The MOST EXCESSIVE Nintendo Switch Case Ever Review

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what's going on everyone austin  john plays here and today we're   going to be taking a look at a super weird thing it's so weird i did a clap instead of a snap  oh snap long time viewers of the channel whoosh   long time viewers of the chat it didn't pop up  come on i'm trying to do a smooth segway here longtime viewers of the channel may remember this  video this super weird switch controller hard   holder dock holder weirdness thing oh my god this  gun a million views wow really happy i uh won lost   lost that weight and two never cut my beard that  short again in this video i went on to play asia   and i got what i thought would be the weirdest  nintendo switch accessory which was a whole bunch   of stuff together oh wait is this yep yep this  is my favorite unboxing ever now some people   like to do classy unboxings it's now unboxed  i've reached out on twitter to ask you guys   what weird accessories you have seen at gamestop  or whatever and one of them was this weird thing   that ended up becoming a sponsored video because  there was a new firmware and turned out to be a   two and a half million view video so let's see  if we keep that momentum going with the most   over the top unnecessary nintendo switch accessory  that has ever existed in this box right here   i actually had this on my wish list for over  two years it's a big box and a big box that's   that's what we're doing it's a  it's a russian nesting doll of   recycling right now my amazon app popped up it  was like hey this is back in stock and i'm like   after two years this is back in stock you  probably kind of have some idea on what it   is because the thumbnail of the video but i'm  also not gonna drop this because it's very heavy pelican case i don't think it's an official  pelican brand case case club cases and custom foam   based out of anaheim california it's a real  pelican case well you know whatever company   made this one specifically but it's a flight  case and from my dj career very familiar with   these right there's foam inside of here and it's  used to preserve very fragile things oh wait   hang on camera two camera two you're not just for  pokemon cards yeah there you go the handles here   have little locks on them which i think is so  over the top and unnecessary and inside of here   there you go it's a giant screen and  down here that's right this is a place   for you to dock and play your nintendo switch with  the most over-the-top setup possible i think this   is hysterical because the nintendo switch itself  is a handheld system oh there's also a power plug   and an hdmi cable that come out of this monitor  which is sort of just zip tied together over here   so i'm going to take a second here and plug some  things in and hopefully this video gets enough   views to pay for this golly how much was this  this was a lot this was an unnecessarily large   amount of money 373 dollars oh and it once again  says currently unavailable on amazon all right so   doc goes inside of here i'm gonna put my old dock  oh wow that's a perfect height cut out right there   nice and uh let's grab the oled switch of  course you have to have the white joy cons   because if you don't have white joy cons is it  even really an oled switch so i think this is   supposed to just slot wow that actually slides in  so nicely oh it helps if i plug in the dock right   so hdmi in plug in the ac adapter can i  go on an airplane with this is my question   the airplanes have the electrical outlets  so you know no one's saying i can't and we   have this very snug strap to keep this in place  yeah that bad boy isn't going anywhere and then   excess cable can be stored oh look look there's  literally even a cutout right there for the brick   to fit snugly wow this thing is very well  thought out and whoever did the foam cutting   in here this is quality foam cutting like i've  seen some phone foam cutters cut a lot of corners   no pun intended yeah this is some quality stuff  right here what's this do oh this is a place for   extra joy-cons to fit and i'm not too sure what's  gonna fit in there oh the joy-con rails i forgot   those existed wow there's even shoulder cut outs  camera two can you see those shoulder yeah you can   shoulder cut outs and joystick cutouts and they're  specifically cut for both the left and right oh   it's you have to remove the dock in order for it  to actually fit in there okay snug as a bug in a   rug and now i'm not saying you should ever operate  single joy cons without joy-con rails but i never   have all yeah wow look at that cut out those  aren't going anywhere and then we have room for   another joy-con holder with joycons so i  have these white skinned ones over here   by the way now that i've had the oled  switch uh i'm ready for my first critique   the joy-con holder should have been white or at  least the front plate should have been white like   that skin is but whatever beggars can't be  choosers and room for another one oh perfect   i'm gonna use my custom painted snes joy cons and  what fits here a pro controller goes on the bottom   we use the custom painted nes pro controller for  right there and then what goes on top another   switch okay i can only imagine now that this video  comment is gonna be like this is just a video of   austin flexing how many controllers and nintendo  switches he has oh that doesn't fit why does that   not fit what's going on here oh it turns out that  this is only for a pro controller or accessories   or a second nintendo switch so you could put  a second switch right there and throw some   stuff underneath it or you would put down a pro  controller and maybe accessories here and there   yeah all the wires i think i have a tiny power  strip that would work for this now you might be   thinking to yourself austin who the heck needs  something like this who who honestly needs this   and i'll tell you um one me game journalists if  i were to go to e3 ever again and they not leaked   my info which would be great but if i were to go  there i may need to bring my nintendo switch with   me and recording hardware and this has the ability  to hold one switch a dock one two three four   five six seven eight joy cons and a  pro controller or two nintendo switches   which is honestly fantastic storage and also  since it's foam while i don't recommend you to   uh you could cut additional pieces out to mold  it to exactly your specific use case and needs   but honestly this foam is so beautifully machine  cut i wouldn't mess with it so as i was saying if   i were to go to la you know i'm going to need  to get my stuff there and to avoid huge fees   and stuff being damaged i could check