Chinese Mythology Creation Story Explained in Animation

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[Music] in the cosmic chaos there was an egg inside the egg lay Pangu he was the first gun the first giant in simply first [Music] laying inside the egg he began to form heaven and earth every day he would grow and every day the heavens would rise 10 feet higher and the earth would grow 10 feet thicker in the beginning it was small and chaos still ensued all around but each day is Pangu grew so did heaven and earth after eighteen thousand years Pangu was finally finished heaven was now extremely high in the earth was incredibly deep some say this was the formation of yin and yang while others would say that yin and yang came first putting order into the earth and that it was only from that order Pangu first began to grow and eventually emerge as all things except immortals must die so did also penguin but with his death creation blue for his body became everything we see around us his left eye became the Sun while his right became the moon from the strands of his beard the stars were formed his four limbs and five extremities became the edges of the earth and the five mountains his blunt formed the rivers while his breath became the winds and clouds his flesh turned to earth and the hairs on his head became the plants and trees to grow in it metals and rocks appeared from his teeth and bones while his seemed and Merrill became Jade and Perez finally his sweat and fluids give the earth rain so that it could hold life perhaps Pangu was also covered in mites and insects it was from then that became the first humans but on that point Noah would like to disagree the goddess knew ah saw the earth in heaven the Pangu had formed with his dying body in his final breath she found it so beautiful that she decided to live there but after a while she became lonely and decided to make people she took up the yellow earth and began to form the people with her hands the work was tiring and exhausted her eventually she decided to grab a leather cord and simply drag it through the earth shaking off the pieces of Earth from in creating the rest of the people that way now she no longer had to be alone but after a while the humans began to dump so nuance started to form new people again she knew she could not be bothered to keep forming new people constantly so instead she gave humans a way to reproduce after this she withdrew being content with what she had made little did she know that her work was not done yet many years later a terrible flood passed over the entire land and only two people survived a brother and a sister both of them wanted to reproduce and ensure that humanity would survive however they felt great shame because they knew there were siblings and should not intertwine they called to the heavens but received no answer so they decided to do two tests first they went up a high mountain rolling down two millstones one on each side of the mountain only if the stones landed next to each other could they then marry the stones rolled down the height of the mountain and at the bottom both were lying next to each other they had passed the first test and now felt comfortable getting married now they went to separate locations and made fires if the smoke from the fires intertwined with each other they could have children and would be able to repopulate the desolate earth after the fires had been made both the brother and sister looked up into the sky slowly the smoke that had risen separately from both their fires had become one the brother and sister were sure they had the blessings of heaven and so they had children however when the sister finally gave birth it was not the child they had expected instead a spherical piece of flesh had been born they were distraught had they misread the signs for nine months they had waited for a child and instead received this abomination they wept together and as they wept newah heard them and appeared before them she took a knife and cut open the spherical piece of flesh informed not one child but many after humanity had been created and was reproducing the Jade Emperor Lord of Heaven sent three Emperor's to rule over them the first he sent them was Tian Guang meaning ruler of heaven he would bring happiness freedom and riches the second was deed one the ruler of earth who would judge over the people and their actions the third was Shui Guang the Emperor of water who would control the rivers and overcome diseases these three Emperor's were worshipped all over China when the Jade Emperor saw humans on earth and how they were living he decided to give them some rules on food he called to him the dung beetle and told it to tell the humans to eat once every three days however by the time the dung beetle had traveled back down to the humans he had confused the message and instead told the humans to eat three times a day the humans feasted away gorging themselves with food and as a result began to excrete a vast amount at this time heaven and earth were closely linked held together by great pillars the Jade Emperor was horrified by how revolting the humans were and could not stand the stench so we separated heaven and earth to get away from the smell to punish the beetle he made it eat the dung that the humans excreted please note that in this video many creation myths have been fused so check the description if you want more information about this Chinese mythology is filled with Emperor's some which are based on real historical Emperor's who have been mythologized and others who are simply gods that are called Emperor's all of China's Emperor's were seen as gods just as the Pharaohs in Egypt court but it can be hard to determine which Emperor's were gods of mythology in which were based on historical rules if you want to discover more captivating Chinese myths please check out our book Chinese mythology a captivating guide to Chinese folklore including fairy tales myths and legends from ancient China also if you haven't already gotten your free mythology ebook bundle grab it while it's still free all links are in the description please hit the like button if you enjoyed the video and subscribe if you want us to create more videos like this [Music]
Channel: Captivating History
Views: 103,862
Rating: 4.8096342 out of 5
Keywords: Chinese mythology, Ancient China, Chinese Myths, Chinese Creation Myth, Mythology, Myths, Folklore, Chinese stories, Pangu, Chinese story for kids
Id: G7vget_QAmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 25sec (445 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 14 2018
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