The Most Epic Way to Lose Your Beard - w/@MischiefMakerTV

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well this is quite a misadventure yep that's me you're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation let me tell you what [Applause] [Music] happened just as promised we are going on another adventure hopefully not a misadventure we're getting it there we're getting o today we are doing another Slot Canyon is called Boulder guy it is right near where we did it last time but this time we're doing it with feet however with feet Yes shoes on our feet however this time around we brought along a special guest that's right I'm here this is Holly's first time repelling but we're going to get her out of the seat of Mischief maker and into the seat of these diapers or harnesses whatever you want to call them the only thing that's making me happy is the fact that this is blue all right as always whenever we have a proper Adventure we have our adventure Guide Marte he guys we have senior adventure Guide con marte's dad my brother don't allegedly and we have my wife NE me this time so it's a Lads and Lassie Adventure let's get started feeling very nauseous it's just going to get worse amazing all right once again this Trail is called bold boltergeist I thought it was bouldergeist but turns out bouldergeist is a boss on Mario Sunshine 2 and the reason they call it boltergeist people would set up their anchors and somebody would come behind and cut the bolts so the bolts were disappearing like a poltergeist but this is a boltergeist but I like the name bouldergeist so we're just going to call it that oh my gosh you got to choose your line carefully people see the don't follow Trevor no I've seen videos of Trevor yeah he just does what he wants and gets lucky all right so uh some of you might not know this but Holly is an accomplished opera singer she actually moved to Italy to learn Latin so that she understood what she was singing about Holly actually did a Opera concert about 2 years ago I unfortunately was not able to make it but from what I heard she killed it if you're going to be like this all day then I'm going to repel without a rope I I have that effect on people you know the uh the Bolter guy story reminded me of a story The hollyw on told me about one of our uncles back in Scotland they called him The Exorcist let's go let's go every time he came around all the spirit would [Music] disappear nice that was so Grace Tucker you giving up right here yeah there's unpacking going on no there's a lot to unpack over here made it okay I'm good you guys go on I my for today yeah and I can get Holly up and make sure everyone's set up good yeah see there you go now you're Adventure Guiden someone else want to go before I think someone else should go before okay you go next naom so she can see I mean Tucker sorry Naomi I put you on the spot she's like I'm equally [Music] terrified it's called a hangover you got a hangover just trying to avoid the overhang a little bit oh yeah there we go look at that fancy move [Music] okay like once you get over the edge you'll you'll have your feet out against the wall like in a seated position F I feel like I'm going to cry we all felt like that just keep stepping back you keep stepping back St don't try to hold yourself with your left just let there you go there you go straight yeah you got it I just start go go go go go this is why you hire an adventure Guide cuz they do all the Rope work oh I'm getting paid by our thank yous I [Music] accept just so you know that bro oh there we go yeah [Music] nice who je how are you feeling now I'm actually feeling really good it's it is a lot of emotions that obviously I'm trying to keep inside but uh no that's that was terrifying and I froze like halfway down and I didn't know what to do every time I start one I'm like I hate this and then by the end of it like 5 minutes after I'm like I could do this every weekend this is really cool this is really cool well you're doing great hly how long were you in Italy for I was in Italy for 2 and 1/2 years do you think you have a love for Italian food now love Italian but real Italian food people so when you have it do you uh do you have it with h gayc bread with gayc garlic bread GC bread GC bread fine devastated devastated it did she tell a joke yeah all right I got it and I won't let you have it you better no that's my wife you keep my wife's joke out of your mouth come here let me slap [Applause] you oh getting bit my ant there's an ant tree oh they're all over you got to be uh careful cuz they will pinch your cheeks like an a like your aunt your [Music] auntie oh he's leaping like a ballerina down there oh nice no not the go bro here you go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh lizard lizard lizard come on doing push-ups so double fisherman's and how this works is these two will pull against each other and the tighter it pulls the tighter these pull together to where there's a lot of friction so it can't come in down like it's like a if you're fishing next to somebody and you get their your line C their line that's why it's called a dou wolf fisherman exactly cuz you're taking someone else's line with another line spell exactly z a t l y I know I've been pretty sarcastic this entire time and like that was terrifying this is absolutely awful on this one you're going to want to really make sure your shirt's tucked in cuz if this gets caught in that the blaz blade device it'll just and suck in and then you got to figure out how to get it out awesome and same with your hair Oh Tie My Hair back yes ma'am what do you do with your beard um it in his I don't have to do anything with this it