this  because this bad boy is real rugged lockable   i could put a tsa certified lock on here and  it's claimed to be 100 waterproof now listen   contrary to popular belief i'm not made of money  so i'm not going to be testing this with all of   my nintendo switch stuff in here but i i would you  know either ship this or or check this like under   no circumstances otherwise would i ever check my  nintendo switch in luggage but this bad boy oh god   that thing is safe oh i should probably put the uh  the large piece of foam to protect the screen in   there as well so we've opened it up we've filled  it with things but the most important question   does it game and that's one of the advantages  that if i chose to use this as my carry-on which   that's a lot of weight to carry on with me but  if i did choose to use this as a carry-on i could   in theory sit in my seat in an airplane and play  some video games i would just have this this   would plug into the electric outlet on the seat  assuming that it's not you know horribly loose   and as long as it's not a game that requires an  internet connection i would be good to go okay   the switch screen is off uh okay in here we have  some buttons for the monitor i hit what i think is   oh there we go immediately that's a very bright  screen i don't know the quality of the screen   i wouldn't say it's a an amazing quality screen  but it definitely does the job especially for   one person sitting fairly close to it like i  wouldn't set this up in a hotel room and play   from far away know what i mean on a flight  anywhere that you have an electrical outlet   you would be good to go it has sound  built into the monitor which is great   okay yes it's over the top it's  excessive but for some specific people   that is a must to ensure that everything that  they're going to be transporting with them   is safe you know what you may even find a use  for this um for a family so say for example you   have a big old minivan right you got some kids  in there your options are get a big crazy case   that's going to be super safe for everything and  you would then need to buy the individual monitors   for the minivan that may not support hdmi  where are you gonna dock the nintendo switch   it's gonna fall all over the place the kids are  gonna get it dirty with i don't know mcdonald's   honey mustard sauce on their hands but if you  just plop this down preferably not on a child's   lap because it's like over 20 pounds mario is  a tired but if this was on a central unit and   then you know the child's far enough away from it  that way it's considered a safe viewing distance   this might be a very safe and rugged way to  transport things from one area to another have   a built-in screen and i don't know the price of of  screens and minivans anymore but stay pretty safe   and also the weight of this would not cause it  to bounce around a lot because that's an issue   with small screens in many minivans on the road  and stuff like that and suvs um because the road   vibration because it's so lightweight it flops  around all over the place it's hard to watch   i tried playing a nintendo switch in dock mode  on a big grabby arm that was not a successful   experience at all this does completely defeat  the purpose that the nintendo switch is also a   handheld system i do believe they make this same  thing and these cutouts for the playstation and   the xbox but the fact that they make it for the  nintendo switch is so unnecessarily over the top   that's why i love it am i am i doing something  why is there such a huge black border on this   game i'm just noticing it now that like there's a  huge bezel on top i go to the home screen that's   not the case this is now informing me that it's  only a 720p screen because when i go to the tv   resolution it caps out at 7 20. am i going to take  this with me on my airplane trip tomorrow and play   video games the person next to me is probably not  going to want to play video games like that but   that is an option i don't think it has any sort  of headphone jack i'm just feeling these buttons   down here apparently there's a menu very very  basic looking menu brightness and stuff like that   color temperature you can program it you can mute  there's a built-in volume function here and i hit   the power button by accident i actually hit the  power button on purpose because i'm all done here   well there you go i asked you guys to give me  the most ridiculous over-the-top nintendo switch   accessories that you probably will never  ever buy for me to make videos about them   and maybe find some use for them this one small  use case very small use case but there is a use   case i mean i don't think there's any specific  warranty from the manufacturer in regard to stuff   actually i'm kind of interested is there oh wow  this dude did like a full mod to it i think to   include a battery or something and they have  custom controllers just when you thought i was   a baller no this guy wow it also says that there  is a 30-day warranty so you know what there's only   one thing to do i got 30 days to test if this  thing is waterproof it says it's ip67 rated   the ip67 rating uh first number totally protected  against dust and then the second number protected   against the effects of temporary immersion  between 15 centimeters and one meter that's   three feet duration of test 30 minutes so  that means that it's safe to be submerged   in three feet of water for a half hour i mean heck  uh this may actually serve some military purpose   that you know they could transport their  nintendo switch and game safely much more   safe than if it was just you know kept in a soft  case or something else so i guess with a 30 day   warranty and it being rated to be under water  for a half hour there's only one thing left to do yep it's waterproof great well guys if you found this video not helpful  at all do me a favor hit the thumbs up button   down below if there's any other weird  accessories you'd like to see me try out   be sure to tweet me at austin john plays with  what they are great until next time austin john
Channel: Austin John Plays
Views: 530,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: austin john plays, austin john, austin john plays youtube, youtube austin john plays, nintendo, zelda, pokemon, Nintendo Switch case, Nintendo Switch case review, Nintendo Switch case unboxing, Nintendo Switch accessories, Nintendo Switch Heavy duty case, Nintendo Switch Waterproof, Nintendo Switch Waterproof Case, Nintendo Switch Screen, Nintendo Switch Case with screen, Nintendo Switch monitor, Nintendo Switch monitor case
Id: Y_EBjBxz09Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2021
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