Japanese Mythology: Two Animated Stories of the Most Evilest Yokai

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this video is brought to you by captivating history Japanese mythology and folklore are rich in tales of mysterious and magical creatures collectively referred to as yokai the yokai range from malevolent creatures who cause suffering and misfortune to the merely mischievous who create happen to those who bring good fortune and blessings some yokai are considered to be so evil that they are held responsible for plunging the entire nation of Japan into chaos and ruin in this video we'll look at the stories of two out of the three evil is yokai of all shootin doji into mamanu man the shirt endo G tail before he attained his status as a legendary monster Chetan doji was believed to be a simple if troublesome orphan child he had a reputation for being extremely intelligent and strong so much so that many people believed his father must have been a demon of some sort or possibly even a dragon at a young age Chetan doji was sent to be a monk however he was not well suited to monastic life he treated his superior and others with disrespect he got into fights most notably he had a taste for sake and drink frequently and heavily this is how he got the name shootin doji which means little drunker on one night shootin doji got drunk and decided to play some pranks at a festival he put on an Oni mask a demon face encrypt around the festival jumping out and scaring people after he was through much satisfied with himself he sneaked away and tried to take off the Oni mask it would not come off it seemed that the Oni mask had become fused to his face it was now part of his body when he returned to the monks he was teased and ridiculed for how ugly he had become he was even punished for his pranks and told how evil he was for this he started to become like an Oni deep inside his heart grew corrupt and it became full of anger he finally fled the monks up into the mountains to live as a hermit in his isolation and solitude sheet and doji began to hate the world he came to embrace his own evil and study black magic he started to use his intelligence and his newfound evil powers to attack travelers and merchants he even kidnapped young men and women in a descent that he drank their blood and ate their organs after some time other demons and evil creatures were attracted to him he began to amass an army of Oni and evil people as these others spent time with shootin Doge they too were transformed into Oni eventually shootin doji and his army built a castle on Maui he plotted his vengeance on the world of people he sought to become king of Japan shootin doji began to attack the Emperor of Japan using his mountain castle as a base he began his attempt to take over and continue to attack more and more the kidnappings and murders also persisted cheatin doji and launched a reign of terror eventually emperor Ichigo decided that shootin doji and his Oni army who must be stopped the Emperor sent his bravest warrior reichal to climb mountain and bring back the head of certain doji raikou and his men headed into the mountains there they found the only army inside their castle drinking sake Rocco and his men poisoned the socket and put the oni army into a deep sleep Reiko and his men were able to sneak into the castle they attacked the Oni and killed them one by one finally they made their way to shittin doji rock sliced off the only king's head however even in death shootin doji was so powerful that his head bit a raikou and his men in the end the bear each attend OGIS had outside the city where it would caused no more trouble as with many myths there are several versions of the sheet n doji tale his malevolent influence and ruinous legacy plays an essential role in Japanese mythology history and culture as described in the story G Tendo G was not born in Oni which are kind of yokai but he became one through his upsetting behavior several Japanese idioms and proverbs make reference to own there is for example a Japanese expression that says a child that does not resemble its parents is the child of an Oni and may be used by a parent to chastise a misbehaving child now if you ever travel to Japan and happen to see people throwing beans it's most likely a ritual intended to drive away the demons or in other words Oni if you hear only what sotto voce value Chi which means only go out blessings come in while the beans are thrown then you can be certain that it's an important Japanese ritual taking place [Music] the story of tomorrow May [Music] tamam anime is one of the most notorious yokai in Japanese folklore there are numerous stories about her and she turns up in Chinese and Indian traditions also she is beautiful but horrifying leading orgies and murderous rampages everywhere she goes she is the sower of discord in every tale associated with her unlike certain doji tamaño Mae was evil by her very nature she began as a shape-shifting Fox with nine tails her evil and her ambition were unmatched in the world at one time she disguised herself as a human child and was taken in by an elderly couple who could not have their own child this couple raised her as their own and named her me Kazuma as a young girl me Kazuma showed herself to be exceptionally talented and bright for these reasons she attracted the attention of nearly everyone so gifted was she that at the age of seven she was invited to recite poetry for the Emperor Toba who was so taken by her that he offered her a position as a servant in the imperial court me Kazuma quickly became a star at the court she absorbed knowledge unlike anyone before there was not a single thing that was beyond her she excelled at music history astronomy religion and Chinese classics she was stunningly beautiful and even her clothes were perfect she smelled lovely everyone who laid eyes on her instantly fell in love with her during a poetry recital one summer a powerful rainstorm struck and the winds blew out all the candles in the recital chamber suddenly much to the astonishment of everyone a mysterious light began to emanate from me kazuma's body the people in the audience were stunned and dismayed someone declared that me Kazuma must have had a holy life in a past life and she was given the name to mama know many emperor toma who was already smitten by the girl invited her to be his royal consort not long after this the emperor Toba became ill the Emperor's court brought in the most learned physicians none could determine what was wrong they brought in high priests and sorcerers they consulted every source they could to determine the cause of the emperor's illness no one could figure it out the sorceress suggested that someone close to the Emperor was making him sick and there were those who suspected to maman omen they suggested that she was a fox in disguise and that she was using magic to make the Emperor ill but the Emperor was so blinded by love that he refused to listen to these concerns in fact it was to mama no man she was using her evil magic to shorten the Emperor's life it was decreed that a divine ritual would be necessary to save the life of the Emperor Tamamo Noemi was ordered to participate the sorcerers who suspected her knew if she was forced to recite the magic ritual her evil magic would be revealed to mama no may also knew this but given her position she had no choice but to go through with the magic rituals all went well for to mama no may even as she recited the holy words however just to see was about to finish the ceremony and waved the magic staff to complete it she banished from sight thus the Sorcerer's suspicions were confirmed the Emperor furious over the betrayal summoned his finest warriors and assembled an army of 80,000 men to hunt down and kill to mom oh no man reports came in that one of the Warriors had spotted a nine tailed fox in the east to mama no man was chased and hunted all the way to the plains of Mizuno just before the army caught up to her - mama no mae appeared to one of the emperor's men to plead for her life his name was Morano suka she cried and told him that on the next day he would find her and kill her she begged him to spare her beauty enchanted him and her cries moved him to pity but he was a man of great honor and he rejected her the next day as foretold by two mamon omen Morano su Qing saw a nine-tailed Fox he shot two arrows at it and pierced the Fox in the side in the net another soldier Kazu sennosuke swung his sword at the fox's head - mama no mae fell death the army returned to the Emperor with the body of the Fox as they had killed two mama no man however two mama no Mays evil power persisted even after her death the great emperor of japan died without an heir emperor Toba died shortly after this the crisis of authority plunged Japan into chaos thus this crisis of power marked the beginning of the rise of the Shogun's which were the military dictators of Japan during the period from 1185 to 1868 in most of this period the Shogun's were the de facto rulers of the country there you have it the stories of two out of the three evilest yokai if you want to discover the story of the third one called Emperor seat oku check out our book Japanese mythology a captivating guide to Japanese folklore myths fairy tales yokai heroes and heroines in it you'll also discover more stories of mystery horror and romance while simultaneously learning about the Japanese culture the book is available in eBook paperback and audio format and you can find the links in the description of this video if you liked the video please hit the like button and subscribe for more videos like this
Channel: Captivating History
Views: 29,103
Rating: 4.9148936 out of 5
Keywords: Shuten-doji
Id: VByfPXN92T4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 02 2018
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