural representing the fish the number one no-giosai grand champion right there oh yeah it's like a little tribute they have ample room to swim they could tell they have really good diets and uh you know they're just little really happy life what do you think the value is of some of these fish in here oh we're talking about 10K Plus on each fish some of them wow and these are all Japanese boys these are all Japanese koi I love the tan show okay yeah very good yeah in koi we have different varieties varieties are easy to pick by the colors so what colors they have maybe the scalation whether they're scaleless or with scales and also the type of scale maybe they're shiny or not shiny so I mean these are real rocks oh absolutely these are a special rock this is called the true Yuba blue and they actually have Blues Grays even purples used a lot in meditation some of them actually can be magnetic which is pretty cool so if you believe in that energy um there you go it's all open to the energy do you feel the energy I feel it I feel like I mean I could feel it I'm saying I'm open to it if the energy wants to come and feel me here it has permission put your hand on it there you go there you go there's something there okay maybe why the fish grow so big all right so Anthony is netting a couple of these fish and bring them to the surface so that you can get a better look at them okay so this is what ginrin chagway yes okay wow look how shiny that's like looks like a massive bar of gold that is so cool just really nice symmetrical Circle just the size the skin quality looking under natural sunlight it's got very good shiroji which is the whites cream very good consistency and it's still developing believe it or not it's still got a little ways to go very desirable trait for a foi to have cool fish huh yeah it's one of my favorites too this is like this is what I need in my that's my next fish I would want dude this is such a cool fish to me so interesting the way it goes from orange on its Underside to kind of like a white to a grayish blue everything about it is so interesting it's such a cool looking fish look at its eyes the way the orange goes covers both eyes like that but you can definitely get the scalation toward the back and you kind of see how that pine cone resonates that is a big fish it's big fish yeah this one like I said was only 13 inches so when a fish knocks itself like that will that actually kind of like will it regenerate that orange skin color if the damage doesn't damage the pigment cell so it doesn't go deep into this into the flesh into the skin into those cells so this one looks like just a very topical it didn't skin anything off so I think it'd be fine and then what are these like orange or what are these dark things coming out of its Colors oh in the front yeah that's nostrils that's her nose those are what we call pom-poms absolutely fish can smell and they do have nostrils but I don't think I see koi that often that have those kinds of you just never seen koi with big little nostrils up close in your face this is what we call the freeway the runway where all your pipe work all the filtration comes this way it's going from underground underneath here wow and I calculated about 483 gallons of water just in the pipes you see the dogs running back and forth that's why they call it the runway so it's kind of similar setup and then of course it goes through the profi drum so that's what that looks like see the water level drops as soon as it Go below those two sensors it's going to kick this and it's going to start cleaning and you're going to get a little bit of a spray but not too bad there you go and so this this filter spins and it's what is it doing it's just taking the water it's taking the dirt so this is the dirty water from the pond it's taking it in through there and when this screen clogs it's shooting it off into the trough and this trough is what pulls it all out takes its waste is that all is that just mud is that fish poop fish poop sticks Twigs you know all kinds of good stuff hey there he is am I interrupting the filming no tell them the story about this fish which one the white fish this was a black and red showa and it was about this big it was small we put it in this Pond and it went down the skimmer and it stayed there for three years wouldn't come out that is fish I thought you were gonna say three days I thought you're gonna say three hours or three days three years three years it came out of the pipe it caught it with his hand planets look at it it's an albino because it lived inside the pipes we had no sun no no sun no food I mean probably caught some pellets or algae or something like that it's grown because we've had it in here now for not even a year would you say Anthony this was an expensive fish too he charged me 150 bucks for it or something like that it was a beautiful show up I remember that and we were looking for that fish for a while and it it ran into the damn skimmer that Niche was a breeding yeah it wasn't I remember the fish and now a quick word from our video sponsor if you're looking to build a website or run your website on a better platform then Squarespace is where you need to be Squarespace offers hundreds of already made templates where you can go in pick your favorite one still customize everything you want you don't need any coding knowledge and it's super user friendly I run my shop on Squarespace I actually just launched some new merch designs we got freshwater scrub antisocial Coral Club and my favorite wheatum coys you can even update your Squarespace website from your phone you can change images you can change text you can update your inventory but yeah if you need a website Squarespace really is the best use my Link 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Channel: George Mavrakis
Views: 883,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: koi fish, koi, fish, fishing, koi carp, carp, garden, koy fish, koy, raww fishing, pond, lake, Japaneese, Kois, Koiteich, Koizucht, Koieier, chagoi, freshwater, outdoors, funny, pets, woow! found a lot halfmoon betta fish, goldfish, ornamental fish, lobster, octopus, shark, ikan nemo, hiu, fish tank, aquarium, betta fish, pet fish, gold fish, aquatic, asmr, coralfish12g, mansion tour, home tour, luxury house, koi pond, home aquarium tour, nishikigoi, backyard, house, most expensive, famous homes, biggest
Id: v_odOJsGNxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2023
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