it knows what's to do it knows what to do it just moves like yeah so like if it's coming it's like [Music] perfect that one that's good [Music] [Music] get more in the seated position you go keep going you're doing good you're almost there don't like this at all all keep walking down keep walking down keep walking down you're good you're okay you're okay oh my God you're okay they're down there too so they can stop you're all right slowly go slow go you got this slow keep it slow you're good you're good you're doing great you got this I can't even go on a step platter without freaking out okay so this is a little bit just to let you know a TW steps l i freak out I never thought i' be so dramatic it's it's a different world you good oh yeah you're so there oh my God you're good I'm not touching anything oh my God it's awesome now you just get to sit and go [Music] a little bit hey nice [Music] work that's so [Laughter] stupid how you feeling I'm feeling good now oh you're on the ground again I'm at the bottom I would do it again which is the psychotic part I I would fear that the fear would come out like that again though no it's good how do we get up there and do it again all right here we go what was that Marte you good no my beard Scot come cut my beard Marte Mar beard beard is caught it's all the way to my chin man get open again well this is quite a misadventure don't be alarmed it's just me without a beard things happen that's how much damage there was not too bad got a little close shave what we C captured on video doesn't really explain what happened so I kind of want to go through that real quick with this little drawing right here okay so when you are repelling down an area that has a overhang to where your feet can't touch the wall if you have a Pack there is a tendency for it to try to rotate you down if you wear the pack on your back you are fighting it all all the way down so we had Naomi and Holly take off their packs they didn't feel comfortable hanging them from their harness so I had two packs hanging here and what that caused was me to rotate towards the rope and everything was going fine however I got distracted what was that and before I got reset I started moving I turned my head back my beard got caught right here I I owe you a camera oh it's all right if you got to drop it drop it I'm more worried about you no yours already pH okay Marte as we said is on the search and rescue high angle team so he has a lot of experience he's gone on quite a few um recoveries people recoveries she scary huh she a scary normally he would have everything he needed unfortunately this time he left a few things back that would have been very useful in the situation o almost got to but fortunately I usually don't carry a knife I'm sorry Trevor and I had a knife on me how the unfortunate thing about it ever since I got it it was never very sharp and I never sharpened it there you go we're getting close ex the Rope tra there can't ooh almost left the knife it was a bit painful felt more like I was pulling my hairs out there come just be prepared a little bit even though he's C that ping might slide a little bit Luckily everything turned out fine it could have been a lot worse than it was I'm a bit sad about my beard because it was like exactly how I wanted it oh you good oh Freedom like it was there look at that Chunk Up beard skin doesn't grow back as well as hair does so I'm very fortunate and I'm glad Marte was there so it right under the chin oh he was like the lip was almost in there and like right there just yeah wrapped all the way around the figure into the Rope underneath the Rope oh really like almost had his lip I was I was repelling with my beard if that's how awesome my beard was but the most important thing in these kind of situations is stay calm I'm not going to lie I was scared but freaking out isn't helpful to anybody conceal don't feel just push your fear down inside when I got to the bottom I let it all out she doesn't have a beard well I went from uh wanting to do it again tomorrow so maybe next month you're not going to grow a beard anytime soon you know the Scottish lady beards get pretty thick we got to keep a hole on it you know no I'm just glad uh Trevor is good one more thing Marte is doing a video about how things could have been done better about how important it is to be prepared always every time because you never know when something's going to happen so go check out his channel it's called just Mayhem he does some weird crazy stuff he can explain it better than I can because he has more experience all right so we're out of that predicament a little bit shooking up so I didn't really talk about it shook up Holly a little bit more so she's not the only on that had tears in her eyes today but this is the way out we got to go this way and up and we're going to get to the cars and finally be done with this [Music] day ballerina think about like you're a ballerina [Music] [Applause] nice slowly we're happy we made it out in mostly one piece Y and uh really happy that Holly was able to come I hope you enjoyed it there was a little bit of everything thrown in there so I did enjoy it I will say I have sweated that much that whenever I close open and close my eyes my eyelids are sticking and once again thank you to our adventure guide Marte and my brother T the senior adventure Guide and I'm happy my wife could come too so all in all was a good day and until next time we'll see you next time
Channel: MisAdventure Lab
Views: 45,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rappelling, beard trimming
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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